Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 027 [Auction II]

Chapter 027 Auction [II]

100 spiritual stones, such a high price, except for the three Xiuzhen families, there are really few people who can handle it. Most of the monks shrugged their shoulders when they heard the price, and looked helpless and could only be regarded as spectators.

However, even as a spectator, this auction can still make people excited. Is the auction item with a reserve price of 100 spiritual stones? It is difficult to meet one thing in a year. Today's auction is enough for people to talk about it for a long time.

"100 spiritual stones." Wan Jiuhai, a magician, was the first to shout.

The magic weapon is the most profitable industry in Leshui City. Wan Jiuhai ranks first among the merchants in Leshui City, and his own strength is not bad. He has an innate four-level realm. His power is the first in Leshui City in addition to the three cultivation families.

Last month's second-grade Juyuanling liquid, Wan Jiuhai felt that the price was too high, so he did not bid again. This time, the auction was the first-grade Juyuanling liquid, and he would definitely not give up so early.

"110 Spirit Stone." Yun Jinghong shouted the price for the second time.

"120 spirit stone." A voice sounded, and Gu Chen heard it. This was the middle-aged man of the Liu family last time. He had asked his father Gu Cangqiong about the origin of this person. His name was Liu Huahan. He was the younger brother of Liu Huayuan, the head of the Liu family. He was very powerful in the Liu family.

"130 spiritual stones." Soon someone raised the price, and Gu Chen heard that it was Gu Cangyue's voice.

"140 spirit stone." Wan Jiuhai bid again.



"180 spirit stone." There is no other bid. Wan Jiuhai is competing with the people of the three major Xiuzhen families. Every time several people raise the price is 10 spiritual stones, and Wan Jiuhai has bid for the third time.

"190 Spirit Stone." Yun Jinghong once again overwhelms the price of Wanjiuhai and added 10 spiritual stones.

The spirit stone is not comparable to the barren coin. One piece of the spirit stone can be exchanged for 10,000 barren coins. Adding 10 spirit stones at one time is equivalent to adding 100,000 barren coins at one time. The spirit stone is not something that ordinary people can take. It is not only the currency circulating among practitioners, but also greatly helpful to the cultivation speed

The spirit stone contains a strong aura, and the innate monks can absorb the spirit stone for practice. Therefore, a large number of spirit stones have become useless because the aura is absorbed by light. Although there are constant production of spirit stones in the spirit stone mine, the consumption of the spirit stone is also quite large, so the number of spirit stones has not been There is no depreciation.

Like Gu Chen's father's ancient sky, the spiritual stones allocated for cultivation are only 10 yuan a month, and only 120 spiritual stones for a whole year.

It can be imagined how high the starting price of these ten bottles of top-quality Juyuan elixir is 100 spirit stones. Each time you add 10 spirit stones, which is also quite scary.

"200 spiritual stones." Liu Huahan's voice also sounded quickly, overwhelm Yun Jinghong.

"210 Spirit Stone." The sound of the ancient sky also followed.

"220 spirit stone." Wan Jiuhai did not flinch this time. He bid again and suppressed the bids of the three major families.

220 spirit stone? The innate monks present swallowed the potion one by one. So many spiritual stones are enough for them to practice for several years.

When it comes to the innate realm, it takes a long time to practice when the realm of each level is improved. Without spiritual stone cultivation, you can't raise a few levels of cultivation in your life. Without spiritual stone cultivation, the cultivation of a lifetime basically stops at the innate three levels.

The innate fourth floor belongs to the middle of the innate realm. Unless you are a very qualified monk, you can reach the realm of the innate four layers.

The more spiritual stones, the better the cultivation effect, but the spiritual stone is very precious and constantly absorbs the aura in the spiritual stone. Although the speed of cultivation will be faster, it will also cause a lot of waste. When absorbing the aura of the spiritual stone, monks generally slowly absorb it to ensure that every trace of aura plays a role. Stone, enough for the innate monks to slowly absorb a few days.

"300 spiritual stones." Just as Yun Jinghong was about to open his mouth, Liu Huahan's voice suddenly raised and suppressed Yun Jinghong's voice.

"What? 300 spirit stones? From 220 spirit stones to 300 spirit stones? The whole auction hall suddenly became lively, staring at each other with shocking eyes and whispering.

Gu Chen sat on the second floor of the auction, but laughed happily. 300 spiritual stones were enough to buy the spiritual grass he needed.

Wan Jiuhai, Gu Cangyue and Yun Jinghong were all stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that Liu Huahan suddenly shouted from 220 spiritual stones to 300 spiritual stones. This is a spiritual stone, not a waste coin...

However, out of the desire for ten bottles of top-quality Juyuan Linglue, in order to let his son set foot in the innate world as soon as possible, Gu Cangyue quickly shouted, "310 Lingshi."

"320 spirit stone." Wan Jiuhai's voice also sounded immediately, and it could be seen that he was also determined to win these ten bottles of Juyuan Ling liquid.

The monks looked at Wan Jiuhai and showed a surprised expression. Although Wan Jiuhai was the first merchant in Leshui City, in the eyes of the monks, it could not be compared with the three major Xiuzhen families. The price was more than 300 spiritual stones, and he was still competing.

It can be seen that Wan Jiuhai's strength is much stronger than what the monks see.

"400 spiritual stones." Before Yun Jinghong opened his mouth to shout for the price, Liu Huahan had already bid again, and unexpectedly raised the price to 400 spiritual stones, and turned his head to look at Gu Cangyue and Wan Jiuhai, with a trace of ridicule in his eyes.

The Liu family is the head of the three Xiuzhen families. The family has a deep background, which is really extraordinary.

"400 spiritual stones? Oh, my God? 400 spiritual stones?" The monks at the scene felt that their hearts were jumping, and the blood in their bodies was boiling and burning.

The smile on Gu Chen's face is indeed stronger.

Ten bottles of high-quality Juyuan spirit liquid, 400 spirit stones, and a bottle of 40 spirit stones. Although the price is not beyond Gu Chen's expectation, it has made Gu Chen feel very satisfied. He can sell 400 spirit stones and make a lot of money.

Gu Cangyue and Wan Jiuhai's faces are pale. Obviously, 400 spiritual stones make the two feel great pressure. Although Gu Cangyue has a lot of the property of the ancient family, he has not become the head of the ancient family now. It is impossible to take out all the family property and slap them to death on these ten bottles of Ju Chang Guxian would not agree, so he had to grit his teeth and give up the auction.

Wan Jiuhai's face was similar to that of Gu Cangyue. Obviously, he was also powerless, and at the same time, he did not shout for the price.

"Mr. Liu Huahan bid for 400 spiritual stones. Is there anyone who bid higher?" Seeing the scene, he suddenly became silent, and the auctioneer shouted loudly.

"Ten bottles of top-quality Juyuan spiritual liquid, which is the top-grade spiritual liquid. It is also a precious elixir in the immortal cultivation sect, which can quickly improve the cultivation of the later period. It is of great help to the monks in the later period of the future world to step into the innate. Is there anyone bidding higher?" Seeing that the scene was still silent, the auctioneer stirred up the flames again.

Sure enough, Yun Jinghong has been hesitating in his heart. He spent more than 400 spiritual stones. Is it cost-effective to buy these ten bottles of top-quality Juyuan Ling liquid? When he was shouted by the auctioneer, he immediately favored the cost-effective side and shouted loudly, "410 spiritual stones."


[Recommendation, collection]