da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 222

With a cool breeze, Yin Yifan struggled to climb out of the chaos. At this time, the sky was dark, and the surrounding area was full of dense fog, which looked very ethereal. Yin Yifan carefully held the branches and vines and walked out of the chaos step by step. Because he had been lying for a long time, when he got up for a moment, he was inevitably a little dizzy. Suddenly, the ground was white and dark in front of him. At that time, he bumped and didn't know what direction he bumped into.

The fog was vast, and I don't know how long he had been walking. Just as Yin Yifan's physical pain was slightly better and his mind was a little clear, he seemed to surprise him. Yin Yifan's whole body suddenly fell into a seemingly bottomless abyss.


This row of overwhelming voices was the first time Yin Yifan woke up again from a coma. He lay wet on a small stone stall, and the water droplets on his hair slowly slipped from his forehead. He frowned slightly, took a breath of cold air, and cursed, "What day is it today? It's so unlucky."

After a long time, Yin Yifan finally opened his eyes and looked into the distance with a faint light. In the eyes, although this place is not a Jedi, it is also very hidden. A cliff, which seems to be more than dozens of feet high, fell straight down, and one of the wide waterfalls rushed down, hitting hundreds of feet!

Finally, there is a wide lake at the bottom. It should have been quiet, but under the implementation of the waterfall, it is like a five thunderbolt. Especially the white fog on the lake, curling up, with a trace of bitter cold, which makes people afraid at a glance.

At this moment, Yin Yifan is lying horizontally in the lake, and the small waves around him are pushing his body one by one. If it hadn't been for Yin Yifan's extremely cold constitution, I'm afraid his whole body would have been frozen.


After looking at the surrounding scene, Yin Yifan couldn't help coughing a few times, and then stood up struggling. With pieces of water floating from his cuffs, his breath also became solemn.

"This is the extremely shady land."

Yin Yifan stared at a wide waterfall in front of him. For a moment, he widened his eyes and exhaled. During this period, he couldn't help shaking his whole body a few times and said, "Although the road is rugged, it finally asked me to find this place."

Yin Yifan held his breath, raised his eyebrows and looked between the peaks in the distance. On the dark blue sky, there was only a little sunset, which was slowly disappearing.

He knew that it was getting late. If he wanted to participate in the Naxin Conference of Xuanji Pavilion tomorrow, the only time would be this short night.

"This night..."

Yin Yifan's body couldn't help shaking slowly again, shaking his dry and white lips with a feeling of weakness, and said, "Can you get anything this night? Can you recover from my injury? Otherwise, how can I, Yin Yifan, say heroic words at the new acceptance conference of Xuanji Pavilion?


With a sudden sound of falling water, Yin Yifan couldn't help but say that his whole body got into the lake. On one side, he closed his eyes tightly and swam to the depths of the waterfall below the cliff. On the one hand, he clenched his teeth. In this difficult time, his reckless luck made the extremely cold power in his bloodline.

The white fog rose from behind him. No matter how turbulent the water wave is, it can't resist the seed brewing in the middle of the lake and is about to explode.

Time can't remember how it has flowed away, and the world has fallen into a complete darkness. Only the sound of splashing water, as always, Yin Yifan slowly opened his long and deep eyes.

No one found that at that moment, an ice blue light with a primitive breath burst out quickly, and then flashed by and could never be caught.


A series of crisp ice-breaking sounds suddenly came from Yin Yifan. At this moment, he found that he had unconsciously released all the extremely cold forces in his body. This result directly led to the ice on the surface of the lake, which is centered on his body and can reach a radius of six or seven feet in diameter.


Yin Yifan waved his head slightly and closed his eyes again. After a long time, he deliberately leaned his body against an ice wall behind him. For a moment, he gave up all struggles and completely fell into this fatigued comfort.

"It turns out that all the extreme cold power in the body has been exhausted, and it will be this feeling. As the saying goes, life is the end of death, and death is the end of life. When everything disappears and is about to come, it is not necessarily destruction, but also a new world.

Yin Yifan said to himself word by word and slowly tasted it word by word, which means. In the dark, a gray light shone through the distant mountains, and then completely sprinkled on his body, reflecting a pale but lifelike face.

He opened his eyes, and there was a mysterious arc at the corners of his mouth. He immediately smiled and said, "It turns out that the third part of the nine parts of Fengchen will be like this." |