Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 055 Pure Yang Zhenxian Finale

One day, no matter how hard Gu Chen pushed, the chaotic void on both sides stopped moving, as if it had reached a limit.

Gu Chen's body has become countless billions of miles tall and huge. He stepped on the earth and palmed the sky.

retreat, can't retreat, hold on, there is a dead end!

"Continue to hold on. One day, everyone will die. In this case, I will visit the original universe, establish the Pangu universe, and open the chaotic void forever. My relatives and friends will become the first creatures of the Pangu universe, live with the universe and die forever."

"After my death, the eldest disciple 'Hongjun, can lead the Taoist sect, be in charge of the three thousand supreme avenues, the second disciple 'Kunpeng, can lead the world's demons, be in charge of the sun, the moon and the sky, the third disciple' Nuwa, can be for the world's living creatures,

With the sound of Gu Chen, the model of the Pangu universe broke away from his life spring, spread in an instant, became bigger and bigger, and gradually integrated into the open world of Gu Chen.

All the people fell out of the Pangu universe and landed on the wilderness.

In front of their eyes, Gu Chen is extremely huge and upright.

"The descendants of my ancient family melt my blood, and the Pangu universe is immortal. You will never die. It is Pangu's speech. Gu Chen's body cracked, and a large area of blood is sprinkled out. All the ancient family are shrouded in Gu Chen's blood. Their lives are completely integrated with the Pangu universe. In Die.

"Purple mandarin duck, who will have children in the future, regardless of men and women, are named ancient pressure. I hope he can suppress the turmoil and disputes in the Pangu universe. I have a chapter of Pangu Taoism, which can give him enlightenment. In the future, he can't participate in the disputes in the world, walk in

After saying that, a Taoism appeared out of thin air and flew into the already high and raised belly of the virtual purple mandarin duck.

"I transform into the Pangu universe and always open the chaotic void. My left eye is the sun, my right eye is the moon, the hair is the stars, the body is the four poles of the earth, the three mountains and five mountains, the blood is the river, the bones are the mineral, the skin is the vegetation, the sweat is the rain

As Gu Chen's voice fell, his huge body was torn apart in an instant and completely collapsed.

As he said, the left eye turned into the sun, the right eye turned into the moon, the hair turned into hundreds of millions of stars, the body turned into the earth, extending to the southeast and northwest four poles, infinite mountains, the blood river turned into rivers and lakes, the skin turned into flowers and trees, sweat turned into spring wind and rain, and the There is light between heaven and earth.

And Gu Chen's body completely disappeared.

The original flooded land had no life. At this moment, it was full of vitality in an instant, forming a new universe.

The Pangu universe is different from the original universe, which is divided into the ancient fairy world, the underworld and the mortal universe. There is only heaven and earth, the sky is infinitely high, the earth is infinitely thick, and the four poles are infinitely far away.

Looking at Gu Chen's fall, all the creatures present were sad, especially the five girls of Xu Ziyuan, Xiaobai, Meng Xianyin, Siyu and Wu Yue, who were in tears.

Gu Cangqiong looked at the sound and shadow of Gu Chen's disappearance, and his whole face was pale, as if he had lost his soul.

The ancient sky, and the five women, such as the virtual purple mandarin duck, took the descendants of the ancient family, lived in seclusion in the vast land of the Pangu universe, and respected the will of the ancient Chen, so that the Pangu clan did not participate in the disputes in the world.

Other monks, who were impressed by the kindness of the ancient Chen, built a huge statue in the place where the ancient Chen supported the sky and the earth, saying: the culprit of the creation - the great god of Pangu.

The eldest disciple 'Hongjun, led the Taoist sect and became the new 'Taoist ancestor. He held three thousand' jade plates, mastered the supreme road, and opened the forum to preach. Since it was 'Kunpeng, and' Nuwa, they all came to listen.

The second disciple, Kunpeng, opened up the heavens above the nine heavens, in charge of the sun, the moon and the sky, and the endless stars.

The three disciples, Nuwa, pinched the earth to create people, and recreated the body for the idea of the Pangu Banner. At the same time, he did not forget the master's command to find the right person, open up hell, and control reincarnation.

The famous disciple 'Zhuorong, who led the witch clan. He and the twelve wizards accidentally obtained some of the remaining essence and blood of the ancient Chen, obtained the vast magical power, and led the witch clan to take charge of the flood and wilderness.

'Pangu universe, the land of flood, not many years, has flourished, and a new era of universe has begun.

Under the command of Hongjun, the Taoist sect is carried forward and talented. He accepted three disciples under his door, who are the three clears of the Taoist sect, the Taoist Tianzun, the Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Lingbao Tianzun.

Don't talk about how the Pangu universe is derived, but it is said that Pangu, who opens the sky and splits the earth, transforms into the universe, and everyone in the world thinks that he is dead.

In fact, it is not.

In order to save everyone, Gu Chen was martyred with his body, and his body and yuanshen were destroyed.

The gods are all destroyed, and in the world of cultivation, they are completely destroyed and completely disappeared.

However, at the moment when Gu Chen's god disappeared, Gu Chen's idea suddenly sublimated and jumped out of the endless sea of suffering.

The powerful power has completely shifted to the idea that can only be felt, meaning, and cannot be touched.

Gu Chen's idea instantly transcended the sea of suffering and came directly from the illusory spiritual world to the Pangu universe.

At this moment, suddenly, an illusory figure appeared in front of Gu Chen and said, "You have finally become a pure immortal. You can see me."

Gu Chen was slightly stunned and said to himself: Am I going to become a pure immortal?

looked at the illusory figure in front of him and said, "Who are you?"

The illusory shadow said, "The unity of time and space, the universe is the strongest, the world is the public, and the true immortal pure sun."

Gu Chen was shocked and said, "Are you the creator of the original universe?"

The Unreal Shadow nodded and said, "That's good."

Gu Chen asked, "Are you really a pure immortal?" Where have you been?"

The illusory figure pointed to the endless void and said, "Outside the universe, this is just a phantom I left behind. I have always believed that there should be other cosmic space outside the universe. Sure enough, the outside world is beyond your imagination."

Gu Chen suddenly became interested and said, "What does the world look like outside?"

The illusory shadow said, "What does it look like? You need to see it yourself to create the universe and reach the realm of pure immortality. When you enter the endless void outside the universe, you will always feel the universe you created, and you will never be lost in the endless void."

Gu Chen said excitedly, "Okay, I must go to the outside world to have a look."

"I'm waiting for you!" The illusory shadow turned into a breeze and disappeared. Wei Chunyang is over!!!!!! At the moment when I thought about the end of the book, I was reluctant to give up! Volume 9 Chapter 055 The understanding of Chunyang Zhenxianwa is obviously much higher than that of Kunpeng.

It took only more than 300 years to understand the power of many rules and learn the art of change.

This has a lot to do with Nuwa's heart of life and thorough mastering the rules of life. After all, life integrates thousands of rules of the universe outside time and space.

Moreover, Nuwa's transformation is more thorough than Kunpeng.

Although Kunpeng has turned into a human shape, he is only a human bird's head and is nine feet tall.

And Nuwa turned into a human shape, leaving only a snake tail, and her body was smaller than Kun Peng, only three feet and three feet.

It is indeed very rare for a huge demon snake of hundreds of millions of miles to change into a body of only three feet.

Moreover, the snake tail behind Nuwa occupies at least half of the long seats. It seems that she is only a little more than one foot tall.

A head of green silk is like a waterfall hanging down, the eyebrows are like a willow, the eyes are like the moon, the nose is like white jade, the lips are like cherries, and the skin is like coagulation.

From the waist, it is completely transformed into a human body, and the skin is like jade fat, snow-white and transparent.

After Nuwa's transformation, she is as beautiful as any woman Gu Chen has ever seen.

Seeing Nuwa** wearing her upper body, Gu Chen raised his hand and created something in the void. A women's shirt suitable for Nuwa's size appeared in his hand.

Gu Chen said, "From today on, you are not a wild beast demon snake, but my third disciple. After changing the human form, you need to learn human etiquette and put on your clothes first!"

When Nuwa put on her clothes, Gu Chen explained some basic human etiquette to her, and then took her from the ancient fairyland to the mortal universe.

In the whole original universe, almost all the innate spiritual treasures have been harvested by Gu Chen, and the refining of the divine soldiers who split the heaven and the earth can begin.

Introduce Nuwa, Kunpeng and others, and Gu Chen entered the retreat.

Gu Chen came to a very empty space in the mortal universe. This is a vacuum zone between two huge star domains, hundreds of millions of miles apart, and there is no life.

Gu Chenxi sat in the void, and the French seal was sealed with thousands of rules, gushing out of the body, forming a flame furnace, burning.

This flame is not the fire of rules, nor the real fire of heaven and earth, but the chaotic flame formed by the mixing of thousands of rules.

This chaotic flame can burn everything. No matter how powerful the power of the rules contained in any innate spiritual treasure is, it will completely melt under the chaotic flame.

The furnace made of chaotic flames spread out in all directions, completely covering Gu Chen, which is about the size of hundreds of millions of miles.

Gu Chen's body sat in the middle of the chaotic furnace. This chaotic flame is used by Gu Chen. Naturally, Gu Chen will not be hurt.

The chaotic furnace was formed, and all the innate spiritual treasures that Gu Chen would get were taken out.

'Qiankun jade wall,'Chaos God Bell,'Sky God Seal,'Qiankun Tianjitu,'Slit God Axe,... and so on!

One innate spiritual treasure after another was thrown into the chaotic furnace of chaotic flames by Gu Chen.

The Pangu universe in the ancient spring, the center, the virtual shadow of the illusory giant axe, separated from the Pangu universe. Gu Chen raised his palm, and an axe appeared in the palm of Gu Chen's palm.

Gu Chen clapped his palm, and in an instant, the axe flew forward and became bigger and bigger. The whole axe body almost occupied a space of tens of millions of miles, covering all the innate spiritual treasures.

Gu Chen constantly uses chaotic flames to refine the innate spiritual treasure. Then, according to the axe in the Pangu universe as a model, he forged a magic axe that can open the sky and the earth.

Innate spiritual treasure, born with the universe, contains the power of rules. Each innate spiritual treasure is equivalent to an ancient god of heaven and earth.

For Gu Chen, it is very easy to kill an ordinary ancient god of heaven and earth. Similarly, it is very easy to destroy a lower-class innate spiritual treasure. Between his hands and feet, it is enough to destroy ten of eight lower-class innate spiritual treasures into nothingness.

But the refinery is not to destroy the material, but to refine and fuse, so the process will be slower.

However, under the burning of chaotic flames, the innate spiritual treasure can't bear it at all. The melting speed is not slow, and the melting speed of the innate spiritual treasure is almost visible to the naked eye.

Medium innate spiritual treasure, you can also see that under the burning of chaotic flames, the color is changing more and the volume is getting smaller at a slow speed, and some melted metal** is slowly flowing.

The key is the superior innate spiritual treasures, which are very strong. It will take a little longer to refine them completely, which may take ten or eight years. This time, for Gu Chen, is not worth mentioning at all.

Time is like running water, and time is like a hurried moon.

Gu Chen focused on the refinery and did not feel the flow of time at all. The refining speed of the superior innate spiritual treasure was much slower than that estimated by Gu Chen. After more than 30 years, all the superior innate spiritual treasures were refined and turned into metal**.

The innate spiritual treasure is all turned into **. Compared with the solid, the volume is much larger. Moreover, the innate spiritual treasure contains the power of various rules. After the fusion of the forces of some rules, it will infaction, become more powerful, and the volume becomes huge.

The whole axe surface model with a radius of tens of millions of miles is filled with ** transformed by innate spiritual treasures.

Gu Chen continued to use chaotic flames to refine, removing all unnecessary impurities, leaving only pure and incomparable power. Moreover, Gu Chen patted the chaotic wheel into the axe model one by one, allowing the innate spiritual treasure to integrate the power of Pangu Avenue.

After decades, all the impurities were finally removed, and the remaining ** was halved in volume. However, the power was extremely pure and horrible. Gu Chen slowly weakened the burning of the chaotic flame and began the last step of the refinery.

The axe model also follows the size of the material, expands and shrinks, always maintains the same volume, and wraps all **s in it.

and the chaotic flames gradually weakened, and ** slowly began to solidify.

The chaotic flame gradually went out, and after another decades, finally, the whole axe was completely formed. Gu Chen used chaotic ice water, quenched the axe, and used the chaotic wheel to hammer for 108 years. After 108 years, the axe was finally refined successfully. Gu Chen could feel a way to cut the sky from this axe. The power to destroy the earth.

All the innate spiritual treasures are integrated with Pangu Avenue, and there is no power to compare with this axe.

However, this axe is only cast the axe body, and there is no axe handle. The axe body alone does not look at the axe body. It needs at least a huge axe handle up to tens of millions of miles to be worthy.

"The tree of the world, only the branches of the tree of the world, can become the handle of this divine axe that opens the sky and the earth."

Gu Chen stood with a huge axe, stepped out in one step, and came to the tree of the world, "Open--!"

Gu Chen shouted and knotted the seal, pointing to the huge tree of the world in front of him.


The magic axe face with a radius of a million miles rushed forward in an instant. The light burst out and cut out an axe of countless billions of miles. The axe was like substance, almost to the end of sight.

In an instant, the endless axe cut off the huge body of the tree of the world!

Since ancient times, the tree of the unmovable world has been cut into two pieces by the endless axe. The tree of the world that shuttles through countless stars and seas collapsed.

As soon as the ancient Chen magic seal moved, the axe surface flashed. In an instant, countless axes were cut out. Under the explosion of the axe, all the branches and leaves of the tree of the world were cut off, leaving only a huge main pole.


Endless chaotic flames suddenly emerged around Guchen and formed a huge chaotic furnace. The tree of the world, which is unknown to hundreds of millions of miles long, was cut into sections by axes and fell into chaos furnaces. After refining, the melting tree of the world condensed together again, forming an axe handle of tens of millions of miles.

Gu Chen raised his hand a little, and the axe fell from the sky. In an instant, it fell on the handle of the axe.

The axe body is connected to the handle of the axe, and the magic axe is finally completely refined.

In an instant, the whole universe shook, the wind and clouds hit everywhere, and the sky and the earth changed color.

It seems that the whole universe is trembling, as if knowing that there are objects that can be destroyed.

At the root of the tree of the world, hundreds of ancient gods of heaven and earth are shouting in fear: "How can the tree of the world be cut down? Impossible? Is this impossible?"

"The tree god of the world, the ancient gods of heaven and earth are destroyed, and the original universe will usher in a disaster and will be destroyed. This is an ancient prophecy. Since ancient times, we have not taken this prophecy seriously. Why, why does it really exist?"

"Our ancient gods of heaven and earth are immortal. As long as the original universe exists, we will never die. We are a member of the original universe. The longevity is endless. Who dares to cut down the tree of the world? How dare you be the enemy of our ancient gods in heaven and earth?

"Only we ancient gods of heaven and earth can launch a disaster on the ants in the world. How can there be someone who will cause disaster in the original universe? Let the ancient gods of heaven and earth be doomed?

"Kill - whoever cuts down the tree of the world must kill him."

"All the ancient gods of heaven and earth joined hands to launch the destruction of the world, kill all the ants, let everything, except the ancient gods of heaven and earth, destroy everything, and let the original universe start again and usher in a new era.

As soon as Gu Chen raised his hand, the huge magic axe turned into the size of a palm and fell into the palm of Gu Chen's hand. Gu Chen said, "You are the first god soldier in the world, and you have the power to split the sky and the earth, so I will call you 'open the sky axe."


The sky axe shook slightly, as if it had generated wisdom and cheering.

"Now it's time to destroy the original universe and establish the Pangu universe. I want to open a new era of universe, talk about cause and effect, and set up the reincarnation of the three worlds, so that the people of the world can be rewarded with good and evil with evil."

In one step, Gu Chen returned to the planet where his relatives, friends and apprentices lived. With a wave of his hand, he put everyone into the space of the Pangu universe.

Then, step by step, Gu Chen came to the area where the Wanjie camp was located, and put those 'Wanjie and camp monks who handed over the innate spiritual treasures into the Pangu universe.

As for other people, it's not that Gu Chen doesn't want to accept it, but, 'Pangu universe, is just a model, which has not really formed. When Gu Chen destroys the original universe, 'Pangu universe will suffer a huge shock. Gu Chen needs to be distracted to maintain. The more people in it, the lower the cultivation Big.

These monks who taught the innate spiritual treasure, Gu Chen made a promise to keep them from dying, and naturally fulfill their promises. Others can only collect ideas for them, and wait for the Pangu universe to be fully formed, and then recast the body for them to be reborn.

As long as that idea exists, after rebirth, they can continue to follow their respective teachers to learn skills and embark on the road of cultivation faster than others.

Leaving the world, in the area where the camp is located, Gu Chen stepped out and came directly to the heart of the universe. Hongjun is still continuing to understand the three thousand supreme avenues.

Gu Chen asked, "Jian'er · Three Thousand Top Roads, how did you understand?"

'Hongjun said, "Three thousand supreme roads, extensive and profound. It contains all the good cosmic principles, fate creation, and the evolution of heaven and earth. My disciples have been enlightened for many years, and I have only understood two thousand and ninety-six paths, and there are still six hundred and four ways to understand."

Gu Chen said, "I have carved all three thousand supreme avenues on three thousand lotus leaves. In the future, you will understand these three thousand lotus leaves!"

After saying that, Gu Chen held the 'open sky axe', and cut 3,000 axes in an instant. Three thousand lotus leaves were cut down by Gu Chen. Gu Chen raised his hand with one move. Three thousand lotus leaves instantly shrank into the size of a palm and fell into the palm of Gu Chen's palm, like a jade plate.

Gu Chen said, "These three thousand lotus leaves are more powerful than any innate spiritual treasure. Whether you can fully understand it or not depends on your creation. These three thousand jade plates are called 'Creation jade plates, let's keep them for you."

'Hong Jun took the three thousand jade plates thrown by Gu Chen and said, "Thank you, Master."

Gu Chen will 'Hongjun, and also be included in the space of the Pangu universe, and then his body rose in an instant and became hundreds of millions of miles high.

'Open the sky axe, in the hands of Gu Chen, is also getting bigger and bigger. Gu Chen's momentum is getting stronger and stronger. The heart of the whole universe is shaking, and the chaotic storm rotates violently. Moreover, the whole mortal universe, the yin world, the ancient wilderness fairyland, the heaven and the earth change color. It seems The ancient gods of heaven and earth form an ancient formation.

Every nine people form a formation, which is 'nine evil capital sky, large array, and then, nine 'nine evil capital sky, large array, and another ninety-nine evil capital sky, large array, nine large array, and a super 'nine evil capital sky, large array of seven hundred and twenty-nine people.

The ancient gods of heaven and the ancient gods of the earth, live in the middle of the array. The two of them have all the power of the ancient gods of heaven and earth, and the powerful nine evils are possessed by the power of heaven, making the power of the two people soaring, reaching the extreme level of horror.

"The destruction of the world, the destruction of everything, the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the era."

With the roar of the two people, an invisible storm unfolded in an instant with the ancient gods of heaven and earth as the center.

The surrounding space is destroying, and the earth is destroying.

Although the infinite disaster of heaven and earth in the past destroyed living things, the space and the earth are still preserved, but now it is to destroy everything into nothingness and really start from scratch.

This is the disaster of the era. Every time an era passes, 19.6 million years, it will come once, which is called the disaster of the god of destruction. Under the disaster of the god of the destruction of the world, the endless space, the universe, the earth, the star life, all have to be turned into nothingness, and then, after endless accumulation Slowly, after tens of millions of years, it will be born again. At the moment when the god disaster appeared, in the heart of the universe, Gu Chen took action.

Gu Chen accumulated his strength to the peak state. 'Open the sky axe, cut down with one axe, and cut through the dazzling axe with all his strength, cut through the chaos and cut through all the shadows. In an instant, the heart of the whole universe was illuminated by dazzling white.


With a loud noise, 'Open the sky axe, cut on the indestructible heart of the divine lotus.

The heart of the lotus, which never breaks, broke open, and a bright light suddenly burst out of the heart of the lotus, like an eternal light. In an instant, the time and space at the end of the sky turned into chaos.

All the ancient gods of heaven and earth, when the destruction of the world appeared, the sky of the ancient immortal world suddenly cracked to both sides, and a brilliant light fell from the sky. In an instant, all the ancient gods of heaven and earth instantly turned into nothing under the light. The gods destroyed the destruction of the world. The earth cracked in an instant and divided into At the same time, it also turned into nothingness.

The whole mortal universe, the underworld, also cracked at this moment, and then turned into nothingness.

The whole original universe is destroyed in an instant.

At this moment, Gu Chen summoned out with one hand, 'Pangu Fan, suddenly came out to the palm of his hand, rolled with the wind, turned into countless billions of miles into the endless void, all time and space, at this moment there was a loud voice: plate!

At the moment of the destruction of the original universe, all the creatures heard the loud noise, and then their thoughts were taken in by a black flag.

The original universe has been destroyed.

The ancient fairyland, the underworld, and the mortal universe have all turned into nothingness.

The chaotic void outside the universe, in an instant, submerged the space where the original universe was located in the endless chaotic void, like a mortal falling into the endless sea.

The surrounding area is gray, endless, and all the feelings have been lost. Without the original universe, Guchen has no destination to go back, and has lost its direction.

In the chaotic void, I don't know where to go.

Gu Chen floated in the chaotic void and felt that the chaotic death around him was oppressed, which was very heavy. He waved his hand to sweep it away, but the chaotic death around him was endless and could not be swept away.

Gu Chen was angry.

He grabbed the 'open sky axe, just like an axe that just destroyed the original universe and sent out a blow to the peak of the strongest.

An axe exploded and came out.

The chaotic void in front of you, one point to both sides, turned into two halves.

The axe went all the way to the place where even Gu Chen couldn't see the end.

Gu Chen was rare. In the endless chaotic void, he breathed a breath of fresh air, and the dull feeling was suddenly swept away.

This chaotic void seems to be stronger than the original universe.

'Open the sky axe, an axe, cut the chaotic void to the void that the naked eye can't see the end, and the click sound continuously sounded. The magic axe that splits the sky and the earth seemed to have received a response and broke inch by inch.

Seeing the chaotic void cut open by the sky axe, slowly approaching, it seemed that they were going to close together again. Gu Chen was in a hurry and stepped out in one step.

With his feet on one side and his hands on the other side, Gu Chen actually held up the chaotic void of the two halves with his terrible power.

'In the Pangu universe, at the moment of the destruction of the original universe, 'Hong has already died.

However, the monks in the Pangu universe were included by Gu Chen and survived. At this moment, they were in the Pangu universe and could clearly see the scene outside. Just now, they saw Gu Chen trapped in the chaotic void, and they were in a hurry. Later, they saw Gu Chen split the chaos with an axe and were overjoyed.

At this moment, I saw 'open the sky axe, destruction, and chaos has to close again. Gu Chen supported the power of the chaos and void with his own body. At the same time, he was shocked one by one, and couldn't help marveling at Gu Chen's terrible power.

And Gu Chen's relatives are anxious and worried.

However, they could only be in a hurry. How horrible the chaotic void was. Just now they all looked at it, 'Open the sky axe, one axe will destroy the original universe, without any damage. However, they also split an axe on the chaotic void, and even the 'open sky axe, it was broken inch by inch.

Except for Gu Chen, even his three disciples, 'Hongjun, 'Kunpeng,',' Nuwa, can't help anything. With their strength, the chaotic void is definitely the end of death in an instant.

The power of the chaotic void is indeed horrible. Gu Chen propped up the chaotic void on both sides, and the bones of his whole body were clicking, as if it was about to burst, and the blood of his whole body was rushing, as if to blow up the tube.

A feeling of powerlessness that has never been seen before, oppressing Gu Chen and crushing him to pieces.

"Pure Yang Zhenxian, what can reach the realm of pure Yang Zhenxian, omnipotent? Could it be that I, Gu Chen, have destroyed the original universe and opened up the Pangu universe, and I have to suffer for myself and fall into this endless chaotic void?

"No, it's absolutely impossible! I want to live. I'm not me. I still have relatives and friends, descendants of the ancient family, purple mandarin duck and pregnant. I must hold on.

The belief in Gu Chen's heart is extremely firm. His body is like an ancient mountain. No matter how chaotic the void is squeezed, he can't exaggerate Gu Chen at all.

Not only that, Gu Chen pushed the chaotic void on both sides, and the distance seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Time passes day by day. Every day, Gu Chen pushes away the chaotic void on both sides in the blink of an eye. A month has passed. As time goes on, Gu Chen pushes away the chaotic void faster and faster. Every day, the distance between the chaotic void on both sides is getting farther and farther.

However, the squeezing force of the chaotic void on both sides is also getting stronger and stronger. Gu Chen can be sure that as long as he has the slightest neglect, the chaotic void on both sides will be squeezed in an instant, and everything will be lost in this chaotic void until he dies.

Gu Chen clenched his teeth, and the breath in his heart never dissipated, pushing the chaotic void on both sides day after day, year after year.

Yangqing floated up and gradually turned into a blue sky, turbid and sank, forming a large land at the foot of Guchen, boundless, to a place that can't even be seen by Guchen, a flood.

A heaven and earth was formed between the chaotic voids on both sides, but the power of squeezing became stronger and stronger. Gradually, the power could not be borne by Gu Chen.
