From man to god

Chapter 35

Union 333, October 21 1030

Border Star, Tiger Corps Base

Hally seemed to know something, but she had no time to stop the blue team from carrying out the deadly mission. She was very angry. The children were always reckless and ignored. She even felt that there was something wrong with Li Song's teaching. But after blaming others, she has to do a good job of sweeping the group of people.

Before that, she inadvertently got a piece of information, which may not be unintentionally - McLean must have found that the secret contact point of M3 had been attacked after the incident. Just today, she received an order from the superior to go to the city to receive intelligence in person.

After Carl, who monitored McLean, browsed these news, the doctor also came up with a bold idea.

According to her own speculation, Wayne led the blue team to set out at 0900. Regardless of success or failure, the news will inevitably be exposed around 1300, and then let the people at the third place know. In the last favorable time, she has to do something efficient - such as tracking the boss who met McLean.

"Carl, call Dr. Qian for me." Holly said as she prepared. She opened the drawer at the bottom of the table, in which lay a G55 pistol. She picked it up, neatly put the gun on it, and stuffed it into her handbag. Although she is a demilitar, she feels it is necessary to do so.

"Melinda, what's the matter?" Qian Wen's holographic half-length image appeared on the table, and he saw the scene of Holly sorting out the items, "Are you going out?"

"Oh, Dr. Qian, there is something I need to trouble you. I want to use your bulletproof suspension car and give me the permission password.

If it is usual, Qian Wen will agree. But now, he frowned and buried his head for a few seconds later, he replied, "I'm afraid not." This car was modified three days ago. There is something wrong with the identification system. It can only authenticate my permissions and cannot be modified for the time being.

Helly patted her forehead when she was disappointed by a good idea but suffered a setback. Qian Wen smiled and said, "Melinda, if you don't go on a date, maybe I, an old man, can be your driver?"

"Oh! Oh! I don't have a date!" Hurley immediately declared.

"Don't be silly! At your age, you should also think about your own affairs..."

"Stop! Please stop!" She begged, "I have something to do now."

"No problem. I can change my clothes and act as your elder or a full-time driver."

"Well, I'm going to tell you that I'm going to do a dangerous task!" She emphasized the word "mission" and took out the gun in her handbag and shook it in front of him. "See?"

"This is exactly what I want." But Qian Wen obviously didn't mean to retreat. "It's hard for you to be reassuring. In case of mistakes, I can still help you.

"Doctor, Lillian McLean has walked to the parking area." Carl hinted her.

"Oh, there's not much time." She made a decision in her heart, "Okay, okay. But you have to promise me to obey the command. This time, it's different from before.

"No problem." The image of Qian Wen disappeared.

Hellie came out uneasily. She didn't meet the blue team on the road. Maybe she should find a few players. But now there is no time for her to consume. McLean's car drove out. She quickly ran to Qian Wen's special experimental area, and a brand-new suspended car drove out.

"Hurry up." Qian Wen said, although he didn't know how urgent things were.

Helley gasped and sat in the co-pilot seat. He turned his head and looked at Qian Wen, who was old but still strong, and sighed.

"Relax. You are definitely worth the trip!" Qian Wen is full of confidence in himself.

"I will connect the navigation data, and you will follow the car in front of you." She said to Qian Wen.

"Isn't that Lillian McLean?" He asked.

"Yes, she is my target."

"This person is not easy to deal with." Qian Wen shook his head, "You should let the blue team do these things."

"I know, but the Blue team can't find them at this time."

Qian Wen nodded understandingly. After switching the driving mode to automatic cruise, he did not say anything.

They have followed for a long time.

Until he approached the city, Qian Wen suddenly opened the holographic projection screen on the center console, and the translucent screen floated into the air. He clicked several buttons, and a radar scan appeared in the lower left corner. He converted the scanned results into video images through computer simulation.

"I'm afraid we're in trouble." Qian Wen said with certainty, "There are three cars behind us sneakingly. Look, their audio signal is connected to the two cars in front of them. I promise that this group is a group of people.

"Have you been fooled?" Holly asked.

"Almost." Qian Wen pushed his old mirror and said calmly, "They want to stop us."

"But they won't succeed." But he had a confident smile on his face.

"Melinda, let's work!" The doctor said, "Fuck these little ones! Now you open the co-pilot's weapon operating system first.

"Huh?" Holly looked at Qian Wen like a different person. After a second, she touched the button. The system holographic interface pops up, and the options of vehicle weapons are displayed in front of her.

"Oh, my God! When did you do this?" Hurley stared at the rows of vehicles, machine guns, rocket launchers in surprise... and even forgot the approaching pursuers behind her. She felt that this was not a car at all, but should be defined as a land combat machine.

Qian Wenxiao smiled and said, "I expected that it would be useful one day, especially when I might escape because of something."

"But what should we do now?" Holly interrupted Qian Wen's unfounded imagination, "The car behind her is close to us!"

"Don't worry, you choose EMP*." Qian Wen turned to manually control the vehicle, "Press the third button in the second row and lock the car in the middle. Wait until two seconds after the red light flashes, you press the red launch button!"

"It's simple!" Holly hates complex weapon manipulation, but her face is now calm.

The on-board radar locked one of the cars behind her. Qian Wen kept the car stable while driving. Holly stared at the holographic screen. When the red light flashed, she silently counted two seconds and then pressed the launch button confirmed.

At this moment, the trunk of the suspended car cracked a gap and a * was ejected. Then, the rocket thruster at the tail was ignited and dragged the white smoke to the car in the middle of the rear. With the explosion, the strong electromagnetic pulse released by EMP* instantly enveloped the surrounding area within ten meters, and even the roadside monitoring system had a circuit failure. The car twisted, lost control, and the speed became slower and slower.

Qian Wen glanced at the rearview mirror, and the three cars had gradually disappeared from his sight.

"Melinda, machine guns suppress them!" He is like a commander in battle now.

"I understand." The doctor is also very cooperative. Two intelligent machine guns with adjustable angles appeared in the front of the car. Holly groped for a while. She pressed the launch button, and the machine gun immediately sprayed bullets crazily. The two cars in front were shrouded in dense bullets. In an instant, they speeded up and tried to escape.

The transition from prey to hunter took only ten seconds.

"Do you want to kill her?" Qian Wenwen asked.

"No, keep a living mouth." Holly shook her head.

"But you are completely aiming randomly now!" Qian Wen corrected her mistake, "You should press the calibration mode, let the computer control machine gun for intelligent aiming, and just smash their suspended car!"

But at this time, Holly's communicator rang. She hurriedly took a look and connected Jenny's communication.

"Dr. Hurley, where are you? We need to leave the base immediately now.

"I'm on the road on the outskirts of the city. What's the matter?" She replied.

"Why did you go there?" Jenny looked very surprised. "According to the leader's plan, the Blue team has contacted the Brown family. Bernie Brown is now ready to use a private spacecraft to help us leave the planet. It's no longer safe here. We need to meet with the Red Team.

Things surged up, and Herlie stared at McLean, who had no way out in front of her. "Jenny, Dr. Qian Wen and I are chasing Lilian McLean--"

"What?" Jenny's voice has changed.

"Don't worry, kid!" She gave a reassuring smile, "She can't run away. We're almost going to catch her."

"No, you have been fooled! This woman is also in contact with another secret military organization in the city. She takes advantage of this and is now waiting for you to take the bait!"

Jenny then said, "Tell me your location and I'll pick you up now!"

"Now I will send you the location coordinates." Holly also became nervous. "In addition, there is a troop carrier spacecraft in Area C-2 of the experimental area, and you can use it through fingerprint identification."

"Well, hold on!" Jenny hurried offline.

"If it's true as Jenny said, we must take urgent measures." Qian Wen accelerated the speed of the suspended car and gradually approached the two cars in front of him. "Melinda, there is still the last EMP* in the car. You aim at one of them and try to stop them."

"But we will also be affected by electromagnetic pulses!"

"Don't worry, this car has a second set. Emergency control system." Qian Wen vowed to do it.

"Well, victory is just around the corner." She decided to take risks. Switch to the * interface again, and let the radar lock one of the vehicles in the same way. After confirmation, * dragged the thick white smoke and flew out, accurately exploded in the air, and the strong electromagnetic pulse spread away.

All the images in front of Holly suddenly disappeared, the car darkened, and radio communication was interrupted. The faulty circuit system turned the car into a run-in-run wild horse, running on the road at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour completely uncontrollably. Looking at the guardrails and road signs that kept roaring by, Hurley was shocked and sweating coldly.

The only fortunate thing is that it is not time to commute, and there are almost no vehicles on the road.

Qian Wen took out the computer he was carrying, pulled out two data cables under the center console in the car, connected to the computer, and ran the emergency control system. Holly stared at him to control the operation of a car with a personal computer. While her heart was pounding, she also prayed secretly.

But Dr. Qian succeeded, suspended to regain control and slowed down.

The speed of the first two out-of-control cars gradually slowed down, and there was no danger all the way, but in the end the two cars collided with each other and crashed into the guardrail on the roadside like out of control. However, under the impact of 70 kilometers per hour, the vehicle safety system can fully ensure that a person can survive safely.

Qian Wen parked his car 50 meters away from the two suspension cars that had an accident. "What are you going to do now?"

"Can the machine gun still be used?" Holly asked.

"Uncontrollable." Qian Wen shook his head.

He added: "There is only one empty space*."

"This is the only way to use it!" She opened her handbag, took out the laxed G55 pistol, and was ready to open the door and go out.

Qian Wen grabbed her and said, "Don't joke. You won't be their opponent." He looked up and motioned Hurley to look ahead. McLean and another man crawled out of the broken car, and then turned around and chased in this direction. I hope they can be polite to the elderly.

"Then hit them!" Holly said.

"I want to, too, but this guy's stubborn temper is coming!" Qian Wen patted the center console angrily, and the suspended car had no response.

"The world is unpredictable." Holly still pushed away the pistol insurance.

But as she said, there was the approaching roar of the spaceship above her head - a military transport ship flew low and then braked in the air. Five or six meters from the ground, Jennifer jumped to the ground and fell between McLean and the man.

Without saying anything, she raised her leg and attacked the man with a gun.

It only took two seconds. As soon as the man's gun was raised, he was kicked by Jenny's sweeping. Then, Jenny bullied her body and hit her fist hard on the other party's chin. The man flew up and fell to the ground and fainted. McLean stepped back a few steps, posed to meet the enemy, and shouted at the same time, "Soldier, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know." Jenny replied with a flat expression, "But you don't want to fight with me. Here are three seconds! Surrender! Avoid the pain of skin and flesh!"

McLean looked complicated and hesitated.

"You..." She shook her head, "How stupid!"

After shouting an inexplicable word, she simply swept towards Jenny's stomach. Her posture is standard, her movements are fierce, and she is undoubtedly strictly trained.

Jenny stepped back and avoided. However, she reached out and easily grabbed McLean's swept foot and kicked McLean's stomach at the same time. She snorted and flew back a few meters away. Before she could get up, Jenny, who strode forward, had already grabbed her neck and subdued her with her hand.

"How's it going, Major?" Jenny's clamping made her unable to move. "I can crush the bones of your whole body in a few seconds!"

McLean gasped and couldn't speak. She finally experienced the feeling of fighting with the Tigers soldiers - a sense of powerlessness. Even if she was full of strength and self-confidence, she could only be subdued without resistance. The name of the killing machine is not a false reputation.

But the next moment she won't know anything. After knocking her out, Jenny carried her, logged into the troop carrier with Qian Wen and Hurley, turned around and rushed to the meeting place.

Before the east window incident, they successfully reunite with Bernie Brown and took a transport spacecraft to leave the surface and enter the civil spaceport.

Bernie expected that the Tigers might be exposed after Operation Wayne. So he prepared a private guard of 150 people and arranged the fastest civilian spacecraft to contact the Blue Team as originally planned and prepare to stay away from the planet.

His prominent status bought him a lot of time. When the blue team came together, they entered the spaceship.

"Ms. Heli, do you have all the evidence?" Bernie Brown asked her.

"All." Hurley nodded, "If Wayne can get the most important evidence, we will all become heroes this time."

"I hope so." Bernie is not optimistic.

"Enter the transition fault space in five minutes and go to meet the other two teams of Tigers."