From man to god

Chapter 113 Unprepared

333, November 29 0920

Rebel Third Fleet, flagship "Indestructible"

Austin Cruz*, wearing a new white uniform, stood in the communication room, surrounded by holographic images of a large group of high-ranking officers and a small number of government representatives.

To be honest, in terms of military issues, Austin hates politicians who don't know anything, just like flies that can't run away. He made several comments, but others always hinted more or less that the victory of this war was not just based on excellent military operations.

"Guys, in response to the current intelligence display alliance's operational deployment, they have fallen into the trap I planned." Ye Qilong looked at the crowd and said slowly. As the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the new federation, a series of military operations against the alliance in a few months were made by him.

Austin nodded slightly. Although he is not used to this new military leadership model, Ye Qilong* is also one of the figures worthy of his admiration. The reason why he dared to represent the whole Cruz family and decided to stand on the opposite side of the alliance was partly because of Ye Qilong's charm.

"The alliance dispatched the fourth, fifth and sixth fleets to try to save the defeat." Ye Qilong continued to speak in a low voice, but very clear. "The enemy's Fourth Fleet sent part as backup. The Fifth Fleet served as the main force for attacking the Ita Galaxy, and the Sixth Fleet was responsible for restraining our rear support."

"Wasn't the Fifth Fleet destroyed?"

A voice sounded. Although it was not very high, the people who focused on General Ye's speech also heard this sentence. Everyone looked at the source of the sound - Mr. Alfred York, and then someone gloated and looked at Austin Cruz* with a very unnatural face.

Austin still stood straight, but didn't say a word. A chief of staff explained for him: "Your Excellency, the annihilation of the enemy can be defined as destroying half or more of the enemy in war, not necessarily complete destruction."

Austin scolded the other party as an idiot in his heart. He knew that his subordinates explained it completely, but every time he thought that the action he carefully prepared at the beginning failed to seriously damage the Fifth Fleet, but created such a tenacious opponent as Zhao Jin, he was a little unhappy. This matter also became a pit in his heart and he did not want to talk about it. .

Ye Qilong took a look at York, looked indifferent, and continued: "The alliance has a very good strategic blockade against us. It is not easy to break through and attack the alliance fleet from the outside. But we can launch a battle from within and give the alliance a surprise blow.

"The fourth fleet gathered near the Jeta Galaxy is considered by the alliance as a powerful force that can't escape in a short time, but yesterday's news came that the political and military leaders of the colonial star have agreed to declare their departure from the alliance and belong to our new federation!" With that, he looked at the government representative seat beside him, and his eyes also showed that this group of conspiratorial guys were indeed indispensable.

Everyone applaud.

Ye Qilong pressed his hand and continued: "I put the Fourth Fleet and the Third Fleet responsible for the attack on the enemy's fifth and sixth fleets. Under the right time and place, we must completely defeat these two military forces guarding the remote areas of the alliance and complete our rule to further threaten the near areas of the alliance."

"Yes, sir." Austin Cruz and another fleet commander stood up, "It must live up to expectations!"

"Very good." Ye Qilong nodded gently, "This will be the largest military operation against the alliance since the war began. I also hope to see the most fruitful results - the operation was launched when the subordinate detachments of the Fifth Fleet of the League attacked our army as the supply fleet that served as the mission to lure the enemy!"

"The meeting is off!"

Since Huo Xiu commanded the attack on the enemy supply fleet, the government and army of the colonial star of the Geta Galaxy issued a statement at the same time announcing their separation from the rule of the alliance, and supported the army and government of the new federation, jointly rebuked them, and fought against a series of ulterior military operations launched by the alliance.

The news was very sudden and beyond everyone's expectations. An hour ago, it was still threatened by the so-called "rebels". The people and some officers and soldiers were still waiting for the support of the alliance, but the good news did not wait. Instead, the news of the colonial star's surrender to the new federation spread all over the planet.

At the same time as the Declaration of Independence, the new federal army wandering around the area disappeared cooperatively - which was widely disseminated by the news media and showed that the ownership of the new federation was popular. The most important thing was to end the upcoming war and effectively avoided civilian casualties.

Who doesn't want peace and the family to be safe? Therefore, although independence is not from the original intention, it can avoid the war they are most afraid of, but it is also supported by many people. The influence of the alliance is like a sweeping wave, which is powerful but not very effective.

However, something happened that caught the alliance army off guard - the rebel fleet that was supposed to stay in the Jeta galaxy actually appeared in the Ita galaxy. At this moment, the fifth fleet is fighting with the rebels. The alliance has gained the upper hand under the effective command of Zhao Jin, but at this time, a huge enemy warship The team came out.

The situation suddenly reversed, and the dramatic scene made the commander confused. In the face of well-prepared and much larger enemy fleets, no matter how strong Zhao Jin's command ability was, he could not keep calm in this sudden attack. Listening to the continuous damage reports from everywhere, the whole fleet was completely at a low wind. Not to mention the jump escape, the extremely energy-consuming preparation process alone is enough to become the guiding light for all enemy attacks!

Hundreds of warships appeared in the cold space, and various weapons poured down on the other's warships. The magnetic rail guns became the most lethal weapon. Even the most powerful nuclear bombs on weekdays could not exert all their strength in the vacuum.

Zhao Jin's flagship has been bombarded several times, and the flank was also rubbed by a magnetic rail gun, destroying a heavy protective armor. The captain could only reluctantly let the flagship turn around and continue to resist the enemy's fire with another stronger side.

"Sir, the electric capacity of the battleship's force field shield has been reduced to 30%, and the force field shield is about to approach the critical point of failure. The second and fifth groups of engines have been attacked many times. At present, the damage area of the warship has reached 13%. It is recommended to leave the firepower concentration area." The warship's artificial intelligence reports an emergency.

After listening to these reports, the captain quickly ran to Zhao Jin and said, "Shir, what are the instructions now?"

"Keep the output of firepower to the enemy!" Zhao Jin said that he also heard the report of artificial intelligence just now, but as the flagship of the fleet, if it retreats at this time, it will cause the morale of the whole fleet to fall sharply. Not to mention the extremely difficult thing of saving the defeat, complete escape alone will become impossible.

"Ms. Wu!" Zhao Jin shouted, "Now contact the reinforcements of the rear Fourth Fleet and remind the Sixth Fleet to be careful of ambush."

"Yes, sir." The staff officer also hurried up.

"Shir, do you want to return to the three detachments under Commander Huo's command?" The staff officer asked at this time.

"It's too late." Zhao Jin's face was heavy, "This is the enemy's trap. I'm afraid that the squad has sent all the warships out to attack the enemy's supply fleet."

The following words were not said, but everyone knows that the team may have been destroyed. But it is also a pity that the young deputy commander, who is highly praised by some generals, is an outstanding genius in military command. Unfortunately, God likes to be jealous of talents at this time.

"Shir, two destroyers have been seriously damaged and are currently trying to withdraw from the battlefield."

"Let them release all the spacecraft and * and continue to attack the enemy." Zhao Jin decisively gave the order, "At the same time, the fleet dispersed according to their respective formations, led by the leading cruisers, to jump out of the enemy's arc fire attack circle."

"Shir, what about the problem of the colonial star?"

Once they leave, the colonial star will not be protected by the fleet and will soon be patronized by the enemy's transport ships. The army will land on the ground with continuous energy, which makes the already tired alliance army even worse. It can be said that once they retreat, the colonial star will be finished.

"Length the battle circle and focus on attacking the enemy's cruisers." Zhao Jin ordered, "Without my order, no one is allowed to lead the fleet to retreat. This is a strategically important place for our alliance in remote areas. Even if we stick to it, we will wait until the reinforcements arrive."

"Yes, sir!"

The Fifth Fleet is already resisting, and the rebels can't quickly end the battle in this desperate situation, but after all, they are already winning. The rebel commanders leisurely stay on the flagship and watch the scene of the fierce but silent space war.


A loud noise spread throughout the flagship. When no one had time to react, the two * seized the moment when the electromagnetic field shield failed and attacked the top of the warship fiercely. The rolled-up spherical flame was more like a star eruption, shooting the brightest white light.

"The bow of the flagship ship was attacked by an enemy nuclear bomb!" The sound of artificial intelligence is a little discontinuous, "the surface loss reaches 35%, which is seriously damaged."

"Avoid the action and reverse the flagship." The captain gave an urgent order.

"I understand."

The warship reversed its body in the indifferent space. The enemy kept bombarding the surface armor and soon dug a small hole. The air suddenly leaked out. The enemy flagship in the distance found this and aimed the magnetic rail gun ready for the light at the almost full of holes. The cruiser fired a magnetic cannon.

400 tons of shells arrived in the blink of an eye. Its own weight and ultra-high speed gave it destructive energy and fiercely bombarded near the bow. The surrounding armor was like a constantly sunken ground, cracking inch by inch. Due to the high temperature and air leakage caused by the collision, the surrounding alloy armor melted and burned at the same time.

In the bridge, the huge impact caused everyone to fall to the ground, and the ceiling above his head fell down one after another. Zhao Jin, who was unable to react, was hit on the back. The burning flames soon ignited his clothes. The severe pain made him involuntarily shout. When the soldiers around him came and extinguished the flames, he was already unconscious. Fascinated.

The commander is in a coma, and the whole fleet loses its brain and is about to face chaos. The captain can predict that this will be the last time for the Fifth Fleet to stay in the world.

"Communication transfer." The sound of artificial intelligence sounded, although the holographic projection equipment had been damaged, "Sor, Huo Xiu led the detachment and the reinforcements of the Fourth Fleet to report!"


The captain ran over with an arrow, grabbed the communicator and shouted, "General Huo Xiu, Commander Zhao has fallen into a coma, and now you are the commander!"