usurp the sky and kill

Chapter 27 Only Surrender

How horrible a fairy is. Yun Yiyang knows that even if thousands of ancestors in the world of ascension add up, it is impossible to beat a single immortal.

It's like a 100 million ordinary army in the secular world. If there is no master of the Hedao realm, the concentrated alliance can't defeat a monk in the Adao realm.

I can't imagine what means a fairy has now. After all, the fairy world is too mysterious for the creatures in the lower world. The unknown is always terrible. I don't know how many ups and downs there are. Yun Yiyang has never seen a real fairy, but flying to the fairy world is definitely a great risk. It is too difficult for ordinary creatures to become immortals, and it is impossible to pass easily.

If most of the owners of the winged people stand on the back of a powerful fairy, it will be very troublesome. Fortunately, the angel doesn't seem to show anything now. The seeds of the original power of the fairyland were seized by the dominant virtual shadow. At the moment of flying out, it was captured and returned. With the dominant virtual shadow, it was included in Yunyiyang's body. Now there are most of the winged people who are imprisoned by Yunyi Yang's heavy skills and soft as mud. .

The master of the winged human race retreated one after another, "Emperor of the Savage, you not only broke the original power of the fairyland, but also forcibly plundered the original power of the fairyland, but don't forget that there is a twelve-winged archangel standing behind me! The real realm of nine immortals is definitely not the ancestors of ordinary immortals. Do you dare to kill me? Hurry up and let me go, or the twelve-winged archangel will take final revenge on you!"

"Hmm!" Yun Yiyang made a decision to kill. How could he worry so much? He never retreated halfway, let alone be controlled by a word or two threats, or by asking for mercy, so he whipped him again: "Be my believer, or you will die! You choose!"


The owners of the savage finally couldn't stand it and lost the support of the original power of the fairyland. He surrendered: "I am willing to submit, willing to submit! I want to let go of my heart completely. Master, I dedicate my faith and sincerely return to my command from now on.

"Very good! That's the point. I also need to use you to control your whole winged army! Your group is too powerful and horrible, that is, all the power alliance of the whole mainland of China is not enough to fight against you, and it has become a huge and horrible disaster machine that the whole mainland of China is irresistible. If I don't completely control you, I will finally have no place to stand and become a homeless dog!" Yun Yiyang answered calmly and couldn't see any waves in his heart.

Yun Yiyang was brewing a plan in his heart, and still decided to stick to the original choice: "I think it's also very fast. Now that he has surrendered the marshal of this winged army, other senior generals who usurped the sky are much easier to do. None of them can escape from the palm of my hand. If they are all of them will be subdued by me and let him go back. Later, I was dispatched in batches and sent here in batches. I surrendered in batches. At that time, I completely completed this goal and still returned to my emperor's palace to be my emperor. From then on, I had no worries. The whole winged human race would make wedding clothes for me to rule the whole mainland of China, and do my best to usurp it fiercely.

At the same time, a holy light fell into the minds of most of the heads of the winged people. After a while, most of the wings also completely lost their souls, thoughts, and became believers and puppets. He reached Yun Yiyang like a walking corpse and knelt down on his knees. .

"Knock to the master." At this moment, the former commander of the War Heavenly Department of the Wings, who was also the deputy leader of the winged people, had died, and the rest were just puppets.

"Master of the winged people, you are now my believer, and I will assign tasks to you immediately!" Yun Yiyang stopped and directly assigned: "Now you lead these men to return to your winged army immediately, continue to control the whole army as usual, and then send more than ten people to send all the usurper generals in batches to come here and let me surrender and let them become my believers. ."

"Yes!" The owners of the winged people did not dare to disobey, and went out like this by the imperial edict.

In an instant, Yun Yiyang felt that his luck had increased greatly, and he was constantly accumulating energy, which seemed to have the possibility of improving his realm. However, he lacked the huge energy for promotion, and the world under heaven could not bear the continued promotion of Yun Yiyang's power. It seems that if it really goes on like this, Yun Yiyang has no way to advance or retreat and is stuck in the middle. To find an opportunity, in the current realm, either go directly to hell or go directly to the fairyland.

Yun Yiyang's strength is constantly improving rapidly, and the use of dominant skills is also constantly improving, which is more flexible. It is simply convenient to use.


Next, it was simply catching turtles in the urn without any accident. In a few days, Yun Yiyang spent a lot of hard work and uninterruptedly subduing more than 90 high-level generals in the winged human army. In this way, Yun Yiyang is the behind-the-scenes operation. He really secretly holds the military and horse marshal of the winged people. Everything is under his firm control. If there is no special accident, no one can shake his position.

After surrendering the last group of the usurpatory high-level officials of the winged people, Yun Yiyang couldn't help but call out a long breath. It was expected that he could be his happy savage emperor for a period of time, and only paid attention to the whole winged army behind his back to fight for him in the mainland of China.


After so many days of fatigue in this huge war in the Broken Soul Gorge, I am planning to return to my imperial palace.

In the black hole boundary of the origin, Yun Yiyang announced to the women in public: "All our plans and tasks have been completed as scheduled, and we are not afraid that the winged army can still threaten us. This harvest is not small. At the beginning, I did not expect that things would go so smoothly that we would turn the whole situation around. It's really impressive, teachers Sister, let you suffer with me."

Ying Yangzi quickly took Xie Xianxian's hand, walked to Yihui, and said affectionately, "Sister, you have made great efforts. Now you can finally make us all safe."

Xie Xianxian handed over her jade hand, looked up and down at Yihui, squeezed her mouth and smiled, "Sister, you really look like a prosperous husband. These days, I think your younger brother is also the most powerful of you."

Yihui heard this, but she would be wrong. She blushed and said, "Sister Xie, these are not too much to do with me. It's the master's means and courage. And you, an outstanding beauty, is the most important thing for your master!"