Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 070 Flame Mountain, Melting Cave

Chapter 070 Flame Mountain, Rongyan Cave [Today's third update, second update for support]

Soon, Gu Chen, Wan Renjian, Wan Renqi, and the three domestic slaves of the Wan family went out of the Piaoxiang Restaurant, turned into several long rainbows, and went to the east.

Gu Chen did not ask Wan Renjian and Wan Renqi what they wanted to burn on the tiger, and Wan Renjian and Wan Renqi did not ask what Gu Chen needed.

Wan Renjian promised Gu Chen to take the benefits of what he wanted. He thought that if this boy really had a way to catch the stilly tiger, how should the stilly tiger be distributed at that time? Isn't it up to him?

And, the cute little white fox in his hand, hum...

"The stupid boy who has just come out of the way and has just entered the real world is easy to deceive. How dare he enter the wilderness with strangers? Haha... I'm going to kill him a hundred times, a hundred times..." Wan Renjian was overjoyed.

Wan Renqi stood on the flying sword, and a pair of autumn waves swept Gu Chen's face from time to time. Seeing that Gu Chen was not stunned by her appearance, don't be angry in your heart.

Gu Chen always maintained the speed of escape that the monks in the innate realm should have, following Wan Renjian and Wan Renqi, and the three slaves of the Wan family, followed Gu Chen in an arc at the end of the team.

If someone looks at the formation of several people at a higher place, they will find that, in fact, Gu Chen is surrounded by five people from thousands of families in a circle. Gu Chen is in the center of the circle.

Gu Chen was clear about this, but on the surface he didn't hear it and buried his head in the escape.

There are five people from ten thousand families, and the lowest cultivation has four layers of the innate realm, but the ancient Chen is only one layer of the innate realm. The speed of escape is mainly based on the speed of the ancient Chen, flying to the southeast of the eastern wilderness.

The eastern wilderness is extremely wide. Guchen entered the eastern wilderness from Leshui City last time. Although it penetrated into the eastern wilderness for more than 90,000 miles, it is only in the east-west direction. The search range of the north and south is only about ten thousand miles, and it is still after the depth of tens of thousands of miles in the eastern wilderness

From Taiyang City, he entered the eastern wilderness and flew all the way to the southeast, which was far away from the eastern wilderness that Gu Chen searched last time.

Although it is flying to the southeast, the direction is not exactly the southeast, but a little bit from the south to the east. In this way, although it has flown thousands of miles, in fact, the vertical distance deep into the eastern wilderness is only two or three hundred miles.

Wan Renjian stood on the flying sword. Behind the back of one hand, he pointed to the direction of the escape and said, "There is a large mountain, called Flame Mountain, which is more than 50,000 miles in front of here. The whole mountain stretches for thousands of miles. On the Flame Mountain, the melt fire spewed from the bottom of the ground is The scorching tiger hid in the flame mountain and the molten cave.

More than 50,000 miles to the east of the south, Flame Mountain and Lava Cave.

Gu Chen's expression remained unchanged, but what Wan Renjian said was recorded in his heart word for word.

Gu Chen said, "What's the cultivation of that sming tiger?"

"But it's just the fifth floor of the innate realm." Wan Renjian said casually, but his eyes paid attention to Gu Chen's face.

Gu Chen pretended to be shocked and lost his voice and said, "The fifth floor of the innate world? Is this monster really awesome?"

Wan Renjian smiled and said, "It's just a five-story monster in the heavenly realm. You don't have to worry. As long as you have a way to lead it out of the molten hole, you can't escape."

"It's so good." Gu Chen showed his joy and cheered.

The Flame Mountain is more than 50,000 miles away from Taiyang City, which is quite far away. In order to arrive as soon as possible, Gu Chen's cultivation is maintained in the realm of the innate realm, desperately improves the speed of escape, and reaches the maximum speed of the first level of escape.

In one day, it can fly 1,6,700 miles.

When the night came, several people found a safe place to land. The monk's eyesight was greatly affected in the night, while many demons and birds were born as night killers. If it were not for the monks above the divine sea, they could 'watch' with their divine consciousness. In the eastern wilderness, no monk dared to fly in the sky.

After landing, Gu Chen walked aside. When drinking water, he swallowed the Zhongpin Yuanling elixir into his stomach, held a spiritual stone in each hand, and began to practice.

As long as there is any opportunity to practice, Gu Chen will not waste it.

Soon, Gu Chen entered the state of Tongxuan. It seemed that there was an eye in his body, and the trajectory of the true qi in his body clearly appeared in his mind.

Moreover, within a few feet of his side, everything was blowing, and Gu Chen was attentive. Xiao Bai sat next to him and looked at the five people of thousands of families, full of vigilance.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came, and Xiao Bai sang gently, and Gu Chen opened his eyes.

Wan Renqi twisted Liu's waist and buttocks and walked towards Gu Chen.

"Today, I flew away for a day, and it was already dark. How could the prince still practice? He stepped into the innate realm at a young age, and the prince was really diligent. Wan Renqi walked in front of Gu Chen and stopped.

Gu Chen looked ahead and said, "I have poor qualifications. I can only dig with diligence before I can luckily step into the innate. Compared with Master Wan, Miss Wan is far inferior."

Wan Renqi sat down in front of Gu Chen, lifted the hem of the skirt up, revealing two snow-white and slender **, and said, "Son, look at my legs. Does it look good?"

Gu Chen nodded and said, "It's beautiful."

Wan Renqi smiled, slid her fingers on her snow-white thighs, and said, "The prince said there was a way to lead the scorching tiger out of the molten hole. Can you tell me?"

While talking, Wan Renqi's eyes were like water, staring at Gu Chen like a beach, and gently retreated the skirt to the root of her thighs.

Gu Chen smiled and said, "Miss Wan, do you know how old I am this year?"

Seeing that Gu Chen looked clear, Wan Renqi was slightly stunned and said, "How old are you?"

"11 years old." Gu Chen said, "Miss Wan, your charming skill is used on me, and you are completely mistaken."

"Squeak...squeak..." Xiao Bai patted his hand, pointed to Wanqi, and laughed.

"Hmm..." Wan Renqi's face was like frost, and she snorted coldly. She got up and walked to Wan Renjian.

Gu Chen watched Wan Renqi leave ten feet away, closed his eyes, breathed smoothly, and continued to practice.

Wan Renqi sat down next to Wan Renjian, short of breath and anger in her heart.

Wan Renjian glanced at Gu Chen and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Have you closed the door?"

"Is that boy blind and ignores the charm of the young lady?" Wan Si said excitedly, "Miss smiled at Wan Siyi and gave her life for her at any time. Wan Si is also willing."

Wan Renqi smiled at Wan Siyi. Wan Si was suddenly fascinated and confused. She looked at the towering place on Wan Renqi's chest and was short of breath.


"Good dog..." Wan Renqi stretched out her palm and rubred it on Wan Si's face. Wan Si didn't know it at all.

"That hateful boy actually doesn't eat my mother's way, hum..." Wan Renqi stared at Gu Chen and said with hatred.

Wanren Kendo: "The white fox next to him is a little special. Your charming skill is invalid for that boy, which should be the reason for the white fox."

"That dead fox..." Wan Renqi cursed in a low voice, "I don't know if what the boy said is true or false? How can a slying tiger be drawn out so easily?

Wan Renjian took a look at Gu Chen and whispered, "I can't see it. Anyway, my father is in the retreat now. It's going to be closed for a long time. We have nothing to do. If we go to the Flame Mountain, it will take him in less than two months... When we get to the Flame Mountain, we can It will also fall into our hands, and we will not lose..."

"If you can attract the stinging tiger and get the stinging tiger inner elixir, it would be better. Refining the stinging the stinging tiger inner elixir, Dad's cultivation may be able to break through to the divine sea realm," Wan Renqi said excitedly.