Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 120 Pangu Emperor

In this place where countless mortals gathered, he actually got a supreme fairy treasure, which surprised Gu Chen.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary supreme fairy treasure, but the fairy treasure of the Black Water Emperor, one of the five emperors in ancient times.

Gu Chen carefully observed this dark jade pendant, with an ancient and vicissitudes of life on it, as if to tell the ruthlessness of time.

In the jade pendant, the breath of the Black Water Emperor, the world-class strong man, has been very thin. Even Gu Chen can only feel it weakly, but the strong pressure contained in that faint breath is far less than that of super strong people such as Wu Xing and Holy Emperor Ji Yao.

With Gu Chen's keen sensing power, he can only faintly sense the breath of this dark jade pendant. It can be imagined that ordinary immortals may get this jade pendant. They don't know that this is a supreme fairy treasure, and they think it is an ordinary jade pendant.

As for mortals, not to mention.

As for a supreme fairy treasure left by the ancient black water, it will actually be in the hands of a mortal robber leader? Gu Chen frowned and was really puzzled.

This dark jade pendant, the family tradition of Yan Fei's head Qinglong, was not forcibly robbed by others.

More than 30 years ago, Li Qingshui was also an ordinary villager. Although he was short-tempered, his strength was not much. With the momentum of fearless, few people could beat him alone, but two or three, Li Qingshui was not an opponent. Therefore, Li Qingshui was decided to "sin the river" by several villages. The punishment, without any resistance, was tied up and thrown into the river.

At the bottom of the river, when Li Qingshui was dying, he saw the dark jade pendant, lying quietly in the mud and sand at the bottom of the river. Li Qingshui's body just pressed on the top of the dark jade pendant.

When Li Qingshui couldn't hold his breath, he finally instinctively gasped in the bottom of the river.

However, something strange happened. It was strange that Li Qingshui could breathe in the water and did not choke to death because he took the water to the trachea when he was breathing.

Moreover, Li Qingshui's power also became strangely bigger and broke free from the bondage.

Such strange things are all due to the dark jade pendant at the bottom of the river. Although Li Qingshui can't see what's outstanding about this dark jade pendant, he knows that this is a great treasure,

Wearing it on his body, he has incredible power.

Therefore, from now on, Li Qingshui carried this dark jade pendant close to his body, which led to the slaughter of more than 3,000 people in four villages with the power of one person.

Whether it is Li Qingshui 30 years ago or Qinglong, the great leader after the establishment of Qinglong Village, he has been carrying this dark jade pendant for 30 years. This jade pendant not only brings him incredible power, but also retains the magic effect of youth.

After 30 years, Li Qingshui's appearance is only less than ten years old. Qinglong, who is nearly huājia, looks like a middle-aged man under 40 this year.

The sudden appearance of the light giant hand in the sky made everyone frightened and frightened, full of fear of unknown forces.

The whole scene was suddenly silent, and all the battles stopped.

Slumnill, a fierce scream roared from the mouth of the big head of the green dragon. Everyone looked at it and saw the appearance of the green dragon, at a speed visible to the naked eye, instantly aging, the skin from tight to loose, the hair from blue and black to gray, the muscles from strong to atroph The body changed from a young man to an old dragon clock in the blink of an eye.

All the people present witnessed the transformation of a middle-aged man to an old man of vicissitudes.



Two loud noises, the two big hammers of the big green dragon fell from his hand.

Qinglong looked at his weak hands, and his eyes were full of disbelief. In the blink of an eye, he lost his youth, power, and everything returned to normal.

A cold light was like a prism. The long gun in Gu Chen's hand stabbed forward. The green dragon was still in shock. His consciousness wanted to flash, but his body did not respond. He was shot through the throat by a long gun and killed in an instant.

The Qinglong, who lost the immortal treasure left by the Black Water Emperor, is simply an ordinary old man and can't stand a hit.

The long gun shook and pulled out of Qinglong's throat. Blood gushed out of the blood hole, with surprise and shock in his eyes. Qinglong's body fell aside.

Gu Chen kicked the long gun in his hand to the side, swept his eyes at the robbers, and shouted, "The big leader's green dragon is dead. Those who continue to resist are dead, and those who surrender are alive!"

, "Drink" the villagers shouted loudly, and the Qinglong, the master who had been famous for 30 years, died, which made the villagers very happy and their morale soared. The sense of fear just now dissipated like smoke, and there was joy and [excitement] in their eyes.

In contrast, when the robbers in Qinglongzhai died, the pillars in their hearts also collapsed in an instant. Who did they fight for? It was meaningless. Hearing Gu Chen shouting, he immediately threw down the saber in his hand, ran to the ground, and shouted for surrender.

The head of the family brought a total of 1,000 robbers. In Qinglong Village, only less than a hundred robbers were left to guard the village. Although the battle just now was fierce, it did not last long. Since ancient times, the light palms transformed by the pure yang qi appeared, and the battle stopped in an instant.

There are not many people killed on both sides. There are more than 800 robbers left.

The surrenderers of Qinglongzhai in front of the Qinglongzhai, Guchen killed it because there is a big head in Qinglongzhai, and the surrenderers of Qinglongzhai can't really surrender. As long as the big head comes, they will definitely turn against each other. Therefore, it is better to kill it.

Now, the head of Qinglongzhai is dead, Qinglongzhai is about to cease to exist, and the robbers of Qinglongzhai have nowhere to go, and it is difficult to have a strange heart.

These more than 800 robbers are all elites who can fight. Under their command, the strength of Gu Chen can be greatly increased, so Gu Chen has dropped.

Gu Chen collected more than 800 robbers in Qinglongzhai, and his military strength reached more than 3,000,300.

It was night, and another good news came. Gu Zhou led 500 soldiers to capture Qinglongzhai and get food,

There are countless weapons and money to save 100 male slaves and 900 female slaves in the village.

The next day, Gu Chen personally led an army to Qinglongzhai to accept the harvest of Qinglongzhai.

Less than ten miles out of Gujia Village, a bloody man came in front of him. Seeing Gu Chen's army, he shouted, "Qinglongzhai was attacked by officers and soldiers..."

The vanguard was shocked and asked, "The soldiers in the village cut" what?"

The bloody man said in tears, "The officers and soldiers want to seize the money and grain in the village. Lord Gu vowed to resist to the death and die in the battlefield. Five hundred brothers died at the hands of officers and soldiers, and few escape."

The news came to Gu Chen's ears. Gu Chen was furious and Lei Ding broke out. So he summoned an army in front of the tent, cut the blood and swore not to avenge the killing of his brother. The five thunders bombarded, the sky struck the thunder, and there was no place to be buried. He wanted to kill

A war of treason began immediately, the heart of the valley dust changed greatly, and an iron-blooded battle began.

At this time, the State of Chen experienced droughts and floods, the people were poor, the taxes were heavy, and the people could not make a living. The war of treason in Gu Chen was supported by most of the people. In less than ten days, an army of more than 20,000 people was assembled.

The State of Chen sent 20,000 elite soldiers to encircle and suppress it, but he was defeated by the courage of the war, the plot of Gu Chen, after three months,

Twenty thousand elite soldiers were destroyed, and all of them died in the war. No one escaped, no one was surrendered, and no one was injured.

More and more poor people responded to the anti-boxing army. In March, Gu Chen had gathered an army of 50,000.

Destroyed the 20,000 elite soldiers who came to fight, and Gu Chen waved his army westward to attack Wangjiang City, the easternmost city of the State of Chen.

The city was broken in half a month, and the officials and generals in the city were killed, with a total of more than 36,000 people.

Gu Chen took Wangjiang City as his base camp and recruited soldiers and horses. In a year, he repulsed the army of the State of Chen three times and destroyed more than 50,000 people. Gu Chen's soldiers developed rapidly and formed an army of 200,000 people.

A year later, Gu Chen personally led a large army and continued to march westward. In three years, he broke through ten big cities and 48 small cities in the State of Chen, and massacred more than one million officials and soldiers of them.

At the end of the fourth year, Gu Chen captured the capital of the State of Chen. Emperor Chen and the crown prince fled to the State of Zhao. In the capital, there were more than 30,000 royal families of the State of Chen, more than 10,000 officials, and more than 100,000 soldiers. They were ordered by Gu Chen again. No one was left behind and all of them

In four years, Gu Chen was no longer the ignorant teenager in Gujia Village, but became a frightening iron-blooded emperor.

As early as after he captured the treasure of the Blackwater Emperor from Qinglong, Gu Chen led the army to rebel. Gu Chen had no reason to stay with him, so he never met him again. However, Gu Chen had never been far away from Gu Chen. He was silently watching Gu Chen's life in the dark.

Gu Chen's personality change made Gu Chen somewhat surprised. The murderous intentions of the two were so similar. However, although the two also killed many people, Gu Chen did not really slaughter the collector to the end, and Gu Chen was deeply involved in it.

Emperor Chen and the crown prince fled to the State of Zhao. Gu Chen sealed the battle as a general of Pingbei University, leading 300,000 soldiers to conquer the State of Zhao.

The State of Zhao is located in the north of the State of Chen. Gu Chen sealed Sima Yan as the general of the west of the town, leading 100,000 soldiers to guard the west to prevent the invasion of the west.

Feng Guanqi was the general of Zhennan, leading 100,000 troops to guard the waters of the southern Dajiang River.

Zhang Yuan was appointed as a general to protect the country, leading 100,000 soldiers to guard the imperial capital.

There are also 200,000 guards stationed in the imperial capital, led by the grain dust.

At the beginning of the fifth year, General Pingbei University won the first victory in the war, attacking two big cities and ten small cities in the State of Zhao.

In March, Gu Chen announced that he ascended the throne to the throne. In order to commemorate his brother Gu Zhou, the name of the founding of the country was "Pan" and the self-proclaimed "Pan Emperor". The world called it "Pangu Emperor".

At that time, Gu Chen was 21 years old.

Gu Chen ascended the throne as emperor, married Zhang Xiao, Zhang Yuan's sister, as his wife, and became the queen.

Five years ago, Zhang Xiao was almost robbed by the three heads of Qinglongzhai to Qinglongzhai. Although the three heads were killed by Gu Chen at that time, the first one to take action for Zhang Xiao was Cheng Zhan. Since then, Zhang Xiao and Cheng Zhan have been secretly in love.

Five years later, there has been a battle for years. I don't have much free time, but with Zhang Xiao, I remember the secret agreement and become a lover.

Gu Chen married Zhang Xiao, became furious, no longer attacked Zhao, led 300,000 troops, and attacked the reverse disk.