da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 34 Sprobbling

"Calculation! Count!"

Fan Jian was absolutely scared at this time and nodded quickly.

"I'm only fifteen years old." Yin Yifan said lightly again.

15 years old? He is younger than the young master. Fan Jian hesitated and couldn't help shaking his mouth.

"What kind of monster is this? He is only 15 years old and has such strength. If he grows up, isn't it terrible? No, I can play tricks on him too much so that he won't be full-winged in the future, won't it let me die?

Fan Jian thought so, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at the pestle there in a daze. Everyone knew that he was thinking about things in his heart now.

"So, do you believe what I said now?" After all, it was difficult for Yin Yifan to suppress the throbbing in his body. He forced his posture and slowly walked to the foot of a wall and sat down. Unexpectedly, such a sitting made a piece of grass under him completely wither.

This unintentional scene naturally fell into Fan Jian's eyes, and he was shocked again. Naturally, he could not see that this was the legendary extremely cold constitution. It's just that Yin Yifan is too terrible.

Immediately, Fan Jian broke his hesitation and approached Yin Yifan a few steps. His face changed and he was no longer stiff. He smiled and said, "Well, hey hey, what's your name?"

"Yin Yifan!" Yin Yifan closed his eyes and was busy adjusting the cold fluctuations in his body, while forced a relaxed answer, which was not simple.

"Yin Yifan? So you are the boy who beat the young master into a yin and yang man?" Fan Jian first exclaimed, and then seemed to be afraid and said in a low voice, "Is it you?"

Yin Yifan was also stunned when he heard the words and opened his eyes and said, "What, Fan Qing was ruined by me?"

"Well, this is a secret, but everyone in our Fan family knows it." Fan Jian slowly sat down next to Yin Yifan. At this time, he was fully convinced that the teenager in front of him had the ability to do what he said, so there was no other malice. On the contrary, he was closer.

"Oh? Haha, isn't Fan Li cut off his son and grandson?" Yin Yifan was very unhappy with Fan Li. Hearing that Fan Qing had become a yin and yang person, he was inexplicably happy.

"That's not true. Our master has three wives and four concubines. Although the children are not in groups, there are also many, and there are two young masters." Fan Jian saw the joy of Yin Yifan's face, and he couldn't help but feel a chill, and some part of his body couldn't help but feel weak.

"Second young master?" Yin Yifan read it, as if he thought of something, and had another plan in his heart.

How about it? Do you still want to mutilated the second young master again? Fan Jianyue felt more uncomfortable when he saw Yin Yifan's appearance. However, he still had to count on him for his future, so he had no bad ideas.

"Ha ha... ha ha..." Yin Yifan smiled without any doubt.

"If you really make the second young master crippled, the master will definitely leave your bones this time, and I heard before that the master wants to avenge the young master and castrate the boy, that boy is you." Fan Jian looked at the meaning of exhortation.

"Really?" Yin Yifan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words. The chill that had been suppressed in his body was surging again, humming and restraining his spirit.

cultivated the first book, with Yuanli, which is very helpful for suppressing the cold current, so Yin Yifan often secretly appreciates the beggar named Gong Chengming.

He smiled faintly and said, "If I am castored, you have no hope." Yin Yifan turned his head and looked at Fan Jian.

Fan Jian frowned and spread his hands and said, "What can I do? What do you mean? I can't control it!"

"You can't be around, but some people can be around." Yin Yifan took a breath and exhaled again, saying something that Fan Jian didn't understand.

What does it mean? Also, if you help me, you naturally want me to repay you. What do you need me to do for you? Fan Jian looked puzzled and asked softly.

Yin Yifan also turned his head to look at Fan Jian and looked at each other. Yin Yifan did not retreat at all, which made Fan Jian couldn't help flashing his eyes and turn his head.

"You just need to get me out of the Fan family, and you can do it!"

"Did you get the Fan family? It doesn't sound difficult." Fan Jian thought for a while, and then agreed. He turned around and asked, "Then tell me how to help me improve my status."

"As long as I get out, I will naturally revenge on the Fan family. It is not impossible to destroy the Fan family within a few years. At that time, it is not impossible for the owner of the Fan family to do it for you." Yin Yifan took a breath, as if he were saying something very common. In fact, it was just a strong and profound show to Fan Jian. Finally, it was a cold current that rolled in his body. Unexpectedly, it was found that the power in the yuan had also increased, not far from the second corner.

"Should I trust you?" Fan Jian straightened up and asked a question for a pause.

"You should believe me. Otherwise, you can only be a subordinate all your life and live like a cow, horse, pig and dog. Yin Yifan said alarmistly.

Fan Jian was silent and thought carefully in his heart.

For a long time, he raised his head with a fierce face and said, "If you lie to me, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"I'm still a trustworthy person." Yin Yifan stood up and said lightly, "Someone is coming. Let's work."

"Hmm?" Fan Jian opened his eyes and was stunned for a long time, but when he saw a real group of people coming from afar at the gate of the courtyard, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Every person who cultivates power has two kinds of nihilist forces. One is soul power, which determines the size of the original space, and can also be released to explore the surrounding soul signs. The other is spiritual power. The strength determines the control ability of the original force, which directly affects the efficiency of the battle.

Yin Yifan is undoubtedly top-notch in these two items.

Therefore, Fan Jian, who was in the two-corner realm, did not find anyone coming, but he felt someone approaching. This made the former extremely impressed, and he was even more sure of the reliability of the transaction.

The main job in the morning is to chop wood, which is something that almost every inferior slave must experience. Now Yin Yifan, in the Fan family, is naturally not even as good as the inferior slave.

Sitting at the wood pile, Yin Yifan picked up the firewood knife, and a group of people walked in at the gate of the courtyard. The leader is a middle-aged woman, dressed gorgeously and slender. It seems that years have never honed her. But what does not match the body is a capable temperament. A pair of eyes were shining, and in a trance, they swept through the whole courtyard.

"Are you Yin Yifan?"

This beautiful young woman appeared in front of Yin Yifan like a flash, with a little resentment on her face. Before she finished asking, she threw it away.

Yin Yifan did not resist, but he did not sit and kick her down. The hand holding the firewood knife put the firewood in front of him without leaving a trace and made a posture of churring wood.

And this posture is just right, and the blade is turned out, just to the long legs thrown by the young woman.

The young woman was stunned when she saw this and quickly withdrew her kick. If she keeps kicking, she will never be able to guarantee that her feet will still be feet after kicking down Yin Yifan.

Yin Yifan looks harmless to humans and animals, looking at his nose and nose. After a long time, he raised his eyebrows, smiled and said softly, "I am."

"It's you who attacked my son." The young woman rolled angrily and reached out to grab Yin Yifan's hair. With a ferocious face, she completely lost her beautiful image, gritted her teeth, and did not look like a capable woman at all.

Yin Yifan was caught and stood up. His originally gentle eyes suddenly became gloomy, and his dark blue eyes turned, and a fine light also lit up. The cold air in the body started and gathered turbulently to the top of the head.


The young woman snorted softly, and she couldn't help but withdrew her hand.

"The eldest lady is auspicious." Since the beginning, when I saw this young woman, I vaguely guessed who she was. In this way, Fan Qing was his son, which was definitely Fan Li's wife, Fan Wu. Yin Yifan bowed down and pretended to call out in fear.

"Come on, take good care of this man!"

Fan Wu's strength was not strong. Seeing that he had made several unfruitful moves, he was ashamed and angry, shouted and greeted the subordinates who came with him.


I'm going. I just knew that the power will be cut off for a day tomorrow.

I won't call until 8 p.m.

So tomorrow's update will be late, but at least two updates will remain unchanged.