usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 86 Harvest

At the same time, Yun Yiyang's body is rapidly refining the body of the demon Sirius. The huge savage's excellent genetic energy and violent huge boundless energy have been absorbed by his body, constantly integrating himself into the realm of void, all of which brought him infinite pleasure and stimulation, as well as the chaos of magic interference in his body.

Under this strong stimulation, Yun Yiyang's mind was in the peak of excitement. This excitement was suppressed by him and turned into the power of the body. At this moment, the yuan god who was disturbed by the magic gas and was about to leave the body, unexpectedly had great potential!

Yun Yiyang's eyes turned red, and the blue veins on his face bulged, as if he were suffering great pain.

"Get out of here!!" A low roar came from Yun Yiyang's mouth, which was like a roar, turning into a thunder roaring around, and a dark shadow was forced out from his right hand!

It's just that the shadow was extremely unwilling. When it was forced out, it roared and struggled to integrate into Yunyiyang's body again.

Yun Yiyang's face is ferocious, and the strange power of the magical wolf is surging all over his body, turning into an unimaginable motivation, making him have a strong pleasure in pain!

The pain was forcibly suppressed by him, and the pleasure was also contained by him. After crazy suppression and compression, these two feelings turned into an unimaginable explosive force!

"Get out!!!!" Yunyi suddenly raised his head and raised his hands. A fierce force broke out of his body, and the shadow was immediately forced out of his body!

At the moment when the shadow was forced out to fly into the air, Yunyi's eyes were red. He moved and rushed out directly. He grabbed the shadow, and the power of his whole body burst out and poured madly into the shadow.

The shadow snorted miserably, and his whole body collapsed. It turned into a fine silk from the fingers of Yun Yiyang's hand and condensed again ten feet away. It stared at Yun Yiyang viciously.

But at this moment, this gaze was directly ignored by Yun Yiyang. The essence of the savage commander absorbed in his body was almost exploding. Under this stimulation, Yun Yiyang rushed up, and the fossil seeds in his arms did not hesitate to hit the vicious shadow.

At this time, the fossil seeds shine with a dark and bright light, attracting the artistic conception of the Yuanshen, containing the reincarnation of life and death, and the whole will of the cloud at this moment!

This blow, stimulated by the amount of violence all over the body, Yun Yiyang hit the peak! With all his strength, the world has lost its color!

Under this blow, after the fossil seeds were shot in the sky, a large area of space collapsed and shattered. One blow is life and death!

The dark shadow with a single horn on his head showed an unbelievable in his eyes. He screamed and was about to escape, but a blow came! When he was hit by a fossil seed, the black shadow stopped and immediately collapsed!!

There was an angry roar, a strong will, which rushed out of it crazily and was about to integrate into nothingness, but it was absorbed by the fossil seed whale and absorbed all of it.

The fossil seed was recovered, and the thousands of feet of magic gas dissipated. Yunyi raised a strong will and rushed into the fossil seeds. The seed quickly shrank, turned into the size of an egg and was put into his body's Dantian, and began to be warmed by his own essence.

Yun Yiyang grabbed the wrist guard with his right hand. The wrist guard was full of magic and wanted to break free, but his right hand was held deadly. He spewed out a breath of primordial spirit and fell on the wrist guard at the moment, turning into a spider web-like prohibition, sealing the wrist guard and putting it into the beads of the space world.

So far, this savage vanguard force, the vanguard savage generals were killed, and the new wolf-blooded and handsome demon Meng Tianlang, who were secretly lurking in it, were killed. Other soldiers had long been killed by heroes. They were led by Ying Yuruo, Ying Yangzi, Gongsun Wuqi, Princess Xia and other people. Under the killing, the whole Hou camp has escaped from the valley of evil, opened a bloody road, revealed a siege, and retreated and fled.

At this time, Yun Yiyang landed on the ground and quickly joined the women. There were no casualties. Only the fire worshipers and corpse refining were almost completely destroyed. Most of the 40,000 savage vanguard troops were slaughtered, and a small half of the survivors were still stubborn.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Ying Yang looked up to the sky and roared, "Slaughter the savages and kill them all!"

Then Ying Yanghao, Ying Dahao, Yun Yiyang and others rushed into the wild camp again.

The killing was rising, and suddenly the earthquake trembled, rumbled, and the sound of iron hooves stepping on the ground was like thunder. Thousands of troops and horses in front of them, and the torrent of steel rolled in. I don't know how many soldiers and horses the savages sent, and then attacked.

"It's not good! Let's meet quickly and retreat. Ying Yanghao no longer fell in love with war, shouted, sacrificed the nine-day flying dragonfly in his arms, grew a hundred feet in the wind, and took the lead in flying nine days. Yun Yiyang led the women, as well as Ying Dahao all indulged in the nine-day flying dragonfly and was about to escape through the air.

But four blood-stained figures then rushed their heads, with earthy faces and shouted for help, "Dear lords, for the sake of everyone as a human race and fighting against foreign barbarians, thank you very much for saving us, serving slaves and oxes and horses! Help me..."

These four are not others, but Tang Zheng, Liu Xuan, Kong Liang and Ma Jue who worshiped the Zong religion. The rest of the religious people are all buried in the savage army and have been destroyed. Only the four people are not strong enough. After bathing in blood to protect themselves, they have their lives.

Ying Yanghao didn't think about it. With a wave of his hand, he rolled up the four people on the nine-day flying centipe and roared, "Remove all together." The voice did not fall, and the nine-day flying dragonfly immediately broke through the air and fled. The savage army behind him immediately came like a tide, full of mountains and dense, like the crossing of ant armies. I don't know how many there are.

The mutiny of the evil valley vanguard force finally attracted the attention and attention of the whole savage army. The four thousand troops who besieged and annihilated the Hou battalion were almost gone after several screams. Except for some unicorns, they did not even leave a living. It failed to effectively resist, but it was solved by cutting melons and vegetables through more than a dozen human beings, which almost never appeared in the history of the war between the savage army and the human empire.

Wild Bassin, the president of the wolf cavalry, is one of the four commanders under his command. Compared with his subordinates, Mengtian, his cultivation is more unfathomable and more brave. He leads the whole main wolf cavalry of the overseas Sanyi Huyi army.

As soon as he found that the battle situation was wrong on the side of the Valley, he immediately marched with the unicorn army and the light and heavy cavalry army with the commander of the fierce barbarian commander Ye Bora and the barbarian commander. Unfortunately, it was still too late to rescue. At this time, the rolling army came over the border. The enemy had solved the battle and fled, and even the whole enemy's The Hou camp was rescued and escaped.


"What kind of person acted so boldly that dozens of people killed into my vanguard army and killed the whole army of my vanguard army. Even my wolf-blooded and handsome demon Meng Tianlang were killed. I smelled the resentment after his death remained in the air. Wild Bora, wild felt wood, the enemy's rebuking battalion escaped not far ahead. We each dispatched 300,000 fast riders to pursue and retaliate. How can we respond with the reinforcements? If we don't raid with fast horses, it is estimated that the enemy's rebuking camp will definitely escape our pursuit and return to the headquarters battalion and lose the opportunity to win forever. Yebasin said to Ye Bora, the commander of the unicorn army, and Ye Yumu, the commander of the light and heavy cavalry.

The three presidential commanders of the three savages gathered together the whole army of millions of savages who were governors behind the army. At this time, they went to the front line and officially launched a general attack and aggression against the imperial dynasty.

"Who are those people? What a powerful human trainer, dozens of people can slaughter the vanguard of our tens of thousands of troops, including your wolf-blooded marshal and our great general. Wild Paula, the commander of the Unicorn Army, was also furious at this time. You know, the unicorn cavalry of their ferocious savage family only has 200,000 to 300,000 troops, and the rest are infantry. How can he not be distressed by the 20,000 troops of a vanguard?

"How do I know who it is? Are the practitioners of the human race the most mysterious? Although there are many strong people in our clan, we are still deeply afraid of this. We only have many mad warriors and Ujin warriors to chase and destroy them quickly. We jointly issued an order and sent 300,000 fast riders each. What do you think of the two commanders? Yebasin said calmly.

Although in terms of strength, the unicorn army is above the wolf cavalry army, in terms of personal status, the strength of Yebasin itself is stronger, and the overall national strength of the Huyi tribe is also higher than that of the other two savages, so he is much more intelligent than the wild bolar and wild felt wood, and he is one of the three. The main brain.