
Chapter 7 Shock Jindan

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Li Yang constantly converts the heterogeneous energy of the blood clan into his own energy almost every night, and tonight, Li Yang will completely absorb the alien energy of the blood clan! Late at night, the night was as cold as water, but Li Yang's bedroom was hot.

"Wow~~~" The almost audible sound of airflow kept ringing throughout the bedroom, and powerful and domineering extreme mascuity kept flowing back and forth in Li Yang's body.

"Demon Yang Dian", the cultivation secret of the demon world to the most yang.

Li Yang only felt a fire all over his body, and the strong naive spirit kept gathering, naturally integrating into the yang to the strong naive spirit, and then unconsciously transformed.

At this time, the 'nebula' inside Li Yangdantian has completely transformed the remaining blood family's energy with a rise and contraction. There is no trace of blood clan energy in the 'nebula', which is completely the ingenital innocence of the Magic Book.

Since then, the energy of the blood clan in Li Yang's body has been completely transformed into his own energy. Li Yang has two choices at this time! First, according to "Qiyao Star Pole", consume the first day and refine the knife! Second, according to the sixth layer of the Magic Book, hit the realm of Jindan.

Li Yang felt that the 'nebula' in his body seemed to be almost saturated. Although his energy was only 80,000 crystals, Li Yang knew that his 'nebula' could no longer be absorbed, and the energy in the 'nebula' had reached its limit.

Li Yang's heart easily observed the rotation of the powerful energy in the Nebula, and a stream of masculine energy was imported from the body to the body by Li Yang, forming a huge weekly cycle on the surface of the body.

Shock the Jindan realm! Li Yang did this to impact the realm of Jindan. The method he used was the method in the Magic Yang Dian, and the extracorporeal operation was even more beneficial to the essence of Zhenqi.

Once you choose, try your best to hit the Jindan realm! Li Yang's muscles glowed a trace of fiery red light, and the temperature of the whole bedroom began to rise. The true qi formed by the "Magic Book" was really horrible. This is just the level of naiveness. I can't imagine how powerful the attack power will be to become a magic power.

"Wow~~~" Dozens of natural gas with thick arms rotate outside Li Yang's body, and continue to rotate according to the shape of Zhou Tiankun. The more it rotates, the more the natural gas is condensed and hotter it is! " Huhu~~~" Li Yang closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Dozens of naiveness that had condensed into the thickness of his fingers rushed into Li Yang's body from Li Yang's mouth in an instant.

The temperature in the bedroom suddenly dropped a lot, and it seemed to be much quieter, but Li Yang's body became more intense.

Li Yang's forehead began to sweat, and the blue veins began to burst out.

Silk's real qi sipated out of Li Yang's body, and the real qi in Li Yang's body was too intense.

In Li Yangdantian, the essence of innocence has been completely formed in the middle of Li Yangdantian.

Above Dantian, there is a Zhoutian Qiankun round ball practiced by Qiyao Star.

The two balls seem to be interesting.

It's just that the energy of the ball in the middle of Dantian is larger, but the volume is much smaller.

compression...compression...compression desperately! At this time, the 'nebula' has disappeared, and all her energy has been transformed into this condensating naive balloon body. The sphere is getting smaller and smaller and smaller... Continue to compress... Li Yang controlled all his mind to compress strongly. Suddenly... "Puff~~~" Li Yang suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body immediately came from the Fall in the middle, fall into **.

Failed! At the same moment, Dantian's sphere was immediately chaotic, and the powerful compression made the Tiantian gas out of control and began to hit violently.

"Li Yang, control the energy in your body quickly!" Xiang Yu shouted coldly, but Xiang Yu himself did not help Li Yang control it, because he believed that Li Yang could suppress it alone.

Li Yang's mind is still very strong. Although the impact of the failure just now made him dizzy, he knew the situation in his body almost instantly.

"Wow~~~" The powerful mind brings strong control. Li Yang immediately controls about one-third of the naive gas, which is the limit of his mind's innate innocence that can completely control the chaos in an instant. The one-third of the naive gas immediately formed a new 'nebula' again!' Between the rise and contraction of the nebula, the other two-thirds of the ingenity began to be absorbed, but after all, there are too many chaotic ingenity.

Li Yang was fierce in his heart: "Just refine the knife and light!" Li Yang immediately guided the chaotic innocence into the range of Zhoutian Qiankun round ball. As soon as he entered the range of Zhoutian Qiankun round ball, the naive spirit was immediately inhaled into it, and immediately began to be constantly quenched into the knife gas. The knife gas was constantly quenched, and a stream of knife gas slowly became a knife light, and the In the most quintessential knife in the center of the ball.

At the same time, the ' nebula' is also absorbing the remaining naiveness.

...After one night.

Li Yang's body finally calmed down completely. A brand-new 'nebula' rotated in Li Yang's Dantian, while the knife in the center of the Zhoutian Qiankun planet was a light red color.

The mind observed the color of the knife, and Li Yang immediately looked happy! Haha, blessings and misfortune depend on each other. I didn't expect that after this, the 'knife light' in my body turned light red. Isn't it true that the power of my knife light has reached a critical point? Further, it becomes completely light red, which is equivalent to the 'knife light' in the early stage of Jindan!" Li Yang had a trace of surprise in his heart.

"Li Yang, you stupid boy, hum, what do you know? Unexpectedly, you are complacent about increasing your attack power a little. Do you know that you have taken a detour!" Xiang Yu seemed to be a little annoyed. Although Xiang Yu found that the naive method of dealing with the chaos was wrong, he did not immediately interfere, because the body was Li Yang's own, and Li Yang had the right to make mistakes.

A knife gas in Li Yang's hand kept flashing. Li Yang clearly felt that the power of the knife gas had increased a lot. Suddenly, when he heard Xiang Yu's cold cry, he was not only shocked.

"Overlord, what's wrong? Isn't it a good thing that my attack power has increased? Why did you take a detour? Li Yang seemed a little confused.

"Li Yang, you still want to recall "Qiyao Star Pole" carefully. What is the reason why "Qiyao Star Pole" is called 'Qiyao Star Pole'?" Xiang Yu's tone of a little hate is in it.

Li Yang recalled it in an instant, but he didn't get any answer. Isn't "Qiyao Star" talking about the method of using 'star pole' to quench the soul of the knife? Suddenly, Li Yang's eyes lit up.

"Ah! Now the power of my knife has increased, but it consumes a large amount of naive gas in my original ' nebula'. At this time, the naive gas in my ' nebula' is only about 60,000 crystals, Qiyao star! Seven-day star! Only by relying on the 'star pole' can the power of the knife be continuously improved and the soul of the knife be formed! The most basic thing for a flying knife to enter the road is the star pole! To achieve the star pole, you must first form a golden elixir!" Li Yang finally knew where he was wrong! Although the power of the knife has been improved, the true qi content in the 'nebula' is less, and the true qi needed to hit the Jindan realm is not enough, which makes Li Yang reach the Jindan realm longer.

Xiang Yu scolded: "Jin Dan! Originally, you absorbed the blood group energy. Although the 'nebula' is saturated, it is only about 80,000 crystals. Humph, if you want to form a golden elixir, you have to be close to the energy of at least 100,000 crystals to succeed, and it is normal to fail.

Now there are only 60,000 crystals in the ' nebula'. Just wait slowly!" Li Yang frowned slightly and said, "One hundred thousand crystals? But just now I felt that the original ' nebula' was saturated, and 80,000 crystals seemed to be the limit and could not be increased any more. How can I reach 100,000 crystals? Ah!" Li Yang suddenly had a flash in his mind, and he finally knew what was wrong.

"The 'stellar cloud' can't be accommodated, so it will make the naiveness more refined and the density greater! Can't you just put more naiveness? And it's much more powerful!" It's like an oxygen cylinder. If it is stored in a gaseous state, it can only be filled with a little bit, but if it is stored in liquid state, it can absorb more oxygen.

"You finally understand the truth. According to the process of cultivation, only when the naive gas in the 'nebula' is completely liquid, can the energy reach 100,000 crystals. At that time, you can hit the realm of golden elixir and succeed!" Li Yang couldn't help smiling bitterly: "It seems that I have done useless work this time, and the time to reach the realm of golden elixir has been delayed!" Xiang Yu comforted, "You can't say that. It's true that your attack power has increased now, and you can take a closer look at your new 'nebula' now!" Li Yang was stunned and immediately immersed himself in the ' nebula'.

"Ah!" Li Yang looked at all this in surprise. When he just formed the ' nebula', he did not observe from the inside, so he did not find that the new ' nebula' had changed.

In the core of the nebula, the crystal ** is flowing...**! Yes, my innate innocence has been the ultimate, forming **.

"You are also lucky. Although the compression does not form a golden elixir, it has increased the density of congenital gas a lot, forming **.

In this way, you can absorb energy directly, and you don't have to worry that the 'nebula' can't hold the true qi in the future.

Xiang Yu said with a smile.

Li Yang nodded.

"Hey hey, less energy is less. What are you worried about? I have less energy, but it is more refined. What's more, at worst, I will absorb the energy of another blood clan. Anyway, the heterogeneous energy in my body has been completely refined.

Li Yang said in his heart.

The blood clan has become an energy bank to improve his power in Li Yang's heart.

... After rinsing the bathroom with cold water, Li Yang went downstairs and began to have breakfast. Little Jack went shopping with Lily and Tian Gang early in the morning, "Aha, dear Muyi, I'm coming to see you!" Li Yang, who was having breakfast, immediately had a smile on his face. Isn't this voice the son of our noble blood marquis and the respected leader of the Italian mafia - Steven? Li Yang immediately got up from the chair and walked out quickly.

"Steven, I'm so glad to see you!" Li Yang stood at the door of the living room and looked at Steven coming quickly.

At this time, Steven was in a good mood, and his aristocratic temperament seemed to be more obvious.

"Li Yang, this blood boy has reached the realm of the blood duke, which is equivalent to a seven-level master, but he has just stepped into the threshold of seven levels, and there is still a big gap with the wolf king Carter."

Xiang Yu's voice sounded in Li Yang's mind.

Li Yang's eyes lit up and he quickly greeted the past.

Li Yang punched Steven on the shoulder and scolded with a smile, "You are so awesome that you have suddenly reached the duke. It's only half a month."

Steven was secretly surprised. He couldn't figure out Li Yang's strength. Originally, he thought Li Yang was better than him, but now he has reached the realm of the Duke, but he still can't figure out Li Yang's reality, and Li Yang can see through his skills at a glance.

"Muyi is at least a seven-level master!" Steven said in his heart.

Li Yang caught a glimpse of the two old men behind Steven, and they were the last two dukes.

"Steven, you brought the two elders of your family here this time. You didn't just come to me, did you?" Li Yang asked with a smile.

Steven smiled and said, "Muyi, my brother, this time I'm mainly coming to you. Of course, there are some small things to do.

is to discuss something with the Youth Gang, but it is most important to find you.

Steven suddenly said loudly, "Muyi, look at my gift!" With that, Steven clapped his hands.

Outside the villa, he immediately walked into two blood men, both of whom were very handsome, with a straight nose and deep eyes.

It's just blonde hair and a brown hair!" Muyi, you are my friend, my savior and my brother! These two blood clans are the last survivors of the weak blood clan. The blonde one is Jerry and the brown one is Jesse.

They have now reached the peak of the count.

The two of them are the first gift I gave to the Muyi brothers!" Steven said loudly.

The blood clan is strictly hierarchical. A duke can easily decide the life and death of the count's marquis. There are many families in the blood clan. If the family dies, the blood clan without a family will be the most pitiful. They do not rely on it. If their skills are not high, it will be even more pitiful, and

"Jerry, Jesse, make the 'blood oath of the ancestor'!" Steven gave the order.

Jerry and Jesse immediately said in a low voice: "In the name of the ancestor Cain, I, Jerry (Jessie) will be dominated by Mr. Muyi, the origin of the essence and blood, and the traction of the soul..." The low and strange rhythm of the two people whispered.

Suddenly, Jerry and Jesse's chests came out of a blood emitting a strange luster.

"Li Yang, don't resist and accept it at ease!" Two blood beads flew to Li Yang's forehead, and immediately penetrated into the center of the eyebrows and disappeared.

At the same moment, Li Yang sensed that the two blood beads were fused with his soul, and he immediately understood what the ancestor's blood oath represented.

"From then on, their souls are under my control. I only need one thought to make their souls fly away. This ancestor's blood oath is really powerful."

Li Yang sighed in his heart.

Steven smiled and said, "Muyi, my brother, these two blood clans are just the first gift. The following is the second gift, which is also the best gift I can provide. Alas, I feel sad to give you this gift? But who made you my brother? Nk"