usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 103 Heavenly Disaster

The liver belongs to wood, the spleen belongs to earth, the heart belongs to fire, the lungs belong to gold, and the kidney belongs to water.

Yun Yiyang broke through the five elements and completed the five elements. Not only condensed the core of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the Dantian, but also stored in the five elements of vitality stored in the body, in addition to solidifying the meridians, he also trained Yimu gang qi into a large array, hidden it in his liver, and condensed the earth essence into Large arrays, hidden in the spleen and stomach...

However, the five elements are perfect, and the five elements compete with each other. The body forms a large array of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, but it completely stimulates the function of the five internal organs.

In addition, the meridian gas sea has been strengthened and strengthened by the five elements of vitality, and suddenly, Yunyi's physical strength soared! A wave of air rushed out of the pores, shaking so that there were sono explosions everywhere. His body moved slightly in the sky, and there were phantoms everywhere. To the point of driving the five elements and traveling around the world at will, his whole body was like a flying sword, rushing out of waves, so fast and incredible.

This is completely physical strength. The five elements of vitality condensation core and array are integrated into the body and combined with the body, which is the real reason why it will greatly increase the longevity of the human body! A master of five elements! It is bound that it will quickly enter the point of impacting the environment of creation! It is also a qualitative change in the overall state of practitioners.

However, the five qi of gold, water, fire, earth and wood entered the body, and Yun Yiyang obviously felt that the five elements in the body were saturated and balanced. The five elements were thick, the liver fire was strong, the kidney water was strong, and the spleen and stomach were strong... The whole body function reached an unprecedented height, and it was perfect, breaking the immortal Fan. It's almost time to break through the shackles of heaven and earth...

Everything reached the highest level of perfection, and finally felt the will of heaven and earth. Seeing that the clouds are rising, the air mask is getting bigger and bigger, it is no longer a transparent color, but a sticky fiery red. The true gas seems to be lava, surging, more and more and more vigorous. With him as the center, the clouds and fog in the world All evaporated...


The lava air cover emitted a strong high temperature, and even melted the surface layer of the ground. Under the high temperature, the hard rock on the ground actually began to soften. Finally, bubbles turned up, and the surface layer on the ground also began to melt, assimilated into lava, and then turned into steam and steamed into the sky.

The original hot breath of heaven and earth continued to heat up, and a hot current spread to the whole sky. It seemed that the whole small five elements secret world turned over and become the flood furnace of heaven and earth...

"It's so hot, so hot" even Chengbi, Ding Feifei and Cabbage feel that it's hard to be hot.


The heat was transmitted, and the dust and sand on the ground were actually on fire, and the high temperature and heat flow swept the whole world...

"Let's go, let's get back. We can't resist anymore!" The three shouted and showed their skills one after another, greeting all kinds of pet mounts of cranes, small Tianma and Gengjinma, either flying in the air, or flying around, driving away from afar and retreating infinitely for fear of being swept away by the high temperature and heat. This is a high temperature that even stones can melt...

They retreated together for hundreds of miles before they felt better. From a distance, they looked at the sky with clouds as the center, and a large lava air mask was wrapped in a big ball, and they could not see anyone at all.

With the lava gas mask as the center, the heat flow swept away. Wherever it swept, it began to fire. The wind and fire roared. In the secret place of the five elements, it became a large area of flames and fell into a sea of fire that destroyed the world.


Suddenly, the lava gas mask broke out, and a pillar of fire rushed straight to the sky, as if to penetrate the dark clouds and the sky.

If it hadn't been for the fire that spread all over the world, this pillar of fire would have been enough to make people thousands of miles can see clearly.

"Fighting against the bull, through the world! The soul feels the power of heaven and earth, which is the impact of creation!" Liancheng shouted fiercely.

"This momentum is also too big" Ding Feifei was afraid: "Has the impact of creation reached such a level? This doesn't make people live. With the strength of the sixth brother, it seems that he can be comparable to the real master of the unity of heaven and man.

"How strong is Ayi? What exactly is this practice? It's so awesome." The cabbage felt the unusualness in her heart, and her heart was not only as simple as a shock, but also full of doubts.

The purple thunderstorm hooked the world, which was extremely horrible. It hit Yun Yiyang's body and was black all over in a blink of an eye, and almost became ashes! Purple lightning, each with a thick water tank, hooked nine days, falling from the sky, the thunder was terrible, and the earth and rocks were burning.

At this moment, when the disaster came, Yunyi's expression changed greatly and his heart was shocked. This was the purple night that specially restrained him to break through the realm of creation, but his not bad body could not be completed by practicing the five elements, and his strength was truly seamless, which must not be stopped.

The thunder is shocking. He is like a young branch in the wind and rain, which will break at any time. His brocade clothes have become flying ash, and his body is full of terrible burn marks. This is a sign of breaking through the realm of creation. Yun Yiyang did not dare to be careless. Thinking of the strange elixir obtained by killing the two-headed ape in the Fenglin Mountains, he immediately took out the sky of the Rubik's Cube fantasy field and swallowed it. Sure enough, it contained amazing medicinal power. His injury recovered for a moment and his body was full of strength. Fierce.

In the sudden terrible thunder, a towering fierce god and evil thunder god appeared. It controlled the thunder and lightning, shaking the heavens and the earth, and the thunder was shocking.

"Little mortals dare to peep at the way of heaven and mess up the laws of heaven and earth. The criminal law and punishment in the palm of God will never allow you to desphem fate. Today, I came to accept you and won't let you continue to cause trouble!" The upright Thor roared at the clouds.

A high-ranking, huge Thor threatened to accept Yun Yiyang and kill him in one fell swoop, which made Yun Yiyang, who had never suffered a loss. His angry fingers were trembling, thinking about peeling it alive, tearing the fragments, and even swallowing up the bone dregs together.

"You little stupid god, you don't pay attention to serious things, but you come to care about my trivial matters. I must suppress you!" Yun Yiyang was not afraid at all, did not care at all, and shouted more rampantly.

"Little mortals should not be disrespectful to their gods. Be careful that I will slowly refine you and put your soul into 18 layers of hell and never turn over." This Thor is like a big-tailed wolf, very arrogant.

"Five elements and six perfect arrays... Suppress the nine places and ten directions!" Yun Yiyang recited in his mouth, and his body emitted bursts of precious light.

"It's useless. I know you're about to get through the disaster. All this is arranged for you." The thunder god in the sky smiled very treacherously, and the little man with a sinister face was cunning.

The sky is full of Taoist lines, which are completely blocked. It controls the purple night and thunders one by one, turning it into a sea of thunder.

Although Yun Yiyang's cultivation is profound, he will not be able to break out of this forbidden land for a while. He is surrounded by a area in the sky. He is surrounded by a purple night on the left and another muffled thunder. He trembles all over, scorching black, and his body will be destroyed.

In the distance, Lian Chengbi, Ding Feifei and Xiaobai couldn't see what was going on here. They could only see a sea of red flames. Then they were thundering for nine days, and they didn't know what had happened.

The Taoist lines carved by Thor are very mysterious, isoling the sky from the outside world, and only the thunder and lightning falling from the sky can be seen.

"Little evil god, you and I have no involvement, no resentment in the distant future, no hatred, and no intersection. Why are you like this? What do you want? Yun Yiyang asked angrily.

In front of him, Thor smiled gloomyly, and the light flashed in his hand. He was ready for a thunder blow, and this action was about to be completed.


A purple electric split almost landed on Yun Yiyang's head and interrupted his voice for a moment, making him quickly shut up and dare not say anything more. This forbidden place is the world of Thor.

"Nine heavens and ten earth...wash and don't die!" Yunyi shouted softly.

However, his voice was quickly interrupted, and Thor roared directly, "Heavenly disaster!"

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and all the purple light is connected. The purple is blurred and dazzling. This is the world of thunder and lightning. There are purple nights everywhere, thunderstorms everywhere, and every inch of space is a horrible light, which can destroy everything.

"Nine Days of Thunder Disaster - Heavenly Disaster?!" Yun Yiyang exclaimed. ......