
Chapter 3 Blood Dun

"Oh! I didn't expect it! This second lady of the Lin family is so valuable!" Li Yang looked at the task searched by the target in disbelief.

The whole thirteen tasks are offered as a reward for Lin Tianjiao, the second lady of the Lin family. Three of them are more than 10 million, and the others are at the million level. In total, the total reward is nearly 50 million yuan.

"No, it's just the bodyguard of the Dark Devil Security Company. If you face a super killer, you should be unable to stop it. The total reward of 50 million yuan can almost make some top killers, but why is Lin Tianjiao still alive so far?" Li Yang was puzzled.

Li Yang suddenly shook his head and smiled and said, "What the hell, I can even complete such a billion dollars of tasks. How can I not complete such a small task?" Li Yang is very confident.


Oliver stood coldly in the dark of the street, and suddenly a shadow flashed, and a man in black appeared beside Oliver.

"We must kill everything this time. Since we have decided to do it, we can't hesitate at all. Humph, the Italian mafia has always wanted to deal with us, but in the land of the United States, it's not their turn to be arrogant!" Oliver said coldly, and his body was murderous.

"Young master, Steven, the son of the leader of the Italian Mafia, is indeed too much. The school beauty of New York University was forcibly taken away by him. The young master can rest assured that Steven has a high status and no one dares to provoke him. There are only three blood marquises around him. We dispatched six marquises this time, Success in one fell swoop!" The man in black next to him is also arrogant and awe-inspiring.

"Well, okay, but we have to be ready. If Steven dies, the Italian mafia leader will definitely be furious. We still have to be ready to deal with his anger!" Oliver said lightly.

The man in black immediately said, "Young master, don't worry, the Italian mafia has always wanted to deal with us and has never stopped attacking. It's incompatible with water and fire. What's wrong with killing the son of their party leader? Humph, they haven't had any way for so many years. Is there a way now?" Well, all right, what you said makes sense. All right, you go. I'm going to accompany my touching Miss Tianjiao!" After what Oliver said after the man in black, he seemed to be open-minded. Indeed, the two families were already in the same situation. What are they worried about? Yes!" The figure in black flashed and disappeared in an instant. A bat flew by like lightning in the night! Oliver turned to the car parked in the distance.

"Dear Miss Tianjiao, I'm really sorry, you didn't wait!" Oliver got into the middle of the car and said to Lin Tianjiao with a smile.

Lin Tianjiao smiled and said, "Who knows what you were doing just now? Isn't it a woman who called to coax her at home? I don't know what reason you used to explain it? Oliver immediately turned a straight face: "Who am I, Oliver? Do I need to report to a woman if I don't return home at night? You really underestimate me, Oliver. In order to punish your misjudgment on me, I decided to teach you a good lesson!" With that, Oliver made a gesture, and the driver drove immediately.

"Little goblin, I must teach you a good lesson today!" Oliver held Lin Tianjiao on his lap... Oliver's villa.

** After that, Oliver got up and left the bed and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window.

It's dark outside.

If you look carefully, you can find that there is a gray bat winged bat on the floor-to-ceiling window glass. Oliver's lips moved slightly. At this time, he was using the unique language of the blood clan to communicate with each other.

"Young master, things are not good. When chasing Steven, there was an accident. Four marquises died. Of course, Steven's three marquis bodyguards also died. Now Steven is running for his life, and the remaining two marquises are chasing him. I don't know if they can succeed!" The little gray bat, the blood baron, said.

Oliver immediately changed his face: "What! Six marquis of the blood clan, and it was a sneak attack, actually four died, and only three of the other party died. It's really a bunch of wastes. Anyway, Steven must not be allowed to return to Europe!" Oliver made a decision and immediately turned around and put on his clothes.

Lin Tianjiao said in **, "Oliver, where are you going? Isn't it attractive at all?" Oliver immediately smiled and said, "No, sweetheart, of course you are amazingly charming, but I have something very important now, and I will be back soon!" After hugging Oliver and Lin Tianjiao, they randomly turned around and walked out of the room.

Lin Tianjiao looked at the departing Oliver, licked her lips slightly with her tongue, and said with a slight smile, "The energy of Oliver's yin attribute is really strong. Just now, I sensed that my skills have increased a lot. That Kevin, a vulgar man, can't catch up with Oliver more than a dozen times."

Supt, Lin Tianjiao was stunned and slowly turned around and looked at the corner of the room.

Li Yangzheng, dressed in black, stood in the corner of the room and looked at Lin Tianjiao coldly.

Even in the face of such a beautiful body, Li Yang was still not moved at all. He just looked at Lin Tianjiao indifferently! Lin Tianjiao smiled and said, "Your Excellency is really awesome. There are many powerful blood clans around this villa. Unexpectedly, no one has found you enter the room. It seems that your escape has reached the realm of trance!" With that, Lin Tianjiao lifted the quilt on her body and let her touching body be fully displayed in front of Li Yang.

"Are you the second lady of the Lin family?" Li Yang is plain.

Since Jiang Xue's death, Li Yang's heart has died, and it is impossible to be moved again. Perhaps only when he sees Jiang Xue again will Li Yang's feelings recover.

Lin Tianjiao looked at Li Yang's cold eyes, and her heart trembled: "This man in black seems to be a peerless master, and his state of mind is also very high, otherwise it is impossible to have no reaction to my body!" He thought so in his heart, but he smiled and said, "The Lin family? Which Lin family are you talking about? There are so many Lin families in the world!" Lin Tianjiao's words have a special melody, as if they are constantly ** people, attracting people's impulse.

"Li Yang, this is the "Dafa of the Girl", one of the three gates of the Demon Palace. It is just a side branch of the magic road that seduces people. Your state of mind is far more than her, so it will not be affected in any way!" Xiang Yu said in Li Yang's mind.

Li Yang's eyes lit up. No wonder Lin Tianjiao still lives well with so many rewards. It seems that she is a master.

"Don't use your "Female Dafa" in front of me, it doesn't work for me!" Li Yang's voice is still cold.

Lin Tianjiao's face changed greatly. "The Daughter's Dafa" was passed down to her when he met a young man. She didn't even know who the man was, and she didn't know which sect the "Daughter's Dafa" was, but the effect of the "Dafa of the Daughter's Daughter" was The more you increase, the more powerful it will be.

Now she is already a five-level master, but once he uses the "Dafa", even if he is a six-level master, he can't control his heart, and he will be subject to her **.

"Who are you?" Lin Tianjiao is no longer as confident as he was just now. Now he is full of fear. The man in front of him is very clear about her cultivation skills, and he is not subject to her **. In terms of attack, Lin Tianjiao is not strong. Now there is only one way - escape! In addition to learning the Daughter-in-law, Lin Tianjiao also learned the art of escape. These two methods are the reason why she has never been killed.

Lin Tianjiao immediately began to make fingerprints. Li Yang's escape could be achieved in an instant, but Lin Tianjiao needed for a while. This is the power of fairy escape.

Li Yang sneered, "Don't ask me who I am. You just need to know that I am you!" Li Yang's knife flashed in his hand.

Lin Tianjiao looked at the horrible knife light, and she couldn't hide the shock in her heart, but she was also comforted in her heart, because she had already launched the art of escape.

"Puff!" Li Yang's knife shot through the wall of the villa, but Lin Tianjiao had disappeared into the room.

Li Yang smiled disdainfully: "The escape, hum, actually play the escape in front of me!" What Li Yang has is the secret escape of the fairy world. How can Lin Tianjiao's escape be compared! Dun!"! Li Yang shouted in a low voice, and his figure immediately disappeared. There was no time to consume at all. The speed was obviously different from that of Lin Tianjiao just now.

"She is 500 meters ahead of you!" Xiang Yu immediately pointed out the address of Lin Tianjiao at this time.

Li Yang's speed was as fast as a phantom, accelerating crazily in the ground, but Lin Tianjiao did not seem to be slow, and Li Yang could only gradually get closer to each other.

Sudden! Lin Tianjiao found that there was a vast rock area in front of her. She immediately changed her fingerprints and changed it to Jin Dun. After the rock area, she changed it to Earth Dun. She changed the fingerprint escape twice and wasted a lot of time, but Li Yang was moving forward and did not stop at all.

Ten meters! Li Yang was only ten meters away from Lin Tianjiao, and even Li Yang sensed the existence of the other party.

"That horrible man in black should have been dumped by me. Humph, this escape is really good. It's a must-have for running for life."

Lin Tianjiao had a trace of relaxation in her heart. Suddenly, Lin Tianjiao's face changed, and she felt a breath, a breath of the man in black.

"It's not good, he's behind him!" Lin Tianjiao didn't have time to imagine why the enemy could catch up so quickly. Lin Tianjiao could even feel that the enemy behind could kill her at any time! The blood-burning blood escape of the daughter-in-law!" In the face of death, Lin Tianjiao gritted her teeth and used the horrible blood escape with side effects for the first time! Fortunately, it is a magic method, and there is an extremely fast escape method in the Daughter's Dafa - blood escape! However, the use of blood escape consumes one-third of the blood in the whole body, which will definitely greatly reduce the caster's ability.

However, at this time, Lin Tianjiao has no confidence to fight with the man in black behind, so she can only use blood escape! Li Yang was stunned, and Lin Tianjiao, who was about to get it, instantly increased ten times faster, far more than his escape. Isn't that good?" It's okay. There is the Hudson River in front of her. She has to use the water to escape. The speed will definitely slow down!" Li Yang seemed very confident, but what stunned him was that Lin Tianjiao continued to sprint directly at the bottom of the Hudson River.

"What's going on? How could it be like this?" Li Yang watched Lin Tianjiao's figure gradually disappear at the bottom of the water.

"This is blood escape! Almost all magic practitioners know about blood escape. Blood escape is a escape skill that burns one-third of the blood, and it is a well-known life-saving skill!" Xiang Yu explained.

Li Yang frowned and said, "Blood escape? Almost all magic practitioners know it? Overlord, am I not a practitioner of the devil's way? Why don't I know?" Xiang Yu smiled and said, "Haha, it consumes one-third of the body's blood at one time, which is absolutely terrible to the body, and the blood consumed is not ordinary blood, even the blood in the heart is consumed! The most important thing for a magic monk is the heart, and the essence and blood in the heart is even more important, consuming one-third. Even if this little girl can escape, her skills will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to make progress in the future!" What's the use of saying so much? She has slipped away!" Li Yang is a little helpless.

"Who said that? With the existence of this overlord, how can she escape? Unfortunately, your skills are so low that you can't show the power of fairyland escape at all! Ready, this overlord will let you feel the real speed of the escape!" Xiang Yu laughed, and Li Yang suddenly felt a powerful terrible force running through his whole body in an instant. Suddenly, his body crossed the land, rocks and rivers like lightning. The speed was a hundred times a thousand times that of his escape! Here, Lin Tianjiao is in the 402 room of the hotel above!" It was almost just a breathing time, and Li Yang stopped.

"Room 402!" Li Yang smiled and then directly relied on the escape technique to enter the restaurant.

... "This time, my skills will be reduced by at least half. The man in black is really terrible. My "Dafa of the Daughter" is invalid for him. His escape is much faster than mine, which completely restrains me. Seeing the knife gas of the first attack, the attack power is also far more than that.

It's really unlucky to meet him!" Lin Tianjiao sat in ** practicing, and there were two bodies of a man and a woman on the floor of the room. Although Lin Tianjiao was seriously injured, it was easy to deal with ordinary people! You are not an ordinary vicious man. They have no grievances with you. You can kill them!" Although the voice was very flat, it was like a voice from hell in Lin Tianjiao's ears.

Lin Tianjiao immediately opened her eyes in fear! You..." What appeared in front of Lin Tianjiao was a knife gas. Lin Tianjiao, who was seriously injured, had no time to react at all. The knife gas directly penetrated her mind.

Lin Tianjiao died on the spot! Lin Tianyu, this is just interest!" Li Yang's figure flashed, but he flew directly out of the window, and then flew directly to the top of the restaurant.

Li Yang stood at the top of the restaurant, overlooking the whole city.

It was already night, but the city seemed to be very noisy, and the crowds were turbulent below, but Li Yang stood on the roof of dozens of buildings and felt the cold wind at night and the wisp of loneliness! Suddenly, the three remnants flashed away on the roof of the opposite building. Li Yang's eyes lit up, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth: "Blood clan? It's interesting that the blood masters are fighting with each other!" Li Yang's figure suddenly chased after him like a light smoke, and unfolded through the clouds and fog, and the speed even exceeded the previous three shadows.
