From man to god

Chapter 054 Capture

"Lieutenant, have you brought explosives?" Huo Xiu turned his head and loudly asked a bald marine officer with a tattoo on his neck.

"We have five kilograms of C-8 explosives, sir?" As soon as the lieutenant finished speaking, a soldier carrying an explosive bag ran over.

"Implement the action immediately!" After Huo Xiu finished speaking, a team member had brought the explosive bag over.

"Let's step back!"

In fact, there is no need to say that the power of this new explosive is naturally familiar to a group of veterans present. By the time the team member piled the explosives on the ground, everyone had left him more than ten meters away and looked for a shelter.

There was a violent explosion, and thick smoke enveloped the whole corridor. No matter how strong the gate is, you won't expect that one day you will face such a violent way to open the door, and the pirates hiding behind will suffer one after another. Huo Xiu led the team to rush in, and the marines also speed up to keep up.

Suddenly, there was a "buzzing" sound. Huo Xiu, who had been moving forward quickly, slowed down and had a hunch that things were not good. The marine soldiers in front of him suddenly roared "armed robots", and then the gunshots sounded, and immediately simulated the ballistics of the enemy's fierce firepower in the display interface of the armor. Through the smoke, he could roughly see The six-bombed quick-fire machine gun on the huge robot is firing.

"Get back, all back!" The marine officer roared. Under the fierce fire of the armed robots, the soldiers temporarily avoided the edge, but as soon as the lieutenant roared, he almost swept over in a straight line of warheads. As soon as he turned around, he was swept out in an instant and fell to the ground.

"Come on! Drag the lieutenant down! Bring the rocket!" Another captain followed, "Skip off this troublesome guy!"

A Marine carried the launcher and turned on the laser pointer, but could not confirm the target through the smoke. He shook his head and said, "The laser can't illuminate the target and can't hit it!"

Marines carry a laser-guided rocket, which requires a laser to guide the direction of attack, but if it is a blind shot, the rocket will only follow the laser and will not hit the target.

"Turn off the guidance system when the unguided rocket is used!" The captain roared and hung a 40mm gun grenade under his assault rifle and fired a shot in the direction filled with smoke, but nothing happened.

"Give me the launcher!"

The marine turned his head and saw that an armored warrior had come a few meters away from him. He didn't think much about it and quickly threw the launcher to him.

Huo Xiu took over the rocket launcher and said to Anne in the team channel, "You threw an EMP grenade in the direction of the robot and temporarily paralyzed its circuit."

"I understand." Annie said, "Action after three countdowns."

When she counted "one", Annie went out quickly. The armed robot, who was worried that could not find the target, found a guy rushing out through the thermal sensing detection mode, quickly adjusted the muzzle, intelligently searched for the trajectory of the moving target in the computer-aided aiming mode, and immediately opened fire.

Anne's straight body immediately changed into the leopard's pounce, and the bullet flew over her head. At the same time, she threw out the EMP grenade in her hand - the robot aimed down at the muzzle, and the target lying on the ground this time was definitely dead.

But the picture was blurred, followed by snowflakes, and the hidden operator cursed.

Huo Xiu walked out with a rocket. The thermal vision made him see the robot that was hot due to the startup. After turning off the guidance system, the armored ballistic computer simulated an optimal attack angle. He did not hesitate to pull the trigger and the rocket flew out with a "sneer".

The robot turned into scrap iron in the crimson fire and thick smoke.

The Marines cheered and continued to attack under the direction of the commander.

"Report," the report of the captain of the transport ship came from Huo Xiu's communicator, "the transport ship has docked on the ground, and the marines are logging in one after another."

"Very good, attack according to the road map provided by the special forces, surround all areas and capture everyone here as much as possible."

"I understand."

The underground base is very large. The pirates intend to use them as strongholds and fight a war of attrition with the army, but what they never want to see is that the attacking army is not only a superficial special forces, but also more than 3,000 marines that followed.

Seeing that the situation was basically under control, Huo Xiu contacted Ryan, who led six other teams: "Where are you now?"

"We just got information from an enemy's mouth, and now it is probably close to the central area and matches the location of the chip reported by the Military Intelligence Agency. I suspect that the big fish is hiding there." Ryan said and sent a simple marching record to Huo Xiu at the same time.

"Very good, we'll meet you right away."

"Don't pay attention to these little ones. Let's meet Ryan." Huo Xiu did not intend to focus on the fight with the shrimp soldiers and crabs.

They charged all the way, relying on excellent armor and special assault rifles in their hands, almost unstoppable, drenched with blood and stepping on the body, they came to the designated area.

Ryan quietly came out of a room and reported in an internal newsletter: "Sir, the enemy is hiding behind the wall, and the other direction is blocked by the Marines. They are already turtles in the urn, but it will take some effort to take it down."

Huo Xiu took a look at the flash bomb hanging on his body and said, "Are you ready to attack?"

"Yes, sir." Ryan said, "Wait for the marines opposite to be ready to finish, but they are too slow. We need to rush to the front to beware of leaking fish."

Ho Xiu stayed with them.

In terms of specific tactical attack, he knows that he, an officer specializing in strategic command, is not as familiar as a veteran of special operations and tactical attack.

After the battle began, he followed Ryan. At that moment, the motion detector showed a large group of red bright spots - the enemies around the surface had moved and were very large. The gunfire sounded uniformly, and Huo Xiu couldn't see where the enemy was for a moment, but he kept an eye and adjusted the filter mode of the helmet to the maximum level.

Suddenly, an object flew above his head. Before he landed, he was caught by Ryan and threw it back - but his head was not right. He actually hit the wall and bounced back and exploded at the same time.

"Flash Bullet!" Annie beside her immediately reached out and grabbed Huo Xiu and pulled him back, "Sir, bow your head, bow your head!"

"I'm fine!" Huo Xiu grabbed Anne and said, "Return, that group of people have come out. Hurry up!"

There was a sense of excitement in his words, and the effect of the flash bomb was completely eliminated in high-intensity filter mode - and Huo Xiu was also the first to find the enemy rushing out of the corner. He raised the muzzle of the assault rifle, aimed at the front person and pulled the trigger.

Two people who didn't have time to disperse fell down in a straight line!

But because the movement he made was too loud, several people pointed the gun at him - the bullet was approaching, and Huo Xiu seemed to feel something. Even if the nerve reaction was enhanced by the armor, it was still late - a few bullets hit his legs and stomach, and he was forced to take a few steps back, but he was safe and sound. .

At this time, the enemy's attack slowed down a lot - Anne stood in front of him, and while receiving bullets, she shot and suppressed the group of enemies with fire. Huo Xiu, who reacted, quickly dragged the lifeless woman back and shouted, "Be a comrade-in-arms for me! Instead of a shield!"

Maybe she had never heard Huo Xiu yell at her like this, and Annie was stunned. But he was too lazy to talk nonsense. He grabbed Anne's hand directly and ran in the other direction in the rain of bullets at a high speed - the enemy had not even aimed at the man in combat armor, and had been wiped out by the surrounded marines.

"Empty!" At this time, there was the sound of a team member in the internal channel.


Continuous reports.

"Side, we caught a big fish, a total of seven people, all of which are consistent with the information given by the Intelligence Agency, especially Todd Case, who specifically requires to be captured alive." Rose's voice came. In the attack just now, she led people to fish in troubled waters and specially searched for those important targets, and now it has really worked.

"Wait for me, I'll be right there."