Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 001 Gu Chen's disaster

Volume 4 Chapter 001 Gu Chen's Disaster

Volume 4 Chapter 001 Gu Chen's Disaster

Don't pass the time. In a blink of an eye, it is the day when Kunwu's secret place opens the exit channel.

Unlike the directional transmission array entering the secret land of Kunwu, when the exit channel is opened, a transmission array will be temporarily generated every thousand miles in the secret land of Kunwu. No matter where you are in the secret place, you can spread directly from the nearest transmission array outside the secret land of Kunwu.

Everyone climbed to the top of the peak next to the small valley. The sight here is very good, and you can look in all directions. When the exit channel is opened, you can know which transmission array is closest to it.

"Brother Gu Chen, in this secret place of Kunwu, you live by absorbing spiritual stones every day. It really fades out of your mouth. I think of the barbecue you once roasted, tsk... Brother Gu Chen, after going out, you can bake more barbecue for your brothers. Next time, I will go to the Fairy Pavilion to steal some jade The little monk stood beside Gu Chen and said excitedly.

"Little monk, didn't you say that you can not drink or eat meat for ten years for me? How long has it been? If it hadn't been in the secret place of Kunwu, would you have gone to drink and eat meat long ago? Shu Ruier immediately flew away and kicked the little monk's buttocks.

"Oh..." The little monk shouted sadly and immediately flew down from the top of the mountain, with an extra sole print on his buttocks!

Seeing this, everyone squeezed their lips and smiled, and they didn't have to worry about the little monk falling.

Sure enough, the little monk fell to the ground without a sound. He went directly into the ground. When he appeared again, he had reached the top of the mountain again. He touched his head and said, "Little dragon girl, why is it difficult for you to learn? Do you have to learn from the stinky Taoist priest? That's just a metaphor, you know? If the little monk has no meat to eat and no wine to drink, then he is not the little monk... Brother Gu Chen, don't you think so?"

Gu Chen smiled and said, "Brother Mao is right, Ruier, Brother Mao is straightforward and can do whatever he likes! Don't be surprised!"

Xiao Ruier nodded and said to the little monk, "You can eat meat and drink, but you have to take me with you. We drink and eat meat while breaking through the world!"

"That's for sure." The little monk nodded and said, "Without the little dragon girl, it's meaningless to eat meat and drink!"

"Little monk, your master told me that you practiced the five-turn indestructible divine body. Before the first turn, the meridians of the whole body were unobstructed, and only the buttocks did not run smoothly. It needed more dredge. This will help you become a divine body as soon as possible. Don't blame me!" As she spoke, she walked and came to the little monk.

"No wonder, no wonder, oh..."

As soon as the little monk opened his mouth, his body flew to the foot of the mountain again, and there was another sole print on his buttocks!

After a while, the little monk got out of the side again, patted his buttocks habitually, and said, "Little dragon girl, don't listen to that stinky Taoist priest. He just wanted to find an excuse to kick me justly. Wow... the way out is open!"

Suddenly, the little monk's eyes lit up, and his fingers pointed forward. Everyone turned around and looked in the direction pointed by the little monk. Hundreds of miles away, there was indeed a beam of light rising to the sky.

Soon, there were beams of light in the distance, but they were farther than the beam of light pointed out by the little monk.

Everyone looked overjoyed and threw magic weapons one after another and flew away to the pillar of light.

Gu Chen's wings fluttered, flew thousands of feet high, and looked at the four fields. Every thousand miles, a beam of light rushed to the sky, forming a temporary transmission array.

"Golden-winged Tianpeng, Tibetan Tianji, you have been hiding for a year, and the same is coming out!"

After Gu Chen's words, the flashing wind wing slapped, turned into an electric light, and caught up. Soon, everyone came to the temporary transmission array.

"Let's go together..." Huang Yaoxian waved his hand, and everyone stepped into the transmission array together.

Gu Chen looked at the distance in the east. It will take hundreds of years for Kunwu's secret place to open again! Thinking of Xiaobai's long time to stay in the heavenly court, Gu Chen felt a burst of melancholy in his heart.

Gu Chen couldn't allow him to think too much. As soon as he stepped into the transmission array, everyone's eyes turned white, and a feeling of dizziness and feet stepped on the void appeared. After a long time, he suddenly stepped on the ground under his feet, looked at the four fields and returned to the ancient and desolate world.

A year ago, everyone went to enter the secret land of Kunwu.

The three forces of Xutian Sect, Zangjia, Qinglong clan and Fenglei Eagle clan, dozens of people entered the secret land of Kunwu. As a result, the Fenglei Eagle clan was completely destroyed, and there was only one Tibetan Tianji left in the Tibetan family and Qinglong clan. Only on the side of Xutianzong, there were still a

"Ancient brother...Master!" As soon as he stepped on the ground, a familiar voice sounded in Gu Chen's ears.

Looking up, a huge gourd floated in the sky ahead. Nantian Taoist and Dao Jiutian are standing on the gourd, and a green shadow is pounced down from the gourd. It is the virtual purple mandarin duck.

"Senior sister..." Gu Chen was overjoyed. He hasn't seen him for another year, and the virtual purple mandarin duck is more beautiful and touching.

The virtual purple mandarin fell in front of Gu Chen. First, he saw a salute with the Huangyao Xian, and then picked up Gu Chen's face and stroked it gently. He touched: "Brother Gu, you have lost weight..."

Looking at Xu Ziyuan's caring eyes, Gu Chen's heart was very warm. He didn't know whether he was thin or not, but Xu Ziyuan was indeed thinner than a year ago.

Zang Tianji has entered the secret land of Kunwu. During this year, Xu Ziyang was worried about Gu Chen every day, and his face was haggard.

Gu Chen still had time to speak in the future. Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky. In Gu Chen's body, countless mana were pumping away. His Yuanying shrank in an instant, and his cultivation retreated to the middle of seizing.

Out of the secret place of Kunwu, through the aura attached to Kunwu's seal, it is rapidly dissipating. The wind and clouds of heaven and earth are changing, and the whole sky is black, and a huge black vortex appears on the top of Gu Chen's head!

Everyone was shocked and exclaimed, "Who is going to cross the disaster?"

Looking at the black vortex overhead, countless lightning continues to converge into the vortex, which is obviously a precursor of thunderstorm. Gu Chen's heart moved: Is it only a year since I stepped into the Jindan period from the early stage of Peiyuan?

The higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to practice. In the golden elixir period, because of the elixir, it blocks more than 90% of the late Peiyuan monks. If you can't make elixir, you can't make progress in your cultivation!

Gu Chen practiced in the secret realm of Kunwu in the later stage of seizing the house, and unexpectedly broke through the golden elixir period.

Jindan Avenue, stepping into the Jindan period, is stepping on the road of cultivation. The rules of heaven and earth have been detected, and they begin to feel threatened, so they will drop thunder and smash those who are against the sky!

The monk is a monk. It is rumored that he will cross the nine thunderstorms and form a golden elixir, which is the first. If you step into the spring of life, it is the second... Only by crossing the nine thunderstorms can you achieve the realm of immortals like the ancient sons!

The spiritual power attached to the secret land of Kunwu dissipated quickly. Gu Chen quickly retreated to the spiritual baby period, and the Yuanying became the size of a baby. Then, the baby broke and condensed into a golden elixir, located in the Guchen Dantian.

A soul, exactly like Gu Chen, almost completely like the substance, floated out of the golden elixir and entered the eyebrow space.

The golden elixir shines incomparable, shooting a golden light in the Dantian field, covering the whole sea of yin and yang, turning into a golden ocean!


The cultivation of retreat, stop!

In the later stage of Jindan, this is the cultivation of the later stage of Jindan. Gu Chen was shocked. Could it be that in a year, he actually rose from the early stage of Peiyuan to the realm of the later stage of Jindan?

Some geniuses take a lifetime to be able to step on the realm? How can you achieve it in a year?

Although the time spent in the Linglong Pagoda was twice that of the outside, Gu Chen had been practicing for nearly two years, and the speed of cultivation still shocked Gu Chen!

The Jindan period is the most difficult level among the four levels of the Shenhai Realm. Gu Chen not only crossed the Peiyuan period, but also soared all the way to the late Jindan period, only one step away from the spring of life.

Before the age of 18, he has already stepped into the late stage of Jindan, which has broken the record of the first day in a thousand years.

At the age of 20, Zang Tianji stepped into the spring of life. At the age of 18 and a half, he stepped into the late Jindan. Gu Chen was more than half a year faster than Zang Tianji!

Starting from today, the name of the first genius of the ancient wilderness continent in thousands of years will be changed from the head of the Tibetan sky.

At the same time, Gu Chen was surprised to find that when his body was upgraded to the spring of life in the secret realm of Kunwu, he was reborn by the essence of life flowing out of the spring of life. Now, although his cultivation has retreated to the late stage of Jindan, his body has changed more than other monks.

Originally, Gu Chen's body was stronger than that of the same level of monks. At this moment, Gu Chen's body is far more than that of the same level of monks. If you use the Tianang quenching method, it can almost be compared with the monks of the spring.

The realm of the spring of life and the realm of the divine sea are the same as the realm of the divine sea realm and the innate realm, the realm of crossing the virtual realm and the realm of the realm of the spring of fate. There is an insurmountable gap between the great realms. The physical strength of the ancient times can be compared with the monk

Countless thunder and lightning converged from the dark clouds in all directions to the black vortex in the middle, forming a thunder of more than ten feet, splitting straight down, from the sky to the world!

The thunder, with the breath of destruction, represents the power of the rules of heaven and earth. It is bound to destroy those who are against the sky, and the ashes and smoke will disperse.

Gu Chen smiled gently. Tianlei was dealing with the monks who had just stepped on the early stage of Jindan, but at this moment, he has the cultivation of Jindan in the later stage, especially the physical body, which is incredibly strong.

The soul was instantly integrated into the golden elixir. With a slap of the shining wind, Gu Chen rose to the sky. Other monks formed a golden elixir. In the face of the thunderstorm, they were all afraid of hands and feet, but Gu Chen took the initiative to rush to the thunderstorm.


A thunderbolt resounded through the world, and the loud sound conveyed thousands of miles away.

Gu Chen bathed in the thunder, allowing the thunder to hit the body without any injury. On the contrary, the power of the thunder was sucked into the wings of the flashing wind, making the thunder of the wings more powerful.

When crossing the thunder disaster, he sacrificed the magic weapon with thunder. Gu Chen's move stunned everyone! RO