usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 30 The Imperial Master

Swords and shadows, shouting to kill Liantian. From a high altitude, it is built by mountains and rivers. It gathers the natural charm of mountains and rivers, and the beautiful scenery is beautiful, and the brocade-like Jinxiu Villa. Dozens of thick smoke rose from the inside and outside of the village, and there is a faint flames rising, covering a high altitude of dozens of miles, covered with thick black smoke.

Although in the early morning, the red early autumn sun jumped from the horizon of the east and just emerged. The world should have been clear and warm, but under the black smoke, the earth was dark.

The wall outside the village was broken, and the enemy's arrows and wood and cavalry still attacked like poisonous dragons. The Zhuang guarded the bankers and formed the flesh-and-blood Great Wall, fighting desperately to block the fierce enemies from the gap and tide-like, and exchange their blood for and guarding every inch of the villa land.

This manor is indeed huge. Hundreds of miles, it is a small city as strong and dangerous as an iron barrel. Although it is far from the cloud city, it is almost ten times smaller than ten times smaller than it, but compared with the countless small cities in the Shenzhou imperial dynasty, its prosperous atmosphere is only beyond it, and the village is dark and under pressure The guard soldiers are moderate, suitable, and have a way to dispatch. I'm afraid they are also a tiger and wolf division that has been trained for a long time, and the number of soldiers guarding the villa may not be less than tens of thousands.

Such a huge and powerful villa like an independent formal force is a small regular country, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the protection of natural landscapes and dangerous elevies. Naturally, it is not light. To capture or destroy, you can only send more powerful military forces. Those attacking soldiers are several times the strength of the villa. The huge army besieged the villa and attacked on all sides. It seemed that it had attacked a place. Every time it pushed further, it burned and looted it.

These soldiers wear steel armor and are decorated with the magnificent mountain and river pattern. In an instant, although Yun Yiyang was high in the air and far away, he also recognized at first sight that this was the regular army of the Shenzhou Imperial Dynasty! Because his father Yun Jiangxue is the right-named Marquis of Yuncheng of the Shenzhou Dynasty and the lord of the city guarding Yunwu City, the establishment of his army is also in this formal costume of the Shenzhou Dynasty, which makes Yun Yiyang more familiar with it.

Although Ding Fulong is over a year old, he has a tall and strong body with endless energy. He has a purple face, short halberd, with temples and lips, and no white hair on his head. He looks like he is only 40 years old at most. With a high nose and deep eyes, his shape is prominent. Sitting on the back of a horse, he has his own temperament of looking down at the sky and earth. He is used to looking at the wind and clouds, and the universe is grasping.

At this time, his eyes stared on the encircling enemy, shining brightly, wearing the purple-gold imperial uniform of the emperor of China, and equipped with a sword on each waist. These are the famous "Tenglong" and "Xiangfeng" in the world. He used them to dominate the world and serve as a sharp weapon for the imperial dynasty for decades. At this time of life and death, he is still tightly Accompany him.

Ding Fulong was originally the imperial teacher of the Ming Emperor and the British Emperor. He once took charge of the military and political power of the whole Shenzhou imperial dynasty, that is, he actually acted as the prime minister. He was an extremely minister and above tens of thousands of people under one person. His power was unmatched by the sky, but his achievements were high, and his power was taboo by the emperor. The British emperor was also afraid of Ding Fulong's death was too powerful. Uncontrollable, there is a suspicion of forcing the palace to seize the throne. Therefore, the edict demoted Ding Fulong, dismissed him from the court, and gave the manor to live in seclusion for retirement. Instead, he named Prince Yuan as the auxiliary king to take charge of the government.

Although Ding Fulong was dismissed from office and lived in seclusion, the prestige established in the past is too much. For example, on the day of the return of the imperial crisis, it must be echoed by the imperial court and the whole imperial dynasty. There is no incomparable and power in the world, which can reverse the dangerous situation and determine the universe. Ding Fulong was the imperial master of the Ming and British dynasties. He received the favor of the imperial dynasty and valued his reputation most. Naturally, it was impossible for him to be pulled in.

Prince Yuan was determined to usurp the throne. Naturally, Ding Fulong, the master of the previous dynasty, was his biggest confidant and wanted to get rid of it quickly, so he finally sent troops to attack. This is the reason why the army of the Shenzhou imperial dynasty besieged and suppressed Ding Fulong Jinxiu Villa.

Ding Fulong rode a tall and majestic "dragon horse" like a snow-like standing on the inner city wall of the villa, changing his calm attitude in the face of danger and his face.

The dragon horse is an extremely rare magical species in heaven and earth, so it is said that it is a heavenly horse in heaven, which is not among the mortal world. This kind of horse can fly to the sky and is a strange horse that can fly, and it is said that it cannot be surrendered. Unless you get a young horse, you can carefully domesticate ** all year round to drive it, but Wang Fulong, the previous master of the previous dynasty, has such a A rare mount is a miracle.

On the vast areas, roads, fields, forests, rivers and peaks outside the village, the enemy's banners are like the sea, layer by layer of soldiers and horses, waiting for the last moment of fierce battle.

Ding Fulong looked up and vowed: "Prince Yuan, Prince Yuan! I, Ding Fulong, will turn into a fierce ghost, the soul of Saul!"

He has 70,000 figuries, leaving only more than 50,000. The defense outside the village and dozens of watchtowers have been lost one by one a few hours ago and retreated to the village. The doom of the destruction of the whole army is imminent.

Ding Fulong's eyes quickly glanced over dozens of relatives, and his eyes flashed with blood, shouting, "Okay! Our Ding family lineage, since our ancestors started their business, and have gone through dozens of generations, only those who died in battle and have never surrendered. I, Ding Fulong, is the imperial master of the Ming and British dynasties. I am an extremely human minister. I am tabooed by the treacherous king. In today's crisis, I am for my family, the country and the people. I, Ding Fulong, can only swear to fight to the death and forever protect my reputation in the world!"

The generals responded and decided to fight to the death.

Boom! Boom!

A series of earth-shaking loud noises, a high-rise building built by Guo Yicheng, a city outside the village, fell slowly like a seriously injured soldier in the sand and gravel, and the outside of the village could no longer be preserved.

Outside the pillow farm, hundreds of thousands of enemies cheered together, making people deaf and hiding the sound of huge buildings falling down. At the limit of shouting, there was no sound outside for a while. At this time, there was silence, and there seemed to be a silent mime around.

In the extremely chaotic noise, a regular and rhythmic abnormal sound was produced, which hit the heart of Ding Fulong and each of his generals. The enemy beat the drum. The front row of the enemy's army began to move like a tide and advanced towards Ding's Manor, which was once a symbol of invincibility.

A big man wearing the general's war, followed by dozens of soldiers, quickly climbed to the tower and broke straight into Ding Fulong. He was breathless and bowed to salute, and said hoarsely, "Big brother! Fuhu is weak, Zhuangbei is lost, and the enemy will attack Neizhuang within half an hour.

Ding Fulong looked pitifully at this little brother who had been loyal to him. He and dozens of guards behind him were all injured and bathed in blood. He was vain to be conceited that he was a worldly man and a general, and even this flesh-and-blood brother could not protect him. It was not clear whether he was helpless or not. Indignation.

Ding Fuhu said, "Today, the enemy attacked the main force of the watchtower in the west of the city from the beginning, so that our strength was quickly weakened, and we picked the most vulnerable part of the north of the city, which caught me off guard. It would be unbelievable if we didn't have a deep understanding of the help of our false traitors."

Ding Fulong muttered and said nothing. In fact, he had already thought of the problem of the traitor. The enemy suddenly came this time, and there was no warning in advance. Of course, he mastered his own reconnaissance arrangement, so he could avoid the day, but this can be determined that the traitor did. I have always treated my subordinates well and took good care of them. Unexpectedly, there are still people who betrayed the whole huge family and traitors!

Ding is a famous family and a saint of the Shenzhou imperial dynasty. The family is a golden sign, which is enough to make everyone proud, and the blood is thicker than water. The concept of relatives was originally united into a steel plate, far stronger than the concept of the state and the concept of rebellion against the enemy.

Ding Fulong looked back and looked out of the village. In the north, a handsome flag was held high, with the word "blood" written on it, and another flag embroidered with the word "fei" in the west was also fluttering in the wind. These two flags are more than ten feet higher than other war flags, and they spread their teeth and claws at a height of more than ten feet away to show off their power.

Those who know the inside story must know that these two words represent the two famous fierce generals of the Shenzhou Empire. They are loyal followers of the powerful Prince Yuan, and they are also warriors who are relied on by Prince Yuan as their left and right arms, but they are also the villains who act for tigers and run rampant in the world.

"Blood" represents the blood drop, the big leader of the Blood Shadow Gate. "Fai" is Fei Tianwei, the city owner of Tianwei City. These two are almost as famous roles as Yun Jiangxue, Yun Yiyang's father, and Ding Fulong of the former emperor, and they are also famous generals of the Shenzhou Dynasty.

Moreover, Fei Tianwei was the most rudder. The first snobbish master was the first to follow one of the kings of Yuan and was quite favored by Prince Yuan. Originally, his territory Tianwei City was not called Tianwei City, but Fenglin City. Later, because of Prince Yuan's favor, the court issued an order to change the name of Fenglin City after Fei Tianwei and changed it to the current one. Tianwei City.

And Ding Fulong's Jinxiu Villa is within the jurisdiction of Tianwei City. Therefore, Prince Yuan sent the commander-in-chief of Xuedizi, one of his powerful confidants, and Fei Tianwei led the garrison of Tianwei City to surround and suppress Ding Fulong.

Ding Fulong secretly measured himself in his heart that the flag of the two men still stood still at this time, but when they advanced, it would be the moment of a match between male and female.

The sound of the war drum is getting more and more dense, knocking on the heartstrings of everyone on the whole battlefield, which is like a life-threatening spell.

Ding Fulong suddenly said in a low voice, "Fuhu!"

Ding Fuhu's whole body was shocked and seemed to realize the order his eldest brother was about to issue. His eyes shot a resolute light and said, "Master, the young general decided today that the city will survive, and the city will be destroyed. There is no need to say anything else."

Follow Huo Ran, pulled out his sword and went to the missing place in the city. Dozens of his men pulled out the Xuantie sword one after another and followed.