From man to god

Chapter 15 Graduation

Union 333, June 5, 0900

Orosta Galaxy, first planet, ASC military base

The Eighth Fleet of the Alliance Space Command has begun to besiege the O'McCron Galaxy and nearby rebels and pirates for three days, and the military base on the First Planet has also become an important operational headquarters in the rear. Wien can see all kinds of warships taking off and landing these days. Even orbital defense weapons and space berthing ports outside high orbit are being accelerated.

The rebels' resistance was expected to be fierce. Although their strength could not be compared with the huge Eighth Fleet, they adopted a fighting strategy. Once they encountered a joint siege, they dispersed the warships and dived into secret spaceports built in other planets or asteroid belts. After sufficient supplies, they became unable to be thrown away at night. The fallen ghost specializes in tracking and attacking the fleet detachments that fell alone.

Guerrilla warfare is always hated, but the extermination operation will never be stopped because of this. Also due to the excellent performance of the Tiger Regiment's first shot, many people in the headquarters who were stationed "visited" the strongest team in the league 300 years ago. But unlike other people's purposes, Nord Buck* saw the bright spots of the Tigers, so he personally announced the end of the Tigers' training.

In the spacious auditorium of the base, the bright light clearly reflects not many people. Wien and 35 other soldiers of the Tigers sat quietly. They all changed into gray-white uniforms and wore a golden medal of honor and a hero medal they obtained in the battle of extermination a few days. From time to time, Wien looked down at the medal shining in the light, which was particularly conspicuous.

Li Song and Melinda Hurley came in together, followed by other sergeants who had trained them. They were all wearing ASC blue uniforms. Wayne and the Tigers soldiers stood up and saluted them. He also noticed that in addition to the countless medals and senior cards representing glory on his clothes, the rank on his shoulder was changed to a major.

They sat down and Wayne continued to observe the others. Dr. Hurley looks a little older than before, and the years are always ruthless. Wayne can even see the white hair in her hair. She sat next to Li Song in a light blue dress. All the Tigers sat quietly on the ladder seats behind them.

Major Lillian McLean and the last silent Colonel Henry were also present at the same time, and they sat next to Li Song. Major McLean wore the same gray-white uniform as the soldiers of the Tiger Regiment. Her unruly hair still looks so different, but no one around her has ever been surprised.

"General Buck is coming!"

All the staff stood up quickly, and the soldiers saluted the entrance illuminated by the spotlight.

A man in an ASC blue uniform with standard short black hair and about 60 years old strode in. He is tall, but unlike other big-bellied officials that Wayne has seen, he walks to give people a powerful feeling.

He stood in front of the microphone on the stage, with his black eyes staring at everyone present. He returned a gift, and then everyone sat down quietly.

"Ladies and gentlemen." The general's English voice was a little stiff. "Today is the third day of the alliance's encirclement and suppression of the rebellion in remote colonial areas, but I still took time to give a graduation speech for a special team, not for anything else, but in today's indecisive situation, I still have such courage and decisiveness to fight for the peace of the alliance. The team is proud!"

Wein heard it, and the general's words were sarcastic. But he didn't know who the general satirized, but the general's words made the scene strangely quiet, and then several officials of the Military Affairs Bureau applauded. With their lead, everyone applauded with relief. But Buck* still has a serious face.

"Congratulations on the 35 soldiers of the Tigers!" Buck* looked up at the soldiers sitting together in the back row, "But behind the celebration, we should always remember that we still have a lot of work to continue! Although O McClen's rebellion cannot last, the scattered guerrilla warfare is a headache. In particular, according to the information of the Military Intelligence Agency, the rebels have some secret military bases on the Colony of Omar Colony. They occupy the ground advantage and make it impossible for the fleet to strike deeply.

The graduation ceremony is a bit like a mobilization meeting. Those who are familiar with General Buck feel normal and unfamiliar. For example, Wayne also likes General. Like Li Song, he doesn't like to drag his water and always expresses what he wants to explain in the shortest words.

Just like now, the general's words have changed, and he is ready to promulgate tasks for them. It is admirable and expectant to the Tiger Troupe soldiers... But the general is always a general. He has his own specificity, but he will not do anything shocking.

"Everything needs to be handed over to the soldiers' direct officers about these combat plans," he focused on Major McLean in the front row. "Major Lillian McLean has been appointed as the new officer of the Tiger Regiment and needs to be studied and dealt with by herself in related matters and arrangements."

The general stopped for a moment, when a lieutenant colonel stood at the door. The general nodded to face everyone present: "I'm sorry that I didn't spend the whole ceremony with you." He looked at Major McLean in the audience, "Major, you will host the next work later."

The general and his entourage went out. Although this process is short, it will be an honor for everyone to be able to personally deliver the opening speech of the ceremony for their group of soldiers. After the commander went out, Major McLean continued to host the rest of the ceremony.

Major announced the graduation of all 35 soldiers and the rank of lieutenant obtained by Wien with honors. In addition, Cody, Watson and Helen, the captains of the Red, Blue and Green teams, received the rank of second lieutenant respectively, and all the other soldiers were awarded the rank of lieutenant.

The 20-year-old third-class sergeant sounds strange. However, every member of the Tigers has served for more than ten years and has sufficient qualifications and abilities. Unlike Wayne and the captains who have obtained the official title, the third-level sergeant enjoys deputy regimental treatment, which is equivalent to a lieutenant colonel.

Vien turned around and looked at his companions. They looked at him with congratulatory eyes. Although no one spoke, he knew that it was the result of public expectations. It is not uncommon for him to lead the Tigers. A few years ago, he has become the tacit leader of everyone. In a series of trainings or battles, his coordination and distribution ability is enough for him to take this position.

But the last thing made the Tigers soldiers regret it.

After the ceremony, Hurley and Major McLean chatted for a while. They greeted the sitting Major Li Song, then turned around and walked out. The whole auditorium was quiet, leaving only Major Li and 35 Tiger Regiment soldiers. The stage illuminated by the spotlight even seemed a little cold.

"Soldiers," Li Song came to them and took off the hat above his head. "I'm glad that you all graduated with excellent grades."

His face was still expressionless, but his eyes looked at each soldier with indescribable emotions.

"You need to realize that many things will not go in the direction you want." He tried his best not to sound like educating soldiers, "Separation and reunion are never certain." But it is with this that you can truly integrate into life, make new friends, and keep moving forward.

"You are the smartest and most powerful warrior I have ever seen. I hope you will inherit this in the future, just like the historical evaluation of Ngaio II's personal defenders - you will always be the most powerful force at the peak. Just this, no matter where I am, I will always be honored for you!"

What else he wants to say, but the soldiers know that this is the longest thing Li Song has said in recent years except for assigning tasks. He has always given everyone the impression that emotions can't interfere with him, but today they saw a different major Li Song.

He moved his mouth, and after all, he stood up silently and saluted them with a military salute.

They all stood up and saluted a serious salute.

"Disband!" Wayne said loudly that the other team members looked at the major reluctantly, then turned around and walked out.

Vien stayed behind and walked side by side with Major Lee.

"Lieutenant, what other questions do you have?" He looked at Wayne with a uniform but slow pace.

Vien nodded and said, "I'm still a little confused. I hope the officer can help me answer it."

Li Song nodded.

He took a look at the major and asked, "Shir, what is the vocation of a soldier?"

If this is said at ordinary times, Wayne has stepped on the road to punishment. But today, with the exception, Major Li looked at him in surprise and said without hesitation, "Obey the order."

"But what if the order is wrong?"

This is what Wayne wants to ask most. "Just like Colonel Abel Morgan, he led his men to escape from the O'Miken Galaxy and tried to occupy the first planet of Orosta. His soldiers were all regular soldiers of ASC, but due to Colonel Morgan's order, they did not hesitate to carry out the invasion alliance colonization. Minxing's mission?

"Also, in the mission a few days ago, I asked my brothers to carry out the seizure of the nuclear bomb. After deflected the target of the established mission, I asked them to unconditionally carry out the countdown of detonating the nuclear bomb. If I fail at that time, the mistake will completely destroy my team because of my orders.

Indeed, these two deep-buried things have been bothering him. Colonel Morgan's incident made him realize that the order to obey was not necessarily right. And his own experience also made him understand that officers are not God, and some orders will even lead to the death of all soldiers.

Vine's question silenced Major Li Song for a long time.

"Lieutenant, some things are not absolute." Li Song sat on the roadside bench with Wayne. He looked up at the white clouds dotted in the blue sky. "Many years ago, when I was serving in the army, the instructor once told me two stories."

"When a soldier who abused prisoners during the war was tried in a military court, his defense lawyer said: 'The abuse of prisoners is only obeying orders. He doesn't want a soldier to receive an order during the war but is still arguing about whether to obey... He is innocent, and the person who gave the order is guilty. However, this trick gave them the spit and severe punishment of everyone in society.

"There is another story. A group of recruits received their shooting training from instructors, and the target was a group of sentenced prisoners. The recruits' lame guns decreed the prisoners struggled, but failed to die immediately... Later, all the soldiers arrived. Making this order and reporting to the head needs to guarantee everyone's basic rights. Later, they were met and praised by the general in person.

"Under absolute obedience, there is a conflict of vocation, reason and conscience." Li Song said to Wayne, "How should I choose? This issue has been debated for a long time, but what I want to tell you is that if a person has no reason and conscience, he is no different from a beast.

"A soldier who doesn't even have a basic quality, as a leader once said: 'An uneducated army is a stupid army, and a stupid army can't defeat the enemy.'" The major repeated this hundreds of years ago, "I'm glad that you are an independent soldier rather than a machine that only accepts orders. In a word, behind the high-built vocation, the foundation is always reason and conscience!"

Wayne thought about the major's words and seemed to understand some, but not all of them.

Major Li Song finally stood up and said to Wayne, "Lieutenant, I'm glad to serve with you!"

Wayne just wanted to salute, but for the first time, the major extended his right hand to him.

He summoned up a lot of courage - although he still shouted that he needed to salute, he held the major's hand tightly and couldn't say a word.

"Good luck in the end!" The major smiled and said, "Goodbye!"

He turned stiffly and strode away. Wayne looked at his disappearing back, which was the last time they met.