usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 111 Merit

The true soul returned unbearably. The burnt body, Yun Yiyang urged the skills of the unity of heaven and man under his eyes, and crazily devouring the energy of the universe and heaven to repair the body. It was really a life-and-death person, healing white bones. This shabby, burnt black humanoid body quickly grew and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A sudden breath of vitality spewed out, swallowed up the natural thunder power of heaven and earth, and quickly replenished the loss and loss of the body with the help of thunder's vitality.


Zizi, Zizi...

Suddenly, countless electric sparks flashed on Yun Yiyang's body, and the whole body became an electrician. In each pore, small arcs kept spewing out to form sparks. When the rocks on the ground touched these electric sparks, they suddenly turned black, and then collapsed and began to melt.

This body devours the thunder, and the power of the brewed electric spark is so great. If it is someone else, it will be vaporized by electric fire in an instant, and there will be no dust left. After spraying strong electric sparks from the pores of the whole body, Yun Yiyang used his power to guide the huge vitality inch by inch and spread into the body.

A large amount of the power of thunder and lightning quenches every inch of skin. Every meridians, especially bones, are actually absorbing the power of thunder and gradually changing from white color to bright crystals. Lightning-like dazzling thunder bones, every bone has a powerful evil-breaking and lethal power. Especially the skull of the head! It began to grow, and the bones inside also turned into thunder bones, with a layer of crystal lightning attached to it. When it was attacked by external objects, it immediately came out and killed the enemy.

In this way, even if the enemy's flying sword magic weapon and mana break his body protection, body protection magic weapon, and even the core of his life, there is still a last layer of protection.

Moreover, the power of thunder entered his soul god, and unexpectedly made his soul god expand a little more, purer, tougher and stronger. With the power of thunder and lightning, the true soul god is an infinite receiver of thunder, a conductor and an infinite receiver, which is more powerful, more tactful and more comfortable.

Kka, click, click...

The bones of Yunyiyang's whole body have once again been evenly increased by several inches and expanded by several inches, making his whole body look particularly strong, and his whole body has an amazing smell of stretching out and explosive power.

Originally, after his five elements of yin and yang were successfully practiced, there was a layer of five-color light in the bones of his whole body, like diamonds, with yang in the yin, yin in the yang, and yang on both sides. But now, after the refining of the vitality of thunder, those five colors of light, yin and yang have converged again, combined with the power of thunder, resulting in a strong tearing force.

The most powerful thing is that now the six-way yin and yang thunder field of his whole body is framed!

Unexpectedly, the violent thunder power was added to the dominance of the large array structure. Yun Yiyang grabbed it casually, and the large array of virtual shadows of the whole body flashed out, and there was a layer of lightning tearing power on it, and the power was enhanced again.

Of course, there are also some vitality of lightning, which are directly absorbed by Yunyiyang's "natural core", and many entangled electric light have been added to his core, which is vaguely similar to the "natural thunder core".

His skills, along with the magic power of thunder and lightning, are more powerful after absorbing the power of thunder. Finally, the lightning sparks spewed from his body were taken back into his body and stood up. His whole body changed his appearance again. His skin was white and seemed to be nothing special, but if he had a good vision, he could see that every inch of his pores seemed to be a thunderous world! In the pupils of his eyes, there was also a faint lightning arc, and there was a trace of lightning in the depths of his hair.

At this moment, he seems to feel that if there is thunder in the sky, he can suck the thunder and lightning into his mouth, swallow it into his stomach, and then refine it. Moreover, even if there is no thunder in the sky, he can swallow the power of thunder through distant time and space.

This has changed its physique and has become a "body of the Holy Spirit" that can communicate with Thunder. After a difficult time, he completely accepted Thor's attributes and transformed his physique. Although the magic power has increased a lot one after another, the physique has been strengthened to a greater extent again.

Yun Yiyang successfully promoted to the realm of the unity of heaven and man. In addition to his joy, he hurried back to Liancheng Bi, Ding Feifei and the three daughters of cabbage.

"Alas, ten lives, nine lives, and finally succeeded in the disaster. It's cool to be strong. If I go back to the Fenglin Mountains again, I can really walk across. In addition to killing monsters, I must catch a few more powerful pets as a help, then life can be pleasant!" Yunyi is in high spirits. Facing the three women in front of her, she is in a good mood. In her eyes, they are so cute, pure and beautiful.

"Ayi, you just crossed the disaster, and I was so scared that I didn't even dare to come out. The scene was too terrible. The situation was too sad. Practice is really terrible. For me, will I have to cross the disaster like this in the future? Then it's better not to practice, keep my life carefree, and play happily for a few more years. Little Lori is timid, and her pink little face is full of palpitations and fear. At this moment, there is less happiness and more sadness of the burden of life.

"Yes, but it scared us all. Ayi, I'm afraid that once you can't get through the disaster, what will happen if you leave us behind? The consequences are really unimaginable. And in the face of such a terrible scene of crossing the disaster, even I feel afraid. I really don't know how to face the upcoming breakthrough disaster. Lian Chengbi was also trembling, and the horror of the disaster left an indelible huge shadow in the bottom of his heart.

"Don't scare yourself. I feel that I want to be happy in it. It's very relaxing and refreshing. It's endless to fight with heaven, endless fun to fight against the earth, endless fun with demons, endless fun to fight against ghosts, endless fun to fight against demons, endless fun to fight against gods, endless fun with people. You should remember these words Okay, how can we go as usual? Don't be afraid of the disaster. If you practice, you will go against the sky. How can you have a smooth sailing and a smooth road? There are always a few stumbling difficulties. If you don't face the difficulties and make progress, how can you achieve the pleasure after that!" Yun Yiyang smiled lightly. It seemed that what he had just gone through was not the life-and-death disaster, but an entertainment game, but his clothes were burnt and not enough to cover his body, but he clearly betrayed him, confirming that the disaster just now was enough to destroy him to death. Although his body recovered quickly, The clothes can't be. They are all black and ragged by lightning.

"You, just care about your poor mouth and be tough. Even I can see the danger at that moment. One is careless and a weak-minded, and I'm afraid that anyone who survived the disaster will have long been destroyed. Sixth brother, we all know that you are kind and deliberately comfort us. We don't want the difficulties of the disaster to leave a terrible psychological shadow in our hearts, but we really need to make full psychological preparations in our hearts early. After all, we have lessons first, and then we can deal with it. Following the footsteps of the predecessors is better than groping ourselves. My feet are messy and unprepared. Ding Feifei looked coquettish and said sincerely to Yun Yiyang.

Yun Yiyang made up his mind and made up his mind to stop several women from continuing to pour in bitter water. "Well, let's not talk about this pessimistic and depressed words. My trip to the secret place of the five elements is finally complete, far exceeding the expected harvest, which makes me very gratified. Now it's your turn. I will assist you to accumulate the essence of the five elements as soon as possible, especially Xiaobi and Liumei, and strive to break through the realm of creation as soon as possible..."