usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 102 Expedition

These eight leaders sat at the oval conference table in the center of the lobby in public, negotiating and discussing in detail. They argued according to their own reason, but they were very decent, absolutely fair, and never ambiguous. Naturally, the people under them were also whispering to each other and discussing.

"This is the vast territory of savages, much larger than us human beings, a whole area in the north, hundreds of millions of miles."

"It's simply unreasonable for such a large territory for savages to invade the living space of the human race. Our human race is really surrounded on all sides and can't survive."

"Brother, look, there are eight areas of the savage territory circled on the map. I don't know which one we will pick up as the target of attack. There is a center and a boundary. It is estimated that the strength of the boundary is weaker and much easier to gnaw."

"In my opinion, the core is the best. It is estimated that the Savage's Temple of the Sun is located in it. Although it is the most powerful, the benefits of the attack are undoubtedly the greatest, and it can pick up great benefits."

"It depends on fate. It depends on luck, but who can say which is better or worse? Let's hit the luck."

"The eight areas like this are a little large and generalized, but the vast area must have endless resources. It's really burn, kill and loot. No matter which area you attack, you can make endless benefits."

"I guess this is still the greatest feat in human history. The strength of the savages should not be underestimated. They have really entered the core hinterland of the savages. It's better to be careful of your old life and don't give your life in vain."


Yun Yiyang is also holding a jade map in his hand and exploring it with divine knowledge. This is a map of the savage territory. In the north of the human territory, most of them are cold and high cold regions. From the graphic point of view, it is like a huge block covering the head of the human territory, and the east has been extending, and Like the territory of the human race, it is straight to the boundless ocean, and the eastern coastal line is bordering the unknown and mysterious more vast sea people.

On the territory map of the entire savage territory, eight areas are divided and banned, marked as east, west, south, north, central, southwest, Middle East and northwest respectively. These are the eight regions that the eight major forces want to divide up the attack.

At this time, the eight bosses in front of the conference table have finished discussing and began to choose the training forces led by themselves. These cultivation forces have been discussed and classified by them, and are also divided into eight parties. Whoever is caught will be under the leadership of their command to avoid unnecessary chaos.

The first round of the electorate was to lead the temporary belonging forces, which took only a quarter of an hour or two to complete. The second round of the electorate was the savage territory that they chose to attack, which did not take long. Like the previous round, it was almost simple and refreshing. For a moment, the eight bosses took the electors in their own hands and shared their own shares. .

At this time, all the bosses returned to their own camp at the same time. Lv Wuji sent several disciples to summon the forces and scattered practices under his command. After a few words, he took the lead in leading his family to go out of the council hall, went to the empty training ground outside to gather people and horses, and waited for more than ten minutes. Meanwhile, the disciples led a group of people to come here, but it was a coincidence. First of all, it was the group of people in the Ice Hall, not to mention the rest of the small and medium-sized sects and scattered cultivation, which was difficult to repeat.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Lv Wuji said loudly to the public: "Now we are a large group of unity. We hope that we will all obey the orders and obey the dispatch arrangements. There will be chaos and accidental killings in the fight against the Temple of the Sun. This time, our task is not small, not Children's play, either the enemy is destroyed or I die. Once everyone is not restrained, it will be destroyed by the whole army. I hope everyone can correct their mentality and be prepared for hardship and possible sacrifice at any time. Well, that's all I have to say. Everyone is waiting for the transmission and go directly to the Sun Temple in the core of the core of the Savage. This time, we are in the central core temple. We don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse. What is the danger, but we are sure that it is definitely the hardest bone to eat. Everyone should be careful first. Prepare."

"Deputy Leader Lv, is our ice hall directly assigned to your family this time, uniformly obey the arrangement, or be transferred out as the main force and be alone?" The Ice Hall led a group of female disciples to be a tall old woman with chicken skin and crane hair, holding a dark and deep dove stick in her hand. Without waiting for Lv Wuji to speak, he first opened his mouth to inquire.

"Well, this problem is not easy to decide now. When it comes to the direct attack, it will be divided and transferred according to the situation, but everyone doesn't have to be suspicious. I will treat everyone as a disciple of my heroic sect to ensure that it is fair and notarized treatment. No, I will never bully you and treat you as a cannon. From then on, everyone will be treated equally. Lv Wuji answered forcefully.

"Since Deputy Director Lu made this promise, I will be relieved!" The old lady in the ice hall looked around, neither arrogant nor humble, and replied in a calm voice.

"That's good. The heroic sect is indeed worthy of the king's faction and will not overwhelm people with momentum."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm most afraid of treating us as people and suppressing our scattered repairs everywhere."

"What kind of style is he, heroic door? It is our blessing and glory to kill the enemy together under his command. How can we save the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?"

"As long as we are not cannon fodder, everyone will advance and retreat together to kill the enemy, and we are all equal. We are convinced and have no complaints."

"What a ** battle this time. It's worth this life to experience such a once and sprinkle blood."

"Although there is no regret in death, although death is glorious and in its place, what we look forward to is to face the most intense moment of life."


The following is a moment of endless discussion, expressing their own feelings, waiting for the last moment of departure.

It is in such a situation that the strength of Tianbei City expands rapidly. In this area, there is a deformed scene of prosperity.

After all the practitioners in the world set their goals, countless people under the world's cultivation forces showed fanatical fighting spirit and high morale.

This may be the biggest "business" done by the human world. Those previous businesses, compared with this one, are simply pediatrics. When the war began, some of the bigwigs of the human race were keenly aware of the huge opportunities hidden in this sudden war.

As for what will happen after the goal is achieved, God knows, anyway, everyone is too lazy to think about it. This is indeed an excellent opportunity, but it is not so easy to seize it.

For good now, everything is going well. But no one is carried away. They are calm and prudent. They all know that these inflated strengths are like a pile of bubbles. If they can't defeat the savages, these bubbles will break immediately.


It seems that because the heroic gate faced the attack of the general sun temple in the core hinterland of the savage territory this time, it was transmitted at the end. It was also borrowed from the gate of the pagoda, the pagoda of the pagoda. The twelve elders of the pagoda gathered all their strength to sacrifice the portal to the air, and a burst of stars shining. The clouds pushed the fog, like an unpredictable mirage. A huge space portal with a height of more than ten miles and a width of six or seven miles immediately appeared in the sky. It was dark and deep, endless and unpredictable, and I don't know where to go.

Lv Wuji did not hesitate. He was the first to jump into the door. Other people followed suit and rushed into the door for a time. When the last figure also entered the door, another sparkled. The door automatically disappeared from the sky and returned to the hands of the twelve elders on the ground. .

Yun Yiyang and Ying Yanghao, Ying Dahao and other still formed a small group of original members poured into the door with the crowd. They only felt a huge thrust, which automatically pushed the human body and shuttled in the dark, and the wind was as light as lightning. Now Yun Yiyang has reached the realm of integrating into the void and has mastered the law of space, so this shuttle is irrelevant to him. He knows very well in his heart, but he directly tore apart the parallel space, opens a rather spectacular space channel, and passes everyone over. For him now, at any time You can break through the crystal wall of this channel and get out.

Of course, this kind of transmission is already a large-scale transmission with high negative and high efficiency. Yunyi naturally does not have such a great power. The simple personal power is almost the same...