From man to god

Chapter 122 Heroes

The enemy fleet has become low-key in the past few days. According to reliable information, they have been deeply afraid of the sudden attack launched by Huo Xiu, and on the other hand, they are repairing the damaged warships that day. However, the conflict and contact are still continuous, and the enemy and us seem to have agreed to stop.

There have been no major events in space for ten consecutive days. Huo Xiu also stayed on the colonial star and sometimes went to the battlefield to lead the soldiers to fight. On the one hand, he continued to carry forward his brave spirit, and on the other hand, he also gave opportunities to the enemy who intended to assassinate him under the arrangement of the Military bureau.

But with little effect, several* actions were discovered by the air force and ground air defense forces and turned into flames burning in the sky before they could approach. However, as a planetary commander, he can't stare and beware of the enemy's assassination all day long. What if this is a cheating strategy of the enemy?

On the other hand, Huo Xiu's investment has enabled the alliance army to gradually get out of the shadow of the war of attrition. At the same time, it also proves that the strategic direction of Brigadier General Zhao Yong, the Chief of Staff, is correct. Although Huo Xiu's advice on some aspects that are easy to ignore is indispensable, it can be happy to see that one of his most favored army commanders at the time has now Be able to be alone.

In the headquarters of the southern region.

"Shir, the list you want me to draw up has been prepared." Annie went to Huo Xiu and handed him a military folding computer. "The wartime decisions involving a total of 32 officers have been backed up to the database of the Confederate Military Department. Do you send these decisions now?"

"Let me have a look." Huo Xiu took over the computer and browsed it. This decision includes the internal adjustment of the Fifth Fleet, as well as the promotion and change of responsibilities of officers of the Colonial Star Army. Most of the people who have been promoted are recognized as talented or leadership figures through his observation, and will be his future cronies. In fact, most of the adjustments are considered to be dismissed in his mind, but the current situation is not stable, and he needs benign development within the army, rather than being shrouded in a vicious circle of commander resolutions.

"Well, no problem. You set the message to be sent to each officer involved and their superior terminal at 0000.

At this time, Helen, the captain of the Green Team, reported and entered his office. At a certain distance, he stood upright and said, "Shir, the spaceship you are going to prepare has arrived. Is there a delay?"

"No, leave on time." Huo Xiu stood up from his seat, put on his military uniform coat, and walked out of the door. Anne followed after closing his private terminal.

After staying in Colonial Star for a period of time, he still has a lot of things to deal with. At present, he plans to return to Epsiron Colonial Star, his base, to deal with the affairs of the Fifth Fleet and the replacement of military equipment. He has been thinking about the last three consecutive electromagnetic cannons of the enemy's flagship "Indestructible".

After more than ten hours of leaping, a detachment of the Fifth Fleet appeared in the Epsylon Galaxy, which has become calm. Despite the washing of a war, it has maintained its original appearance with Huo Xiu's efforts. From the perspective of the troop carrier spacecraft, everything is still so charming.

The spacecraft landed in the air force headquarters in the capital area, the hatch opened, and Huo Xiu strode out. A six-storey polygon building in front of him was the headquarters of the Fifth Fleet. However, due to the spread of the war, the core leaders of the Fifth Fleet are currently gathered in the Etta Galaxy, constantly competing with the enemy.

There are not many people in the company. There are two invincible extreme warriors, Helen and Evan, who are his temporary guards; personal assistant Annie; Major General Song Pellen and a few special agents of the Military Affairs Bureau; Major General Wang Hanyang, deputy commander of the fleet, and a detachment commander. A few people entered the headquarters building.

The purpose of Wang Hanyang's trip is mainly to receive a batch of additional supplies from the alliance, that is, the resolution made by the Air Force Command. The fleet that won the most can receive more additional subsidies. At present, only the Fifth Fleet has done this well, so they received very rich materials. It is said that there are three A large transport ship.

"Sir," Major General Wang held a microcomputer with a thickness similar to paper, with a large number of military supplies. "This time, the headquarters was very cheerful and gave us ten standard plasma cannons, 20 fractional nuclear warhead artificial intelligence*, and a large number of enhanced radiation bombs at one time."

"Very well, you are responsible for handling these things and equip the cruisers who are the main force of the fleet's attack to equip these plasma guns." Huo Xiu said to her, "I will go out during this period to see if there is anything else that can enhance our army's equipment. If you need anything, please contact my private number directly."

"I understand, sir." Wang Hanyang nodded and gave Anne a wince.

Anne came forward and hesitated to say, "shir, do you have time now?"

"What's the matter?"

Anne thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's like this. It's rare for you to go back to the military headquarters, including the deputy commander and some officers of the Colonial Star Army. I hope you can take time to conduct an army inspection to boost morale and make the soldiers realize that you are still there."

"Why are you so awkward?"

"Let me do it. Just say it simply." Song Pellan was worried about them, "I'm afraid you don't know that the name 'Huo Xiu' can be compared with the president of the alliance - on this planet. Everyone regards you as the kind of hero who saves the people and in the sea of suffering, and the soldiers are also full of energy. As long as you can inspect it, they will be like hormones and can't wait to dedicate their youth to the army.

After listening to Song Peilan's exaggerated description, he asked in consterrenly, "When did I become like a religious leader?"

When Song Peilan saw that Huo Xiu did not answer, she was dissatisfied and said, "In short, the soldiers hope to see the true face, feel your famous hero, and ignite their hope of fighting against the rebels. They are also your subordinates. They won't even be able to meet this small request, right?

"No problem." Huo Xiu readily agreed, "I said why when I got off the spaceship just now, I felt that everyone's eyes were focused on me, as if to explore some secrets."

"How about we arrange it in two days?" Wang Hanyang was also relieved to learn that Huo Xiu agreed. She knew that the general, who kept running in the sky and underground, had little free time. He was either dealing with the enemy fleet or thinking about how to win the colonial star war.

"No." Huo Xiu shook his head unexpectedly, just as others thought that the time was not in time. He said seriously, "Is it a first-class combat readiness now?"

"Yes, sir." Wang Hanyang nodded.

"Yes, that's fine." Huo Xiu said, "Notify the army of the capital district and send various services to conduct a simulation drill at noon today. The theme is a sudden encounter. The content can be played freely. The venue is selected by me, and the commanders of both red and blue can play freely. But according to the standard of peacetime combat readiness, no other tactics are allowed! I want the army and civilians to see the real side and put on the state of facing the enemy!"

"Yes, sir." Wang Hanyang replied, "I will immediately inform the Colonial Star Command and ask others to help prepare and start on time in two hours!"

The rotation period of the colonial star is relatively long. The definition of a day and night is more than 30 hours. The so-called military time cannot be stipulated at noon. According to local standards, there are still a short two hours left. Everyone hurried to prepare immediately after learning the news.

The military region headquarters has a vast multi-environment training ground, and Huo Xiu also takes advantage of this time to take people to get familiar with the environment.

He detached other officers, accompanied by two soldiers, Anne, Song Pellen and Tiger Regiment Helen and Evin, and several people slowly walked along the direction of the training ground at the headquarters.

Due to the arrival of the war, the readiness order allowed all the reserve soldiers to be integrated into the combat team. Although 600,000 troops were taken from here to support the colonial star of the Ita Galaxy, more than 1.5 million troops were still active on the planet, maintaining peace with the police in a special environment.

A strong atmosphere of war can be felt everywhere in the barracks. Unlike the city, the colonial star has returned to normal social order half a month ago. This crisis came quickly, but it also went quickly. The people also adjusted their mentality and continued to participate in daily life and work.

Huo corrected and met a soldier of an armored battalion who was conducting a simulated joint strike operation with the air squadron. His arrival made the pupils of the soldier standing guard shrink. He stared at him for three seconds before the stunned soldier realized it and stood up to salute and shouted, "Hi, sir!"

Huo Xiu returned the salute. Just as he was about to ask, several officers who heard the noise not far away looked at this side, and then trotted over, also a crisp salute. Looking at the eagerness in their eyes, it still made Huo Xiu feel that he underestimated his prestige in the hearts of this group of soldiers. Did he not come back for a while and was really at home. Everyone knows it?

"Shir, what are the instructions?" A major asked, when facing a legend, the excitement was uncontrollable, and it was all written on his face.

"If you are busy with your business, just take it as if I don't exist." Huo Xiu said that he did not want to delay the simulation exercise because of his arrival.

"It's okay, sir. Our exercise has come to an end and is currently in the process of summarizing and planning the next round of exercises." The major replied.

"Well, take me around and introduce the soldiers here."

"Yes, sir." The major turned around and walked ahead, keeping the most suitable conversation distance between Huo Xiu and him. "These army and air force soldiers are reserve soldiers who have just been transferred. Due to your space war and the action to recover the colonial star, they voluntarily accept the call of the colonial star army."

"What's going on?" Huo Xiu looked at the Major General of the Military CIA beside him.

"I'm not sure. It's probably the government's propaganda." Song Peilan said, "According to the description of local intelligence personnel, you may have been deliberately shaped by the government."

"Don't go too much." He said.

Song Peilan smiled and said, "Don't worry. At present, both the army and civilians hope to have a person who can really protect them. You are the best choice. The government seizes this point and strives to maintain a stable social order. I have to admit that His Excellency Huo Sixin's administrative means are indeed high.