usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 37 Bottleneck

"Ayi, no, I'm going in. I'm going in. It must be very lively, fun and comfortable. Let's go in and have a rest. Everyone is tired." The cabbage was so bitter that Yun Yiyang nodded, and a group of five or six people followed several disciples into the magnificent building.

Once you enter, the heaven and earth are transformed, the space is solidified, and the fairyland is strip. It is another elegant country. Yun Yiyang has seen a lot about this and is not surprising.

"All the students of the heroic college, you are happy. You have the golden signboard of the seven major factions in the world, and your status has jumped. In the future, you will seek the position of city owner, be the hegemon of a state, and hold great power." A young woman complimented: "In our magnificent building, we provide all kinds of information, and even information about these heroic gate assessors and professors. Would you like to have a look?"

"I already know all these news." Yun Yiyang waved his hand and asked for the most expensive hospitality when he didn't come up. "Arrange a quiet room for me to ask for that kind of VIP quiet room, 100,000 people for a day."

"What? Do you want to live in such an expensive practice room? Several men and women were shocked: "Have the distinguished guests lived in our magnificent building before?"

"It's okay." Yun Yiyang smiled and was mysterious. He threw it away. A cloth bag was thrown out, which contained 300,000 spiritual elixir: "I'll stay for three days first. Later, I will go to your auction house to buy and sell something."

"Yes, yes, a few distinguished guests, I will help you arrange it immediately."

Several young men took the elixir and left in a hurry, while several women leaned up, very enthusiastic, with golden eyes, and couldn't wait to stick to Yun Yiyang to get an overnight joy and earn a lot of elixirs.

More than 100,000 gathering elixir is nothing for Yun Yiyang, but for these service servants, they can't save for a lifetime.

Yun Yiyang was silent and returned to his dull and rigid appearance, and directly asked these people to arrange the practice quiet room for himself.

It took 100,000 elixir a day to practice the quiet room, which is indeed very enjoyed. It is a wide miniature world isolated from the outside world. The world is full of a strange fragrance. After making people smell it, all the demons and distractions are eliminated, and it can consolidate the foundation of the skills in the body and eliminate obstacles.

Yun Yiyang led everyone to practice and rest here for the time being. Although Ying Dahao arrived home, he did not leave, but continued to stay here.

Yun Yiyang began to try to impact the realm of integration into the void. There are no more than two possibilities and ways for a person to integrate into the void. First, there is enough spiritual power to reach the possibility of tearing apart the void. This is very difficult, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to pass through this way. Second, this is the absolute majority of people. The way of promotion and the change of physical constitution make your body become an independent space, separate from heaven and earth, and have a strong space power.

Of course, in terms of the situation, neither of them can meet the possibility and requirements, but since a long time ago, his physical body began to turn his soul, starting from the realm of being promoted to a strong body. With the improvement of the realm, this special phenomenon of soul turning becomes more and more obvious, so his spiritual realm is very strong. Big, even conceived the spiritual lotus fetus, and then degenerating into the true god of the soul, which can transform into the virtual shadow of the true soul against the enemy. Therefore, his spirit absorbed the power of the body and transformed the power of the blood. The spirit is strong, and the body is becoming more and more thin.

But even so, his spiritual power still does not reach the ability to tear apart the void. Of course, compared with the illusory spiritual power and the real physical strength, the physical body itself becomes relatively easy to change the space physique, and it is also easy to achieve. The realm requirements of tearing up the space and promoting into the space are obvious and the simplest.

Ordinary people have physical space power, directly tearing apart the void and promoting into the realm of void.

However, Yunyi has no internal and external compatibility, but it has caused it to deviate from another road. That is, the body turns the soul, and the farther it is, basically does not belong to the category of ordinary people. Because of his own inability to change the soul, his spiritual power is greatly enhanced, and the physical strength is getting weaker and weaker. Small, it is impossible for ordinary people to be promoted to integrate into the realm of void by changing their body as spatial physique. The only thing he can do is to go the opposite, tearing the void with strong spiritual power to achieve the realm of integration into the void.

So he was forced into a desperate path by his own cultivation of no-like and internal compatibility, so that he turned his body into a soul. Only endlessly improved his soul power to improve the realm of integration into the void, which was also the bitter fruit that he felt very difficult to swallow, so he is now practicing and is devouring with his soul god. At that time, the unconscious empty shell given to him by Zhao Zhiping of Huangquanzong integrated into the void of the true soul body.

As soon as his consciousness real soul transformed out of the shell, it wrapped the unconscious true soul body and eroded and devoured it step by step, making a smiring sound like encroaching mulberry leaves. It slowly penetrated, slowly eclipsed up the food, and swallowed it up in half a day.

In vain, his own true soul, like a fat man who was full of food and drinking, strengthened a whole circle, but at the same time brought the fatigue of his mind, and bursts of drowsiness hit his whole soul.

He knows that he can't give up so easily, which makes this great opportunity come in vain. Now there seems to be an opportunity that is changing and transforming. His heart is strongly calling for him not to miss it. Once he misses it, he is afraid that it will be difficult to realize the breakthrough in the spiritual realm, so he beats a hundred times his spirit and devours it with his whole heart. The inherited unconscious soul true god's potential integration into the spiritual mood of the void.

General monks reach the realm of the unity of heaven and man, their spiritual power can already feel the heaven and earth, resonate with heaven and earth, combine the power frequency of the operation of heaven and earth, guide and control the energy of heaven and earth, including the five elements, yin and yang two qi, earthly earth thunder, heavenly thunder, stars all over the sky..., and use it to use against the enemy. , using itself as the headquarters to control and command the power of heaven and earth, the spirit of this realm can be said to be scattered between heaven and earth, everywhere, which is a kind of mutual tolerance and integration with heaven and earth.

To tear the space, on the contrary, the spiritual power should be concentrated and condensed into a point to break the surface of the space, just like a drill to break through the solid rock wall. Naturally, the sharper the point on the drill head, the stronger the concentrated force, the more powerful it can break through, and even the drill head with strong hydraulic power. Impact is used as a breakthrough, and the spiritual tearing space is also the same model. From point to surface, breaking a point and then tearing the whole surface together, the spiritual power of this realm is by no means tolerant and integrating with space and assimilating to achieve the purpose of borrowing its whole power, but a sharp dehostile resistance as a breakthrough. It is said that what is hard to drill into the tip of the bull's horns requires absolute strength and arrogance. The only thing you need is to fight against the whole world with your own spiritual strength, break through the will of heaven and earth with a different person, and break free from the prison of heaven and earth.

This is very sharp and against the sky. It is completely the absolute supreme state of being swayed, and it is no different from the transformation of the body into a space constitution. This is similar to transforming its own body into a space magic weapon, and its own body becomes an independent small world to achieve the purpose of breaking through the void. This Spiritual power does not require a substantial and powerful breakthrough, but with the help of physical strength.

The gap between the spirit and body before and after can be seen at a glance. It is a metaphor for Yun Yiyang's space power of the beads of the space world. He also has the complete absolute strength to integrate into the realm of the void. If the beads of the space world are fully integrated into his body, then he is also directly promoted to the realm of integration into the void. But it is absolutely impossible for him to do this, because with the improvement of the realm, his physical transformation becomes more and more sharp and obvious. It is estimated that in the end, the whole body may be completely transformed into soul power, resulting in the ultimate complete collapse and exhaustion. Therefore, it is impossible for him to do this way of the body as well as ordinary monks. Passed.

It is also because of this that after Yun Yiyang devours the true soul of others, he fully understands the difference between the spirit and the body, and the key points. Naturally, it is impossible for the spirit to accumulate enough power to break through the void in one fell swoop, because the power of the real soul is too small. The improvement of his spiritual strength and realm basically doesn't help. It seems that he doesn't know how to really break through the void, and he is stuck by this extremely powerful difficulty. Just like when he broke through the double level of internal power and guiding, he was stuck in that bottleneck for two years, and the difficulty he faced this time is still not very difficult. Well, he also understood very well in his heart, which made him feel extremely bitter, as if he had returned to the years of humiliation.

Yun Yiyang broke through the void with spiritual understanding and supported the spirit for two days. Although there is still a huge gap from the breakthrough realm, his soul realm has been greatly improved. At the same time, the principle of breaking through and integrating into the void realm is also clear in his mind. What the next thing to do is to do is to accumulate endless spiritual power, and And he knew that this was still a long process and could not be eager for the time being, so he stopped continuing to immerse himself in enlightenment and woke up energetically.

Seeing that others were also devoting themselves to meditation, he began to study the Kunpeng Dome and seed fossils purchased from Tiange Logistics on the next last day...