Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 059 Zhentianlan

As a breakthrough in the later period of Hedao, Gu Chen's strength increased exponentially.

The origin of the five elements in the body has been refined and integrated more and more. For the use of the origin of the five elements, Gu Chen has reached another level.

Killing the strong of the five elements and three disasters is as easy as a palm, almost like cutting melons and cutting vegetables. Compared with the strong of the five elements and four disasters, the strength is not weak.

Moreover, it is basically impossible for the strong of the five elements and four disasters to kill the strong of the five elements and three disasters, because the strong of the five elements and three disasters are the master and the creator in the world they have created, and the strong of the five elements and four disasters are not opponents.

And the power of Gu Chen comes from the origin of the five elements. No matter in any world, the power will not be weakened.

Ji Yusheng, Shanghua Dao and the Blood Wheel Dharma King are all strong men of five elements and three disasters. Gu Chen's cultivation broke through the later stage of the road and killed the three people with the momentum of destruction, but none of them escaped.

Killed the Blood Wheel Fa King, and Gu Chen's figure flashed and teleported into the endless void. In an instant, he appeared in front of Long Yutian and Long Tenghai.

"You--you killed Ji Yusheng, Shanghuadao, and Blood Wheel Fawang--?"

Long Yutian's eyes widened and looked at Gu Chen in shock, and his voice trembled a little.

In the later stage of Hedao, killing three strong people in the secret land of heaven with five elements and three disasters, such a thing is simply appalling.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, Long Yutian wouldn't believe it no matter what!

As for Long Tenghai, he knew Gu Chen's pervert early in the morning, and he also knew that he had killed the five elements and two disasters in the middle of the Tao.

Therefore, Gu Chen is now killing five elements and three disasters in the later stage of the road. Although he is surprised, he can still accept it.

In addition to shock, Long Yutian's eyes were more fortunate. Fortunately, he did not continue to attack Gu Chen like Ji Yusheng, Shanghua Dao and Blood Wheel Fawang, but turned the enemy into friends.

Gu Chen looked at Long Yutian and nodded and said, "Long Yutian Taoist friend, I am a disciple of the Xutian Sect in the ancient wilderness fairy world, and I am also a sect master of the array, the ancestor of Xu Tian, and the founder of this sect. The secret of the array in the secret world of the virtual sky is of the I hope you don't compete with me!"

Long Yutian showed a wry smile and said, "Gu Chen's Taoist friends are strong enough. Even if I have the intention to fight, I don't have that strength. It's better to let go earlier. Although I didn't get the secret of the array left by Xutian on this trip, I found the descendants of the dragon clan in Take care of the road."

Gu Chen stopped and said, "In the ancient immortal world, there was a monk of the dragon clan who was my eldest brother who saved me several times in danger. If there is anything wrong with the dragon clan, I should help."

After saying that, Gu Chen's eyes fell on Long Tenghai and said, "Dragon Emperor Taoist friend, I'm going to go deeper into the secret world of the virtual sky and look for the secrets of the array. If there is fate in the future, we'll see you again!"

Long Tenghai nodded and said, "I wish you enter the Heavenly Palace as soon as possible!"

Gu Chen nodded slightly and was about to leave. Long Yutian said, "Gu Chen's Taoist friend, you should be careful in the future. The Blood Wheel Dharma King is one of the great free heavenly demons in the world and one of the infinite tycoons of heaven and earth. He is a guardian in the Blood River Hall under the jurisdiction of It is an unrivaled demon in ancient times, and the same name as the ancestor of Buddhism. Even if it is the 'Emperor of Heaven, when you meet it, you have to give the upper three points. The ten disciples under the devil, all of them are powerful to the sky. The tenth disciple, the weakest disciple, the Blood River Demon King, are Blood Wheel King, Blood River Demon King will definitely know, you should be careful of the revenge of the devil!"

"Thank you for reminding! Two dragon friends, Gu has gone!" After listening to Long Yutian's words, Gu Chen left a voice, and his figure flashed and went deeper into the secret world of the virtual sky.

Although the origin and background of the Blood Wheel Dharma King are very large, Gu Chen is not afraid in his heart. Since the great free Heavenly Demon is like the Buddha' yuan, he is a well-known figure. Even the 'Emperor of Heaven, when he meets him, he has to give him three points. Naturally, he is a high-

The great free devil pays attention to the comfortable state of mind. He can do whatever he wants. This kind of person is often very generous and can't have a small belly and chicken intestines. Today's ancient Chen is definitely not in the eyes of the big free devil.

Therefore, although the strength of Dazi in the Heavenly Demon is strong, there is not much threat to Gu Chen now. As for the top ten disciples under the throne of Dazi in the Heavenly Demon, there are masters such as Dazi in the Heavenly Demon, their identity and status are certainly not bad, and there is little hope to deal with Gu Chen.

The Blood Wheel Dharma King is just a guardian in the Blood River Hall. He has fallen. He is not qualified to let the Blood River Demon King avenge him in person. At most, he sends a stronger person than the Blood Wheel Fa King.

Gu Chen's current strength, the strong of the five elements and four disasters, those who come are not afraid, the mystery of the escape, even the strong of the five disasters, it is difficult to catch up, as long as it is small, it is not a big problem.

Gu Chen entered the deeper place of the secret world of the virtual sky. Long Yutian and Longtenghai momentarily moved out of the secret world of the virtual sky. When he met the strong man who chased the sky behind him, he killed the strong man in the Tianlan Temple.

The strong of the five elements, one and two disasters are not the opponents of Long Yutian, but they have entered the world they have created, and it is difficult for Long Yutian to kill. Zeng Lianhua, Ji Qianyu, Peng Gaitian, Zitian and others have fled one after another.

"You don't have to enter the secret world of the virtual sky anymore. Go back!" Long Yutian stopped the rest of the dragon clan and the strong devil.

"Why?" The strong men asked puzzledly.

"Ji Yusheng, Shanghua Dao and the Blood Wheel Fa King have all fallen into the hands of Gu Chen. Now in the depths of the secret world of the virtual sky, there is only Gu Chen alone. In the depths, there is only one way to die! Go or stay, everyone, it's up to you!"

Long Yutian left a word and left with the strong man of the dragon clan.

Leaving a few strong demons, each of them was shocked and full of disbelief.

However, it is impossible for Long Yutian to lie to them. If Ji Yusheng, Shanghuadao and Blood Wheel Fawang are still there, Long Yutian can't take the lead in leaving the secret world of the virtual sky.

"Gu Chen actually killed the Blood Wheel Dharma King, returned to the Blood River Hall, reported the matter to the Blood River Demon King, and let the Blood River Demon King rule on Gu Chen!" A strong man with five elements and two disasters waved his hand and gave an order.

All the strong demons soon left the secret world of the virtual sky, and Gu Chen was the only one left in the secret world of the virtual sky.

In the depths of the virtual secret world, there are some mysterious ancient arrays. Gu Chen is a magic master of the array. Seeing these arrays alone broadens his horizons.

If he gets the secret of the array left by the virtual sky and understands it a little, it will make Gu Chen go further on the way, and the practice of breaking the sky will definitely go up to another level, and there will be a breakthrough in the realm.

Just when Gu Chen was looking for the mystery of the array in the secret world of the virtual sky, looking for the secret of the array, the whole Tianlan planet had exploded!

Gu Chen killed Ji Yusheng and Shanghuadao. In the Tianlan Temple, there was a soul monument with a trace of the power of the two gods, which was instantly broken, proving that the two had fallen.

Ji Yusheng and Shanghuadao are the deputy masters of Tianlan Temple, with high power and detached status, second only to the master of Tianlan Temple.

Therefore, the disappearance of the two people immediately shocked countless monks, and in an instant, it spread to the mouths of the high-level monks of the whole planet Tianlan.

When the owner of the Tianlan Temple heard the news, he was stunned and his eyes were full of disbelief. He muttered, "How can it be? Yusheng is the most outstanding strong man in the descendants of my Ji family, especially Huadao. He has understood the road of man. He is the first genius of my Tianlan Xinghai. He is valued by the Tiangong. When he steps into the five elements and four disasters, he will enter the Tiangong, become a member of the Tiangong, and unexpectedly died... This makes Heavenly Palace, how to explain it? Who is it? In whose hands did Yusheng and Huadao fall? I want him to suffer all kinds of torture, capture him, take him to the 'Heavenly Palace' in person, and even kill the 'Heavenly Palace'. The selected genius must be judged by the 'Heavenly Palace'!'

Not long after, Zeng Lianhua, Ji Qianyu, Peng Gaitian, Zitian and other strong people came from the secret world of the virtual sky and brought back a message: "Ji Yusheng, Shanghua Dao, the Blood Wheel Dharma King, Long Yutian, four strong men with five elements and three disasters chased Gu Chen and entered the When I came out of the depths of the secret world of the virtual sky, Ji Yusheng, Shanghua Dao, the blood wheel king, and Gu Chen were not seen. However, according to the time of the appearance of the dragon heaven, it seems that it has not reached the deepest part of the secret world of the virtual sky. Therefore, the dragon sky should not have obtained the The living people, as for Gu Chen, or the Blood Wheel King, are still unknown!"

"No one has to go to the secret world of the virtual sky anymore. The lord of this temple is ready to thoroughly investigate this matter in person. Whether it is Gu Chen or the King of the Blood Wheel, he killed Ji Yusheng and Shanghua Dao. The lord of the temple wants them to die and pay for their lives!"

The master of the Tianlan Temple, in the Tianlan Temple, has given his life to all the heavenly disaster strong people to hide on a bloody red continent hidden in the depths of Gan's time and space. A huge bloody castle stands in the center of the mainland, which is an important force in the magic road: the Blood River Temple.

The Blood River Hall is the territory of the blood river demon king, the tenth disciple of the ancestor of the devil under the throne of the devil. At this moment, the strong man of the devil who came back from the secret world of the virtual sky is reporting the trip to the secret world of the virtual world to the owner of the blood river and the many guardians of the

Compared with the unknown results of the Tianlan Temple, the news of the strong demon road is much more accurate. It is Gu Chen who knows that the monk who killed Ji Yusheng, Shanghua Dao and the Blood Wheel King.

However, this word comes from the mouth of the dragon and the sky, and it is not credible.

The Blood River Demon King sat high in the position of the lord of the palace. After listening to it, he said, "How can a monk in the later stage of the Taoism have the strength to kill the five elements and three robbers? I'm going to go to the dragon clan in person and ask Long Yutian to see if he is false in his words and whether he helps Gu Chen, but Gu Chen can't be killed. The Golden Lion King, you have the cultivation of five elements and four disasters. It should be more than enough to deal with Gu Chen. Go to the secret world of the virtual sky to "