da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 84 Nine Dome Purgatory

[ps: third update, collection and recommendation, brothers~~~~~ get it up!]

"Nine Dome Purgatory?"

Gong Chengming suddenly frowned. He was not much bound. Seeing that such a strange move was about to come, his heart trembled and his eyes were hot. He grinned, "In the past few years, it has been really difficult to see such a smooth fight. Let me learn the famous trick of the nine sky bird!"

"Hmm! I don't know whether to live or die, so it's not my fault. Gan Lin's voice was extremely cold and echoed endlessly in the night sky. And the nine-sky bird under his feet was also ready at this moment, and he saw a shrill, and nine brilliant golden glows spewed out of the long golden beak.

Jin Hui quietly crossed the dark sky. For a moment, it seemed that thousands of years had passed, but it was only for a moment. Like the roar from the most ancient, it casts the first ray of light in the darkest time.

The next time, Jin Guang hit the body of the palace name, like purgatory, covering it up. However, at this moment, Gong Chengming's body suddenly glowed with a dazzling purple light. His whole body was wrapped in this deep purple light. In purgatory, the brilliant golden glory hurt him at all.

However, the reason why the Nine Sky Purgatory is called the famous trick of the Nine Sky Bird is naturally not so simple. Before long, among the nine golden glows, there were runes. Various forms of attacks seemed to be pervasive, and suddenly became awe-in, wrapping the name of the palace tightly.

Not only that, then the nine golden glory that had been wandering outside the circle turned into nine-headed golden blacks, with a high temperature enough to evaporate the mountains, spewing out rolling golden flames, and completely blocked the palace in mid-air. However, the sweet rain sitting on the head of the bird in the nine sky has not stopped. He only saw his hands imprinting and closing his eyes and saying words.

"The name of the palace!"

Yin Yifan exclaimed. He and Sang Zaixue still couldn't move. After seeing such a fierce attack, both of them took a deep breath of cold air, their eyes widened, and there was an incredible shock.


A sword sounded, which was extremely crisp. If Jin Hui is compared to the first dawn, this sword is undoubtedly more like the first horn between heaven and earth.

A purple sword suddenly appeared in Gong Chengming's hand, which was more than five feet long. With a wave of the sword, a huge purple sword light with a height of dozens of feet directly cut the golden purgatory with the momentum of opening the mountains and seas. At that moment, it was printed into the nine clouds, and I saw a bang, and the clouds and fog in the whole sky burst.

It turned into a downpour all over the sky!


With the sudden arrival of the torrential rain, the golden flame in the golden purgatory was also scattered by the huge sword light and sprinkled it. It did not care about the pouring of heavy rain and shot down the earth, which was thousands of times more dazzling than the fireworks of the year.


Golden flames fell down like meteorites outside the sky. Fortunately, there is still a distance from Shengxing City, otherwise, the city will face a disaster.

"It's over!"

Yin Yifan shouted and raised his eyebrows in a dazzle. In his pupils, there were golden sparks, which fell down and were facing the land he was in. A fall, a shock! Just like this bloomed beside the two of them. It is a pity that he is still controlled by the aftershocks of the Nine Dome Purgatory and is difficult to move.

And the mulberry snow behind her had lost its color and was faintly stunned. The downpour made her body wet, and her clothes were attached to her delicate body, outlining a burning figure. The drooping hair sticks to the cheeks, and the rain drops. This is the woman, Yan Xiaoxin, Qi Run, including Bai Xiyao. Although they are all thrilling, they are just unfinished girls.

After a long time, she seemed to remember something, and she suddenly looked at Yin Yifan. What appeared in his eyes was obviously not hatred, which made him fall into the Jedi. Instead, it seems to remember his appearance.

Yin Yifan was stunned and looked away. He didn't dare to look at those beautiful eyes. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and immediately tried his best to mobilize the extremely cold power in his body. There was only one voice in her heart: "She fell here because of me. Even if she risks, she will keep her."

A big golden flame was ruthless, and at this moment, it smashed the mulberry in the snow.

The firelight reflected her beautiful face, the rain was dripping, a little less shocking charm, but it seemed to be a little naive that had never been seen.

Then, she closed her eyes, as if waiting for the judgment of fate.

Then, a faint blue light reflected on her face, and a chill made her unable to help but open her eyes. In his beautiful eyes, the teenager was reflected. It was Yin Yifan who spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his face seemed to be distorted because of pain. His hands instantly formed a big ice plate and rushed at himself without hesitation...

Dang Kong, the wheel against the world!

Everything happened at the same time, just as the golden flame began to fall, and the two people on the ground were about to face extinction. The huge purple sword light in the sky continued to roar, faintly thunder and lightning. Under the angry shout of Gong Chengming, it flashed past and scratched the huge body of the bird in the nine sky.

The purple thunder sky is destroyed!


I saw a long scream of pain from the bird in the nine sky, with its long golden beak opening sharply, its long wings shaking and shaking its body. In a trance, it seemed to scatter thousands of feathers.

Gan Lin's face suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank sharply. He took a cold breath, pointed to the name of the palace, and lost his voice, "You, you! Those old guys of Shangqingzong have even given you the purple thunder sky sword, the treasure of the Zhenzong!"

Gong Chengming's long sword was closed, and a faint sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth and said, "If I come to Qingzong as a guest, I will surely know more."


On Gan Lin's face, he suddenly showed a little madness and snorted coldly, "Today, I think I'm defeated in your hands, but if you want to capture me, dream!"

Before the voice completely fell, the birds in the nine sky suddenly made a sharp song and forced their posture, and the two big wings suddenly appeared like a canopy. In this breath, he fought in the sky, and a long roar came from the sky.

"Hmm! The speed of the nine sky birds is really fast!"

Gong Chengming held a sword in the back and stood proudly in the air, looking into the distance with a contempt momentum. A golden thunder and lightning suddenly appeared under his feet, rushing up like a long dragon. At this moment, the body carrying the palace's name roared away.

is also at this moment.

The invisible shackles covering Yin Yifansang on the snow two people also suddenly dissipated. Sang lay on the ground in the snow, wet and cold all over. The land beside him was charred, and there were pieces of ice sprinkled. However, under the protection of the ice plate just now, she was not injured.

It was Yin Yifan who pressed on her, unconsciously, lying on her proud chest, closing her eyes and fainting. His hands were dripping with cold blood and cling them tightly to the soil.

Sang stretched out his hands tremblingly in the snow and did not push them away, but gently held him in his arms.

On this dark and murderous night, this teenager resolutely broke through the shackles in his body regardless of life and death and rushed at himself.

Even though her body can't move, her heart is still beating...