From man to god

Chapter 134 Crazy Attack

12 hours later.

At the command of the commander-in-chief, the entire fifth fleet, 15 squadrons and more than 100 warships went through supplies and set out in the direction of the Jet Tower Galaxy.

Before entering the transition fault space.

The holographic image of Lieutenant General Aaron Baker appeared in front of Huo Xiu and reported: "Shir, according to the intelligence ahead, the enemy had fought with our army an hour ago. At present, all the fleets have returned to the Jetta Galaxy, which is the best time for us to take the initiative."

Huo Xiu nodded.

"The squadron commanders are ready to enter the jump space at any time." Brigadier Cruise, Chief of Staff, reported, "Each command member of the headquarters has been dispersed on the squadron as required, and the logistics supply fleet has left the Epsilon Galaxy base."

"Very good, the whole fleet is on orders!" Huo Xiu announced loudly, "The target Jet galaxy area, set out according to the scheduled coordinates!"

All the warships disappeared into the dark and cold space in that brief moment.

At full speed, six hours later, the Fifth Fleet was divided into four brigades, which appeared in different locations of the Cita Galaxy, far and close to the colonial star, but unified. Within five minutes after their appearance, the enemy's galaxy transition detector found spatial anomalies and captured the figure of a huge fleet.

The Fifth Fleet will never cover up again this time. The first step of the warship was to fire on a galaxy satellite disguised as a meteorite, and successive explosions destroyed the satellite. The enemy's eyes placed in the galaxy were suddenly blind. Subsequently, the Fifth Fleet took Ho Xiu, Wang Hanyang, Aaron Baker and Eleanor Cruz as The commanders of the four detachments launched a war against the rebels.

Huo Xiu unexpectedly sent senior commanders to different warships this time, instead of the flagship "Indestructible". The first intention was to avoid the interruption of the command class accidentally appearing by the commander in the battle; second, it was a plan... expected to be useful.

In the battle array, Huo Xiu, Wang Hanyang and Aaron Baker all tend to attack enemy fleets and defensive space stations near the colonial star, and their battles were also the earliest. Eleanor was sent to attack the rebel logistics fleet berth base hidden on a nearby mineral planet, where the defense is very strong, but most of them are transport ships and supply ships, and their attack ability is very weak. It's only a matter of time before the base is captured - if the enemy fleet can't get out of the battlefield to protect the base. .

Huo Xiu shoulders this task.

Due to the preparation and the powerful computing ability shown by the new artificial intelligence Eve, the fleet successfully reduced the transition accuracy to a journey of 10,000 kilometers. The closest to the colonial star is the second team, only 110,000 kilometers away, almost hitting the high-orbit space station.

Deputy Commander Major General Wang Hanyang decisively issued an order to attack. More than a dozen warships fired the electromagnetic cannons that ended their charging. More than a dozen tiny shells appeared in the vacuum, but with ultra-high-speed moving shells, a space station was hit by three shells, and the ring-shaped body was instantly broken three large holes.

At the same time, the fleet gathered behind him was also attacked, and there was also a spaceport, but due to inaccurate angle, it was only slight damage - but this was enough for the enemy to be distressed. Only ten minutes after the discovery of the alliance invasion, three warships were damaged to varying degrees and almost destroyed a space station. -No, just when the commander thought so, Wang Hanyang's cruiser Flame launched three sets of 12 ultra-long-range* attacks. After this huge attack array, an inconspicuous * disappeared into everyone's attention.

The battle continues.

The organized enemy began to fight back. The three brigades surrounded more than 100,000 kilometers of the colonial star and poured ammunition. On the side with their back to the stars, the dark environment produced scenes that were brighter than the explosion of the new star due to the explosion of shells.

In the vacuum environment, the nuclear bomb exploded and formed a huge fireball close to a spherical fireball. Despite the embarrassing situation of vacuum without gas, it removes extremely harmful shock waves, as well as high temperatures, electromagnetic pulses, radiation and rays are still the most deadly weapons of warships.

The people of the colonial star suddenly found that there seemed to be more twinkling stars in the night sky than usual? But how many people can guess that there is a life-and-death battle outside the atmosphere, hundreds of thousands or hundreds of kilometers away from them?

The alliance's attack this time is more fierce and crazy than ever - the enemy commander has not even recovered from the wonderful space combat art of continuous nuclear bomb explosions, electromagnetic cannon impact and plasma cannon igniting space. They can't believe how their usual opponents can suddenly attack like rabies. Bite like a mad dog?

"Shir, * has broken out inside the space station."

The artificial intelligence of the Flame reported a quietly launched artificial intelligence* and displayed the enlarged image on the main screen. From the appearance, the space station has no other scars except for the three gaps that were bombarded by electromagnetic cannons just now. Are you sorry for the title of nuclear warhead?

Wrong, they launched enhanced radiation bombs to kill with neutron radiation instead of high-explosive killing. In this round of silent attacks, the huge space station instantly became an unmanded "restricted area", which was full of living creatures a minute ago, but now they have become corpses.

"The space station has fallen, and the fleet continues to move forward, forcing the enemy to leave the area near the colonial star!" Major General Wang Hanyang gave a calm order.

"Yes, sir."

Another area.

Indestructible is located on the sunny side of the colonial star. In front of it is a huge enemy fleet. Behind the enemy are these three electromagnetic guns that have been prepared to be charged to fire. With its high frequency rate of fire and huge quality shells per minute, no warship can resist it.

But Huo Xiu would not choose to fight. First, he asked the flagship to launch a plasma cannon at one of the space stations, and then opened fire on another cruiser that entered the firing range. An electromagnetic gun rushed out at high speed, but the other cruiser activated the emergency thruster to avoid the turbulent electromagnetic cannon.

"The enemy is ready to point the muzzle at us." Eve reported, "The second electromagnetic gun is ready."

The enemy cruiser commander witnessed the "Indestructible" firing a plasma gun and an electromagnetic gun. According to their understanding of the alliance warships, the cruiser that has no strong attack power will definitely become the prey on their mouth at this time - therefore, the cruiser turned directly and pointed at the muzzle. "Indestructible" with attack means.

"A surprise for them!"

As soon as Huo Xiu's words fell, the weapon operator immediately asked the flagship to launch a second electromagnetic gun - just as the enemy cruiser was still in the process of steering, it bombarded the exposed and huge left wing of the cruiser. But this was not over, and the third electromagnetic gun continued to fly out and also bombarded the left wing.

The enemy cruiser was pierced through two big holes before it could be powerful in the future!

"The enemy's electromagnetic field shield has failed." Eve reported.


Six * flew towards the cruiser still in steering. without the protection of the electromagnetic field shield, it could not resist the attack of * at all. On the way, it was intercepted by laser weapons three * and intercepted *, but two * still disappeared from the broken hole.

But one of them is artificial intelligence with enhanced radiation warheads*.

Flame emerged from the hole and then extinguished... The cruiser opposite was like a dying man, twisting desperately, but then returned to a dead silence.

"The second team attracted the right-wing enemy." Huo Xiu ordered, "The third detachment focuses on attacking the enemy's space station and weakening their space defense capabilities."

"The rest of the fleet continues to fight with the enemy and take advantage of this surprising opportunity to win."

Under Huo Xiu's instructions, the squadron changed its formation again. With the plasma cannon, continuous electromagnetic cannon and a large number of artificial intelligence*, a scene almost took place in a few minutes that was no different from the "Indestructible" attack on the enemy cruiser.

This was indeed unexpected by the enemy. The careless and wrong understanding of the alliance's electromagnetic guns caused them to lose six cruisers in ten minutes - which made almost everyone's hearts blood. The cruiser is the main force of the squadron, not only because of firepower, protection and mobility, but also because cruisers are often branch ships. The command center of the team commander.

Ten minutes was a long time for the space station - but also quickly, the alliance's crazy attack paralyzed half of the enemy's command of the warships at a cost. Six cruisers were attacked by unexpected electromagnetic guns, and then the new type of artificial intelligence* was destroyed, although as long as someone could do it again Launch these strong space fortresses, but there will be no time for them now.

Anne extracted a priority message and said: "Sir, the news came from Lieutenant General Aaron Baker that they have destroyed three enemy space stations and two spaceports, occupied high orbits over the Arctic region of the colonial star, and can currently directly threaten the planet's ground."

"Let them turn their focus to attacking the enemy." Huo Xiu said.

"I understand." Annie executed it immediately.

Then, the news of Wang Hanyang also came. They forced the enemy out of the planetary high orbit, completely broke the enemy's idea of using the electromagnetic weapons of the space station as a means of defense, and interrupted the intention of the enemy fleet to merge with each other, and successfully divided the enemy.

Of course, Huo Xiu does not give them a chance, and he still knows that "takes him to die while he is ill".

"Eve, count the current damage of the enemy." Annie said without raising her head.

According to reports from various sources, so far, a total of five enemy space stations and three large space military ports have been destroyed. The enemy had six cruisers, 17 destroyers, eight frigates, two transport ships, and one aircraft carrier lost its ability to operate in the attack.

A total of 34 warships were incapacitated.

After saying that, Eve nodded with satisfaction and said, "This attack is equivalent to destroying the strength of the enemy's five squadrons. It is the highest achievement achieved by the alliance since the outbreak of the war, or a fleet since it entered the war! Excellent command and strategy, General Huo!"

The last time the Fifth Fleet faced a crisis and the Sixth Fleet was destroyed by the rebels, Huo Xiu's performance was also very eye-catching, saving the end of the destruction of the Fifth Fleet. At the beginning, he attacked and injured more than 30 enemy warships, making the enemy flee in dismay, but compared with the current record, directly Make 34 warships incapacitated! This data alone makes it clear how impressive this achievement is!