Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 061 Cause and effect

Chapter 8 Chapter 061 The golden lion king swallows the stars and spits the moon, and the momentum shakes the sky and the earth.

However, Gu Chen hit a 'breaking sky finger', and the bright light of his fingertips just flashed, and a huge dazzling target appeared in front of the mouth of the Golden Lion King in an instant. Breaking the sky, together with many small planets and space meteorites, were swallowed by the Golden Lion King.

The next moment, a sad scream that broke through the void of hundreds of millions of miles suddenly sounded.

A dazzling light shot out from the top of the head of the Golden Lion King. It was the shot, and the broken sky finger in the mouth of the Golden Lion King. Breaking the sky and breaking the sky and the earth, containing the mystical meaning of infinite arrays and the laws of infinite heaven and earth.

The power of the "breaking the sky finger" in the third realm, even the strong of the five elements and five disasters should not be underestimated.

Although the body of the Golden Lion King is an ancient beast, it is extremely large, and its defense is also beyond ordinary people. The fur, even the supreme fairy treasure, is difficult to hurt, but it can't withstand the 'breaking finger' attack of the third realm.

What's more, the place hit by the 'Breaking Sky Finger' is still in the mouth of the Golden Lion King, which is almost the weakest part of the whole body. The 'Breaking Sky Finger' easily broke the head of the Golden Lion King.

Hit by the 'Breaking Finger', the Golden Lion King was immediately fatally injured. His huge body, in the sad scream, shrank in an instant and turned into a strong pair in a golden robe.

On the head of the Golden Lion King, the blood is like a tide, and his eyes are full of anger, and he roars angrily: "Ah--, the small monk, you actually injured the great King of Golden Lion. Your sins are unforgivable, and the blood river demon king will kill you with his own hands...!"

While talking, the body of the Golden Lion King turned into a golden light, disappeared in an instant, and fled to the distant space.

If you don't do it, it's incommissible!

To save people, you have to save them, and you have to kill people!

Gu Chen's figure disappeared at the same time and teleported to the Golden Lion King to catch up.

The Golden Lion King's heart is full of horror. The damage on his head can't be stopped. It's getting worse and worse. It seems that he wants to destroy all his vitality and consume all his longevity. If he can't heal this injury, I'm afraid it won't take hundreds of years. His endless longevity will be exhausted and die

"What kind of spell is this? How can it cause endless damage to me? Why does a small Taoist monk have such a powerful power? Even the lord of the temple does not have such great power?

The King of the Golden Lion fled and marveled in his heart.

Just as the Golden Lion King was shocked, Gu Chen's voice suddenly came from all directions: "Golden Lion King, since you are here, why do you need to leave? Stay!"

With the sound of Gu Chen, suddenly an infinite giant hand suddenly appeared in endless space.

This infinite hand, I don't know how many hundreds of millions of miles, the palm of his hand is like the sky, hanging high in the endless height of space.

Five fingers, extremely huge, hundreds of millions of miles long, like five pillars, hanging upside down.

These five fingers are in five colors: white, blue, silver, red and yellow, representing the origin of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

With one palm, the five elements gathered together, and the heaven and earth in the palm of the hand formed a universe, forming a world isolated from the original world, which enveloped the Golden Lion King.

As soon as this infinite giant hand grasped it, the Golden Lion King felt that the void around him suddenly changed, which no longer existed in the original universe, but became a new space and a new world.

The void around him has become extremely dignified, like mercury, stuck in mud, a huge stickiness, making it difficult for him to struggle in the void, move the falcon, let alone continue to teleport.

The Golden Lion King was hit by the 'Breaking Sky Finger'. He was fatally injured and in pain. His strength was greatly reduced, and it was difficult to play even five times. Gu Chen grabbed it with one palm, and the origin of the five elements formed a new world, which immediately trapped him in it.

"Gu Chen, you little Taoist monk, how dare you kill me? You will die without a place to die!" The King of the Golden Lion roared in horror.

Gu Chen's voice sounded from all time and space: "I have created the supreme road to save all sentient beings in the sea of suffering. Those who believe in me will be detached, and those who block me will be destroyed!"

With the sound, the infinite big hand shrank in an instant, five fingers were grasped, the universe in the palm exploded in an instant, the space was destroyed, the explosion of the five elements of origin, the essence of the power was not weaker than the great destruction of the original universe. Although the Golden Lion King was a strong man of the five elements and four

Gu Chen's figure appeared in the place where the Golden Lion King was just now. He clenched his fist in his right hand and spread out his palm. There was nothing else in it except a ring engraved with a golden lion.

The Golden Lion King was destroyed, leaving only this space fairy ring.

Guchen Chunyang Xianli explores the golden lion fairy ring, which is nothing more than some spiritual stones to supplement aura, or some spiritual beasts. This is a necessary consumable consumable for the monks of the mortal universe.

Gu Chen's resources are enough, although the resources in the Golden Lion Fairy Ring are more than any of the strong man in the secret world killed by Gu Chen before. But it's not very useful. It's just the icing on the cake.

Put away the golden lion fairy ring, and Gu Chen's body disappeared in an instant and moved to Tianlan Star.

Killing Ji Yusheng and Shanghuadao, the whole Tianlan Temple should have been boiling for a long time. The owner of the Tianlan Temple is just a strong man with five elements and four disasters. Gu Chen has enough strength to compete, so he goes to Tianlan Star to see how the Lord of Tianlan Temple reacts that day?

If you want to fight, you can fight! Only if there is one battle with the master of Tianlan, the master of Tianlan can't help Gu Chen, so he will find the help of the 'Tian Palace'. In that way, the name of Gu Chen will be introduced into the 'Tiangong'.

As for being included in the 'Heavenly Palace' or hunted down by the 'Heavenly Palace', it depends on the reaction of the 'Heavenly Palace'.

Gu Chen can be sure that there is at least an 80% chance that 'Tiangong' will include him.

Since the monks of the mortal universe are not able to really live and die, there will definitely be casualties in the battle between the 'heavens' and the 'worldly'.

Since there are casualties, all camps need to supplement fresh blood flow to maintain their long-term power. As the first force in the mortal universe, the 'Heavenly Palace', the orthodox heaven and earth will definitely absorb talents.

Gu Chen's cultivation in the later period of the Taoism, but killed the strong man in the secret land of the heavenly disaster. The bigger the matter is, the more powerful Gu Chen's ability is. Whether it is the 'heaven' or the 'worldly' camp, there will be monks who want to include him in it.

At that time, Gu Chen will be able to enter the 'Heavenly Palace' justly. 'Hong' Gu Chen can't be reached yet, so let's start with the 'Heavenly Emperor'.

Know the enemy and win every battle. Only when you are familiar with the enemy can you kill the enemy more easily. Familiar with the "Heavenly Emperor" starts with familiarity with the "Heavenly Palace".

Of course, it was not enough for the 'Heavenly Palace' to learn the news. The 'Heavenly Emperor' was furious and sent the strong to kill Gu Chen. At that time, the enemy who came could fight, he would fight. If he could not fight, he would escape. Gu Chen was still very confident about his 'time and space shuttle' escape.

In less than a day, Gu Chen returned to Tianlanxing. In a small city next to the largest storm sea on Tianlanxing, he bought a mansion and lived here with Yunxue.

Lichen has reached the cultivation of the later period of Hedao. If he goes further, he will step into the secret land of the heavenly disaster, experience the five elements of the birth of the heavenly disaster, and become a strong man of the heavenly disaster.

The five elements are born out of a fixed order, but depends on the monk's understanding of the five elements of the law, which law has reached the highest level, and can understand the mystery of the essence of the universe, which five elements disaster they will experience.

The monk's understanding of the five elements law varies from depth to depth, just like the ancient time, because the time to obtain the origin of the five elements varies, and the attainment of the five elements law also has its own depth.

The origin of fire is the first thousand origin obtained by Gu Chen, followed by the origin of water, followed by the origin of wood, then the origin of gold, and finally the origin of earth.

Therefore, the order in which Gu Chen experienced the five disasters should be the five disasters of tip, water, wood, gold and earth.

When Yishi steps into the secret land of Tianjie, he can create a world.

The higher the cultivation of the strong man, the more complete the world created.

The powerful man of heaven and earth can create a world, which is almost the same world as the original universe. The only difference is the heart of the universe. The heart of the universe of the original universe is the origin of the world, while in other worlds, the heart of the universe still exists in the original universe, the world is destroyed, the origin The universe will not change, and the original universe will be destroyed. No matter what the world is, it will be destroyed.

The strong man of yin and yang's life and death can create a thousand worlds, a thousand worlds, and has been able to evolve all living things.

The strong man of the five elements can create a small thousand world, a small world, which is basically a barren. Only the simple element of the five elements, only the strong man of the five elements and the great perfection of the five elements can create some special creatures.

Gu Chen is about to come into contact with the secret world of Tianjie. What kind of world needs to be created is the most concerned thing in Gu Chen's heart at this stage.

All the big worlds, middle worlds and small worlds are attached to the original universe. The same laws of heaven and earth, the same rules of heaven and earth, and all creatures must be controlled by the 'Tao of Heaven' and cannot go beyond the fate stipulated by the 'Tao of Heaven'.

Gu Chen understands that the position of "Pangu Avenue" should break the "Tiandao" to build a fair and just world. Naturally, like other monks, he will not create a world attached to the original universe, which has no effect on transcending the heavens and the earth and the sea of suffering.

Even if you want to create a new world, then there will be new rules in the new world.

"The world I want to create, for good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, and if you plant a good cause, you will bear good fruit, if you plant an evil cause, you will have a bad result, what cause, what fruit will be planted... cause and effect - one!"

Gu Chen kept thinking and feeling that the truth about 'cause and effect' was gradually understood by Gu Chen. ( To be continued