Pure Yang Zhenxian

Someone asked: Why are there so many monthly tickets in Chunyang?

The hidden power of the undead country, even if it can eat other scarred neighbors in one fell swoop. Who will be the last beneficiaries?

At a minimum, it can also be easily under the eyes of the dragon clan. Turn the secret dragon tombs into brand-new undead dragon residences!

For a strong tiger, a sharp tooth and claw can determine the final victory or defeat. Or can a head with good hunting and survival experience determine the outcome?

On the surface, no matter who wins the war, as long as there is an undead mage who misses the net. Using the souls and corpses after the war, it can also quickly establish the kingdom of the dead.

After all, there is no life in the whole city in an instant. In one night, they all used the ultimate undead magic - "blood and flesh extraction" to kill the horrible white bone king Mufa, who turned into a bone shelf in the form of undead.

The minimum can also make these deceitful neighboring countries and races. Before these elves and angry dragons arrive, they will begin to unite to annex the kingdom of the dead.

Just from the hands of the white bone king Mufa and the big corpse witch, the whole undead kingdom was given to the first-line heavenly lord Xiang Tian in his hand. After arranging the suspension of various matters, I finally began to arrange the next action...

The answer tends to be the latter, which directly leads to a serious lack of elite forces and leaders. Soon under the double blow of the angry dragon clan and the demon pupil warrior Xiang Tian of the Elf Kingdom.

What about the truth? In fact, whether it is the kingdom of the dead, the mantis catches the cicadas and the yellow finch. When the "food contenders" consume a lot of their respective armies and slowly realize that they plan to make peace talks.

A dwarf kingdom that lives in the underground all year round and constantly digs tunnels to find superior ores. It is only the most eye-catching one among the dwarves.

Can a cooked duck not let it fly? And as long as these countries and races that want to go from the kingdom of the dead to some vested interests, they refuse to let go.

But judging from the movements of the surrounding countries and races, the only one who did not move at all. There are only dwarves left!

Even if you can't use despicable means, the ghost dragons and bone dragons summoned in the elf kingdom. Before the dragons noticed, they covered their ears with lightning. Under the guise of the fallen elves, the civil war situation took the whole elf kingdom in one fell swoop.

Regret to die? It seems that the regret of death is not just the undead mage who lost the whole country and most of the undead creatures! Instead, the behind-the-scenes dwarfs who constantly incite the necromancers to act according to their conspiracy!

And the key to this key is the undead mage! As long as there is a high-level undead mage left, the kingdom of the undead is in any little-known place. They can quickly re-establish a good country!

But at least the abacus of the Kingdom of the Dead still made him aware of it quickly! Retreat, even if the whole kingdom of the dead has been destroyed. As long as there is a living undead mage left, you can continue the glory of the undead country!

Perhaps for the dead unknown white bone king Mufa, at least it and its successor, the corpse witch. I didn't expect that the neighbor who took a huge bribe from the Kingdom of the Dead.

Destroying the territory that will hold the undead all year round. With the speed that the undead can't predict, it will devour whales!

Perhaps in addition to the rock drilling that the dwarfs are best at, and the magic metal smelting and forging. It is difficult for people on the Western continent to have the opportunity to pay too much attention to them.

Originally, according to the idea of killing the White Bone King, and the shrewdness and personal strength are not necessarily much worse than it.

And completely control the elf kingdom, for the future strength and future of the sergeant of the Undead Kingdom. Undoubtedly, zombies are an extremely important event!

It only took ten days for the Elf Kingdom to unite with the Dragons to easily capture every territory of the whole undead country! Although the body has long been transformed by the magic array, Xiang Tian, the demon pupil warrior and the first-line lord.

As for the other dwarves in the family? Even if the two have lived for nearly a thousand years, the elf Master Druiida and the elder Eliqi. I can't give Xiang Tian enough information to dare these dwarfs.

It's not that he hasn't considered several superiors of the Undead Kingdom. Why did he drag the Elf Kingdom into the war as soon as possible?

Unexpectedly, I don't know at all. In ten days, the demon pupil warrior of the elf kingdom and the first-line lord Xiang Tian. The high-level dragons were uncovered by the undead country. It's easy to occupy the whole kingdom of the dead!

is also enough to easily drag the situation of almost the entire Western continent into the quagmire of war! Therefore, when the substantive leader of the Elf Kingdom - the demon pupil warrior Xiang Tian.

Compared with the demon clan, which is arrogant and not weaker than the powerful dragon clan, the dwarf clan on the Western continent is rarely valued by other countries and races.

As for those "friendly neighbors" who want to eat a piece of fat from the defeated undead country. I will also fight a real battle with the Elf Kingdom and the dragon clan!

So Xiang Tian, the first-line lord who was no longer what he used to be, quickly found a trace of what should not have happened!

According to the result of this inference, it is a new threat to the Elf Kingdom. It is also gradually emerging from the surface of the surrounding countries and all kinds of ethnic groups when they are ready to move!

Although it has now been included in the Elf Code, in the introduction of races throughout the Western continent. Dwarves include (cave dwarf miners, dwarf alchemists, king of hills dwarfs, thief dwarfs, deer merchant, etc.).

Even the best candidate to succeed the white bone king Mufa to kill - the big corpse witch. He was also executed by Xiang Tian's memory in his previous life, which was comparable to the "Tianlong Breaking the City halberd", but also seemed to be the "overlord's moon-grabbing gun"!

Which dwarf will incite the undead mages behind the scenes to carry out this conspiracy that is enough to get most of the Western continent involved?

And when it comes to the undead country at this time, it also has the strength to fight against the dragon clan head-on (all the military strength of the two countries, if you want to shake the dragon clan, you can't say that there is no chance of winning)!

Who allows the elves to communicate with the powerful and mysterious dragon clan very smoothly? As long as you can follow the traps set in advance, the undead masters can use the fallen elves as a cover.

Enter, then use the fallen elves to launch a war within the elf kingdom. To paralyze those powerful dragons who have always favored the elf kingdom, so as to completely calmly control the elf kingdom.