usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 10 Vampire

seemed to be a pile of bones, and the frightened Yun Yiyang suddenly felt relieved. But it was too early for him to be happy. There was a charcoal-like body standing upright, and his body was dry and wrinkled as if he had been hung in the wind for millions of years, without any blood.

"Well, the famous vampires in the savage territory? I give you a drop of blood to give you temporary vitality. You are free. The demons and lords in hell give you strength to hunt in the temple of the sun!" While Yun Yiyang spoke, he took out a drop of blood collected from the savage from his origin seal boundary, flicked his finger, and nailed it to the chest of the corpse.

The drop of blood quickly penetrated into his body, and then the sound of streams came from the body of the mummed corpse. The fiber-like body became thick in a blink of an eye, and the fibrous dry muscles became white and plump muscles, and the drop of blood constantly moistened the dry body in the mummo body. Wei, every time a muscle fiber flows, the blood will grow a lot. Wherever it passes, all muscle fibers grow rapidly.

After a moment, a drop of blood has gathered into a stream-like blood flowing in the meridians. From the outside, a circle of blood red is constantly soaked around. Cells grow rapidly, and the dry body is rapidly expanded, raised and thick.

When blood flowed through the dry heart, it suddenly emitted a sharp roar from the wrinkled lips of the mummed corpse. A stream of black smoke stood straight up high in the sky, and the thick black smoke immediately covered the space of the burning prison.

The growth speed of the mummed corpse's body quickly, a strong wind blew, and the mummed corpse exploded into a mass of smoke. When the smoke dissipated, it was a middle-aged man with a pale face and thin face, wearing a black tuxedo and white gloves.

The man floated in the air and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were blood red. The blood red quickly subsided and turned into a normal sea blue.


From the man's open pale lips, two long white fangs stretched out, ** outside the lips, several drops of crystal saliva dripped along the two long fangs.

The man took a deep breath and shrank back two long white fangs.

The canopy!

A pair of long devil wings behind the man stretched out, fanned twice in the air, and turned into a black cloak hanging behind him.

glanced at the man in prison, and the information memory rushed into his mind.

The man's pupils suddenly shrank, and then a pair of eyes widened and turned from black to blood red. The cloak behind him suddenly bulged and blew up and turned into two huge bat wings.

"The savage deserves to die. It is an unforgivable sin to imprison my great and noble blood prince all year round!" The man roared, and his long fangs stretched out of his mouth and suddenly turned into a dark shadow in an attempt to rush from prison to the wild slaughter and the savage king and his son beside him.

"Don't try to resist. I want you to live, I want you to die, obey orders, follow me for life, and be my loyal servant. I will rescue you from the burning prison, or you will die here for life." Yun Yiyang's cold voice, with a murderous spirit in his majesty, raised his hand, saw countless deep ravines on his weak body, and then withdrew it with his backhand.


Those sword marks as deep as several inches healed one by one, and together with the broken underwear and black tuxedo, they also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

patted the tuxedo, and the man stood up and looked at Yun Yiyang viciously: "Dare to hurt the noble body of the prince of my blood clan, I want to... huh! What a familiar breath..."

The man shrugged in the air and sniffed: "Is it your blood that woke me up?"

"Who else do you think can save you? In this flame prison that is heavily banned and blocked by the Temple of the Sun, do you think you can still get out of trouble with your strength? I'm here to save you. You swear to me in the name of hell demons and lords that you will be my slave and follow me for life. I can give you a new life and return to your freedom. Yun Yiyang continued to be indifferent.

"You small and humble human race, let my noble blood prince be your servant, humiliating! I'm not willing!" The vampire was in a burst of anger. His whole body was in the midst of rampage and desperately attacked the barrier of the flame prison, but it also broke through anyway. Suddenly, a strong black smoke appeared on his body in his fury. In a blink of an eye, the whole body in the black fog turned into tens of thousands of golden black bats in the prison space. Flying around, hitting walls on all sides.

With the power of the blood prince, it is enough to easily destroy a mountain with a purely physical attack, but it is useless for the prison space in front of us. In particular, the powerful, domineering and strange skills he showed can't be done no matter how hard he tries.

For all blood races, blood is everything, life, energy and essence. No matter how powerful the blood clan is, once he loses the blood in his body, he will definitely die, so a drop of savage blood will make him trapped in this almost dry body all year round and immediately regain his vitality.

If you can't defeat it, the innate ability of the blood clan, you can easily escape your life. The higher the level, after the bat, the more bats will change. Like the power of the prince of the blood clan in front of you, tens of thousands of golden and black bats have been transformed into bats in an instant. It is a magic weapon. It takes some effort to destroy a bat. And even if only one bat escapes, this blood clan can escape for his life. After a period of time, it can naturally recover its original strength.

After the bat, the speed of the bat transformed by the blood clan is comparable to that of lightning. Prince Wilston in front of him never thought that he would one day be unable to escape at his proud level.

What's more frightening is that because of the importance of blood to blood groups, it is almost difficult for all blood groups to promote the blood in the body. Even if the blood flows out, it will be semi-coagulated and then be withdrawn from the body. But the fresh blood of fresh life is the source of all the strength of the blood clan. Without fresh blood, even the powerful prince of the blood clan cannot survive for a long time.

Unlike the human race, every drop of blood in the blood clan is fine blood.

Yun Yiyang frowned slightly and said to himself, "What a strange thing, super body, excellent resilience, amazing resilience!"

"Well, since you are reluctant, you will die here for the rest of your life. Let's go!" Yun Yiyang didn't talk much nonsense. He raised his foot and left and ignored it.

"Great master, Wilston, the prince of my blood clan, is willing to serve you for life and swear to you in the name of Satan, the devil, to sign a blood contract that will never be broken. If you do not obey the oath, the glory and holy light of the light of the light gods will turn me into flying ashes and disappear from heaven and earth from now on. Among them!" Wilston, the prince of the blood clan, saw that there was no hope of getting out of trouble. He quickly knelt down to the ground and solemnly swore to Yunyi.

"Okay, you will be my servant from now on. Do everything according to my orders. Come out!" Yun Yiyang answered simply and nodded slightly to the wild slaughter, "I order you to hunt and destroy in the Temple of the Sun from now on, and everything will be free!"

Willston, the blood prince, was released from the perennial prison and was free again. He was overjoyed for a moment and did not want to resist meaninglessly. Instead, he bowed to Yunyi and said, "Great master, servant Willston, thank you for your rescue. From now on, everything will be at your great Willingness."

"Well, well, when you are free, go and kill in the temple immediately and take crazy revenge," Yunyi said with no joy or sadness, still with a cold expression.

"Master, the servant will tell you a big secret. The time and space of this flame prison is deeply imprisoned by ancestor of our blood clan. It has been completely suppressed and sealed for too long. It is estimated that the power has been weak to the lowest. You might as well steal it for yourself. You can prohibit and devote yourself to research, but there is more for the blood of our clan. Deep understanding can obtain infinite opportunities and benefits at the same time. Prince Wilston of the blood clan made a flattering offer.

"Well, Wilston, that's a good idea. I'm going to collect it. You can do it yourself!" Yun Yiyang answered, disappeared, rushed into his origin boundary, and had gone deep into the time and space of the flame prison.

It made Wilston, the wild slaughter and the savage Wang and his son all looked at each other in consterious, and they felt unfathomable about Yun Yiyang, but there was a little more solemn heart in their hearts.