da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 31 Slave


Yin Yi seemed to be suddenly electrocuted. His whole body was excited and raised his head hard, revealing his vicissitudes of eyebrows, a pair of withered lips, and muttered.

In view, it was a blue-haired teenager. Although he looked strange in a black gown, the face circled in his mind thousands of times, and his figure was obviously much thinner.


Although Yin Laohan has been appealing to the soldiers, his physical condition is worse than Yin Yi's. He coughed and turned his head with difficulty.

In the eyes, it is the son, alive. I couldn't help thinking about how much Yin Yifan should have suffered in the past month, but he still came back strong as a man.

"Dad! Mother!"

With no stopping, Yin Yifan took a step and strode towards the Yin couple. Seeing the scene in front of him, he didn't ask why, but the cold current in his heart couldn't help rolling up.

"Yin Yifan?"

Fan Li had never met Yin Yifan, so he was somewhat uncertain when he saw him. He turned his head and saw a touch of blue on the teenager's head, and there was a trace of affirmation in his heart. I can't help thinking of my son. His face changed suddenly, and his eyes were almost angry.


In the city owner's mansion

In the interrogation hall, there were four green walls and red bars, and two rows of soldiers stood awe-insisted with long sticks.

Yan Cheng sat alone in a high position, and the people in the hall were the people of the Qi Fan family.

"Yin Yifan, you are so bold! How dare you not kneel when you see the city owner? Fan Li shouted angrily and pointed to Yin Yifan with a cold face.

Yin Yifan was helping up his parents and ignored Fan Li. Naturally, he recognized this giant figure in SF City and understood why he would embarras himself. He just raised his eyebrows, looked at Yan Cheng, arched his hand, and bowed down and said, "Lord of the city, Yi Fan is not disrespectful, but what's wrong with Yi Fan's parents? Don't kneel."

"You little devil!" Fan Li was about to shout angrily.

"You boy, you are full of backbone." Unexpectedly, Yan Cheng did wave his hand faintly, and his face could not be seen to be angry or angry.

"Yi Fan does things alone. I have heard that the lord of the city is wise for a long time. Please give justice to my parents." Yin Yifan made a deep bow and humble attitude.

Yan Cheng heard the deep meaning of the words. Yin Yifan meant that I beat people. If you are implicated and convicted of Yin and his wife, you will have to come to an unindecent end.

immediately smiled gently and said, "Yin Yifan, I know what you mean, but it's not your turn to give me advice."

"Identity? Status? Hahaha..." Yin Yifan suddenly laughed and raised his head. Unwitting people thought it was too happy.

"Yi Fan! Don't be unreasonable!" Qi Shen stood aside and heard laughter. He couldn't help frowning and reminding him.

Hearing Qi Shen's words, Yin Yifan couldn't help but pause. In his heart, Qi Shen was undoubtedly a benefactor, so he would not refute the former's words.

Yan Cheng couldn't help shaking his eyebrows and looked colder and said, "Yin Yifan, I will meet your requirements. When the Yin couple are old, the owner of the city will no longer pursue the responsibility of their adopted sons for not teaching them."

Yan Cheng's slow trial made Yin Yifan feel much better, but it didn't give him a sigh of relief. The former's words suddenly cooled down and raised his voice: "It's you, Yin Yifan, you beat the young master of the Fan family. The crime is true. From now on, you will be demoted to the Fan family. Slave, you can't turn over for a lifetime!"

"Lord of the city!"

Hearing Yan Cheng's words, Qi Shenfan and Fanli once again spoke with one voice, but this time, the mood contained in the words was completely different.

Qi Shen thought that Yan Cheng's judgment was too serious, so he refuted it.

However, Fan Li thought that the city lord was really too wise and couldn't help but be overjoyed. Although he did not judge the Yin couple, in his heart, Yin and his wife were just two immortals who would die sooner or later. Previously, they were tough to people just to vent their anger, but now that there is Yin Yifan's lifelong slave, why are they happy? What about it? Thinking of this, Fan Li's mouth raised a touch of gloom, turned his head and looked at Yin Yifan.

However, he found that the young teenager's face did not change at all when he heard of this trial, not even a necessary panic, which made Fan's heart puzzled for a while, but then he sneered and said, "Yin Yifan, how many people can't expect to be the slave of my Fan family? I will be fine. Take good care of you. Hey hey!"

Fan Li deliberately aggravated the sound of taking care of the two words. Yin Yifan naturally heard the deep meaning, but shrugged his shoulders faintly to show his fearlessness.

Then he glanced at Yancheng, who was sitting upright and in the high hall. Originally, the prisoner needed to thank him when he was finished the trial. At this time, since he was sentenced like this, how could he say thanking him? The corners of his mouth bent a deep arc, which saw a nameless fire in Yan Cheng's heart.

When Yin and his wife heard the judgment, they suddenly felt that the sky was like five thunderbolts and their eyes were dark. Yin Yi suddenly fainted. Fate always joked with her. His son was dead and alive, alive and dead, dead and alive, but he wanted to live better than to live. Everyone knew that if Yin Yifan really entered the Fan family, he would definitely end up with no bones.

After all, Mr. Yin is a man. Although he is old, the hardness in his bones has not diminished at all. He stretched out his withered hands and grabbed Yin Yifan's hands tremblingly. His face was a little bleak, but he didn't say anything. A pair of old eyes, dim, and all his moods turned into weakness after all, gently He patted Yin Yifan's hand.

"Dad, don't worry, I'll be fine." Yin Yifan held Yin Laohan's hand tightly with his backhand. At this time, his true feelings were revealed between father and son.


Seeing this, Qi Shen had to sigh helplessly and shake his head.

Concised Yin Yifan's crime, and then convicted Fan Li. Yan Cheng is not very interested in Fan Li. Fan Li's guilt is not enough to describe it as murder and arson. But helplessly, he was the boss in a city and could not kill him. Yan Cheng rewarded him with 300 sticks, repaired the ruins around Qifu, and sent some money to the families of those who died.

These are nothing for Fan Li. Except for 300 sticks, they are slightly disglapsing, but after all, Yin Yifan is brought in, and the pleasure in his heart is still superfluous.

Out of the city owner's mansion, the sky is almost dark. Only with a faint moonlight can we see the road conditions clearly. The Qi Fan family did not say goodbye, but parted ways. Yin Yifan, who had been a slave of the Fan family for life, naturally separated from his parents. In short words, he gently hugged Yin Yi's thin and old body. After all, Yin Yifan's eyes were still moist.

What is surprising is that Fan Li did not directly hinder the words between mother and son. Standing aside and watching coldly, he thought in his heart, "If you have a chance to say goodbye and forcibly take it away, this pain may be deeper, wow ha ha..."

At this time, no one noticed that at the door of the city owner's mansion, behind a door, half a pretty face quietly poked out, and the snow-white mink coat was still on his body. It was Yan Xiaoxin. That pair of bright eyes, autumn water, was fascinated by the waves, and a pair of affectionate and faint sadness sprinkled on Yin Yifan's body.

After sipting his red lips, a line of tears finally flowed down.

Yin Yifan gently let go of his arms, but Yin Yishi couldn't let go of his hands and grasped the former's hands tightly, full of reluctance and care between his eyebrows.

"Mother..." Yin Yifan was about to pat Yin Yi's hands to comfort him, but unexpectedly there was a sudden change.

"Drive, drive, drive..."

The sound was sonorous and powerful, and it was very abrupt. Everyone couldn't help but be shocked by the sudden sound and turned their heads one after another.

I saw a tall brown mane steed steed, hissing, with a figure on his back, leaning over, waving a golden whip, turning the horseshoe, stepping on the bluestone road, coming towards it. Yes, the target is pointing to the city owner's mansion.