
Chapter 21 The Peace of Mind of Death

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—————————————————— "Old guys, the five old guys of the Delan family are going crazy. With the strongest strength, let's go together and fight quickly! Don't be afraid of their self-explosion!" Brent is indeed a blood duke with deep combat experience. He knows that at this time, the more timid he is, the greater the loss will be.

Christian's combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced at this time, and it is no longer suitable to fight again, so he can only wait and see from afar.

The eight blood dukes on the side of the thirteen clan, the golden bat wings on their bodies unfolded proudly, and the dark forces gathered crazily towards the bat wings. The eight blood dukes began to be surrounded by a powerful black airflow, and the claws on their hands slowly changed from one inch long to three inches long! OK, OK, OK! It's hard to work hard, but... Our Delan family is definitely not allowed to be bullied by you!" Anthony snorted coldly.

Brent said proudly, "Anthony, don't struggle. Your cultivation time is not as long as that of the elders of our thirteen clan. You are ready to die!" As if bows and arrows were shot out, the bodies of the eight blood dukes on the side of the thirteen clan instantly turned into lightning and penetrated the five masters of the Delan family.

Anthony's face changed, and then he looked up with a sharp and loud cry.

"Wow~~~~~" The voice is extremely loud, and even the space has visible ripples.

With a cry, the five masters of the Delan family also turned into lightning at the same time! "Wow!" Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ... Black lightning kept flashing in the sky around 1,000 meters, and none of the peripheral blood marquis dared to lean over. They all looked at all this with envy. This was the real speed. The terrible speed formed by all the strength of the blood dukes who reached the peak of seven levels! At night, the power of darkness is the most powerful! The bat wings unfold, and the power of each blood duke has been used to the extreme! Black lightning, invisible figure, faint blood drifting within a radius of a thousand meters, the whole radius of a thousand seems to be an absolute forbidden area, and no blood marquis dares to approach.

"Oh~~~~" The high-pitting chirping unique to the blood clan suddenly sounded, and then a powerful explosion sounded, just like a missile bombing. The huge sound wave made the whole city of Juno vibrate.

"Three Elders!" Anthony roared bitterly, and then rushed to Brent more angrily. His claws were surrounded by Taoist energy, which made Anthony's attack stronger, but compared with Brent, Anthony still looked childish.

Brent is like an elegant dancer, a dancer in the dark. No matter how fast Anthony's speed is, he can easily avoid it. Brent never works hard and never gets close. He just uses the dark power behind him to form a sneak attack, using his deep combat experience and more fear again and again. The terrible speed left scars on Anthony.

... The riot police of the whole city of Juneau have been dispatched. The powerful attacks of the blood clans and the loud sound of self-detonation have been completely discovered by the police.

Colonel Drow controlled the riot police in the whole city of Juneau. Together with the bloody battle, they started.

"All of them are stupid. Gather quickly, hurry up!" Colonel Dro loudly scolded the riot policemen with weapons, "Aug. Colonel Dro, look!" His adjutant pointed to the night sky.

Dero looked up and immediately opened his mouth: "Oh, God!" A blood marquis flashed over them like lightning, and an count-level blood clan was easily torn, and the torn body suddenly fell on the street.

"Dello Darrow, this is my certificate!" Suddenly, a man in black appeared next to Colonel Darrow in an instant and handed him a certificate to Colonel Darrow. When Colonel Darrow took a closer look, his heart trembled, and his eyes looking at the man in black were also full of awe.

"Colonel Drow, I hope that today's matter will not be publicized and control the public, just say that some criminals are making trouble.

Remember, you can't publicize these things, or you will spend the rest of your life in a military prison!" The man in black said coldly.

Dero nodded in a hurry.

Immediately, Colonel Drow turned around and ordered, "A large team is in charge of the West Mountain..." The man in black looked at Colonel Drow with a smile. Obviously, he was very satisfied with Colonel Drow's quick arrangement of everything. Then the man in black flashed and disappeared on the street.

Colonel Dro's adjutant asked cautiously, "Colonet, who is that man?" Derow glanced at the original man in black with lingering fear and whispered, "Associate, don't ask about this matter in the future. These are all confidential, not what you can know, otherwise, the military court..." As soon as the adjutant heard this, he immediately felt a chill in his heart.

... At the top of a building, two men and one woman stood above, and one of them was the man in black just now.

"Paul, this internal war of the blood clan has made us suffer, and the whole city has been messed up by them!" A blonde man in black complained.

Paul was the man in black just now. Paul smiled and looked at the body of a blood clan smashing on a street lamp pole. The street lamp pole was immediately broken and landed on the road. Fortunately, the explosion-proof police had completely blocked the traffic at this time.

"Hmm, according to our companion's news, at this time, the five major mafia families in the United States were attacked at the same time. With so many blood masters participating in the war, it seems that only the most powerful and oldest thirteen clans can have such a strong strength, but this is also a good thing. The five major mafia families in The work is easy, as long as you have a good relationship with the youth gang. The youth gang is worthy of being from the country of etiquette. They are still very reasonable!" Paul said with a smile.

The woman next to

looked at the blood clan fighting in the distance and exclaimed, "Ah, they are so powerful, Captain Paul, which one do you think you can deal with?" Paul smiled bitterly and said, "With my strength, I can barely compare with a blood count at most. In our superman organization, it is estimated that only the most powerful captain can deal with a blood marquis. As for the blood duke, hum, I guess that's not what we can deal with."

As soon as he heard this, the blonde man said immediately, "Well, look at their speed. It is estimated that the most powerful cheetah gene warriors can't be compared with them. In our 'Superman' organization, only the magical captain has reached the level of a sixth-level master, and I'm just a It's the opponent of the blood count, not to mention the fierce battle of the blood marquis in the distance!" ...Fortunately, the blood masters are as fast as lightning, and the battles are very fast and abnormal. They usually flash away. In the dark night sky, ordinary people can't observe it.

They can only hear the occasional sound of self-explosive explosions.

...The Duke of Rat is like electricity, constantly flying by.

He is looking for the children's blood clans who have fled to the Delan family, who are the future of the Delan family. The Duke of Rat is excited to think that he killed those children's blood clans and let the Delan family perish from now on.

Then what he was most excited about was to absorb the blood of those young children.

The blood of the infant blood clan is very attractive to the Duke of Rat. Usually, any family protects the infant blood clan, and he has no chance at all.

This time there is a chance.

"Where the hell are they?" Duke Rat has flown more than half of the city, and his sense also covers a mile, but he still can't find it.

Suddenly... "Haha, I finally found a blood duke. He must be the fifth elder of the Delan family. Those fragrant blood clans must be there!" The Duke of Rat immediately swooped to his destination.

... At this time, Wright has begun to send the infant blood clan one by one with six fighters.

"Olas, Mika, the future of the family is left to you two, and you take those children to two places.

As long as you can escape, our Delan family will not be destroyed. I have given you two the large amount of dollars earned by the American mafia for hundreds of years. You two control half of our family's assets respectively. This is the capital for our family to make a comeback in the future. Remember, in order to Family!" Wright entrusted the two marquis of the blood clan.

Olas and Mica looked at Wright and quickly said, "Litter, you..." Wright waved his hand and said resolutely, "I'm here to attract the enemy. Once the enemy comes, I will let you have enough time to escape. Once I don't die, I will go to you immediately!" Wright stared at the two blood marquises and said word by word, "Remember, everything is for the family!" Olas and Mica's eyes turned red and they both said resolutely, "Everything is for the family!" After saying that, the two simply got on the fighter plane.

Just as the six fighters were started... "Haha... I want to go, haha..." A horrible sound sounded like a night otter, and Duke Lat shot at a fighter like lightning.

Wright immediately changed his face and said loudly, "Let's go!" Immediately, he rushed to the Duke of Rat in an instant, but the Duke of Rat had reached the peak of level 7, while Rat was just a blood duke who had just reached level 7, and his strength was too different.

The Duke of Rat is also much faster than Wright's.

"Boom!" The fighter plane that was suddenly destroyed by Wright and the mecha exploded. Only a limited number of blood clans escaped, and the remaining dozens of blood clans only died.

"Oh~~~~" Wright only felt a roar in his head, and then he finally broke out. The powerful energy in his body hit like a flood, and the bat wings slowly began to transform from light gold. In this instant, Wright broke through! But Wright was not excited at all. All he saw was the wreckage of the fighter plane and the smiling Duke Rat.

Wright's soaring speed increased greatly, and he rushed to the Duke of Rat. He grabbed it fiercely, and the strong wind suddenly left a scar on the unprepared Duke of Rat.

The Duke of Rat looked at Wright unexpectedly.

"Oh, it's a breakthrough. It's good. It's a pity that even if you break through the past, you are still not my opponent. I have reached the peak of level seven for a long time!" The Duke of Rat is obviously very disdainful of Wright.

It is impossible for Wright, who has just broken through, to perfectly control his soaring strength, and how can the young Wright compare with the treacherous Duke of Rat? Just now, the Duke of Rat was attacked because he didn't expect Wright's strength to soar and made a calculation mistake. Now the Duke of Rat has fully known Wright's strength. Of course, it is impossible to make the low-level mistake just now.

"Kill my family's child blood clan, go to hell!" Wright's eyes turned red, the power in his body broke out crazily, and his claws turned into black lightning and shot at the Duke of Rat.

The Duke of Ratt smiled disdainfully: "Humph, deal with you? Don't worry. Now I'll destroy the other five fighters first.

At this time, the other five fighters have begun to slowly take off, but these five fighters are still facing the danger of destruction.

As soon as Wright heard this, he suddenly became anxious and rushed to the Duke of Rat in an instant.

The Duke of Rat ignored Wright and rushed to a fighter plane.

"Ah!" Wright watched the Duke of Ratt, who was faster than himself, easily smashed the fuel tank and tore the mecha. Suddenly, the electric spark flashed, and the fuel tank began to explode... Wright's howling eyes even burst out of blood.

"Ah~~~~~" Wright's roaring figure accelerated again. Duke Rat slowed down because of the attack on the fighter and was suddenly chased.

Rat looked at Wright, who attacked him with disdainfully, and his right claw instantly turned into black lightning and cut into Wright's chest, directly to Wright's heart! Suddenly... Wright had a smile on his face, a relieved smile, and a comforting smile.

He let Ratt cut his claw into his heart, but he had completely caused the fusion of all the forces of the blood in his body, and the energy in his body completely collided with each other in an instant! And Duke Rat, who saw the strange smile on Wright's face, finally realized that it was not good, but it was too late.

"Boom!" Strong explosion, the explosion of all the energy of a blood duke beside him! In an instant, the Duke of Ratt had no time to howled and completely turned into fragments. The dead Duke of Ratt was unwilling. He was killed by a blood duke who was weaker than him. He was unwilling! But Wright greeted death with a smile.

Because he died at ease! In the distance, four fighters with the hope of the Delan family disappeared into the dark night sky...nk"