usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 20 Encountered by Siege 7

Yun Yiyang's body was shocked. In an instant, he only looked at the ghost's hand. The originally dry skin suddenly felt like blood poured in, and it became full. In an instant, his head was dizzy, and he only felt that the blood of his whole body was soaring, and it actually flowed back to the wound in his chest.

This is naturally the blood flute's ability to suck blood. The blood sucking method is an evil method and secret method practiced by the blood shadow door. Its main function is to absorb the blood of others to replenish their own strength, and to quickly plunder and improve their skills and realm, which is conducive to the rapid increase the strength of the blood shadow disciples for a short time. Growing up internally, this is also an extremely convenient means for Prince Yuan to cultivate his own power. Originally, it was the evil skill of the Devil's Gate, but it was greatly used by him to usurp the throne and suppress the world's cultivation forces.

Seeing Yun Yiyang being accused of in the palm of his hand, he couldn't help laughing.

In addition, Commander Wu saw the speed of the machine. He only wanted the blood flute to be successful and instantly eradicated Yun Yiyang. Therefore, the military commander made a prompt decision and immediately launched the strongest killing method in his life. He had to resist all the pressure of the struggle in the field with one person and entangled Yun Lie with all his strength, so that the blood flute could find a gap and concentrate. Deal with Yun Yiyang.

In the air, the military commander and the blood flute who were fighting with Yun Lie were fighting with each other. One was fighting with all his strength, but the other only wanted to take the opportunity to get out. The two had a tacit understanding and their wishes were full of calculations. This instantaneously changed strategy immediately worked.

"The wind and clouds are stirring!"

Suddenly, I only heard the commander shouting, and the hell crazy halberd in his hand waved, covered with dancing halberd shadows. The whole space of the whole world seemed to be distorted under his halberd, wrinkled visible to the naked eye, the whole void was cut and compressed, and at the same time, he was shrouded in the clouds that was fighting against.

"Life-threatening blood flute, a shocking blow!"

The blood flute on the other side also shouted loudly. The blood flute that transformed the skull was like a fierce ghost that destroyed the soul, roared and hit Yun Lie with all its strength. For the time being, it could stop Yun Lie's offensive. People also took advantage of the gap to escape from the fierce battle of the three people.

There was no delay. I saw others in mid-air, and their arms were stretched outstretight. Unexpectedly, they captured Yun Yiyang's body and raised them in mid-air. They shouted, "Kid, when you are sick and want your life, you are willing to accept your fate. I hope you will be plain and stable in the next life. Don't grow up in such a rich and noble Hou family. Now you have to blame it. Blame yourself for casting the wrong child and giving birth to the wrong place. All the sins are from your origin, and the rest are useless!"

Yun Yiyang was originally weak and weak, but at this time, he was caught in his hand, and his blood flowed back and was painful. His mind gradually blurred, and he could only struggle to death with the last trace of strength and cut the heavenly sword in his hand to the ghost hand, but he had no strength, like a feather.

The blood flute didn't pay attention to it at all. He hummed, but thought to himself, "There is nothing surprising about this teenager, and his skills are even worse. It's only ordinary, but the magic sword in his hand is very strange. After a while, he drains his blood, he will take this spiritual sword back and have a good look."

At this moment, the Cangtian sword killed the hand he grabbed on Yun Yiyang's chest. The intertwined sword spirit suddenly burst out, and its profit roared sharply cut off the iron, indestructible, and instantly cut off the skin that was rampantly sucking blood at this moment. The blood under the skin spewed out thinly, and the "coo-dong, coo-dong" crazy cow gathered in the sword body like water?

The blood flute was shocked and cracked. Suddenly, it let go of the clouds, jumped back like a fierce ghost, and then looked into his hand. The skin that had been plump because of blood sucking suddenly dried up almost instantly, which was worse than before.

In front, Yunyi raised his body and was about to collapse, but the sky sword in his hand lit up strangely. The sword body actually showed blood, like blood vessels, which could be seen the blood-like circulation inside, and the blade of the sword was shining red, with gorgeous blood light.

The blood flute suddenly sneered: "Good baby, you can actually suck blood. It turns out that it's strange that if you can have this strange soldier, supplemented by my blood-sucking method, hey, won't I walk alone in the world from now on, practice with half the effort, twice the result with half the effort, the magic power can be achieved, and there is rampant in the world. Free. There are such treasures in the world, boy, take your life with you!"

He said that his body flew up, and his hands were like claws, but this time, he went straight to the top of Yunyi's head. Poor Yunyiyang's whole body is weak at this moment and can no longer resist. He is about to die under the claws of this blood flute.


With a shout, full of anger, the hot heat wave broke through the air in a blink of an eye, like a huge wave emptying and sweeping the whole forest. Within ten feet around them, all the trees withered in an instant, and only a bright firelight fell from the sky, tearing up the dark clouds all over the sky.

The blood flute was shocked. Yunlie's skill was so high that it was extraordinary that he could not care about hurt Yun Yiyang. His hands retreated quickly. In the whistling sound, the red skeleton on the blood flute was full of blood, and a red wall like blood rose in front of him.


Like thunder falling to the ground and roaring, the firelight hit the blood wall, hissing heat waves, bursting, and in a moment it turned into a fire dragon and leaping. The huge force pressed the blood flute straight back and retreated several feet. The force did not decrease a little, and it still pressed straight down like a tsunami.

The blood flute turned white and shouted, and the formula changed. Ten fingers moved together. In an instant, two blood lights shot out of the red skeleton's eyes on the blood flute and hit the fire dragon through the blood wall.

In the loud sound, the fire dragon flew back, and the blood flute's body was also shocked. After a few steps, it stood firm.

"Fire Dragon Fury!" The blood flute's eyes suddenly became cold, and his face was like frost.

The fierce heat wave flashed away, and the fire flashed away. It was the figure of Yun Lie and Commander Wu continuing to fight. The blow just now was a contingency measure used by Yun Lie in the busy battle with the Commander Wu, and finally saved Yun Yiyang's life in the most critical time.

Another figure flashed behind him. It was Han Ninger who hugged Yun Yiyang, who was about to fall.

Yun Yiyang saw that Han Ninger came, and there was a trace of warmth in his heart. After all, Han Ninger and Xing Wushuang are both people who try their best to defend him. Although Yun Lie is not a loyal city with all his heart, but he is ordered to act, the kindness of salvation in danger, life and death, and no matter what the purpose is, are enough to make people unforgettable and grateful for life.

Isn't that enough? The warmth in my heart is from the kindness of absolute trust in the other party and the expression of true emotions.

Han Ninger looked worried and looked at him and whispered, "Yun Yiyang, are you all right?"

Yun Yiyang tried to laugh and said, "I'm fine. I'm just involved in this evil disaster, and I feel very uncomfortable!"