From man to god

Chapter 32

Union 333, October 18 1630

Border Star, on the way to the Tiger Base

Vine and Jenny sat on the military-specific troop transport spacecraft, with dark blue flames spewing out, and the spacecraft returned along the military-specific aviation route. But the journey is long. The southern second district is about 3,000 kilometers away from the base. Even if the spacecraft flies at a Mach speed, it will take three hours.

Vien sat quietly, and the speed of the spacecraft was not very fast.

He thought about Fang Sheng. In his report to McLean, Fang Sheng was killed by them in the suburbs and discarded his body in a secret nearby. Except for the blood and documents that can prove his identity on his car, he can hardly find anything else, and the police can only file a case for disappearance at most. And the Military Situation Administration will not interfere in such a thing after the mission.

This excuse is very good, and Fang Sheng has a different identity certificate. He should be on his way home now. In order to avoid the Military CIA, he can only live in another identity in the future, but at least he does not have to be involved in this foggy dispute.

He even envied Fang Sheng for not having to continue to fall into the quagmire. But he told himself that he still had more responsibilities, and since he had taken the first step, he would persistently pursue the truth. He glanced at the quiet Jenny beside him. He knew that her heart was full of doubts at this moment, but now was not the time to talk.

After he decided to arrive at the base, he told all the facts and his speculations to his teammates. He shouldn't hide it from them. It's a kind of mistrust. Judging from Jenny's unhesitating support for his rebellious behavior, he even felt ashamed of himself for a time.

But after making a brief report to McLean, the first thing he had to do was to find Dr. Hurley. He brought her what Fang Sheng gave them, and then he found the blue team that stayed at the base for the time being, looking for a suitable time to tell them what was on his mind.

Don't think too much, he will get the support of his teammates.

But Holly has put a lot of effort into the storage chip.

When she browsed all the contents, there were already three empty cups of coffee on the table. She stretched out and took a look at the time. It was already late at night. When the others fell asleep, only the lights in her office were still on alone.

"Carl, you sort out this information, distinguish its entries, and then list the most direct evidence." Holly yawned, "You wake me up on time by 0700 the next day."

"I understand, doctor." Artificial intelligence will never be sleepy, and they don't have the saying of "sleep". The doctor is suddenly envious, but she also feels ridiculous about her thoughts. How can people become thinking machines! She shook her head, although her work level has not been much different from Carl's in recent days. But she always insists on being a human with various rich feelings.

Carl woke her up on time the next day, but the sleepy doctor persisted until 0800.

"Oh, this is really a breakthrough!" She got up from ** and said to herself, "Carl, how much time do you think I will waste in my life if I continue like this?"

She asked a very boring question, but she was also bored enough to quickly calculate in her mind. A few seconds later, she told Carl the waiting answer that thinking is always conducive to improving his spirit. And Carl is also used to Holly's behavior. Holly is very satisfied with this. She hates that when she needs to think, artificial intelligence gives an answer in a few milliseconds, which makes her feel like a useless animal.

After washing, Carl relayed everything he had sorted out to her.

Everything is beginning to clear, but the evidence in her hand is still not enough to bring down everyone. She must have more. But her body told her that it was better to solve the breakfast problem first. She could not continue to work in a state of hunger.

After a short breakfast time, she established an idea.

"This is crazy, Doctor." Carl doesn't agree, "After all, you are not a professional intelligence officer or agent. If this kind of thing is to be implemented..."

"Tell me the success rate you calculated?" She asked Carl.

"It's not low." Carl replied truthfully, "But it's dangerous."

"I will implement it whenever possible." She stubbornly said, "That group of children can't do this. Let me finish it for them!"

"I understand that you care about the feelings of every member of the Tigers, but..."

Before Carl's words were finished, Holly had packed up, picked up a small instrument in the drawer, and ran the artificial intelligence program in it. "Carl, please!"

She successfully ran a replica of Carl and loaded it in a palm-sized machine.

"Okay." The real Carl can only nod. I will monitor Ms. McLean for you and report her chances of finding you.

"Thank you." She said.

She took a few steps and came back, "Carl, do you think I should bring a pistol?"

But she shook her head and went out again.

"Oh!" Carl stayed where he was and then rubbed his temple. "What a complicated problem."

Holi feels wonderful now. She feels as if she is a secret agent. Even the way she walked was full of mystery, and she even felt that the people next to her were paying attention to her. Blame those damn movies! She said to herself in her heart, but opened the miniature headset in her ear without hurry.

"Doctor, I received your signal." Carl's clear voice came.

"Received." She replied.

"It's standard, but you speak too loudly." Carl's calm tips.

She avoided this embarrassing problem. Alone through the experimental area, then around a playground, and then to the officer's office area of the Tiger Corps. She learned from Carl that there is no one in the three-story office building now, and McLean is staying with the Blue team at this moment.

Dr. walked up the stairs and came to the gate of the office building.

The induction door immediately slid open to both sides. She stepped in, but when the shoes touched the ground, it made a crisp sound. She found that she had made a mistake. She should have come in flat shoes. But it was obviously not the time to consider retreating. She went up the stairs as quietly as possible and finally came to the door of McLean's office on the third floor.

"Carl, decipher her password." She took out the machine, and the replica of Carl immediately used the wireless signal to invade the security system of the whole building.

The replicated intelligence is only one-tenth of the real artificial intelligence function, but it is still an advanced technology developed by Herlie's team. It took three seconds for Carl to decipher and open the door of the office. The doctor looked left, walked in safely, and closed the door lightly.

The office is very simple. There are many paper books on the bookshelf. The windows next to it are open, the breeze pours in, and the curtains are fluttering. Holly went straight to her desk and sat in the swivel chair.

She put the machine on the table and ordered, "Carl, run the special identification program of the Military CIA and invade McLean's personal terminal."

"Please wait." * Carl's voice is not so round.

Helly wears glasses, but she can't do anything now. She knows that the military information agency's security and defense methods are very strong, but as long as there is something wrong internally - such as the storage chip provided by Fang Sheng, which records the various password matrices they use. This is equivalent to breaking into the interior, and the next step is to need powerful artificial intelligence to decipher it, and the * version of Carl can fully cope with this.

She is a little nervous, and the real spying is always different from the movie. She can easily invade McLean's office without any damage, but she can't guarantee that she will succeed. What if there are any secret monitoring devices or more advanced recording measures around her? She will expose everything!

Carl's voice dispelled her concerns, "Doctor, successfully landed on Lillian McLean's private terminal."

"Turn to manual operation!" She told Carl that her hands were operating on the projected holographic interface, which recorded all the evidence of McLean's contact with the Military Information Agency, and a large number of undestruction military orders, including some assassinations.

"They are really bold!" Holly looked at several encrypted read messages, which were different from before, and these were giving certain instructions without hesitation. "These are enough to prove that Mi3 is trying to commit and betraying the alliance!" The result is shocking.

She felt that the seriousness of the matter was far beyond her expectations, and it would even bring her murder.

She immersed herself in the random natural number square calculation, and then transferred it to the complex Drake equation. Without calculating whether alien life would come into contact with humans, the doctor's nervousness finally relaxed, "Carl, is McLean still normal?"

[Drake equation: the number of highly intelligent civilizations used to calculate the Milky Way and the observable universe that can communicate with us by radio]

"Everything is fine, Doctor." Carl replied, "She should not return in a short time."

"That's good." The burden in her heart eased a lot. "Carl, back up all this information."

"I understand, it will take about five minutes."

She leaned her back against the seat and held her arms. She stared at McLean's photo on the table and muttered, "What a powerful agent!"

She is angry that if the situation is allowed to develop, sooner or later, this woman will consume her hard-bred Tiger Troupe soldiers on the battlefield one by one - although these are likely to be their final destination, she is absolutely not allowed to use them in meaningless infighting!

"Doctor, it's all been copied."

"Now clear all records of intrusion." Holly stood up, and her back was already sweating.


Well done, Carl. Let's evacuate!"

She went out and looked around carefully.

When she came back to the sun, she felt that her burden was much heavier. But she has no choice - her heart is always full of justice and regards the peaceful unity of the alliance as her responsibility.

I'm afraid the Military CIA didn't expect this at that time. Melinda Hurley would be a variable. Unlike other researchers, she is not doing her job honestly - the psychology of taking risks has made her obtain a lot of useful information, and the crisis has begun to hit.

She stayed in the office all morning and then found Wayne and Watson.

"Somethings have progressed!" She said bluntly.

Vien and Watson stand.

"Military situation three," she shook her head, "no one is a good person!"

This is shocking news, but Heli intends to turn upside down: "This group of people colluded with the military and the government to embezzle the alliance's investment in military construction and administrative allocations in remote areas, and the money obtained is used to develop military research or private consumption."

"From some of the intelligence I have obtained, some ASC officers and rebels who are now participating in the war of rebellion were likely to be in the same group." She said this fact that made her unbelievable. "They embezzled money together, and then secretly colluded with future technology to use untransferable money on consuming arms, and everything they prepared for more than ten years was to rebel against the alliance one day."

" this possible?" Watson still couldn't believe it.

"Doctor, what about the specific personnel?" Wayne asked unusually calmly. He needed to know who was leading all this behind the scenes.

"I can't get more information through McLean," Heli said, "but the military personnel who have contacted her many times should be at a higher level."

Hally opened the holographic projection and showed that the figure was Colonel Simon Henry, whom Wayne had met several times.

"He is responsible for giving orders to McLean." "If we can find him and get more information about the senior management in his hand, we will have more important evidence," Heli said. Children, the matter is very serious. It is no longer a matter of evidence. Once these people are exposed, they can only rebel collectively!"

"I guess the military has also noticed that O'Mullen's extermination is an example, and because of that operation, there may be divisions within the rebels, so one party was eager to kill them all when the war broke out."

"We need to give this information to the military." She said, "But this is far from enough. The military must need specific personnel, such as which officer is involved in this matter. Otherwise, under random intervention, a more serious alliance crisis will break out!"

After listening to this, the three people were silent for a few minutes.

"It's hard to imagine. We are actually involved in this crisis." Watson said.

"But we will deal with it." Wayne said, "Doctor, what do you think we should do next?"

"We have to find someone to trust." She opened the address book and said, "Do you remember Brigadier General Wei Youguo of the ASC special operations department?"

Vien nodded. This is a legend in the army.

"He is an upright person, and we can trust him." Hurley said with certainty, "I tried to communicate secretly with him, but I can't contact him for the time being. But if he is there, we will have a backer. Maybe the direct command of the Tigers can be handed over to him.

"But at present, we should find Simon Henry. And try to get a higher list of people from this person. Holly looked at them and said, "It's not difficult to track him down, but this kind of person should be particularly careful, if..."

"Doctor, don't forget us." Watson hinted her.

"Oh! Sorry." Holly said shyly that she almost forgot that behind her was the Tigers.

"In that case, let's make things clear. Captain, as long as you find Henry's whereabouts, you will use this time to deal with everything!"

"No problem, madam." Wayne has been waiting for a long time.