usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 58 Sitting on the Mountain Watching Tigers

The wingman in the realm of the law of creation was hit by the cosmic tidal storm, and his whole body began to break. Even the heavenly time sword of the wingman in his hand was smashed violently. Obviously, there were some difficulties to resist the peerless strong man who was higher than his own realm.

However, after all, he is a master of the realm of creation. Under the ever-changing complex situation, his whole body suddenly condensed, and his whole body condensed into a heavenly time sword. Unexpectedly, he split it out with a sword and tore off the tidal storm of the universe.

"The Lord said that there should be light, expell all evil, the light yearns for heaven, and the darkness returns to hell." This winged master turned into the shining sword of heaven, tearing apart the tidal storm and burst into it again, directly killing the devouring mythical beast after the storm.

"Huh, little wingman, you are not good enough to call yourself Lord and heaven, and your level is too low to pose a threat to me without the power of the world. I will let you know what the power of the world is! The world of cosmic tidal storms is directly imprisoned!"

On the body of devouring the mythical beast, a huge space-time storm constitutes an incredible cosmic tidal space. I don't know how many thousands of miles it covers. His body directly rises to suppress the starry sky. In it, there is a never-ending space storm with the same number of constant sands, constantly flowing. Unexpectedly, he resisted the glorious sword of the wingman, and then his body trembled, separated another palm, and grabbed the wingman's head.

This grasp, the power of five fingers, has been transformed into a new cosmic tidal world, once again involved the winged strong man in it.

"Hmm! Such a small cosmic world can't trap me at all!" The winged man was the huge light sword that killed everything. It was invincible and flashed again. Under the chaos of the huge sword, he suddenly broke away from under its claws.

"The Lord said, you are all guilty, evil should be washed away, and sins should be repented. The ocean of light, purify the world!" The huge light sword incarnation of the wingman emitted a more blazing and dazzling holy light. It simply shines on the world, competing with the real cool sun in the sky, and the body disappears again. The control of the law of space and even suppresses the power of the world that devours the mythical beasts.

This wingman is the embodiment of light and purity. To drive away all the darkness and filth in the world, the whole incarnation's lightsaber burst into a circle of transparent molten gold and iron blazing light. As soon as this light is stained with the surrounding space, all the space begins to melt and turn into a ball of space paste, and each space, such as porridge. It began to boil and melt.

The head that devours the mythical beast, accidentally sprayed by the holy light of the wingman, actually began to melt!


The devouring mythical beast has long passed the realm of immortality. This damage is nothing at all. It hurriedly shook its head, separated from the body, and then struggled hard in its neck, and the head condensed again! At the same time, a layer of light condensed by the power of the world appeared on his body, and the holy light of heaven eroded it. Although it can cut off a thin layer, it cannot completely hurt his body!

Although the holy light of the wingman's heaven is fierce, holy and bright, expelling all dark sides and can erode the world, but in the face of masters such as devouring mythical beasts, it will also slowly erode, even powerless.

Even if it devour the holy beast and does not resist, it will take at least thousands of years for this wingman to refine like this. Therefore, in such a fight, it is nothing to brush out a little layer of world power.

"You birds have long known that your heavenly light has reached the point of melting the world, but I will let you melt to see how much you can melt." The devouring mythical beast condensed into the light film of the power of the world, and was not afraid. He grabbed his body, stepped out step by step, made a dragon walk, and made a tiger leap. He was extremely powerful. With one punch, he drained all the aura of heaven and earth.

"The tide breaks through the ages, and the storm covers the universe. I hold the universe and eat my move, Hengsha Storm!"


A huge sandstorm will corrode everything in the universe and everything in heaven and earth. The winged man felt that the power of his heavenly holy light seemed small and humble in front of this, weak and constantly annihilated. It was simply the light of fire competing with the bright moon, but it was still unyielding and desperate to resist the struggle, but it was a cup of water and useless.

But he also showed no weakness. He once again urged the sword of light that he had transformed into, and intermittently shook and killed the past. Suddenly, he tore the huge sandstorm and breathed a breath.

"The world is innate, and all beasts roar! The storm is invincible!"

The white claws that devouring the mythical beast came down again, and the power of the world condensed more. The creation of the wingman could not be resisted at all. He was fiercely grasped by this white claw, and his huge nails even pierced into the body of the white and glorious sword!

Three moves and two styles have passed, and the battle has been deadlocked for a long time. The devouring mythical beast is obviously a little ashamed and angry, and finally tried its best to take action!

As soon as he took action, he used his biggest killing move, and his power almost completely broke through a limit. It can completely break planets and refine stars.

Each of his arms is clenched into fists and expands outward to open the sky and fight the sky!

"The Lord said that all evil people must be purified! ..." At this critical moment, accompanied by a low chanting, another strong wingman who usurped the sky brazenly helped his boss. This wingman's strength is weaker, lower than his boss, and not to compare with the devouring mythical beast. It's not Yun Yiyang's practice of mastering skills. Pervert, the gap between the two realms, is indeed an insurmountable gap.

But there is no doubt that the sudden full blow of the sword of the Holy Church of Light also worked, and he blinked to kill the giant claws that devoured the mythical beast.


With an explosion, he grabbed the giant claws of the devouring mythical beast of the original winged man and suddenly exploded.

"Our spiritual combination and the unity of field strength. The strength of this monster is too profound and powerful. We are not opponents. We can only compete with a complete combination!"

When the original wingman boss saw this scene, his face was even more gloomy. His body, which had changed into a heavenly sword, also began to expand, and his own field merged with his wingman.

At the same time, the wingman who had just rescued his boss also stimulated his field and integrated with his boss. When the two fields are merged, rainbows, glow, auspiciousness and holy light appear in the sky. The whole world seems to have a feeling of being retracted into the field of two people. The field even has a tendency to transform into the world. It seems that the combination of the two wingers really has the limit of the realm of world law. Strength.