From man to god

Chapter 28

Union 333, October 01 0930

Eota Colonial Star, Southern Tropical Rainforest Region

Vin jumped from the landing spaceship and fell straight into the dense jungle. About a second, his body hit the lush leaves and fell firmly on the ground. The overhead spacecraft roared and quickly left the rebel-controlled jungle area.

He determined the position of the other two teammates through motion detectors. Helen and Cody were six meters in front of him and in the direction of his left hand, but the lush branches and leaves completely blocked the world one meter away. In his eyes, except for the green leaves, they were black moss on the ground.

It's green, but it's not a good place. He looked up and couldn't see the blue sky, only a white cloud rising between the branches, and the sunlight disappeared above his head, and the surface was dim. Some tall trees grow to 30 to 40 meters. Shuttle between the bushes, the hot and humid air keeps losing sweat but cannot be replenished.

"I hate this terrain." Cody said as he walked, and he lowered the internal temperature of the armor. But after walking for a while, I still felt uncomfortable all over.

"Adapt to it, at least you are still wearing armor." Helen is quite optimistic. She held a curved machete in her hand and kept cutting off the plants in her way. Perhaps there is a disadvantage of being too tall - it is difficult for them to shuttle between the jungle deftly, and the machete in their hands has become a must. But at least in this isolated place, there will be no sudden emergence of enemies.

After Wayne followed the team, the mission computer showed that they were still 10 kilometers away from their destination. Of course, the rebels could not survive in the rainforest. But he must make it clear that despite wearing armor, this terrain is still the nemesis that slows them down. The delay of time will lead to more unpredictable changes. He didn't want his goal to disappear when he arrived at his destination.

He looked around, with towering trees and countless winding vines. It was not a simple thing to find a shortcut in this jungle maze. He followed the team and noticed that there was more and more moss under his feet, and the slippery road was difficult to walk. Usually this scene only happened by the river.

"Hence." Wayne said to them, "Look at the ground! I think we may not have to continue to shuttle through the jungle.

He came up with a way. Although it is not a good idea, he can get rid of the trouble of jungle terrain.

They followed the dense moss and gradually heard the sound of the river running in the distance. They followed the sound step by step, and about ten minutes later, they found a muddy river surrounded by green trees in front of them. Wayne stood by the river and looked forward in the direction of the current, just in line with the target direction.

They jumped into the river one after another. But the speed of the water flow is far more than that of the surface, and the undercurrent surge best reflects this scene. Wayne had unconsciously rushed out of a distance of two or three meters. He put it in the right direction and locked the armored air valve to make the air left in it generate buoyancy and flutter down the stream.

"Ha, this is really a good idea!" Cody's voice came intermittently, "But, boss, are you sure that our armor shield generator is waterproof?"

"There should be!" Wayne shouted that he was constantly rushing forward by the current. "If there is no such effect, once we encounter rainy days, there is nothing we can do. Let's just experience it now, just in case."

River*, the three people kept in the same direction and held each other's hands. The movement of the body also slowed down, and everyone with armor weighed almost 500 kilograms, which was equivalent to a thick wood floating on the water.

Vien did not forget to stare at the working status of the armor system. Fortunately, everything was normal and showed that they were getting closer and closer to the destination. He glanced at the dense woods on both sides of the riverbank and sighed at the benefits of wearing armor - at least they marched several times faster.

"Vien, do you feel..." Helen stared at the water. "The speed of the water flow was much faster before, and..."

"There is a roar in front!" Cody added.

"This..." Wayne thought for a moment, and he hesitated: "Isn't there a drop in front of him?"

"You're right!" Helen's voice changed a tone and was a little stunned.

They looked up at the front one after another, and the "rumbling" sound became more and more obvious, and the river broke off without warning more than ten meters in front of them!

A rotten branch at the end disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye!

"Daw! That's a waterfall!"

Cody shouted. They immediately separated and swam to both sides - but the rapid current would not give them this time at all. Moreover, it was six or seven meters away from the river bank. Although the soldiers were extraordinary, they were not good swimmers after all - Wayne had to take a last look at the shore and then focus his eyes to the end of the waterfall!

The sudden fall is like sitting in a spaceship that avoids maneuver, and his body is uncontrollable. But this feeling is not so strong, but part of the water flow poured in through the vent of the helmet. Wayne urgently closed the air inlet and then activated the oxygen stored in the armor.

He hit the water heavily, and the shock absorber absorbed most of the impact of the fall. Before he had time to think, he was quickly washed to the bottom of the river by the torrent from the top. The body is like a boat swaying in a storm, rolling forward at the bottom of the water, and the sound of "gurgling" water is constantly played by external audio receivers.

When Wayne felt that his body was still, the endless waterfall behind him was more than 100 meters away. He swam to the shore awkwardly and fell to the ground. The other two teammates appeared in the front and back of him. Like Wayne, they sat on the ground to drain the water in the armor.

"Let's continue?" Helen stood beside him and looked at the river, which was still not enough.

"Of course, is there a faster way?" Wayne shrugged his shoulders and looked at her.

Their eyes looked forward along the running river. Facts tell them that this journey is not too boring. On the contrary, fighting against nature and fighting with enemies can sometimes be ranked at the same level. Rapid rivers, alien animals living in the shallows, species of earth immigrants, etc. lurking in them, waiting for this group of strange visitors to break into the rainforest.

I swam eight kilometers along the river and then returned to the jungle. At this time, the sky began to rain heavily, and showers and fog splashed on the ground. The tropical rainforest has a climatic climate and abundant rainfall, and the whole process of their march has remained wet.

When approaching the edge of the rainforest, the heavy rain overhead still showed no sign of weakening.

But it also gave convenience to the three of them. They hid halfway down the mountain and secretly observed a temporary camp in front of them. The heavy rain has caused many soldiers to hide under the eaves, and most of the usual patrol personnel have been reduced. In this bad weather environment, it is not easy to stay focused.

This is a secret stronghold for the retreating rebels. According to the information given by the Military Intelligence Agency, they need to sneak into the enemy and arrest a lieutenant general among more than 300 enemy troops. Major McLean stressed that the goal must be captured alive, and this person has important information; then create the illusion that the enemy leader is dead. Specifically, it should be used to defeat the enemy's psychological defense, but the major did not explain more in this regard.

Vien shared the goal again in the three-person display interface. And he said to them, "This building area is the destination. The Alliance Army is now seizing the time to attack from the other three directions, and the troops here have been lost. But according to reliable intelligence, the target will stay here for a short time.

The camp covers a large area, but affected by the military architectural style of the alliance, they can determine the positions of several enemy commanders most likely to be stationed. But one thing, the surrounding camp is full of infrared warning lines. Moreover, the towering sentry tower became their great enemy.

"This mission is not difficult," Wayne said to his teammates, "but we must seize the opportunity. Once found, we may not be able to secretly capture the target alive."

"To catch the target alive, you need to wait for the night to come." Helen hid beside him, "It will be dark in more than an hour."

After a few minutes, Cody, who was exploring the road ahead, came back.

"There is good news and bad news." He said, "The good news is that the enemy's firepower is not very strong, and there are many spacecraft in the warehouse. If we can get these ships, we can solve the problem of returning.

"Bad news?" Helen asked.

"There are many enemies around. If we want to break through, we will inevitably be shot."

"If it had been in the past, this might have become a big trouble." Wayne said to them, "But don't forget, we are also tasked with testing the electromagnetic field shield!"

"It seems that my worries are superfluous." Cody leaned against the tree and let the rainstorm wash his body.

Vin began to sort out the equipment. He carried a Gauss rifle, but he underestimated the rain forest weather. First, he soaked in the river for a few hours, and now it is washed away by heavy rain. The coil of the Gauss rifle has long been flooded. If electricity could still be turned on at this time... He would not have done so.

"Our Gauss guns can't be used." Helen put down the sniper gun in her hand and shook her head.

"Only enemy guns can be used." Cody stared at the enemy moving ahead.

Wein removed the Gaussian gun, dug a hole in the ground with a saber, and then scattered and buried the parts. Others did the same. They can't leave these technologies here, although no one will find them.

There is only one G55 silencer left. In addition, Cody and Wayne carry 40mm gun grenade launchers and three drums, one of which is filled with 10 armor-breaking grenades. The direct shooting reaches a distance of 150 to 200 meters, which can tear off 150 mm thick homogeneous armor, with a killing radius of 8 meters. It is a sharp weapon for dealing with light armored targets and mountain and jungle operations.

"At least this guy can still work normally." Cody said with a smile. He filled the drum and opened the microcomputer screen to assist shooting. The combat interface was displayed normally and did not fail because of immersion. In the absence of reliable weapons, their action this time is absolutely not small - if they use gun grenades.

The night quickly enveloped the earth.

The rain is less, which reminds Wayne that he must hurry up. They quickly went down halfway down the mountain and close to the edge of the camp.

The combat display shows the area of the infrared sensor ring. They carefully walk on the edge, bypassing the trap area and passing through the cracks. A heavy rain drove the soldiers patrolling the camp into the house, and the three of them easily dodged the sentry and entered the camp.

They came to a row of temporary barracks and hid in a corner. The thermal sensor detector shows that there are not many enemies around, but they are relatively concentrated, which makes it difficult for them to make a single attack. After waiting for a while, they figured out the rules of patrolling in the enemy camp.

"In this case, we are completely unable to act without alarming the enemy." Wayne retreated and said to his teammates, "The temporary plan has been changed, and we need to act separately."

"Codi, you are responsible for sneaking close to the parking warehouse of the spacecraft, try to get the enemy spacecraft undetected, and destroy their air defense facilities as much as possible."

"Haellen, you and I are in a group. We start to investigate from the area where the commander is most likely to rest. Once we catch the target, Cody will pick us up.

"I understand."

"Let's separate!"

Wein took Helen out of the main road of the camp and approached the first suspected area from the side. Cody turned a corner and disappeared into the rainy night.

He walked about 100 meters. Under the raindrops, Wayne lowered the sensitivity of the detector. Immediately, he found that the motion detector showed that two targets in front were approaching them, and heard two patrol soldiers sandwiched in the rain constantly complaining. They are very angry with the volatile weather.

"Halen, you are responsible for the one on the right!" Wayne said to her.

The two people appeared in front of them. Wayne raised his machete and waved it. The man on his left hand didn't even have time to retreat. His head flew out, fell to the ground, and rolled to his feet. The night and rainstorm perfectly cover all evils.

Helen also solved the second person. They dragged the body to the corner and simply hid it, and the two continued to set out. They dodged some enemy troops that could be avoided and buried explosives in some places.

Finally, near the door of a building. There is a voice inside, and four people are moving inside.

"Haylan, you are here to prepare." Wayne said to her, "I'll go to the window on the other side!"

He left here and went around to the other side of the building. Squatting on the ground and observing left and right. After not finding the enemy, he stared at the window above his head.

"Hellen, get ready!" After Wayne finished speaking, he stood up quietly and reached out and knocked on the window lightly.

Four people in the room heard the sound of the windows being knocked and made subconscious movements - turning their heads to look at the source of the sound - and at this time, Helen pushed the door with her left hand and pointed the pistol at the four people with her back - she quickly looked at them, but the four uniforms were not officers!

Four people fell down and Wayne climbed in through the window, but unfortunately there was no goal they needed. He searched the bodies of four soldiers and got a marching laptop from one of them. He turned on the computer, but there was an encryption program. He handed the computer to Helen.

"The patrol schedule of the base." Helen quickly deciphered, "It's not very useful. It's just the patrol plan of each team... Wait, there are also some major officers in some areas attached here... Well, Lieutenant General Song Hai. Yes, this guy is the target we need!" She handed the result to Wayne.

"Where is he?" Wayne asked.

"Wait, I'll take out the map." Helen continued to operate the computer, "Look, that's it. The target is about 100 meters away from us, right in front of us, the second investigation area we envisioned. But there are three teams patrolling around and are well defended.

Vien doesn't like to attack, because unpredictable changes will be mixed in. He wants to find something that can interfere with the enemy's attention and make it easier for them to approach the target. But then he rejected the idea - unlike in the past, if the enemy was attacked, they would do their best to protect the commander.

"The assault will be better." Helen said, "Three teams are patrolling around, a total of 30 people. It will take a few minutes for the nearby team to support. If we can catch the target in five minutes, Cody should be able to send us out quickly.

Although Helen recommended a strong attack, she still gave the choice to Wayne.

"Hmm. We will attack and complete the task in the fastest time. He finally decided to do so, and he knew very well that there would not always be a wonderful idea waiting for them - such as now. Cody, I'll send you the map coordinates. After the exchange of fire begins, you will be ready to support us.

They picked up the rebel F-A08 assault rifle on the ground and took a few magazines, but he let the magazine in his hand slide into the ammunition box - if they really needed so many magazines at a moment, they would definitely be surrounded by doom.

They began to act.

On the road, they used machetes to solve a few small-sighted enemies. Whether it is their own strength or armor, each member of the Tigers is many times stronger than ordinary people - they waved sabres and killed the enemy completely into a fast knife and chaotic competition.

But after all, there are some things that cannot be avoided.

Vine felt his blood boiling all over - perhaps each of them had a different nature from ordinary human beings - beast nature. When the first bullet in his hand tore the target's chest and blood gushed out, Wayne's mind was left to complete the task quickly - he no longer had to take action before the exam. Worry-free worries.

The electromagnetic field shield was opened, and the bullets fired by the enemy were shifted by the force field one after another. Wayne and Helen were responsible for one direction. The assault rifle in their hands kept spraying blood-red light. Bullets seemed to be roaring demons. It was cursed. It broke the enemy's helmet and tore the enemy's chest... Blood and rain were completely integrated, and red streams were washed on the ground. Flow.

They seemed to be spelled by wizards, protected by magic, and enemy bullets were completely blocked from their bodies - which made many confused soldiers scream and roar, but finally they could not escape death.

Wein shook off the magazine in his hand and replaced it with the last one. But it was not too late. Relying on the almost "invincible" ability given by the shield in three minutes, he kicked open the door of the command post and broke into the interior. For a moment, the sound of gunfire and shouts all drilled into his ear.

But all the bullets still stay outside strangely.

He has the option to shoot and kill the soldiers who resist the strongest and turn his body slightly - the shield does not fully protect the whole body, and must have a few shooting holes. He used it clearly and covered it up. Helen retreated and leaned against his back. She held the grenade in her hand and fired a few shots at the sky outside the door.

The grenade flew in an arc to the building of one of the enemy barracks, and the explosion instantly destroyed the building. Then, she slightly raised the muzzle. The data connected to the microcomputer of the grenade ballistic system showed on the combat helmet. The trajectory was marked with a red curve. She pointed at the sentry 500 meters away from her right hand. Tower!

The explosion lit up the night and woke up other enemies at the same time.

But at the last moment, they still have two minutes to implement the plan. Helen fired a few shots in all directions, and the grenade could add another fire in the chaos. Unlike before the raid, she bought time by doing so.

In the house, Wayne killed six soldiers and three officers. He focused his eyes on the last officer - the target of the operation, Lieutenant General Song Hai, the commander of a rebel fleet. But now it is obvious that the general trend is gone, at least in two or three minutes.

Wein didn't talk nonsense with him. After quickly knocking him down, he took out the mixed morphine anesthetic and got an injection on his neck. Song Haizhong's eyes turned white a few seconds later and collapsed to the ground. Wayne quickly took off his clothes. He needed this lieutenant general's uniform to make the commander look dead.

"Hellen, I'll give this person to you!" He shouted to Helen.

Helen threw the grenade launcher filled with ammunition to Wayne, and then carried the lieutenant general on his shoulder without saying a word, holding the bomb detonator in the other hand.

Vien dragged the fallen people to the corner, stacked them up, and then took out the high explosive bombs and * on his body, activated them and stuffed them into the pile of corpses. These ammunition are built-in time-lapse detonation devices set by the Military CIA - 15 seconds of explosion, but they have enough time to detach.

"Behind me!" Wayne told Helen that he noticed that the shield capacitor had been half restored, "One minute and a half, enough!"

They rushed out.

Helen detonated the bomb and there was a small-scale chaos in the camp. But no one has found that their commander has been captured alive. Wayne contacted Cody: "Codi, where are you?"

"Oh, sir!" His voice came, "There are two space* systems in the base, and I can't get close to your position!"

"Change the place!" Wayne shouted that he fired a shot at the dark area in front of him. The grenade rushed straight into the crowd and hit one of the unlucky ghosts. The armored grenade directly tore his body and others within six meters around him could not be spared.

"I'm 200 meters east of you!" Cody shouted, "Come here quickly and I'll help you deal with the snipers!"

Helen turned her head and looked to the east. The rocket launch nest of a landing spacecraft spewed several rockets, dragging a red tail rocket into a sentry tower in front of her. Several violent explosions sounded, and the sentry tower rolled down with flames and thick smoke and hit the ground.

Cody is very smart. He lowered the height of the spacecraft so that the radar could not track him for the time being, but he was within the scope of suppressing the firepower of the surrounding buildings.

However, Wayne knew that he had to be fast and the enemy's fixed air defense* system failed, but the hand-held individual soldiers* or armored assault vehicles could become Cody's biggest enemy. The camp was already chaotic. He took Helen to the east and was hit by several bullets on the road, but it was blocked by the shield.

Vien displayed the display interface as a thermal sensing mode, and a small group of enemies chased him in the right direction. As he ran, he pointed the muzzle somewhere. The computer immediately calculated the attack trajectory. He pulled the trigger without hesitation, made a few low noises, and three grenades flew over, which suddenly turned into a A sea of fire.

He continued to stare at the display interface, and the shield could last 45 seconds.

Most of the enemy still did not figure out where the enemy was in the night, but Wayne shot the grenade everywhere, which turned into the effect of hitting east and west.

In the world of bullets, speed is crucial!

Wayne can't remember how many bullets hit him, but at the last moment, they successfully ran to the landing craft controlled by Cody. Helen was the first to jump up and fixed the target on the seat. After the break, Wayne counterattacked and went backwards. Helen controlled the machine gun to shoot around. When the spacecraft took off, Wayne found two assault vehicles chasing them.

He quickly replaced the last drum and fired continuous shots at the ground, and dangerous sparks immediately broke out in the night. One of the assault vehicles was hit by two grenades and was immediately blown up, covering the surrounding area. The spacecraft raised its altitude and fled into the air.

But at this time, the "dudu" radar lock sound also sounded.

* Pursue this group of invaders crazily. The spacecraft lowered its height immediately after escaping from the camp. The enemy's anti-aircraft machine gun left several rows of bullet marks on the strong alloy fender of the spacecraft, which made Wayne jump in horror. Two * dragging orange tails followed! The spacecraft threw foil, and then Cody played a set of snake-shaped evasion and fell from a high altitude into the low altitude and shuttled through the woods.

"I secretly put the bomb on the rocket ammunition box in the enemy's spaceship warehouse, and most of the enemy's spaceships were destroyed!" Cody's laughter came.

"Well done!" Wayne took a breath, but still stared at the direction of the small camp with lingering throb.

The firepower estimated by the intelligence was at least one level lower. If it hadn't been for their shields and the extremely fast action, they would have completed and fled in just a few minutes. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they could only become the prey of * or crazy rockets.

Helen leaned on the seat with a smile on her face for the rest of her life.

"I guess that except for us who dare to take this kind of lifeless job, other people dare not break into a camp so directly and rob the commander!"

Vien smiled. But Helen is right. It is estimated that there are not many special forces in the army who dare to do these seemingly life-death tasks except for the bold tiger regiment.