Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 112 Jiuyin Zhenqi (three updates)

"Is this the forbidden land in the northern wilderness?" Looking at the ice world in front of him, Gu Chen muttered.

Although he was imprisoned by his mana, Gu Chen's physical strength was still quite strong. Waiting for the idle ice did not make him feel cold. For example, in the North Sea, although it was also a piece of ice and snow, Gu Chen never felt cold. But at this moment, there was a chilling feeling, and a burst of chill came straight to my heart, and even my bones were cold.

Gu Chen quickly stretched out his limbs and kept it in [luck] movement, so that the bloodline could be smooth, so as to ensure that in this ice land, the body would not be frozen. If he stood still, Gu Chen believed that in less than a long time, he would be assimilated by the ice smell here and turned into an ice sculpture

This is only the place to enter the forbidden place for the first time, and it is more than thousands of miles away from the real forbidden place. It is already so cold. The cold temperature in the forbidden place is already a great danger.

Gu Chen stepped forward and took a few steps. He jumped abruptly and jumped more than ten feet directly and landed on an ice stone several feet high.

In this cold land, jumping ten feet with the body, this is already the limit of Gu Chen.

Looking up, there is a long canyon in front of him. On both sides of the canyon are two ice peaks with a height of more than a thousand feet, blocking Gu Chen's sight. At the end of the canyon, there are ice peaks looming.

Gu Chen took out a map and opened it. This is the map within thousands of miles outside the northern forbidden area. The valley between the two ice peaks is marked on the map, which is called the ice forbidden canyon. These two peaks are also called the ice forbidden peaks.

Any monk, before reaching this canyon and these two ice peaks, his mana cultivation will be imprisoned, and the immortals are no exception.

The junction of the North Sea and the northern forbidden land is millions of miles away, but there are not many places that can be passed. There are only more than ten places here, which is exactly a position that can enter the forbidden place.

Ten thousand years ago, an elder of the Jibing Sect entered the northern wasteland from the ice forbidden valley. It is said that he went to find the nine yin true qi, the nine yin true qi, the nine yin true qi" is the extreme yin true qi, the natural cold true qi, the extreme ice true Next, there is no difference, and they can blend in with each other. Absorbing the true qi of Jiuyin can greatly increase the mana of the monks who practice the polar ice method.

The elder of the Jibing Sect has reached its limit. He knows that in the understanding of the law, it is impossible to put the hope further on the Jiuyin Zhenqi, hoping to get enough Jiuyin Zhenqi, and integrate with the Ji Bing Zhenqi, so that the cultivation can go further in order to prolong life.

Unfortunately, after "the elder of the Jibing Sect" entered the forbidden land in the northern wilderness, he did not come out again. "The elder" was the elder of the Alchemy Hall of the Jibing Sect. Therefore, Wu Xing concluded that the elder had "Pure Yang Dan Fang" on his body.

There is only so much that Wu Xing knows. He only knows that the elder entered the northern wilderness forbidden land from the ice forbidden canyon. However, the monks can't fly away in the forbidden place and should not go too far. Gu Chen entered the northern wilderness from the ice forbidden valley and walked along the road that the elder walked. Can he find the The bones all depends on luck.

More than a thousand feet of ice peak, with a canyon less than ten feet wide, is several miles long. Gu Chen stood in front of the ice forbidden canyon and felt for the first time that people were weak in front of nature.

If you can escape, you can cross the ice peak of more than a thousand feet, like walking on the flat ground, but you can't even rely on the internal force of the body. It is the limit to jump ten feet here. You only need a small ice slope more than ten feet high to block the front, and you can't pass.

Not to mention the thousands of ice peaks, which is completely in the sky and can't be crossed.

The forbidden land of the northern wilderness is said that even the immortals will be imprisoned into the forbidden land of mortals when they come here!

Gu Chen took a deep breath, exhaled out for a long time, and then jumped off the boulder and walked to the frozen canyon.

Although the ten-foot-wide canyon is very narrow compared with the two thousand-foot ice peaks next to it, it is extremely spacious for pedestrians.

Gu Chen was vigilant and did not dare to walk too fast. He carefully paid attention to the surroundings, the ground, the peaks and ice walls on both sides, all of which were under Gu Chen's attention.

There is silence all around. Gu Chen can only hear the sound of his breathing. There are thousands of ice walls on both sides. Gu Chen needs to raise his head to 90 degrees to see the sky.

If both sides of the canyon are blocked, Gu Chen has the illusion of being in the well.

Half an hour later, Gu Chen passed through the ice forbidden canyon, about eight or nine miles long, about 1,500 feet. Gu Chen had been careful and always thought that there would be any danger of a sudden attack, but until he finished the whole ice forbidden canyon, there was no accident.

Through the Ice Forbidden Canyon, the view in front is much wider. There are several slightly lower ice peaks on the left, only hundreds of feet high. These are the ice peaks faintly seen from the other side of the Ice Forbidden Canyon.

On the right is a flat land more than a thousand feet in size. The terrain is slightly lower than other places, as smooth as a mirror.

Gu Chen was a little suspicious that the original * here was a lake. One day, it was suddenly covered by the ice peak, and all the lakes turned into black ice, so it was as smooth as a mirror!

At the end of the flat ground, there is another ice mountain peaks hundreds or more than thousands of feet high, dozens of feet and hundreds of feet in size. There is nothing else.

This is the place that has just entered the forbidden land in the northern wilderness, but it is not really forbidden. At least, it has been thousands of miles from here. Since ancient times, many monks have come out of the forbidden place alive.

However, "deep within thousands of miles" without exception, disappeared from then on and never appeared in the world again.

Of course, it is not safe within a thousand miles of the ice forbidden canyon. In fact, as long as the monks walk into the ice forbidden canyon, at least half of them have no news and their whereabouts are unknown. On the ground, there are faint footprints, which are traces of countless monks who have entered the forbidden place since ancient times.

Gu Chen continued to move forward along these ancient footprints.

Anyone who arrives here will follow the footsteps of his predecessors, instead of going to some unknown places. The map within a thousand miles of forbidden places, the route drawn by these countless predecessors, slowly exchanged with the price of life.

Although there is a map with a radius of thousands of miles, in fact, more than 90% of the places on the map are blank. It is undoubtedly unwise to rush into the blank place on the map.

Gu Chen judged that it was impossible for the elder of the Extreme Ice Sect to run to some unknown and dangerous places without taking the footprints of his predecessors.

Along the footsteps of his predecessors, Gu Chen kept moving forward, and gradually walked into the depths of the forbidden land. Although he walked, Gu Chen's speed was not slow. When he ran, he could walk thousands of miles in a day. However, in this forbidden place, Gu Chen walked very carefully. After walking for a day, he only advanced more than

In the journey of more than these two hundred miles, Gu Chen found the ice corpses of several monks. Among the ice corpses, there were no elders of the Jibing Sect, the monks of the Jibing Sect, practicing the Jibing Dafa, and his body itself had the extremely cold attributes. Gu Chen believed that the elder of the Ji It should have gone a lot of distance.

These ice corpses have been searched by the monks who have been here, and Gu Chen did not find anything useful.

On the second day, Gu Chen continued to move forward!

Three days later, Gu Chen has entered the forbidden place for more than 600 miles. When he arrived here, the footprints of his predecessors are getting less and less, and the route on the map is becoming more and more monotonous. It proves that there are not many monks who have been able to enter this place since ancient times.

What about...

In the silent air, suddenly came a rapid wind, and an extremely cold air gushed out of the crack next to it.

Gu Chen's cold hair suddenly exploded. He bowed his back and jumped away like lightning like a cat that had been stepping on its tail.


With a bang, where Gu Chen just stood, the mysterious ice on the ground burst and he was caught in a big hole the size of a human body.

A four-meter-long ice beast with the same body as Xuanbing appeared where Gu Chen just stood.

"Ice beast?" Gu Chen shouted in a low voice.

The world is full of wonders. In this northern wilderness, there is a piece of ice with no sign of life. However, there is a kind of creature living here: the ice beast!

They have a body like ice, lying on the ground. It's like an ice stone. It doesn't move, and it's hard for monks to see the difference from the real ice stone.

The ice beast is shaped like a leopard, its head is like a tiger, its legs are like a lion, and its strong body is condensed from ice, but it is a little more conscious than ordinary ice.

Because the forbidden land imprisons mana, the ice beast also has only the power of the body.

Since ancient times, monks have not known that ice beasts are born like Ran? I only know that it is extremely dangerous to meet ice beasts in the forbidden place. Ten or nine of them were killed under the attack of ice beasts.

The ice beast is not a terrible attack, but their ice attribute. The temperature of the forbidden place is already cold enough, but the temperature of the ice beast is a hundred times colder than the temperature. When the monk's body touches it, it will immediately turn into ice, which can't be resisted at all.

Unless it is a monk whose body has been cultivated to the extreme, he can kill the ice beast.

If Gu Chen hadn't been in a state of extreme vigilance, the ice beast suddenly rushed out of the ice stone crack next to him. "At this moment, Gu Chen's neck has been torn by the ice beast, and maybe his body has turned into an ice corpse.

The ice beast failed with one blow, and a fierce roar" exhaled out a breath. The airflow was slightly white, making a harsh sound of breaking the air, and cut over to Gu Chen. Before the air flow reached, an extremely cold air was shrouded in Gu Chen.

What a terrible cold... Gu Chen shivered, and his legs jumped out like lightning and fell a few feet away. At this time, another sound of breaking the air came, and the whole body of the ice beast rushed to Gu Chen.