Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 109 Killing

Chapter 109 Killing

Gu Chen killed the two elders with one sword, which made the ancient family angry. It seemed that he saw the dawn of victory in front of him. No one expected that Gu Chen's cultivation had reached the realm of the sixth floor of the innate realm, and... the strength was amazing. Even the ancient Cangyue, which was on the seventh floor of the in

The only person present who guessed that Gu Chen's cultivation had six layers of innate realm was Liu Huayuan. He had long regarded Gu Chen as a monk with six layers of innate realm in his heart. However, Gu Chen's strength once again exceeded Liu Huayuan's estimate.

If you make a wrong judgment, you will lose a huge price.

If Gu Chen defeats Gu Cangyue, then... there will be no suspense in this battle. Gu Cangqiong has the upper hand against Liu Huayuan and Liu Xinghen. Coupled with Gu Chen, how can their father and son be opponents?

"It's bad this time..." Liu Huayuan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hhuayang, go to help Gu Cangyue." Liu Huayuan shouted, "All the free people go to kill Gu Chen... Kill Gu Chen at all costs..."

Only about 30 people from the ancient family participated in the war, and there were about 20 people. There were more than a dozen people who turned to the ancient Cangyue and the two elders. When the Liu family came this time, only more than 20 natural monks were left in the clan, and more than 50 people came to the ancient family.

All the people of the Liu family who came to the Gu family have participated in the war, while there are only more than 30 people in the Gu family, most of whom are two to fight one. For a while, several monks in the Gu family have been poisoned by the Liu family. In this way, there are more people in the Liu family.

As soon as Liu Huayuan shouted, all the personnel of the Liu family of World War II immediately pulled out one person and rushed to Gu Chen. These monks ranged from the second floor of the innate realm to the fifth floor of the innate realm, with nearly 20 people.

In addition, the three elders of the Liu family, who fought against Gu Xian and the three elders, also pulled out one person and rushed to Gu Chen, which was Liu Huayang shouted by Liu Huayuan.

A monk on the seventh floor of the innate realm, a monk on the sixth floor of the innate realm, and nearly 20 monks from the second floor to the fifth floor of the innate realm, so many monks rushed to Guchen.

Although the strength of each monk is not as good as that of Gu Chen, there are so many monks on the sixth and seventh floors of the innate realm. Even if there are monks on the ninth floor of the innate realm, I'm afraid that the siege of so many people in front of them will have to retreat.

But... Gu Chen did not retreat.

Suddenly, a black cloak appeared on Gu Chen. Gu Chen's speed suddenly soared. The monks with strength in the early days of the innate realm could not even see Gu Chen's body, only a shadow.

Speed...speed to the extreme.

More than 20 innate monks worked together, and the nine-story monks in the innate realm could not resist. However, with the speed to the extreme, Gu Chen would not fight with anyone at all...

The monks in the early days of the innate realm looked at Gu Chen as a shadow. Before he saw Gu Chen's body, he only saw the shadow shaking, and then his neck was cold. He looked down and found that there was no body under his head

Gu Chen's speed was too fast. These monks were cut off their heads and did not feel any pain at all. Only after their necks were cold and their heads were separated from their bodies, they would die after two breaths.

The Qingli sword in Gu Chen's hand was like the sickle of Death. Seeing that everyone surrounded him, he made a decision to let go of Gu Cangyue, the most powerful enemy, for the time being, and specially selected the monks in the early days of the innate realm.

The monks in the early days of the innate realm were too far from Gu Chen's cultivation. They were completely sword by one, and they didn't have time to block it. They moved their heads home, and it was very easy to kill.

However, if you let it go, they will be as annoying as flies. Perhaps, when Gu Chen fights with Gu Cangyue, these flies will suddenly bite, so Gu Chen will first destroy these flies, and then deal with Gu Cangyue.

For the Liu monks who rushed to Guchen, there are ten on the second and third floors of the innate realm. There are only about six or seven on the fourth and fifth floors of the innate realm. After all, the higher the level, the smaller the number will be.

The monks on the second and third floors of the innate realm can't even see Gu Chen's body clearly. How to resist it? In a few breaths, three or four of them have died at the hands of Gu Chen.

Every dead monk's whole head was cut off with a sword, and the wound was neat and neat, like the mouth of a bowl.

Gu Chen is like an ancient Shura. Every time he takes action, he will take away a life.


Gu Chen's speed changed to the extreme. The attack of the monk Liu family did not hit his body at once. On the contrary, every time he shot the sword, he always had a head thrown high.

"Liu Huayuan... I want to destroy you all over the door." The voice of the ancient Chen, like the singing of the ancient gods, fell into the ears of every monk of the Liu family.

Liu Huayuan's heart beat and was wrong. This time he made a big mistake. He provoked the enemy Gu Chen for no reason and led the Liu family to death.

"Let's get together, don't separate..." Seeing one monk after another died at the hands of Gu Chen, Liu Huayang roared loudly.

However, a sudden finger immediately stopped his mouth. The finger was like a red sun in the air, shining in sight. Liu Huayang turned into a heavy whip shadow. With the greatest strength, he could block the finger. However, the sword next to him flashed, and a monk on the second floor of the innate realm next to him suddenly divided his body. Two halves.

"Ah...Yan'er." Liu Huayang roared miserably.

This is Liu Huayang's son. When the three families were in martial arts, the third of the Liu family played the second-level monk in the innate realm. Liu Huayang just ran to Liu Yan's side and wanted to protect him. However, in an instant, his son, who had just been alive, has now turned into a flesh-and-

"Today, I will kill you to let the Liu family know, what does it mean to bleed like a river?" Another person was killed, and Gu Chen's indifferent voice sounded again.

The faces of the Liu family showed pain. Gu Chen's voice, like a sharp knife, stabbed their hearts, making them afraid. No one knows who will be the next target of Gu Chen's action...

More than ten breathing time, more than a dozen early innate monks who came to kill Gu Chen have all turned into corpses and lay on the ground, some of them just lost their heads, and some of their whole bodies were split in half...

There are only eight people left to besiege Gu Chen, one Gu Cangyue, one Liu Huayang, and the other six people. Two people have five levels of cultivation innate, and four people have four levels of cultivation in nature.

The monks in the early days of the innate realm have been killed, and the next step is to take the monks on the fourth floor of the innate realm.

Gu Chen's body suddenly stopped ten feet in front of everyone. The Qingli sword in his hand pointed to the front left and said coldly, "Liu Baisheng, it's your turn..."

Gu Chen's eyes were like an awl, which was nailed to Liu Baisheng's body in an instant. Gu Chen's voice fell into Liu Baisheng's ears, like the roar of a demon, which made him afraid.

"Dad..." At the critical moment, Liu Baisheng shouted instinctively.

"It's useless to call anyone..."

Qingli's sword skyrocketed, nearly ten feet, and the sword spirit soared dozens of feet away. A huge illusory sword rose to the sky, cut through the night and pierced the void...

Then, Gu Chen's arm split down, and Qingli's sword drew a light, like a curtain of light, which seemed to divide the whole night sky into two halves and suddenly cut down Liu Baisheng.

"Huayang... save hundreds of lives." Liu Huayuan roared hurriedly. Just now, he dragged the ancient sky, and now, he is also dragged back by the ancient sky, and it is difficult to get out for a while.

Seeing that Gu Chen's sword was cut down, Gu Cangyue was not worried but happy. He shouted, "Let's take action together to see if he can withstand our joint blow."

Four innate realms on the fourth floor, two innate realms on the fifth floor, one innate realm on the sixth floor, and one innate realm on the seventh floor innate realm. In such a joint blow of eight monks, even the ninth-story monks in the innate realm will be injured by the anti-shock.

When everyone listened, they took action in unison, each of whom used ten-tenth of their strength, and the magic weapon bombarded the sword made by Gu Chen.

At this time, Gu Chen smiled strangely and suddenly abandoned the Qingli sword. While everyone attacked the Qingli sword together, he shook his body and rushed to the crowd. His hands pointed forward, and two dazzling fingers shone from the left and right index fingers.

"It's not good..." Liu Huayang exclaimed, and everyone's faces changed.

Only a sound was heard, and everyone's attack bombarded the Qingli sword. The Qingli sword suddenly dissipated, like a broken kite, which was shaken dozens of feet away, inserted upside down on the ground, buzzing.

However, Gu Chen's speed was so fast that in just a moment, he had come to the front of everyone, and the surprise fairy fingers had been pointed out in unison.

It was too late to make any defense. Gu Cangyue kicked his legs, and the figure flashed. The first one fled to the side. Then, everyone fled in all four ways. However, Gu Chen's surprise finger had locked the two people.

Both of them are monks on the fourth floor of the innate realm. The first person on the right is Liu Baisheng, the young master of the Liu family, and the future patriarch of the Liu family.

Seeing this, Liu Huayang was shocked and stopped his fleeing body, pulled Liu Baisheng behind him, and punched Gu Chen...


Gu Chen's left finger pointed at the forehead of the left monk, and suddenly pierced his head.

At the same time, the right finger is also connected with Liu Huayang's fist. Can Liu Huayang's body be blocked? His fist was hit by Zhig, and it immediately dissipated. The finger was like a drill. In an instant, it disappeared into Liu Huayang's fist, and a blood hole was immediately generated, from Liu Huayang's palm to his shoulder.