Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 072 The Origin of the Earth

"Chen'er!" As soon as Gu Chen left the Liantian Mountains, he heard the divine voice of his father's ancient sky in his mind.

Gu Chen's figure paused, and the golden light flashed in his eyebrows. Ruyi Linglong Pagoda flew out. As soon as the door of the fourth floor of the tower was opened, the ancient sky came out of the pagoda.

In the area of the fourth floor of the pagoda, the time accelerated ten times. After more than 40 years, the ancient sky finally refined the medicinal power of the 'bone-eating flower'. More than 30 years ago, the ancient sky had already stepped into the early stage of Tengyun with the 'bone-eating flower', and today's cultivation has

A bone-eating flower has such an effect. It is worthy of the supreme fairy grass grown in the corpses of the immortals who have succeeded in the Tao. The effect is really amazing.

Seeing the ancient sky, Gu Chen's eyes lit up and said, "Father, have you completely refined and absorbed the power of the 'bone-eating flower'?"

Gu Cangqiong nodded: "I used to live in the remote place of Leshui City, and I haven't even seen the monks in the secret land of the Divine Sea. At the beginning, I was very satisfied when I stepped into the secret land of the life spring. I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to step into the "

Gu Chen said, "Without a father, there is no child. If there is a chance, the child should strive for his father. What's more, the father's qualifications are smart. Even without the help of the child, it is only a matter of time before he steps into the secret world."

The thought of the ancient sky seemed to recall the past. Suddenly, it was a little gloomy and said, "Without your mother, our father and son would have been ordered to spring Huangquan. I once promised her to support the ancient family well. Unfortunately, the whole Leshui City was destroyed by Ji Yao's dog emperor. Fortunately, the ancient family left If you don't know how to explain it to your mother.

Speaking of the Holy Emperor Jiyao, a burst of anger rose in Gu Chen's heart and said, "Father, Leshui City is ahead today. I will refine the body of the dog Emperor Jiyao into a statue, so that he will live forever and kneel on the edge of Leshui City."

When he killed the Holy Emperor Jiyao, Gu Chen had planned to refine the body of the Holy Emperor Jiyao into a statue and kneel on the side of Leshui City to atone for his sins. However, because he was not strong enough, he was not suitable to stay outside the Xutian Sect for too long to avoid being besieged by the strong of

Today, I came back from the demon heavenly court. The Liantian Mountains are only more than a million miles away from the location of Leshui City. For Gu Chen, it is more than ten breathing time.

Xuanyuan Tomb is thousands of miles away from Leshui City. When Gu Chen went to Xuanyuan Tomb, he had to pass by near Leshui City, just on the way.

Gu Chen took the ancient sky and kept shuttling through the void. In an instant, it was 7,000 to 80,000 miles. It didn't take long to come to the location of the former Leshui City. Now, it has turned into a lake in the shape of a palm print of thousands of feet.

Only Lingfu Mountain, which is more than a hundred feet high, still stands aside. Looking south, the towering Taishan Mountains are vivid in my mind.

Gu Chen and Gu Cangqiong fell on the edge of the 'Giant Palm Lake', and Gu Chen took out the body of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao.

As the strongest man in the early days of the Taoism, Shenghuang Jiyao's body has been very strong. Even for tens of thousands of years, there will be no change. Except for a hole in his chest the size of the mouth of the bowl caused by 'breaking the sky', there are no other wounds on his whole body.

However, no matter how strong the body is in the early days of the Tao, no matter how strong the body is, it will still decay after more than 10,000 years. Even the strong man in the early stage of the Taoism will die after more than 10,000 years, not to mention a physical body?

Therefore, Gu Chen had to refine the body of the Holy Emperor Jiyao and refine it into a fairy treasure-like existence. The body of the world-class strong man is almost equivalent to the essence of the supreme fairy treasure, refined into a fairy treasure-like existence, which can almost never decay in the eternal years.

Gu Chen refined the body of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao next to the old site of Leshui City. The news that he, Wu Xing and Long Yuan entered the heavenly court and killed the Holy Eagle King alone was quickly transmitted to the holy court Yuxiao City and the temple of war with the witch clan like wings.

More than four years ago, Gu Chen broke through the Tianchan Temple and killed the Venerable Jintai, which has shocked the whole ancient wilderness fairyland. Today, there is another strongest of the strongest among the worlds, who fell into the hands of Gu Chen. Moreover, it is still the demon clan whose overall strength is far stronger than that of Buddhism, and it

Yuxiao City, Temple of War!

For the strong rise of Gu Chen, the holy court and the strong of the witch clan, an emergency meeting was held.

There is no doubt that whether it is the Holy Court or the witch, these two giant forces have felt a huge crisis from Gu Chen.

The strong rise of Gu Chen has affected the survival of the two giant forces.

Of course, it was vigorously promoted by Ji Lingxu and Tianmu Dawu. In fact, whether Gu Chen broke the Buddhist sect or attacked the heavenly court, he did not kill the strong men of the Buddhism and the demon clan, but only killed their leaders.

Therefore, it is not the Holy Court and the witch clan that really live and die, but Ji Lingxu and Tianmu Dawu, the two world-class strong men at the first level in the past.

After fierce discussion, the Holy Court finally made up its mind to defend the 'Yuxiao City'. With the powerful power inherited by the Hundred Holy Pavilion, many world-class strong people in the early days of the Taoism control the 'Haoyuan Tianhang Town Demon Array', which should be able to stop Gu Chen's attack. If even this can' If the city goes to Gu Chen to fight to the death, he will only die faster.

However, the meeting of the Temple of War is a completely different result from the Holy Court.

As the god of war of the ancient witch clan, Gu Chen has established a strong prestige in the ancient witch clan. Although the Tianmu witch controlled the temple of war and the whole ancient witch clan by unworldly means, to now, the people of the ancient witch clan still regard Gu Chen as the god of war in their hearts.

For Gu Chen, the Temple of War is far less powerful than the defense of Yuxiao City, because the refuge of the ancient witch clan can't stop Gu Chen's footsteps at all. Gu Chen is clear about this.

Even if the Tianmu witch hides in the shelter and connects the shelter with the array on the ground, Gu Chen has the 'God of War Order' on his body, which can also be strongly opened and enter the shelter. In this way, the Tianmu witch will have nowhere to avoid.

As long as Gu Chen's strength is strong enough, Tianmu will have no way to escape.

Referring to the end of the Venerable Jintai and the Holy Eagle King, Tianmu is completely sure that Gu Chen will not let him go.

When the Venerable Jintai fell, Tianmu Dawu thought that with the 'Jiushadu Tianda Array', it was enough to compete with Gu Chen. Therefore, after killing Gu Chen at that time, Tianmu Dawu also chose to lurk and no longer directly confront Gu Chen, but practiced in the temple of War.

I have been trapped near the Xianfan Channel for ten thousand years, and I can't practice for such a long time. Now I have returned to the ancient fairyland. The great fortune of heaven and earth in the ancient times has come. The heavenly witch has been closed for more than four years, and the strength has improved, which has increased

However, today there was news that the Holy Eagle King died at the hands of Gu Chen. Tianmu Dawu found that he was wrong. He far underestimated Gu Chen's growth potential. His repeated growth of strength was completely a joke for Gu Chen.

More than four years ago, the Venerable Jintai fell into the hands of Gu Chen. At that time, with the help of the power of 'Jiushadu Tiandaxing', Tianmu Dawu also had the strength to kill Jintai Venerable through the 'Jiushadu Tianda Array'. Therefore, although Guchen's strength

But now, the Holy Eagle King has fallen into the hands of Gu Chen. Gu Chen did not use the 'Jiusadu Tian Array' to kill the Holy Eagle King with his own strength alone.

What does this mean?

It shows that Gu Chen's own strength has far exceeded that of Tianmu Dawu. If we use the 'Jiushadu Tianda Array', even if Tianmu Dawu forms the 'Jiushadu Tianda Array' side, they are all unrivaled strong people in the early Hedao, and the strength of Gu Chen is only

Gu Chen's strength has grown so rapidly that it has seriously threatened the safety of Tianmu Dawu. If Gu Chen's cultivation goes further, then Tianmu Dawu will no longer be Gu Chen's opponent with the help of 'Jiujiadu Tianda Array'.

Tianmu Witch can meet. Once Gu Chen has the strength to kill him, he will never be soft-hearted, and he has nowhere to escape.

Therefore, Tianmu Dawu has made up his mind that he will never give Gu Chen a chance to grow up again. This time, he must kill Gu Chen, because for every step of Gu Chen's growth, Tianmu Dawu is closer to death.

Gu Chen's whereabouts are no longer a secret. After learning that Gu Chen left the heavenly court, he stayed in the extreme east of Middle Earth and the place where he was involved with the eastern wilderness. Until now, he has not left. It is said that it was once Gu Chen's hometown.

Tianmu's great witch hesitated. Regardless of whether his wizards were willing or not, he led all 30 powerful wizards out of the temple of war and went to the place where the ancient Chen of Middle-earth was located.

On that day, when the big witch and his party were close to Gu Chen 100,000 miles, Gu Chen's sensitive body had already felt a group of powerful unrivaled people flying to him, flying to him at a fast speed.

Gu Chen knew the breath of the strong witch clan in his heart, especially the Tianmu big witch. Gu Chen deliberately remembered that those who knew that they came were all the strongest of the ancient witch clan.

Gu Chen's strength is not what it used to be. Although the strength of the comers is strong and the number is large, Gu Chen has nothing in his heart. The body of the Holy Emperor Ji Yao has been refined into a statue, which has been basically completed. Gu Chen keeps moving and continues to refine, quietly waiting for the arrival of the world-class strong


Gu Chen suddenly frowned. The world-class strongman of the ancient witch, thousands of miles away from him, stopped moving forward and landed on the ground, which was near the Dragon Mountains, where the former Giant Spirit Gate was located.

Under the Julingmen site, it is the entrance to the tomb of Xuanyuan Emperor, and it is also the place where Gu Chen successfully refined the body of the Holy Emperor Jiyao and is ready to go.

The four major origins of gold, wood, water and fire have been obtained. The only missing source of earth is in the Xuanyuan Hall in the Xuanyuan tomb.