Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 080 Five-fold Thunder Robbery

"Five thunderstorms? In the God of War Mountain, there is actually someone who knows his body and has stepped into the period of understanding?

In the Temple of War, the goddess Shiyu and the nine big witches looked at the five thunderstorms over the God of War Mountain, and the water witch said in surprise.

Although there are many top masters in the Mingqiao period of the ancient witch clan, their status is also very high. They are all leaders of major clans. Only two years after entering the God of War Mountain, some wizards have stepped into the Mingqiao period, and even the big witch was shocked.

Tian Su Da Wu looked at the thunder disaster in the sky with a happy face and said, "It must be the rebirth of the God of War." Last year, it only took more than a year to cross the four thunder disasters, and this year it has crossed the fifth thunder disaster. "If it hadn't been for the rebirth of the God of War,

There are not many gods of war who practice "the god of war immortal body to the realm of Dacheng. Most of the gods of war" are only cultivated to the second stage. With the axe of killing and the strong physical power of all the tricks in the body can sweep the monks in the same realm.

No general, the god of war does not destroy the body, practice to three stages, the Yuanji melts the orifice." The yuan god of the god of war can still get out of the body. It is not unreasonable for the god of war to think that the great witch. The god of war uses the secret method to seal his yuan god and re

In the mountain of the God of War, Gu Chen is standing under the stone peak engraved with the God of War Sutra, stepping into the Mingqiao period. Gu Chen's body suddenly seems to be connected with heaven and earth. "The tomble of the spirit, unimpeded" body is always connected with heaven and earth.

The body is heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are the body. There is such an illusion.

At the same time, Gu Chen felt the fluctuation of the law of heaven and earth and knew that the thunder had come down.


Suddenly, there was a burst of noise, and the five thunderstorms suddenly appeared in the belly of the God of War Mountain, completely covering the whole cave hall where Gu Chen was located. The five thunderstorms were in the direction of five elements, and they bombarded down to Gu Chen.

The monk is clear-in-law, the body communicates with heaven and earth, and always gathers the power of heaven and earth into use, which has seriously violated the rules of heaven and earth. "second only to the strong who crossed the secret world" and embezzled the laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the "fifth thunderstorm is much more powerful than the previous four thunderstorms" and dozens of times stronger than the fourth thunderstorm. Generally, the top masters who step into the Mingqiao period, if there is no best fairy magic weapon to protect themselves" or if there is no powerful monk to help them recover after crossing the disaster, it is extremely difficult to survive

However, in the face of the fifth thunderstorm, Gu Chen had no fear or tension on his face.

Stepping into the Mingqiao period, Gu Chen's strength has doubled several times. At this moment, even if the acupuncture point is activated, I'm afraid that the top master who has more than the limit of the Mingqiao period can only draw with Gu Chen. If Gu Chen's cards are fully opened, the top master of the limit of the Mingqiao

In an instant, the five-fold thunder disaster hit Gu Chen's body. Gu Chen's body operated "the god of war immortal body", and the thunder disaster into the body, all of which were driven by the operation breath of the god of war immortal body. According to the "the running trajectory of the god of war immortal body, in an instant, he walked

The thunder disaster is fleeting. Between the fingers, it disappeared without a trace. Gu Chen's body was bright and undamaged. On the contrary, because of the dredging of the thunder disaster, the internal meridians are more smooth. The immortal body of the god of war is more relaxed.

, the god of war immortal body, the second activated trick "the tonk of the foot" is ready to move under the impact of the thunder disaster, and is about to be activated.

Gu Chen opened the fourth floor of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, and settled the virtual purple mandarin duck in the area of the fourth floor that decelerated ten times in time. He immediately sat under the stone peak engraved with the God of War Sutra, and continued to practice while the iron was hot.

, the trick of the spirit of heaven, communicate with the sky" takes the power of heaven and earth as its use, and the operation of the "God of War immortal body" immediately begins to impact, the trick of the heart,.

, the trick of the spirit of heaven, communicate with the sky, "the trick of the heart of the heart, communicate with the earth, these two tricks are activated" can communicate with heaven and earth, integrate with heaven and earth, gather the power of heaven and earth in the body, continuous, endless, and will never be exhausted.

Most of the physical and mental acupuncture methods of the secret book are almost all from the "heart's tonk's tonk", which is much lower than the "Heavenly and spiritual's tonk" activated by the "God of War's Star Sutra" and "foot's heart's".

It is difficult to activate the first trick, and it is much easier to activate the second trick.

It's easy to say, but it's only relative to the first trick. It took Gu Chen more than a year to successfully activate the trick of the heart. Even if it is ten times easier, it will take a lot of time.

What's more, "the trick of the spirit of heaven is only one in the top of the head, and the trick of the heart" has two left and right feet and two hearts.

Gu Chen's cultivation has already reached the realm of Pigu. "Since the activation of theqiao qiao of the heavenly spirit, it has always absorbed the power of heaven and earth, kept the mind fresh, and greatly shortened the time when the mind is sleepy. You don't have to rest every night, just rest once every ten days and a half months.

Guchen's impact, the trick of the heart" has been sitting for more than half a month, without any pause, and the left and right feet and the trick of the heart are all activated.

, the know-trick of the heart, once, Gu Chen stepped on the earth, you can feel the fluctuation of the earth, the endless power of the earth, from the ancient Chen, the know-how of the heart, poured into the body of Gu Chen, as long as the foot on the earth, the mana will never be exhausted.

One "trick of the spirit" and two "tricks of the heart", Gu Chen's tricks have been activated three.

Activate two "heart-to-heart tricks" Gu Chen stepped on the earth and poured into the body, making the body, which was originally a little tired, suddenly refreshed.

Activation, the secret of the spirit of heaven. The monk can not rest for ten days and a half a month without being tired, and then activate, and the monk can not rest for a whole month without being tired.

The strong people who cross the secret world have activated more than a hundred of tricks on their bodies. If they have the same strength, they may not be able to win or lose for several months and decades. Both of them have endless power. Unless there is a big difference in strength, they will win or lose.

Gu Chen took the golden flame grass and sensed a total of more than 60 tricks. Compared with the uninduced tricks, Gu Chen can activate the golden flame grass faster. The effect of the medicine is not infinite, and it only takes two or three years.

As soon as the time passes and the effect of the medicine is over, the original inductive acupuncture point will lose its sense again, and you have to slowly explore it.

, foot and heart double tricks, as soon as it is activated, Gu Chen immediately began to activate the next trick "smart double tricks.

, smart double tricks, divided into, ear intelligence's tricks, and, eye intelligence's tricks" activate ear intelligence's tricks, which can make both ears communicate with the air of heaven and earth, and can hear the fluctuation of sound in the air more clearly"

Even whispers a hundred miles away can be heard clearly.

The activation of the key point is also completely incomplete. The more thoroughly activated, the stronger the effect will be.

It is said that in ancient times, "there are thousands of miles of eyes,, downwind ears" is to activate the tricks of eyes and "the tricks of ear intelligence, to an extremely thorough realm, you can hear the sound of thousands of miles away or even thousands of miles away" can see the scene thousands of miles away, or even 100,000 miles away.

Activated, smart double orifice "makes the monk's eyes and ears smart", it is activated, the nasal cavity double orifice, "the orifice of the lips and tongue, the orifice of the throat,,, the orifice of the eyebrows,, the thirty-six orifices of the head, the activation, After that, the breath of heaven and earth breathed by the monk was ten times more than before he knew it"

Even a hundred times, a thousand times..., take a breath, it can be used for months, or even years to exhale"

The person who activates the acupuncture point thoroughly, even for decades, can completely hold his breath for hundreds of years.

What's more, the nasal cavity double orifice, which activates the complete, after stepping into the secret realm of the void, the nasal pronunciation contains the law of heaven and earth, making an unpredictable sound.

Rumor has it that in ancient times, there are, hum,, ha, two immortals. "Hum, the immortal is to activate the "double orifice of the nasal cavity to the extreme. With just a hum in the nasal cavity, the attack of the sound wave is enough to kill the strong who crossed the virtual secret world in seconds.

Activated, the trick of lips and tongue" allows monks to distinguish all kinds of flavors.

Activate, throat trick" can make the throat emit larger and stronger sound waves. Using the skill of sound killing, it is ten times more powerful.

Rumor has it that in ancient times, there are, hum,, ha, two immortals. Ha, the immortals have activated the "teer's throat to the extreme. They only need to shout "ha" sound wave attack, which is enough to kill the strong who crossed the virtual secret world in seconds.

Activate the "eyebrow's trick, which can make the sea of knowledge completely connected with the outside world, make the yuanshen refreshing, relieve fatigue, let the monk rest longer, and make the power of the yuanshen directly communicate with the world, which is more powerful.

Activate "Thirty-six orifices of the skull,...

The yuan god lives in the middle of the eyebrows, and the center of the eyebrows is in the head.

The monk is the yuan god who controls the body, and also the mind controls the body. It gives priority to activating the acupuncture points of the head, which can make the monk smarter, can perfectly play his own strength, and control the body more smoothly.

The practice order of the tricks of the God of War, except for the tricks on the head of the "foot and heart", it is in front of all the tricks.

Time is like running water. A year has passed in a flash. In this year, Gu Chen sat under the stone peak and only rested four times, on average every three months. After a year of practice, all the tricks of Gu Chen's head have been activated, and there are 49.

Activate 49 tricks in a year. This speed is enough to shock and shame any monk in the world. The general top master in the clear trick period can activate one trick in a year" is already very amazing.

How many top masters in the Mingqiao period, after stepping into the Mingqiao period, it is difficult to activate a key point in ten years. After hundreds of years, it is also difficult to activate dozens of tricks. The cultivation is always fixed in the early stage of the Mingqiao period, and you can't make an inch.

Even if it is a peerless genius in the late stage of the Mingqiao period and the limit of the Mingqiao period, it is difficult to activate three or four acupuncture points in a year.