
Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Chapter 1 The struggle caused by the seven-color flowers of the spirit has calmed down.

Then, the name of Xiaoyao Sanren spread all over the whole Kunlun fairyland. Xiaoyao Sanren only took action once. No one saw the horrible sword, no one understood it, and no one knew what was going on! But all of them, nearly ten thousand practitioners, whether they are masters of the great success period, or scattered immortals, even the most powerful Yuming Zhenren and the Golden Sword Venerable of the Shangqing Palace and Shushan Sword School, are also shocked and muddle-headed under that sword.

Everyone understands that in that state, it will definitely be slaughtered by others.

A sword shocks the world! One sword shocked Kunlun! Between the corridors of the pavilions and pavilions of the Star Star, two disciples walked side by side.

"The free man is really a master, brother, do you know? He is the godfather of Brother Li Yang. He is awesome. With that sword, heaven and earth can't be seen. Tens of thousands of practitioners, and Yu Ming Zhenren, all of them are stupid, and they don't know the southeast and northwest.

It's awesome, it's awesome!" A round-faced disciple of Xingjizong spit out and flew around, as if he had seen a shocking scene.

"Free and scattered people, that is a super master who has passed eight scattered immortal disasters. Eight heavenly disasters, my God, it will take a thousand years for a scattered immortal disaster.

Awesome, as far as I know, on the day of Xiaoyao Sanren, he waved his hand, and then countless sword shadows shot out, dense, covering the sky and earth, countless sword shadows.

That's awesome. The twelve scattered immortals in Shangqing Palace suddenly turned into hornet's nests!" The thin-faced disciple next to him danced as if he had seen it with his own eyes. On that day, Xingjizong went to Li Yangdi.

There are only the magic real people and the three immortals of Minglan.

None of the others went.

These disciples of Xingji Sect were all heard from other disciples.

After all, this matter is too sensational. Which of the tens of thousands of practitioners did not publicize it? So many people publicized it, and it suddenly spread all over the whole Kunlun fairyland.


See, I'm talking about you everywhere now.

Now who doesn't know your name in the whole Kunlun fairyland.

Li Yang and Xiaoyao's scattered figures passed through a corridor.

I just heard the conversation between the two disciples.

Now, the seven-color flowers of Xingling have also grown up, and the free and scattered people don't have to be there, so they come to Xingjizong with Li Yang.

"What do those two kids know? Talk nonsense one by one.

Xiaoyao Sanren said carelessly, but Xiaoyao Sanren was not angry at all.

After all, this kind of thing is too common.

Li Yang nodded with a smile on his face.

He is very happy and very happy at this time.

The influence of Xiaoyao Sanren is really too great. Now that Xiaoyao Sanren has arrived at the Xingji Sect, the status of the Xingji Sect has suddenly improved. In the past, several Sanxian who could not be invited by the Xingji Sect came to vote by themselves.

is to ask Xiaoyao Sanren for some advice on cultivation.

After all, Xiaoyao Sanren, a master who has been practicing for nearly 10,000 years, absolutely has a deep understanding of cultivation, and has his own unique understanding.

Otherwise, it is impossible to create "Sadness of the Sword" and "Red Dust Heart Refining Song", and even use other methods to refine the flying sword to get 'heart refining'! Now there are more than ten scattered immortals of the Xingji Sect, but there are more than those in the Shangqing Palace. The scattered immortals in the Shangqing Palace were killed by one knife by the magic light real person, and then twelve scattered immortals were killed by Xiaoyao Sanren with one sword, and thirteen scattered immortals at once.

Even the Shangqing Palace can't bear such a big loss.

The strength of Shangqing Palace has weakened, and the Shushan Sword School has now become the largest school in Kunlun Wonderland.

Of course, this so-called big school needs time to test. After all, Shangqing Palace can become the largest school in Kunlun fairyland for nearly ten thousand years, and the foundation is still very strong. I believe that in hundreds of years, its scattered immortals will still increase.

... "The Sorrow of the Sword" Since Li Yang personally experienced the power of this move, he was very eager to learn, but Xiaoyao Sanren did not say that he wanted to pass it on to him, so he did not ask for it himself.

He knew that if he asked, his godfather would definitely pass it on to him.

But Li Yang doesn't want his godfather to be embarrassed. Since he doesn't pass it on, there must be a reason not to pass it on.

"That sword is really terrible. The power of the mind, such a nihilistic power, it seems that ordinary immortals can only use it for momentum and oppress people with momentum. Who can attack the powerful power of the heart like the godfather through the inexplicable sadness of the sword? " Li Yang exclaimed.

In the past, the state of mind generally only determines the potential of cultivation. The mental power can burst out a strong momentum, and the weak-minded person will be shocked by the strong-minded person with the momentum.

But the free and scattered people integrate the power of the mind into the sword through the sad mood of nothingness, so that the power of the mind can actively attack crazily.

This is absolutely a great achievement.

"Alas, who knows why my godfather passed on "Red Dust Refining Song" to me, and "The Sorrow of the Sword" is not passed on to me. Maybe my godfather has his own reasons!" Li Yang sighed in his heart.

"Bun Bang!" Li Yang stood outside the door of Grandpa Phantom Real Person and knocked on the door.

"Li Yang, come in!" The voice of the real person in the hallucinity sounded in the room.

Li Yang opened the door and entered the room.

At this time, the real person of Phantom Light is waving a brush and drawing on a piece of white paper.

Li Yangjing quietly stood next to the real person, watching her grandfather's painting, and did not dare to disturb him.

On the painting, a white-haired man in blue stood in the ice and snow, and there was a lot of snow between heaven and earth. Except for the snowflakes, there was only this white-haired man in blue.

"Godfather!" Li Yang's eyes lit up.

Although the white-haired man in blue only has his back in the painting, Li Yang was convinced at a glance that his grandfather painted his godfather.

"When Uncle Wang Tong took little Jack as his teacher, he once painted an ink painting. At that time, it seemed that I thought it was a masterpiece.

It is far beyond the so-called people in the secular world.

Now watching Grandpa's painting, I find that Uncle Wang Tong is in front of Grandpa. If Grandpa is a doctoral student, Uncle Wang Tong is at most a primary school student.

Li Yang was amazed in his heart.

There are several people who paint seriously in the secular world.

Even if you can calm down and draw, how many years can you study? How to compare with the true practitioners? The magic light real person closed the pen, gently put the brush aside, and then went to the chair and sat down.

"Li Yang, this painting can also hone your mind, which is also good for improving your mood.

You can draw 2 paintings if you have nothing to do in the future!" The real person said with a smile.

Li Yang nodded immediately.

"Grandpa, then the Qing Palace gave me the secret recipe for the thunder. Why did Grandpa give it to the Shushan Sword School? My Xingjizong's strength in Kunlun fairyland is no less than that of the Shushan Sword School, and with the development of time, my Xingjizong will be stronger. The attack power of those who fly into the Taoist path is very high. At that time, it is not impossible for my Xingjizong to become the largest sect in Kunlun fairyland.

Grandpa, why are you--" Huanguang Zhenren smiled and said, "Don't worry, sit down, I'll talk to you slowly!" On that day, under the strength of Xiaoyao Sanren, Shangqing Palace did not dare to say half a word, so as to supply the secret recipe for thunder.

Although Yuming really hated it in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything.

However, Xiaoyao Sanren changed hands and gave the secret recipe of thunder to Shushan Jianpai.

Li Yang calmed down and sat down.

The real person shook his head and smiled, "You, your vision is not far enough.

Yes, in the next two or three thousand years, our Xingjizong will have the predecessors of the Minglan Three Immortals. Then Shangqing Palace can't help us. After two or three thousand years, the scale of our Xingjizong will not be smaller than that of Shushan Sword School and Shangqing Palace.

In addition, the attack of the flying knife itself is powerful.

Two or three thousand years later, my Star Extreme Sect can even become the largest sect in Kunlun Wonderland!" Li Yang frowned, and Grandpa said the same as he wanted.

Nowadays, there are not enough scattered immortals of the Star Pole Sect, not enough masters, and not enough disciples.

But two or three thousand years later, when the development tends to mature, the disciples Sanxian will not be less than the Shangqing Palace.

Coupled with the powerful attack of the flying knife into the Tao, it has become the largest sect in Kunlun Wonderland, which is simply a matter of certainty.

But why did Grandpa say that he didn't look far enough? But--"The real person smiled, "What about the fairyland? What about my disciples of Xingji Sect entering the fairyland? Li Yang was stunned. He had never thought about the fairyland. After all, he will fly to the demon world in the future, which has nothing to do with the fairyland, but the other disciples of the Star Pole Sect are all immortals, and they will fly to the fairyland in the future.

"My Star Extreme Sect has no foundation in the fairyland. No matter how powerful the godfather is, he has only soared for hundreds of years. Can he become a force in the fairyland? What's more, I know that the godfather is looking for the real person. He doesn't like to occupy the land as the king and be the leader of a force.

He can only be at home.

Li Yang, what do you think, what should I do if my disciples of Xingji Sect fly to the fairyland? The real person asked Li Yang.

Li Yang was ashamed.

I am indeed short-sighted. Unlike Kunlun Wonderland, this fairyland can develop into a great force in thousands of years. The masters of the fairyland are like clouds, Daluo Jinxian, and Jiutian Xuanxian need tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years of hard work.

As for the immortal emperor, it not only takes time, but also needs talent and so on.

There is no Jiutian Xuanxian, and there is no Xianjun.

How does the Star Pole Sect gain a foothold in the fairyland? Therefore, we should maintain friendship with the Shushan Sword Sect. I know that the temper of the Sword Fairy is arrogant. They will not be as snobbish as those in the Qing Palace, and this is also the explanation given to me by my godfather in those years!" The real person looked at Li Yang and said with a smile.

Li Yang immediately had a burst of admiration for his grandfather.

Although he doesn't like gangs and so on, he is usually arrogant, but his talent is so high that Li Yang can't imagine.

Create the "Qi Yao Xing Ji" with a flying knife, and Li Yang worships his grandfather.

Although "Yin and Yang Swordsman" is more powerful than "Qi Yao Xing Ji", "Yin and Yang Dao" is based on "Qi Yao Xing Ji".

Without the "Qiyao Star Pole", this "Yin and Yang Sword Spirit" can't be cultivated at all.

"Grandpa, I see.

This time, I'm here to give you the escape technique and another set of restraint techniques that I demonstrated to you at the beginning!" Li Yang came here for the future of Xingjizong to give his grandfather the art of escape and restraint.

With the art of escape and restraint, the Star Pole Sect will become more terrible.

The magic light man looked at the jade slip in Li Yang's hand, but did not immediately take it, but asked, "Li Yang, this skill was passed to you by the mysterious predecessor in the secular world. It belongs to that senior. Grandpa can't accept it."

Li Yang immediately said, "Grandpa, that senior has no sect himself. He belongs to a master who practices alone.

He told me that if there was a chance, he would spread these two sets of skills.

Grandpa, don't worry, the senior agreed!" Li Yang smiled at Xiang Yu in his heart and said, "Overlord, do you have any problem with it?" Xiang Yu smiled and said, "You boy, you can pass it on as soon as you pass it on. It's nothing. It's just some trivial skills.

As long as you don't talk about magic skills and spread it out!" What Xiang Yu said is light, and this little skill is also a great skill in the fairyland.

is some jade slips obtained when searching for trophies in the war between the demon world and the fairy world.

Hou Chi You Da Zun sent people to select jade slips that are useful to the masters of the demon world.

The 'resideration technique' and 'dundance technique' learned by Li Yang are selected from a large number of jade slips.

In the battle of immortals and demons, those who participate in the war are all masters, and those jade slips are not small, and Li Yang's 'reducement' and 'dunshu' are still selected among them.

"Really?" Huanguang Zhenren asked again that he had seen Li Yang's escape skill. Li Yang's escape skill is probably not comparable to the suzerain of the Five Xingzong.

[My Love Literature Network] Li Yang nodded affirmatively: "Grandpa, don't you believe me? I will lie to you?" Only then did the magic real person take over the jade slip excitedly, and immediately entered it and began to explore.

"Oh, my God, this, this, this is absolutely tailor-up for my star!" The real person of the magic light was excited. He never thought that the second skill was 'reconcentration'.

'Dunship' is used alone, and the power is not great. After all, masters can detect with spiritual knowledge that sneak attacks are not enough.

But with 'retainment', it's different. The combination of 'retainment' and 'dunship' is an absolute sneak attack gold cooperation.

Plus the knife of the Star Pole Sect! Flying knife, that's a kill in one blow! With the combination of restraint, escape and knife light, the magic light real person seems to see a crazy star pole sect.

Sneak attack, flying knife!" It's too horrible. It's too horrible. The ordinary disciples of this restraint and escape can't be passed on, but can only be passed on to the upper elite disciples of this sect!" The magic light real person made a decision at once. If such skills are taught, it is estimated that the disciples of the Star Pole Sect will become arrogant.

Li Yang smiled. With the art of restraintment and escape, the strength of the Star Pole Sect is a nail on the board! Chapter 2 At this time, the confidence in the Star Pole Sect is unprecedentedly high.

With the escape technique that is higher than the highest esoteric of the Five Code, and the same amazing restraint technique, can the future of the Star Pole Sect be limited? Li Yang, you have made a big problem for Grandpa!" The real person looked at Li Yang with a wry smile.

In the past, the strength of the Star Pole Sect was so much. The future path of the Star Pole Sect has been formulated. Now with the art of escape and restraint, the strength of the Star Pole Sect will be greatly enhanced, and the real person needs to think about it.

No matter what, it is a good thing to increase your strength.

Li Yang not only laughed and said, "Grandpa, just think about it slowly, and I'll leave first!" He gave the escape and restraint to his grandfather. How to arrange it is his grandfather's business. Anyway, Li Yang has nothing to do.

Looking at the back of Li Yang's departure, there was a gratifying smile on his face.

He was still very moved by his grandson's actions in this way. After all, after watching the escape and restraint operation, he also understood the preciousness of these two secret skills, and these two secret technicians were passed on to Li Yang. Li Yang did not have to give them to the Star Emperor.

"The disaster period is not enough, but the bodies of the two elders in the peak period of the Shangqing Palace have been destroyed. My grandson has a lot of secrets!" Huanguang Zhenren sighed in his heart that he knew that his grandson was extraordinary early in the morning.

The sword of the Star Pole Sect is powerful, but it has not been exaggerated that the disciples who have not arrived during the disaster period can destroy the elders of the Shangqing Palace.

Obviously, Li Yang has some unique skills.

"The future of my baby grandson is beyond my expectation. I don't know who the mysterious master who taught Li Yang is? Unexpectedly, there are such escape and restraint skills. With such stunts, it is easy to open a faction in Kunlun fairyland!" The magic light real person can't see through the mysterious characters behind Li Yang.

... In the pavilion where Li Shuo lives.

"Little Coco, come here, come to Uncle!" Li Yang squatted half with a smile and shouted to his little nephew.

Little Coco is now five years old. He is not as unlucky as Li Yang and Li Shuo. He has no internal skills since childhood.

As soon as Xiao Keke entered the Star Pole Sect, she was reincarnated by Huanguang Zhenren and Li Fengyu. Later, under the guidance of Li Shuo, she practiced seriously. Of course, she practiced the Star Pole Sect.

"Uncle, hug!" Xiao Keke, dressed in a white cotton-padded jacket, rushed to Li Yang's arms. The Xingjizong is in the Tianyun Mountains, and the Tianyun Mountains are covered with snow all year round. Although the Xingjizong is protected by a large array, the temperature is not bad. It is better for a five-year-old child to wear a cotton-

Li Yang picked up Xiao Keke, with a bright smile on his face. He likes children very much.

"If I had entered Group 9 of the Security Bureau and married Lily, maybe my child would have been so old!" Li Yang sighed in his heart that subconsciously, he treated this little cocoa as his own child.

"Brother, you always spoil Coco so much. Children can't be spoiled. You should discipline them well. Coco, have you read Tang poetry today?" Li Shuo looked like a strict father, but his wife Tian Yan couldn't help laughing.

How much Li Shuo likes Xiao Keke, but Tian Yan knows.

At the beginning, Li Shuo was facing Cocoa.

But he deliberately pretended to be serious.

"Children, don't be so serious, Ashuo, we were not as happy as Coco when we were young!" Li Yang sighed.

Li Shuo nodded and said, "In those years, my mother always turned her attention to work because of her father's affairs.

Our brothers have been playing together all the time. They are bored all day long, and sometimes they are better than flying knives.

It was not until I met the master until I met the master, who helped me dredge the meridians, and then I could really practice.

By the way, brother, I still don't know how to solve your meridian problem? Li Yang remembered the task of that day, which was exactly the task. He got the marrow washing elixir.

"It's a coincidence of marriage. I got the marrow washing elixir, so I was reborn and continued to practice!" Li Yang said with a smile.

"Mullary elixir? Brother, you are really lucky!" Li Shuo praised, but Li Yang smiled bitterly. With the arrival of the marrow-washing elixir, his life has changed the most in less than a month. Lin Tianyu's arrival, the death of snow, Li Yang Xiu's magic... "What are your brothers talking about?" Li Fengyu and his wife Lan Xinchen came over.

"Grandpa, grandma!" Little Cocoa shouted sweetly.

Li Fengyu and Lan Xinchen suddenly smiled brightly and came to Xiao Keke... half a day later.

Li Yang returned to his residence.

These days, Li Yang has usually gone to chat with his parents, or to play with his brother Li Shuo's son, his nephew Xiao Keke.

There is not much time to practice Dao Mang and "Breaking the Mountain and Breaking the Sky".

"Li Yang, have you forgotten the goal of going to Kunlun Wonderland?" Xiang Yu's voice sounded in Li Yang's mind.

Xiang Yu really couldn't stand it. Li Yang seemed to be immersed in family affection during this period and forgot his purpose of coming to Kunlun Wonderland.

Forget it for the three years in Xiaoyao Xianfu. After all, it is also good for Li Yang to improve his mood.

But these days, although it is short, Li Yang's promotion is slow, and Xiang Yu is anxious.

Li Yang was stunned. What was his goal of going to Kunlun Wonderland? Isn't it just a disaster? There is an inexplicable prohibition in the mortal world. He can't break through the late Yuanying period (the seventh-level master) and enter the period of disaster, so Li Yang entered the Kunlun fairyland.

Just in the past four years since he came to Kunlun Wonderland, Li Yang has been practicing in Xiaoyao Xianfu for three years, but he is mostly studying "Breaking the Mountain and Breaking the Sky", and there is not much time to practice.

Cultivating with black spiritual beads is only to restore the consumption of using knives and light.

"Cross the disaster, cross the disaster as soon as possible, fly up as soon as possible, and find Jiang Xue as soon as possible.

Do you remember the goal of that year? Now you seem to have forgotten your snow. If you are willing to do so, I won't talk about it in the future. Anyway, for me, decades and hundreds of years are nothing!" Xiang Yu said angrily.

He doesn't care much. He has been in the mortal world for more than 2,000 years, and there has been nothing for more than a few decades.

Forgot the snow? Li Yang was stunned and said excitedly, "No.

Overlord, I haven't forgotten. How can I forget? Whenever the night is quiet, I think of snow. How can I forget snow?

I haven't practiced much during this period, just because I want to accompany my parents and relatives, that's all.

"Overlord, I can feel that what I have done in the mortal world is not long now.

With black spiritual beads, my cultivation is thousands of miles a day.

However, once I fly up, my destination will be the demon world.

And even if my father and others fly up, they still go to the fairyland. The fairyland and the demon world are against each other. When will I see my mother and father in the future, and even my own brother Ashuo will be rare in the future!" Li Yang's eyes are a little wet.

Indeed, after entering the demon world, how did Li Yang meet his parents? After all, Li Shuo and his parents entered the fairyland even if they practiced.

The antagonism between the fairyland and the demon world has been from ancient times to the present.

That is to say, Li Yang and his parents have not been together for a long time, that is, once he rises, he may say goodbye to his parents and brothers.

"Overlord, just one month, one month, okay? Just let me get together with my father, mother and brother for a month. A month later, I will retreat and practice!" Li Yang said tremblingly.

One month, Li Yang just wants to get together with his parents and brothers for a month.

Xiang Yu shook.

Although he is in Li Yang's mind, how do he know what Li Yang thinks in his heart? After all, if Li Yang didn't mean to talk to him, Xiang Yu couldn't know what Li Yang was thinking.


Li Yang, I blame you for being the wrong one.

Xiang Yu sighed that Xiang Yu was very rare and apologized very rarely.

He originally thought that Li Yang had forgotten his original goal and the snow, and Xiang Yushi disdained such a person.

Now that Li Yang said this, he woke up! Li Yang is cultivating the magic land, while Li Shuo and Li Fengyu are all immortals. After Li Yang entered the demon world, he never had a chance to meet his parents.

The master of the demon world wants to enter the fairyland. Except for the three masters in history, it seems that he has never seen anyone else.

"Let's get together with your relatives. I also forgot that after you fly up, you can't see them again!" Xiang Yu sighed.

Li Yang nodded, but his heart was sour.

"Dad, Mom, Shuo, forgive me, you still have relatives together, but Xue, he is alone and alone in the demon world. I feel heartbroken when I think of it. I must go to the demon world to find her! I'm sorry, Dad, Mom, A Shuo!" Li Yang's tears finally flowed down and fell to the ground. The tears shattered and splashed everywhere.

In the following month, Li Yang often stayed with his parents and younger brother.

Even Li Fengyu and others felt that Li Yang seemed to be a little unusual. He seemed to be too enthusiastic about them, and his smile was extremely bright all day long. Even Xiao Keke's request was even done by Li Yang.

Li Shuo is also a little strange.

Li Yang is famous for being cold and cold abroad. How can he smile more brightly than Li Shuo these days? But how do they know? Li Yang can't say it either. He cultivates demons. Only Xiaoyao Sanren knows this now. Li Yang doesn't even tell his grandfather, worrying that his grandfather will be difficult to do it. After all, his grandfather also belongs to immortals. month later.

"Overlord, it's time for me to retreat!" Li Yang took a deep breath, stood up from his chair, and was ready to say to his grandfather, godfather and others.


Li Yang's heart moved and asked Xiang Yu, "Well, Overlord, once grandpa asks me how long I need to retreat, what should I say? At least give me some time, right?" Xiang Yu smiled and said, "Well, your purpose of coming here is just to achieve the disaster period.

This is very simple. If you practice with black pearls, your body will definitely be able to reach the disaster period within a year. As for your knife, well, your knife is now orange, not even dark orange, which is estimated to take three years.

Just tell them that it will take three years.

Li Yang nodded.

The longest practice time for practitioners is this Yuanying period, and the period of crossing the disaster is relatively short. Li Yang originally took at least ten years to reach the period of disaster because of the black spiritual beads. Now with the black spiritual beads, even if the body and the knife are in the transition period, it only takes three years.

Li Yang walked through the pavilion corridor to his grandfather's residence.

"Godfather!" Li Yang suddenly saw the figure of Xiaoyao Sanren, and immediately shouted.

Originally, after he wanted to talk to his grandfather, he went to his parents and godfather to talk about it.

Xiaoyao Sanren saw that it was Li Yang, and immediately came over with a smile.

"Li Yang, what are you doing?" Li Yang said, "I'm going to practice in isolation. It's estimated that it will take three years. Godfather, didn't you go to find the real person in the iron pot? What's wrong? Li Yang asked doubtfully. Not long after returning to Xingjizong, Li Yang gave the seven-color flowers of Xingling to Xiaoyao Sanren.

And Xiaoyao Sanren went to find the real person of the iron pot, but now he is back, but the real person of the iron pot has not appeared.

Xiaoyao Sanren shook his head and sighed, "Hey, that little fat man in the iron pot is going to be the eighth day of the disaster. This boy is really, he won't get through the disaster sooner or later. He will get through the disaster at this time."

"Then when will he come to refine the elixir?" Li Yang asked rhetorical.

"The little fat man in the iron pot is only half a year away from the disaster. After the disaster, he may come."

Xiaoyao Sanren said so, and suddenly Xiaoyao Sanren smiled and said, "Li Yang, don't you know that this little fat man in the iron pot knows the elixir, he looks so excited.

He is also not sure about the nine natural disasters!" In the history of Kunlun Wonderland, no one has been able to survive nine disasters.

Of course, except for Guiguzi, he was hiding in the innate Taiji yin and yang array. The most powerful heavenly disasters of the nine scattered immortal disasters were completely blocked by the array, which does not mean that he Guiguzi has the strength to cross the disaster.

"The power of the first to the sixth heavenly disaster is gradually increasing, each time is twice the last time, but the seventh scattered heavenly disaster has suddenly become four times the sixth time, and the eighth time is about eight times the seventh time.

The change is too fast. I don't know what the power of the ninth Sanxiantian disaster is!" Xiaoyao Sanren is not absolutely confident at this time.

After all, from ancient times to the present, no one has ever seen the ninth disaster of immortals.

As far as Xiaoyao Sanren knows, he is the only one who has broken through the eighth Sanxiu Tianjie. Maybe he will add it in the future. After all, As a monster, he was born strong.
