Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 070 Gu Chen First

Two five elements and four robbery strong men who fought fiercely, one of whom was cut into the world he created by Gu Chen's axe, and the other was shocked.

They fought for several rounds, but they didn't win or lose. As a result, Gu Chen's axe, and the other party couldn't resist. How could the remaining five elements and four robbery strong be Gu Chen's opponent?


Suddenly, the strong man of the five elements and four disasters has only one idea. If he is defeated by Gu Chen, he will be directly eliminated. If he escapes and fights with other five elements and four disasters, there may be hope to win, rush into the top 100 points and stay in the 'Heavenly Palace'.

The figure flashed, and the strong man with five elements and four disasters disappeared in an instant and disappeared in an instant.

A goal is a point. How can Gu Chen let him escape?

Almost at the same time, Gu Chen's body also disappeared into the void, and the same teleported and chased. Gu Chen's teleportation speed was faster, teleported distance, and farther!

The Qiang Qian of the five elements and four disasters, a teleportation crossed countless billions of miles, and his mind was slightly relaxed, thinking that he had escaped the disaster.

However, as soon as he shuttled out of the void, a giant hand fell from the sky and caught it.

The palm of the hand hangs high like the sky, and the five fingers become colorful colors, such as the pillar of the sky hanging upside down. The five colors represent gold, wood, water, fire and earth respectively. Grab it with one hand, the palm comes from the universe and seals a world.

The strong man with five elements and four disasters was shocked. As soon as the giant palm of the sky appeared, he felt that he had lost contact with the original universe and seemed to have entered another world.

The giant's hand covered the sky and the sun, and his palm twisted the universe. The strong man with five elements and four disasters felt that the void around him had turned into boundless mud, making him trapped in it, and it was difficult to dial himself. If he wanted to move and escape instantly, he could no longer fly away. The speed has also been greatly reduced.

At this moment, there is a huge axe. It appeared suddenly. He beheaded the strong man with five elements and four disasters.

The axe penetrated the giant's hand. There was no hid. Cut the top five elements and four in the universe.

This axe is also Gu Chen's lifelong strength. If you don't do it, it will be awesome. If you don't do it, it will be earth-shaking.

The strong man with five elements and four disasters saw that the axe was cut down, and the surging power frightened him. He knew that he could not stop the killing of this axe, so he had to escape to another world.

A door of space is created, and the strong man with five elements and four disasters has no choice but to. He fled into the world he created and was eliminated.

Gu Chen got a little more points. The number on his head changed from '1' to '2'. On the trial of the sky of the mainland, Gu Chen's name soared again, completely overshadowed the strong who had a score of '1' and reached the highest point. Only Gu Chen's only had the only name, hanging at the .

Gu Chen defeated two strong men with five elements and four disasters in a row. The time has passed, but between the fingers, the other strong men with five elements and four disasters, even if their strength is huge, it takes several rounds, or even more than a dozen rounds, to be able to distinguish the winner. It is unique to force the opponent to a dead

Gu Chen won two points in a row. Although it took time between his fingers, for dozens of powerful five elements and four disasters such as Peng Zhengri, Jin Yaoyang... who chased behind him, he was able to teleport several times, across the distance of countless billions of miles, and suddenly caught up with Gu Chen.

In an instant, dozens of strong men with five elements and four disasters surrounded Gu Chen. At the same time, dozens of fists, palms, or magic weapons attacked Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's lips curled up. These dozens of strong men with five elements and four disasters are among the strong people who participated in the 'Tiangong Trial'. The existence of first-class strength is much more difficult to defeat them than defeating the ordinary five elements and four disasters.

What's more, dozens of them joined hands, and it was difficult for Gu Chen to block their attack, let alone defeat them.

Whether it is strong or weak, if you defeat a target, you will get a little points. Since the points are the same, why does Gu Chen have to be entangled with these strong and time-consuming?

With these strengths, it's better to find those who are weak and make the same efforts, but they can easily defeat and get more points.

Seeing the attack of dozens of the five elements and four robberies, Gu Chen's figure changed again, and he incarnated tens of thousands of people. He used the 'Pangu Avenue' to carry out the 'time and space shuttle'. It was easy to break through their encirclement and let all their attacks fall into the air.

Gu Chen's eyes swept, and all the conditions of countless billions of miles in front of him were in his eyes. There were the least number of five elements and four disasters. With a flash of his figure, he directly moved away.

As for the tail behind, if you are willing to follow. Anyway, it is very difficult to catch up with Gu Chen. Even if you catch up, Gu Chen can also use the escape technique of 'space-time shuttle' and leave easily.

What's more, they have been chasing Gu Chen. They have not defeated any goals and can't get points. After an hour, they will be listed according to the points, and those with 0 points will definitely be eliminated.

Gu Chen's teleportation speed is extremely fast. Gu Chen's powerful power is infinite. In addition, with the help of the supreme fairy treasure 'Immortal Axe' containing the spirit of yin and yang, the ordinary five elements and four robberies is not his opponent at all. He was easily defeated with one axe.

During the continuous teleportation of Gu Chen, he defeated several strong men with five elements and four disasters. The points directly soared, and it was less than 100 breaths. Gu Chen's points had reached '8' points.

At this time, the second-ranked player has only three points, not even half of Gu Chen.

Nearly half of the strong people who participated in the trial were defeated by the attackers and directly eliminated. Above the sky of the trial continent, they directly lost their names.

Most of the strong have only '1' points. In the battle between the strong in the same realm, those who can win and get points are basically geniuses and best.

If you can get '2' points, the number is very small. If you can defeat two strong people in the same realm in such a short time, it is a genius among geniuses. Now the points are '2', and the name is in the third level, only less than 30 people.

As for those who get '3' points, it is even more rare. There are only three people, but they are still suppressed by Gu Chen's name.

The name of Gu Chen, shining brightly for nine days, hangs high above the names of all the strong people who participated in the 'Tiangong Trial'. The volume is much larger than the sum of the three names of the second level, like an insurmountable mountain and a huge mountain, pressing on everyone's head.

Peng Zhengri, Jin Yaoyang... and dozens of other strong men chased behind Gu Chen. The five elements and four-moving strong men they met along the way were basically defeated by Gu Chen in an instant. They did not get a chance to defeat other strong men in the back, and their points were still '0' points.

Everyone's names, although they still exist in the sky of the trial continent, are all dim and pressed at the bottom by everyone's names.

"Damn it!" Peng Zhengri's face was full of anger and almost roared: "Gu Chen's strength is terrible, but also the speed of teleportation is so fast that it is better than this seat. We have been chasing him and can't get points at all, but his points have been soaring. When the time comes, won't we be eliminated? ?"

"Brother Peng, I don't think we can chase it anymore. Otherwise, Gu Chen will not only enter the top 100, but also the first place will be occupied by him." Jin Yaoyang next to him is in a hurry.

Peng Zhengri thought so. If they keep chasing like this, their points have not increased, but Gu Chen is constantly increasing. No one can catch up with Gu Chen's footsteps, because, in addition to Gu Chen, the most powerful five elements and four disasters are Peng Zhengri, Jin Yaoyang and others. If they don't have points, others will chase them Don't go to Gu Chen.

"Let him go for the time being this time. Let's each defeat the goal of participating in the trial and earn points, hum...! Gu Chen can stay in the 'Heavenly Palace'. In the future, we can slowly settle accounts with him. Peng Zhengri snorted angrily and shouted loudly.

"Good...!" The strong men of the five elements and four disasters nodded together. They chased behind Gu Chen, ate a lot of ashes, and didn't get anything. They didn't want to chase them for a long time. Therefore, the strongest monks among the dozens of the five elements and four disasters separated in an instant, went their own way, looking for the target to defeat

Seeing this, Gu Chen smiled in his heart: Xiaoyang, let you continue to chase, except for a buttocks of dust, you can't get a hair!

The tail chasing behind him was gone, and Gu Chen was more leisurely. Wherever he passed, the five elements and four disasters he met were defeated one after another and eliminated, while Gu Chen's points were shaken up.

From '8' points, it soon reached '18' points, '28' points...

Peng Zhengri and Jin Yaoyang, the strength of the two, among the five elements and four robbers, are first-class. The general five elements and four robbers are not their opponents at all. As soon as they find their opponents to fight, their opponents will be defeated, and their points will soon soar.

From 0 points, to 1 point, to 10 points, to 20 points..., the names of Peng Zhengri and Jin Yaoyang are brilliant, beyond the names pressed on them. In the end, in addition to Gu Chen's name points, they are still above them. Their names have reached the highest point.

Especially in Peng Zhengri, the points rose the fastest, and Peng Zhengri came very much. Many strong people who participated in the trial seemed to be extremely afraid of Peng Zhengri. They could have resisted it for a longer time. However, when Peng Zhengri regarded them as their opponents, these strong people no longer resisted and fled directly into the world they created, Get points.

In the face of Gu Chen, those strong people, even if they know that it is impossible to win, have to fight with trapped beasts and struggle desperately. Therefore, the speed of points obtained by Gu Chen is slower than that of Peng Zhengri.

Seeing that Peng Zhengri's points are getting closer and closer, and the time is an hour away, Gu Chen can't help frowning. He knows that Peng Zhengri is related to the Emperor of Heaven. He is the cousin of the top ten Jinwu princes. All the strong men are afraid of him. If it goes At the end of the refining, it is very likely that the first one will be taken away by Peng Zhengri.

Gu Chen's eyes turned, and in an instant, he set the target on those strong people with high points. The points adopt the accumulation transfer rules. Therefore, Gu Chen kills those strong people with high points, and the faster the points will rise. ( To be continued)