Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 087 The Shadow of the Whip

Chapter 087 The shadow of the whip

No one expected that in just a dozen breaths, Yun Xuan was defeated by Gu Chen. The Qing Jiao flag was extremely powerful. Who would have expected that it would be broken by Gu Chen with brute force.


Yun Jinghong stood up with an unbelievable face. Yunxuan had three levels of cultivation in the innate realm, and the Qingjiao flag, the treasure of the Yun family, in his hand. Originally, he had the advantage. Even if Gu Chen also had the same three-level cultivation in the innate realm, he also had the yin and Time, defeat Yunxuan...

However, the facts are in front of him, and there is no room for him to believe it.

"Okay..." Gu Xian and the third elder drank at the same time and looked very happy.

Although the elder and Gu Cangyue were surprised, there was a rare smile on their faces. The Gu family won, at least they had kept the second position. Although they hated Gu Chen, they were still happy at this moment.

Liu Huayuan frowned and stared at Gu Chen. He was thinking that Gu Chen's performance was really surprising. Liu Huayuan did not expect that in the third floor of the innate realm, Gu Chen was so fast that he defeated Yunxuan. Such strength could completely compete with the monks on the fourth floor of the innate realm.

With a flash of light, there was one more person in the ring. The Yun family has been eliminated, and the Liu family has also eliminated three people. Only Liu Baisheng is left. This person is Liu Baisheng.

Liu Baisheng's eyes are not as arrogant as in the living room. It is more dignified. Gu Chen's performance of defeating Yunli just now is enough to make Liu Baisheng pay attention to it.

He asked himself in his heart that if he had taken action, it would not be so fast to defeat Yun Xuan.

"Sure enough, only you deserve to be my opponent." Liu Baisheng raised his head and said.

Gu Chen nodded and said, "Well, your strength is not good, but your vision is not bad."

Everyone around took a deep breath and actually said that Liu Baisheng's strength was not very good. He was a monk on the fourth floor of the innate realm. Among the second generation of children, his strength was not bad. The fourth floor of the innate realm was in the middle stage. Compared with the third floor of the innate realm in the early stage,

If Gu Tai had been said by Gu Chen, he would have been furious for a long time, and even Yun Xuan would be angry.

However, Liu Baisheng was not affected at all. He said, "Strength, only reflected in the battle, is not necessarily correct to judge by the eyes. If you dare to say this crazy, it seems that you have not shown your real strength to Yunxuan."

Gu Chen smiled, that is, he did not deny or admit it.

Liu Baisheng looked heavy and said, "Then let me see how strong you are?"

After saying that, Liu Baisheng stretched out his right hand, and a long whip appeared in his hand.

This whip is more than three feet long, and the whole body is white, one section after another. It is not refined by some kind of metal ore, but a long bone ridge, which is actually a bone whip.

Everyone was shocked. The magic weapon taken by Liu Baisheng was naturally the treasure of the Liu family - the leek python cartilage whip.

The leek python is a kind of monster. Adult leek pythons have an innate realm. This leek python cartilage whip is the ancestor of the Liu family. It is refined from the backbone of an adult leek python, and it is also the highest level of the Chinese magic weapon.

The python cartilage whip appeared in Liu Baisheng's hand, as if alive, like a bone snake, constantly twisting, a white light appeared from the python cartilage whip, and instantly turned into a dazzling light.

Liu Baisheng drew a circle in his right hand, and the leek python cartilage whip followed Liu Baisheng's gesture to form circles of waves. Immediately, the leek python cartilage whip turned into ten circles and pushed it to Gu Chen.

With a circle of waves, the naive spirit constantly pours into the tail of the whip, forming a whip, shooting straight to Gu Chen.

This whip is extremely dazzling, like a sharp cone, and the dozen circles behind it are like waves, constantly pushing the naiveness to the whip, making the light of the whip more and more prosperous.

Although the whip is only small, like a dagger, Gu Chen's eyes are quite solemn. The power of the whip is several times stronger than the attack power of Yunxuan's green dragonfly flag just now.

Moreover, behind the whip, more than a dozen circles composed of the whip body constantly push the naiveness into the whip. More than a dozen circles have more than a dozen stamina.

If you want to take over this whip, you not only have to resist the super drilling force of the whip, but also have to resist the following more than a dozen staminas. If your cultivation is not one level higher than Liu Baisheng, it is difficult to stop the crazy drilling whip.

The most important feature of the whip is flexibility, so it is extremely difficult to avoid in the face of the attack of the whip. Although the whip shoots straight to Gu Chen, Gu Chen is within three feet, no matter which position it moves, the whip can instantly turn and continue to attack.

Moreover, if you escape the first step, Liu Baichang's whip will be stronger. If you escape the second time, it will be ten times harder. At that time, the power of the whip will be several times stronger.

So, you can't escape... you can only face the enemy head-on.

Liu Baisheng almost swept the four-layer monks in the innate heaven with the python cartilage whip. Unless his cultivation is one level higher than him, he can't take his whip head-on.

Everyone around opened their eyes wide. Liu Baisheng's whip was much stronger than Yunxuan's Qing Jiao attack just now. However, everyone did not think that Gu Chen would be defeated like just now. On the contrary, they all had an expectation in their hearts to see how Gu Chen blocked Liu Baisheng's whip and created a miracle.

Just like blocking the attack of the green dragonfly just now, it hurt the green dragonfly.

This kind of thing that is impossible according to common sense happens once, and people will look forward to a second time.

Gu Chen did not disappoint everyone and did not retreat. The Yang sword in his right hand soared. He stabbed the whip head-on. The yin sword of his left hand raised his hand to the sky, and then chopped down with a sword. The same sword exploded and cut off the whip.


A harsh sound sounded, and Jian Gang and the whip collided head-on with the thorn. An air wave spewed out from the impact point to the four sides, spewing out a full range of ten feet before it gradually dissipated.

The tip of the Yangjian collided with the tip of the whip of the leech python cartilage whip, and he did not retreat at all. It turned out to be the same as a flag.

The corners of Liu Baisheng's mouth were slightly upturned, and his right hand drew a circle. The first day was more than a dozen circles formed with the leek python cartilage whip, like waves, waves pushed to the tip of the whip, and more than a dozen stamina surged in in an instant.

Each of these more than a dozen staminas has the great power of the whip just now. If it is hit on the Yang sword, Gu Chen will be difficult to block it.

At this time, the sword of the yin sword flashed and split down. The whip body of the python cartilage whip was split by the sword. How powerful is it? If Liu Baisheng's body is split by the sword, it can be easily split in half.

The python cartilage whipped with a whineer, was cut by the sword, and suddenly sank down. The circle was completely scattered by Gu Chen. More than a dozen circles were circle after circle, one circle was scattered, and the rear strength surged up. Suddenly, there was no way of transmission, and the powerful Rampage on the body.

The circle formed by the whole whip body collapsed in an instant, and the tip of the whip also swayed. He waved to the side randomly and moved away the position opposite the Gu Chenyang sword.

Gu Chen's sword broke Liu Baisheng's control of the python cartilage whip. Yang Jian was not blocked by the whip. Suddenly, the sword surged and stabbed forward and stabbed Liu Baisheng's body.

Everyone was shocked. This endless whip was so easily broken by Gu Chen, that is, in their desire and unexpected.

Gu Xian and the third elder showed an excited smile on their faces. Just now, they were full of worry, afraid that Gu Chen could not stop the whip, but Gu Chen blocked it, and also had the upper hand.

At this moment, they suddenly saw the hope of winning. The Liu family has held the first place for several consecutive sessions, occupying the first place and the interests of the whole Leshui City. It has been divided into half by them. If it goes on like this, the Gu and Yun families will gradually be swallowed up by the Liu family.

If you can win the first place once in the martial arts of the three families, the situation will be very different. The first will get the third and second family business, and the family strength will soar.

In the face of Gu Chen's fast sword, Liu Baisheng pedaled his legs and retreated rapidly. At the same time, his right hand waved quickly, and soon controlled the lemur cartilage whip. He saw his right hand above his head, constantly changing strange qualifications. The lemur cartilage whip suddenly burst into joy, like a bone snake flying

In an instant, the bone snake has flown in the air countless times, turning into a heavy whip shadow, and the tip of the whip suddenly appears. Every time it appears, it shoots a whip. After a few breath, more than a dozen whips appeared in the air, like a meteor falling to the ground, shooting at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen stepped on the ring with his right leg and immediately stopped. His body took his right foot as the axis and rotated. Between the rotations, the yin and yang swords kept splitting out, and instantly split more than a dozen swords in all directions.

Swords appeared around Gu Chen, crackling and bursting, stopping all the whips. Even several swords went straight to Liu Baisheng.

The light exploded on the ring, and the whips and swords were like bright meteors in the sky. On the whole ring, there were heavy whip shadows flying all over the sky, which made people really see. Under the heavy whip shadow, how is the battle situation between the two?

But looking at the whip shadow all over the sky, it seems that Liu Baisheng has an advantage. However, the continuous appearance of the sword in the whip shadow shows that Gu Chen has not been defeated, and the two are fighting fiercely.

After such a fast and fierce struggle for half a moment, everyone opened their eyes wide and did not see who would win or lose in the situation. It seemed that they were still in a stalemate.

However, gradually, there were more and more whip shadows on the ring, gradually covering the whole ring, while the sword was gradually lost.

One breath...

Two breaths...

Three breaths...


After waiting for ten breaths, everyone did not see the appearance of Jiang once, but looking at the whip shadow all over the sky, it showed that the battle was not over. Everyone's eyes widened, and everyone was reluctant to blink for fear of missing the moment of sudden change.

After nearly 20 breaths, many people think that Gu Chen has reached the end of the road, and suddenly... a sword rises to the sky.

The sword is more than four feet long. In addition to the sword, a large number of naive gas turns into sword gas, forming a huge sword with light of more than ten feet long, straight to Yunxiao.

Everyone was shocked, and Gu Chen's counterattack began again...
