Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 034 Breakthrough innate

Chapter 034 Breakthrough innate

The ninth floor of the afterth...

In just five months, Gu Chen's cultivation has soared all the way from the second floor of the acquired realm, breaking through the seven-layer barriers in a row, reaching the peak of the acquired realm.

On the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow, you can finally practice the second level of Tianang's broken body method.

The Tianhang smash method is divided into ten layers, of which one and two can be cultivated in the heavenly realm, three, four and five can be cultivated in the innate realm, six and seven can be cultivated in the divine sea realm, and eight, nine and ten can be cultivated in the spring realm.

The fifth and ninth floors of the acquired realm can be practiced one or two.

The third, sixth and ninth floors of the innate realm can be practiced in three, four and five.

The soul-inducing period and the golden elixir period can be practiced sixfold and sevenfold.

The spiritual infant period, the seizing period and the Yuanshen period can be practiced eightfold, ninefold and tenfold.

Now there are nine layers of heaven after the ancient days, and the body has the power of nine stones. It exerts the first weight of the Tiangong quenching method. The strength of the body is doubled, and the strength is doubled. It has the power of eighteen stones, which is comparable to the power of two tigers. Among the monks in the

If you practice the double of Tianhang quenching method, and the physical strength and strength are doubled, then there will be twenty-seven stone power, and the physical strength is also ranked among the monks on the second floor of the innate realm.

Even if the innate monks have innate innocence, they can control the magic weapon. If Gu Chen exerts the double of the Tiang quenching body method, under the absolute physical strength, in the face of the monks in the innate realm, Gu Chen is not afraid at all.

The power should be steady and steady. Gu Chen has broken through the eight and nine levels in a row, and has not carried out stable cultivation. If he directly breaks through all the way to the innate realm, the foundation of Taoism may be frivolous and less dignified.

In this way, Gu Chen decided to spend half of his daily practice time to strengthen the body and practice the second part of Tiang quenching Dafa.

After the double practice of Tiangan quenching method, the foundation is strengthened, and then make every effort to attack the innate realm.

Gu Chen got up and unfolded a whole set of powerful King Kong fists. Now in the future, the strength of the peak of the heaven to practice Dali King Kong boxing is not much different from practicing most ordinary boxing techniques. He easily hit a whole set of powerful King Kong fists.

The strength of the body is more than ten times stronger than before?

Now let Gu Chen and Gu He punch each other head-on. There is no need to use the Tian Gang quenching method, and one punch will shake the Gu He away.

Gu Chen practiced the powerful King Kong boxing, and Xiao Bai sat aside and watched. These days, Gu Chen has been practicing. Xiao Bai also ate a bottle of top-quality Juyuan Ling liquid every three days, and spent most of his time refining the spiritual liquid. Although he stayed in the cave for more than two months, he also passed peacefully.

After two months, Xiaobai's body still has not grown up, but the weight is still getting heavier and heavier, almost three times the weight when he entered the Beitaishan mine two months ago.

The speed has also been greatly increased. After Gu Chen, the cultivation of the nine layers of the sky is not much faster than Xiaobai without using the Jiyu cloak.

On the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow, there was a sound of soment explosion in every boxing of Gu Chen. When there was time, the speed of punching was too fast, and the sound of soment was like a continuous cannon. It overlapped and sounded in the mine, like thunder in the sky.

Every day, Gu Chen spends half of his time practicing Zhenqi, a quarter of his time practicing Mighty King Kong boxing, and a quarter of his time practicing Tiangang quenching Dafa.

Stepping into the innate layer of the ninth layer is much more difficult than that of the eighth to the ninth floor of the acquired realm. It is not only a breakthrough of strength in the flesh, but also the most important breakthrough of true qi in the body.

Therefore, before the ninth floor the day after tomorrow, the practice is mainly based on the practice of powerful King Kong boxing, and after the ninth floor the day after tomorrow, it is mainly based on the cultivation of true qi in the body.

The fastest cultivation speed is still the Tianang quenching method. After this kind of cultivation, it does not improve the monk's realm cultivation, but only strengthens the skill of the monk's body. With the experience of the previous life, it can often get twice the result with half the effort.

And the real growth of Zhenqi and the strengthening of naive Qi. Although Gu Chen also has experience, this kind of experience can only make him less detours. The improvement of cultivation still requires accumulated and hard work. Experience alone is useless.

Day by day, the middle of the cave can't distinguish the black liquid during the day with his eyes, but as a monk, he will feel the change of time. During the day and the black liquid, sunrise and sunset, even if you don't have to look at it with your eyes, you can still feel it. Therefore, Gu Chen still remembers the Of.

In the closed practice in the mine, time passed quite quickly. In a blink of an eye, another month has passed. Gu Chen's cultivation is much more profound than a month ago.

On this day, Gu Chen is closing his eyes to practice the second method of Tiang quenching. It has reached the most critical time. The rich true qi in his body is all over the body along the meridians, so that Gu Chen's body is constantly strengthened and continues to strengthen...

After a while, Gu Chen took back all the hundreds of millions of meridians of the true qi to the twelve meridians and the eight strange meridians. The body lost the strengthening of the true qi, and soon degenerated to the realm of the nine layers of the day after tomorrow...


The true qi of the whole body was like an explosion, and in an instant, it exploded into the hundreds of millions of subtle meridians of Gu Chen's whole body.


The real gas in the body instantly spread to every place of Gu Chen's body, making a loud noise.

Gu Chen's eyes stared, suddenly got up, and punched the cyan ore on the cave wall next to him...


The whole mine shook violently. The wall of the cave was hit by Gu Chen with a deep pit the size of more than a dozen fists, and the gravel splashed. The whole cave wall produced countless cracks centered on the deep pit, like a cobweb, scattered several feet away.

Guhe had to cut ten swords with a black iron sword to dig a hole in the blue ore and dig out the original spirit stone.

Gu Chen punched a big hole.

The double of Tianang quenching method...

Finally practiced.


The second of Tianang quenching method has been practiced. In the future, three-quarters of the time every day, Gu Chen is used to practice the true qi, strengthen the true qi, and slowly approach the naive qi.

After another month, Gu Chen's body has already reached the peak level of the acquired world under the exercise of Dali King Kong Fist and the strengthening of the top-quality Juyuan Linglue, only waiting for the cultivation of Zhenqi to keep up with the pace.

You can step into the innate realm in an instant.

For several days in a row, Gu Chen has been attacking the nine-story barrier the day after tomorrow. The true qi in his body is like a wave of the sea, rushing towards the climate in waves.

The bursting true qi hit the nine-layer barrier and was instantly scattered around. Many of them spread out of the body along hundreds of millions of fine meridians, forming a white fog, covering Gu Chen's body.

Gu Chen knew that he was only separated from the innate realm, and there was only a layer of diaphragm. Breaking through this diaphragm, he could open the bridge between heaven and earth. The true qi in his body could always be connected with the aura of heaven and earth and turned into naive qi...

The true qi of the afterworld can only run in the body, while the naive qi can be scattered outside the body through the bridge of heaven and earth, which can form an aura field defense, and can also control the magic weapon for long-range attacks.

Of course, if you hold the magic weapon directly and inject it with naive gas, it will be more powerful than the imperial weapon attack.

After several days of continuous impact on the nine-layer barrier, the nine-layer barrier has been shaky and finally submerged by the real gas surging like a huge *.


Suddenly, there was a 'buzz' in Gu Chen's head, and the bridge of heaven and earth was connected in an instant. Countless aura refinements poured into Gu Chen's body from the celestial clix. Through the bridge of heaven and earth, it reached hundreds of millions of fine meridians around Gu Chen.

This time, compared with the previous breakthroughs, it lost the connection with the essence of heaven and earth's aura just in an instant. The bridge of heaven and earth has been opened, and the true qi in the body is always connected with the qi of heaven and earth. The true qi in the body has changed rapidly and has been strengthened into naive

Gu Chen waved his hand, and a piece of original spirit stone flew into his hand from a distance.

Void photography, Gu Chen's heart was ecstatic.

Innate realm, finally, set foot on the innate realm...

It took a hundred years in the previous life to set foot on the innate. In this life, at the age of ten, he has stepped into the innate...

Thinking of the difficult and bitter life of cultivation in the previous life, and then thinking of the rapid cultivation in this life, the sharp contrast makes Gu Chen's eyes can't help but get wet.

"In this life, no one can control my fate... The enemies of the previous life, I want to defeat them all in this life, and I want to make up for the regrets of the previous life."

At this moment, Gu Chen burst into a cry that shook the sky.