Pure Yang Zhenxian

[Finally called]

I'm super depressed today. There was another power outage in this damn place in the afternoon.

I thought there should be a call around six o'clock. As a result, I bought vegetables and there was no electricity to cook. When it was dark, the electricity didn't come, so I had to buy noodles again.

I cooked noodles in the dark, but the electricity still didn't come.

It's eight o'clock, and I'm going to go to the Internet cafe. Shit... It's time to get electricity

I was supposed to update four chapters today, but now I have only updated one chapter

It's very late tonight. I'll update another chapter. There are two chapters left. I'll make up one chapter on September 1st and September 2nd

The plot of the second volume is coming to an end, and the plot of the third volume of Kunwu's secret land will soon begin. This is a big ** volume, and Gu Chen will face the Tibetan sky head-on

The third volume is extremely important. I want to write it well. Only under the premise of maintaining quality can I update V