Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 075 Green Tree Grass (Add Update)

With only four punches, Gu Chen's fist has hit the body of King Qinghua.

In the four breaths, the magic vine king only teleported four times, and only approached more than 200 miles, more than 700 miles away from Gu Chen and Qinghua King.

At this moment, the Magic Vine King opened his mouth and looked at this scene in shock.

The strongest of the plant creatures, the king of Qinghua, the super strong man at the peak of the early void, was hit by thousands of feet in the hands of Gu Chen with only four punches.

The king of green birch is cultivated from a green birch god forest, which is equivalent to the dragon clan among animal creatures. Under the same level of cultivation, it is almost the existence of a king.

Whether it is the human race or the demon race, the super strong man in the early stage of the void, no one is the enemy of the king of Qinghua. Among the monks below the early stage of the void, the king of Qinghua is the king, and almost no one is unmatched.

However, the King of Qinghua was defeated.

Moreover, he was defeated by a monk in the later period of Tengyun.

At first, Gu Chen said that he had killed Zang Kunxuan in the early days of the void, and the Demon Vine King was still a little skeptical, but at this moment, he fully believed that Gu Chen had the strength to kill Zang Kunxuan.

"It is also the cultivation of Tengyun in the later period. Although my magic vine has lived for countless years and is full of immortal power, he can also fight when he meets the strong in the early stage of driving fog. However, compared with Gu Chen's Taoist friends, the difference between them is too big. Unexpectedly, even the super strong in the Cultivation, if he steps into the fog period, can he compete with the super strong in the void period and the later stage? Pervert... It's simply too perverted. If he steps into the void period, and no one will be his opponent in the whole ancient wilderness, won't he be invincible in the world?

The body of the magic vine king Fei Xiao suddenly stood still in the void. He stared at the body of the king of Qinghua in front of him and muttered. The expression on his face, one was shocked and the other was incredible.

The Magic Vine King is shocking enough, but there is another person who is more shocking than the Magic Vine King, that is, the King of Qinghua.

Thousands of years ago, in the war between the three races, there were many people who died at the hands of the King of Qinghua and the strong people of the two witches.

His strong strength" Even the super strongman in the early stage of the void will be injured in his hand. Even if he meets the super strong man in the void period, he can retreat peacefully. A serious injury a thousand years ago was injured in the hand of a super strong Strike in the late void.

Today, he was defeated by Gu Chen, who was only in the late stage of Tengyun. The shock in his heart can be imagined, which made him have a dream-like illusion. His mind was buzzing, blank and unbelievable.

Although King Qinghua was hit by a thousand feet in an instant, his body was strong, which was better than the "middle-grade defense fairy treasure" and was not hurt.

However, the strong vibration made the fairy power in the Qinghua King [body] more chaotic, and the brain was also blank, and it was impossible to resist at all.

"And the fifth punch!"

At this moment, Gu Chen's shout suddenly sounded again.

The king of Qinghua retreated quickly, and the speed of Gu Chen's teleportation was faster. In an instant, he wore through the void, and went thousands of feet away from the king of Qinghua, and punched out.

This punch is also the strongest strength and peak blow that Gu Chen can give out of the "God of War Star Fist" with 32 punches.

Fast as lightning, the huge fist heavier than the mountain fell on the king of Qinghua in an instant.


With a shocking explosion, the body of the king of Qinghua, together with the thousands of feet of emptiness after the fist, disappeared in an instant, and all turned into nothingness, forming a vacuum.

"Bad" The magic vine king was shocked, and the green birch king was directly beaten to the shadow of Tao.

However, the shock of the magic vine king only existed for a moment. The void more than 200 miles ahead suddenly cracked, and a human shadow burst out. In an instant, he rowed more than 20,000 feet in the void. The trend of the human shadow explosion did not decrease until he crossed more than 40,000 feet. When he reached the front of the demon , just stop.

This figure is not the king of Qinghua, and who is it?

This punch completely collapsed thousands of feet of void. The body of the Qinghua King penetrated about 500 miles in the void before reappeared in the void, like teleportation.


, he shot more than 200 miles, was stopped by the Magic Vine King, and retreated more than 700 miles.

At this moment, the king of the green birch was embarrassed, with blood stains hanging on the corners of his mouth. On the strong body, there were several cracks. Blood flowed from the cracks, and it was obvious that he had suffered a serious injury.

The fist bombarded by Gu Chen is the middle-grade defense fairy treasure of the "God of War Star Extinction Fist" with 32 punches, which can be destroyed with one punch. Although the body of the Qinghua King is stronger than the middle-grade defense fairy treasure, it is not much stronger. He was continuously hit by Gu Chen's " The reason for the injury?

This is still because the king of Qinghua is a living creature, and the [body] is shrouded in fairy power. Although it is bursting and unable to fight back, it can protect the body independently. Otherwise, with the hardness of the body alone, even two punches will be bombarded into pieces by Gu Chen's fist.

Even if there is immortal power to protect the body, the king of Qinghua is also seriously injured. His eyes are full of shock and horror, mixed with some fear.

The attack power of Gu Chen's boxing is so terrible. With a few more punches, even if he is a super strong man in the void period or a green birch god tree, I'm afraid he will be bombarded into pieces and the god will be destroyed.

The king of Qinghua doesn't know that "the god of war destroys the star fist, which consumes immortal power very much. With Gu Chen's strong pure yang immortal power now, he can only bombard more than 100 punches, reaching the limit, only about 200 punches, just...

Only five punches "God of War Star Fist" were continuously bombard of "God of War Star Fist", but they were all fused into one punch. In fact, it is equivalent to more than 100 punches. The pure yang fairy power in the [body] is basically consumed. It is impossible to directly destroy the king of Qinghua.

However, Gu Chen's magic power is not only the "God of War Star Fist, but also many fairy treasures. The King of Qinghua has been seriously injured. Even if he does not use the "Breaking Finger" to kill the King of Qinghua, it is not difficult.

The body of the Qinghua King was just picked up by the Magic Rattan King. Gu Chen flashed through the void for hundreds of miles and teleported directly to the front of the two people.

Gu Chen said, "King Qinghua, Zang Kunxuan didn't even catch me. He was killed by me in an instant. You are proud enough to pick me up five punches."

The sound is positive, and there is no sign that the fairy power is consumed too much?

Zang Kunxuan was also a super strong man in the early days of the void, and he also survived the war of the three races thousands of years ago. King Qinghua was naturally familiar with it.

I heard Gu Chen say that Zang Kunxuan was killed by him in seconds, and the face of the king of Qinghua was even more shocked.

The magic vine king also showed his surprise again. Although the attack power of Gu Chen's fist just bombardment was very horrible, even the super strongman in the early stage of the void would be injured, it was obviously not enough to kill a strong man in the early stage of the void in seconds. In this way, isn't there a more

Seeing that the King of Qinghua was stunned, Gu Chen said, "King of Qinghua, you are defeated. Hand over the green trees and grass.

The king of Qinghua wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and said, "...Green trees and grass, I didn't take it with me. You follow me back to the Qinghua Valley, and I'll give it to you."

After saying that, the king of Qinghua was about to turn around and go to the valley of Qinghua. Gu Chen's voice sounded coldly: "King of Qinghua, if you want to trap me with the big array of wood, you are very wrong. The king of magic vine is my friend. You were arrogant in front of me before. I There are many fallen strong people. I have even killed the strong man of the human race, and I don't care about killing one more foreign strong man.

Gu Chen is the master of the array master. The three five elements of fire, water and earth have been thoroughly in the heart. For the "golden array", it is almost the same as the "wood killing array". When you enter the array, you will not be trapped by the array, but will completely deduce the array according to the formation.

In the deepest part of the Green Fair Valley, covered by the large array of wood, how can Gu Chen not know?

The body of the king of Qinghua suddenly stopped, and his body shook slightly. He turned around and said, "Do you know the big array of wood?"

Gu Chen said, "No talent, the five elements of the array, can't trap me."

The five elements are a super array composed of five ancient arrays of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, which can be trapped by the immortals in the Taoist period.

Listening to what Gu Chen said, the faces of the Magic Vine King and the Green Hua King were shocked again.

The magic vine king said, "King of green birch, it's just a "green tree and grass, why make it a life-and-death situation?"

The face of the king of Qinghua changed. What he just thought was to introduce Gu Chen into the "big array of wood, and kill it with the big array of wood. Unexpectedly, Gu Chen had such a high attainment in the formation. It seemed that the "big array of wood" was not in his eyes.

"If the big array of wood can't trap him, I and he will become a life-and-death situation, but the big array of wood, even the king can't understand it. How many years has he only been a monk of the clan? With such rapid cultivation growth, will there be so much time to understand the array?

"Looking at the way he is confident, it seems that he really has the same achievements in the formation! That's all, a "green tree and grass, it's just useless to me. Forget it. I'm going to break through the void period soon. Today's humiliation, he will ask him to pay it back ten times every day!"

The king of Qinghua turned his mind for a while, raised his hand, and a medicine box appeared in his hand. He threw it at Gu Chen and said, "Here you are!"

As soon as Gu Chen stretched out his arm, the pure yang fairy turned into a huge palm of Qi. He grabbed the medicine box in his hand and opened it. When he opened it, the medicine box was really "green trees and grass, it's true.

With the green trees and grass in hand, Gu Chen can refine the "Wu Xu Dan". With the Wu Xu Dan, you can step into the early stage of driving fog for several years and ten years later.

Gu Chen was overjoyed and stepped into the early stage of the driving fog. If he could get the origin of wood again, maybe his cultivation would make a breakthrough and step into the middle of the driving fog.

With the cultivation in the middle of the fog, there is also a "forbidden fairy charm" in hand, which can reduce the enemy's cultivation to a level. He has enough strength to enter the heavenly court, fight with the King of Jinpeng, and bring Xiaobai out of the heavenly court.