usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 59 There is a gap

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In fact, the main city of Mengyun is tens of thousands of miles, facing east in the west and built by the Mengyun River in the south. The wall is tall and thick, as high as more than ten feet and seven or eight feet wide. There are dozens of long streets in the city, which is bustling and lively. The men and women of all ethnic groups are shoulder to shoulder, and there are many shops on both sides. There are all kinds of brothels and casinos, and restaurants, pubs, tea rooms and hotels.

After all, the business model of the savages is different from that of the human race. The chamber of commerce of the savages is very prosperous. The major chambers of commerce manage the commercial operations in the city, which is more prosperous than the business of the human society. If the human society is still biased towards the mode of feudal society, then the business model of the savage society is more inclined to capitalism. It is suspected that the social operation mode of capitalism is more conducive to the development of social commerce, commodity circulation and social and economic promotion.

From this point of view, in fact, the savage society is not more backward than the human society, but there are 108 tribes in the huge savage territory. To put it bluntly, there are 108 countries and 108 countries. Naturally, there is a big economic difference among them. The vast majority of countries belong to the nomadic tribes in the grassland. In order to produce white concentrate, the department is so economically prosperous.

In fact, the Savage is the United Emirates of 108 tribes under the rule of the Temple of the Sun, which is very similar to medieval European society. The power of the Pope is above all else, including the appointment and removal of 108 tribal leaders.

There are 108 chambers of commerce in the main city of Mengyun. To put it bluntly, the main city of Mengyun is the core economic and commercial center of the whole savage. Among them, the most famous one is the Wukai Chamber of Commerce, which belongs to the two tribal countries in the Wujin War. The behind-the-scenes boss of this country's chamber of Commerce is the leader. The old master and leader are not wild.

The largest chamber of commerce in a country naturally involves all kinds of commercial fields, controlling the economic lifeline of a country and the development of all businesses. The Wukai Chamber of Commerce is also such a business kingdom. The headquarters of the chambers of commerce of all tribal countries have been set up in the main city of Mengyun. The main city of Mengyun has unique geographical advantages and economic advantages, and can almost be said to gather and control the entire economic system of the savage world.

Not to mention its white gold production, we only look at the status of its economic center. I don't know how many savages will admire and peep. Pope Wild Rod is the first person with such selfishness to deprive the power of the wild slaughter of the father and son with his own strength, and even the current crisis of the whole ethnic group facing extinction. I also remember this most prosperous city of commerce.

The city owner in Mengyun Main City is located in the south of the city, close to the Mengyun River in the south of the city, occupying one-third of the whole Mengyun City. Six spires occupy the hexagon of the city owner's mansion respectively. The six spires are generally equal in height, while in the center of the six towers and the star-like city owner's moon-like city mansion stands a more towering, huge white The color spire, its spire goes straight into the sky.

This is the strongest leader's landmark building in Mengyunbu. It is a forbidden place where ordinary savages are not allowed to break in without permission. Outside the door of the leader is a wide parallel carriages, a prosperous street facing east to west, east gate, west gate, straight across the east and west, tens of thousands of miles of miles of long street, dividing the leader city into Most of the north and south.

South is the head of the General Chamber of Commerce and Mengyun Department, and the local administrative agencies of the tribe. In the north, it is an important chamber of commerce organization of other tribes, as well as important commercial cities, residential areas, and even houses of some prominent nobles of various tribes.

Moreover, overseas Chinese counties are set up outside the main city of thousands of miles, and most of them are the prosperous residents of Mengyun City, which is famous for other tribes and actively migrated to settle down. The complex is dense and connected into a whole piece, extending and radiating to the outside around the core of the main city of Mengyun, spreading in a fan shape.

If all these are calculated, the scope of the whole city will be large, which is three or five times as large as the core of the main city of Mengyun. For a while, it is even more lively and prosperous. This is also a big hybrid of the whole savage group. The inside and outside of the city are crowded with savages from south to north. I don't know how dense the population is. It is always prosperous and lively.

Now the whole savage crisis seems to have spread major news. Mengyunbu will be the last core hinterland for the whole savage to retreat and garrison. When they get the news, countless savages who are afraid of military disasters or the spread of war will gather here like tides from all directions. Every moment is a crazy crowd of people coming from exile.

For a moment, the sound of people shouting horses and donkeys and wheels rubbing the ground. It was noisy, as if a whole pot of porridge was boiling, filling the whole city of Mengyun. No one wants to be killed by the alien invasion or become a slave of the alien race, so they have to pack up their soft goods, hurriedly leave their original residence and embark on the unpredictable road of escape. The prosperous Mengyun Main City seems to deserve to be the last refuge and place for the whole savage.

The first line of dawn appeared outside the horizon of Mengyun Main City, and the sky was thickly cloudy, as if a storm was brewing, which made people's hearts even heavier. The whole savage is now shrouded in the clouds of war and the destruction of crisis, which is like the coming of the world. I don't know how much panic and chaos it has caused. The whole savage has now moved fundamentally and messed up.

Originally, the savages were strong, strong and born with martial arts. There were many strong people. Most tribes were nomadic tribes of the savages. They were born to ride bow horses and shoot skillfully. Under the determined training, it was indeed easy to organize countless armies. Even in the current situation, in the face of foreign invasion It is not so easy to be able to organize effective confrontation and be eaten all.

The Parliament Hall is the most magnificent building for the leader of Mengyun City. It is high and gorgeous, with a royal palace and a throne, and its furnishings are magnificent and domineering. This is also a symbol of the supreme power of the leader of Mengyun. It is connected to the main gate square, and there are training grounds everywhere, and the leaders of each place look down on the complex.

Because the savage Pope Yerod has eagerly left the city, leaving Yun Yiyang to become "Yenalan" and one person stationed here. This is really a godsend. It is also the best opportunity for the wild father and son to regain the power of Mengyun and Mengyun's main city. At the same time, he can also rebel against all other tribes, unite and jointly promote The papal dominance of Rhodes.

At this time, Yun Yiyang summoned back the wild slaughter, the savage king, the blood prince, the deep-water Hulk, and the lion elders to discuss the big plan together in the political hall.

Discussing the general arrangements for retaking the power of the Mengyun tribe. Yunyi suddenly pondered. After a while, he said firmly: "Wild slaughter, if your father and son want to regain the tribal power of the whole Mengyun tribe, they must eliminate or expel the arrangement of Wild Rod. All those who hold power, and then reassemble your people, unite together, and organize the tribal army, it will be a big deal. Of course, you can also lobby other ministries to rebel against Wild Rod and unite to control Wild Rod's rule.

Wild Tuhuang frowned and said, "The former is practical. Our father and son were originally the leaders of the tribe. Over the years, the ruling power of our clan has fallen. The people have been oppressed and enslaved by the Temple of the Sun. They must have suffered a lot of resentment. As long as they raise their arms, they will definitely be captured. The latter is hard to say, and it is difficult to do this. Let alone say that our whole ethnic group is the strongest in Wujin's fierce battle between the two tribes. With its leadership, things are half as easy as possible, but its actual leader Ye Mohuang is extremely indifferent to our relationship. Even if we have a face-to-face conversation with him, it is still difficult to reach the sky. Moreover, there are still some insoluble hatreds and contradictions between the tribes. It's not so easy to really connect.

The lion elder snorted coldly: "The only most practical way is to completely solve the old man Wild Rod, just like destroying his son Ye Nalan. Once Wild Rod dies, the Sun Temple Church will be automatically dissolved. Otherwise, this man's rule is deeply rooted and deeply implanted in the heart of the savage, even if it unites all tribes. , it's still unpredictable."

Yun Yiyang smiled and said lightly and said, "It's not that I haven't considered this. However, Wild Rod is at the peak of the Taoist realm under the usurpation of heaven, and there is an artifact to rely on, but we can't do anything about it. Even if we unite with our army of monks, we can't do it. What's just us, we must also recognize ourselves. Strength, if Ye Nalan doesn't have an artifact in his hand, we don't want to kill him, and there is still a great possibility and chance of expelling him.

As soon as the lion elder heard Yun Yiyang, the master, say so, he knew that something could not be done, and immediately kept silent.

Suddenly, the savage Wang frowned deeply and said, "If you want to unite with our ministries, I think there is a feasible way. You might as well give it a try."

Wild slaughter nodded and said, "Now it is about the safety of my whole ethnic group. We all take it as our responsibility to protect our whole ethnic group, especially how can we be alone in this joint siege of major aliens and preserve the continuation of the ethnic group. This matter is indeed difficult. But..."

Yun Yiyang said in high spirits, "But what?"

He hesitated for a moment and said, "The main city of Mengyun is the economic center of my whole tribe. The headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of 108 tribes is located here. It is not possible to attract the people and troops of various tribes to come together, and Wild Lord himself also has this plan. It is right in our arms, and we can only secretly unite. It's a rebellion."