Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 073 Jiuyang scorching sun fruit

Gu Chen penetrated the edges in the fire of the ultimate law, and soon came to the place where the flame fluctuated extremely violently.

This is a long valley, surrounded by the fire of the ultimate law. If you don't cross the fire of the ultimate law, you can't enter this place.

If Gu Chen hadn't discovered the secret of having the God of War and being able to penetrate the edges in the fire of the ultimate law because he put the hidden Tianji into the fire of the ultimate law, not to mention five years, even if ten years have passed, Gu Chen could not find this place. The flame fluctuation in the inheritance place of the big tribe is extremely strong. It is very similar, but the flame fluctuation here is much more intense than that of the flame fluctuation in each inheritance place.

Gu Chen guessed that this must be the place of inheritance of the world's first true treasure book "God of War Star Sutra"! But the scene in front of us is slightly out of Guchen Yizhou.

This is a valley about ten feet wide and more than fifty feet long. On both sides of the valley, there is a statue of a red giant more than ten feet tall, like a long passage.

Gu Chen came to the end of the valley, and a cliff appeared in front of him.

Unlike the land inherited by major tribes, there is no record of the secret magic treasure book on the cliff, but four big words are engraved: "Holy Land in the mountains." Under the four big words, there is an ancient pattern engraved with nine ancient flame runes, and the ancient heart of the ancient Chen moves. The ancient pattern is exactly the order of the God of On the one hand, the nine ancient flame runes above are exactly the same as those above the Order of the God of War.

Gu Chen was confused. He took out the God of War Order and walked to the pattern on the cliff.

As soon as he approached the pattern, the God of War suddenly shone brightly, shooting a dazzling red light, covering all the patterns on the cliff. Under the influence of the God of War Order, the patterns on the cliff also sprinkled with red brilliance.

Gu Chen's body was instantly shrouded in red light. He only felt that the soft ground under his feet turned into a cloud. He stepped on the scene around the clouds and suddenly and quickly retreated. Even Gu Chen looked confused, creating a sense of floating air.

The red brilliance shot by the pattern on the cliff not only covers Gu Chen's whole body, but also shoots into the sky and shines on the sky. The wizards in the whole God of War Mountain, as well as the wizards and people within a radius of the God of War Mountain are clearly visible.

In the Temple of War, the goddess Siwa's eyes fell on the red light rising from the God of War Mountain. Her eyes were full of excitement, and her breathing was slightly short. She muttered: "For a thousand years, the visionary ancestors that only the God of War was born has happened in the God of War. Is the prophecy in my dream The person who returned with the God of War order thousands of years later is the new God of War of the ancient witch clan. Gu Chen, did you really trigger the vision of the birth of the God of War? However, you obviously don't have the blood of the God of War as a personal monk?

A vision of the birth of the God of War appeared in the God of War Mountain. This news instantly spread from the Temple of War to the nine tribes through the transmission array. "Let the whole ancient witch clan be shocked, and the wizards of each tribe are guessing. After thousands of years, which tribe will the new God of War appear in this time?

Unexpectedly, the wizards of the ancient witch clan never expected that it was the monks from the human race who inspired the vision of the god of war, not the wizards of any tribe of the ancient witch clan.

Gu Chen did not know that the God of War Mountain had made such a big movement. After being shrouded in the red light emitted by the pattern on the cliff, he turned the sky and turned. After a flick of his fingers, his feet were solid, and he stepped on the earth. The scene around him finally stood still.

Gu Chen looked around, and his body was directly sucked into the mountain of the God of War Mountain by the red luminar.

"Is it true that the God of War is in the belly of the God of War Mountain?" Gu Chen's heart moved and immediately stepped forward along the cave.

After walking more than ten feet, beside the pure red cave, a flame flying up and down suddenly appeared. "Like a fire dragon flying in the air, it immediately attracted Gu Chen's attention!

"Is this a fire dragon huā?" Gu Chen strode to the flying flame and was surprised.

Fire dragon huā, golden flame grass, fire thorn fruit, fire dragon elixir (fire scale elixir), which are the four main ingredients necessary for refining pure yang elixirs. Now Guchen has got two golden flame grasses and one fire dragon elixir. In addition to the main medicine, there are also two main ingredients, When Huā got it, there was only fire fruit left.

The God of War Mountain is a great place to the sun. The belly of the God of War Mountain is the sun in the sun, which is almost pure. In addition to the gods of war in all dynasties with the God of War Order, there must be a lot of positive fairy grass in it.

As soon as he stepped into the belly of the God of War Mountain, he got a fire dragon huā, which greatly increased Gu Chen's confidence. In the God of War Mountain, he must be able to find all the materials missing from refining the pure Yangxian elixir.

Gu Chen took a look. This fire dragon huā has been used for more than 40 years and will soon mature. It is an excellent material for refining pure yang elixirs. He immediately picked the fire dragon huā into the medicine box.

After putting the medicine box into the universe bracelet, Gu Chen continued to step forward and walked to the center of the belly of the God of War Mountain. While walking, he carefully paid attention to the surrounding caves and whether there were new fairy grasses.

After walking forward for more than a hundred feet, Gu Chen found another golden flame grass, which was only more than a thousand years old. Gu Chen did not pick it and continued to move forward.

After walking more than a hundred feet again, the cave in front of him suddenly became larger. The field of vision was wide, and a cave hall with a radius of more than 200 feet appeared.

The ground of the cave hall is not flat. It is high in the middle and around the bottom, forming a high mound. In the middle, it is more than 30 feet.

The whole cave hall is red. It is extremely hot. Compared with the cave in front of it, the temperature is more than several times higher. Even Gu Chen's cultivation feels a burst of heat.

Gu Chen looked at the red cave hall in front of him and said, "I'm afraid there is some connection with the pure sun in the center of the earth, otherwise how can there be such a hot atmosphere? When the ordinary master of the secret place of Life Spring comes here, I'm afraid he will be directly roasted to death by the hot smell.

Gu Chen's current strength is not the top master at the peak of the later stage. Although he feels a little hot, such a hot can't hurt him.

As soon as he came to the cave hall, Gu Chen strode to the right front. His eyes were attracted by a plant full of fiery red fruits on the slope in front of the left.

"Fire Jingguo", Gu Chen's voice revealed a surprise.

God of War Mountain is indeed a treasure. The last main material, the fire thorn fruit, has also been found. Gu Chen looked at it. On the small plants, there were a total of thirteen fiery red fruits.

Only six fire thorns are enough to refine the amount of pure yang elixirs. These thirteen fire thorns have been mature, and all of them have been picked. Thirteen mature fire thorns are enough to refine two pure yang elixirs.

The growth place of the fire thorn fruit is very similar to the nine-yang scorching sun fruit. Where there is a nine-yang scorching sun fruit, there must be a fire thorn fruit. Where there is a fire thorn fruit grows, there is also a certain probability that the nine-yang scorching sun fruit

Now all the prescriptions of Chunyang Xiandan are complete, except for the main medicine of Jiuyang scorching sun fruit.

Gu Chen raised his eyes and looked around. He did not find the scorching sun fruit of the nine sun. However, he found another fire dragon huā, and more than ten feet away next to the fire dragon huā, there is also a plant with leaves like the light of the sun. There are nine leaves in total.

"Jiuyang grass?" Gu Chen cheered, and he was overjoyed in the fierce array of Xiaodu Tianjiu. Yin Zun Lingfeng once said to Gu Chen that Jiuyang grass is also a kind of polar yang grass. Although the positivity is not as good as the fairy grass, the Jiuyang grass is born with the scorching sun fruit of Jiuyang. Where

As long as the gods of war thousands of years ago did not pick out the nine-yang scorching sun fruit here, there must be a nine-yang scorching sun fruit here.

Gu Chen is extremely happy. "The fire dragon huā and Jiuyang grass have been collected into the medicine box." This fire dragon huā has been fully mature for nearly 6,000 years, which is more effective than the previous fire dragon huā.

After discovering the Jiuyang grass, Gu Chen began to look for the scorching sun fruit of Jiuyang with joy. Around the edge of the cave hall of more than 200 feet, he walked around. "I found a lot of positive fairy grass and advanced elixirs." Gu Chen picked the mature fairy grass and elixirs one by one, and did

"Isn't it possible to be taken away by the former God of War?" Gu Chen was puzzled in his heart.

After reading it, Gu Chen's eyes fell on the center of the cave hall, the top of the whole mound. This cave hall is more than 200 square meters. There should be a small position on the top of the mound. The cave hall has been searched everywhere, leaving only the top of the mound.

There seems to be some hope for the scorching sun.

Gu Chen looked carefully at the top of the mound "accidently found" that the red color on the top of the mound seemed to be thicker than other places, because the difference was not big. Just now, I didn't see it. Now when I take a closer look, there is still some difference.

The red light on the top of the mound is stronger, indicating that the positivity there is the heaviest, and the more positive the fruit is, the more hopeful it is to grow.

Gu Chen took three steps as two steps and immediately walked to the top of the mound.

The more he went up, Gu Chen found that the red color on the top of the mound was thicker and the temperature was hotter. Soon, Gu Chen walked about a hundred feet along the slope to the top of the sharp pile.

A blood-red light fell into Gu Chen's sight.

At the top of the mound, there is a flat land with a radius of more than ten feet. In the center of the flat, there is a ball of blood-red light, and a hot breath penetrated from the blood-red light.

"This is..."

Gu Chen walked forward and fixed his eyes on "I saw a small tree about six feet high in the center of the blood-red light, and there were nine red light spots shining on the small tree."

The blood-red light surrounded the little tree, and the nine red spots failed to shine." In fact, each red spot was a fist-sized golden fruit.

It is the fruit of the nine suns!