da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 302 Seven Deadly Sins

After more than a year, when Yin Yifan set foot in the evil palace again, he looked up to the sky and gathered gray clouds. It seems that the world is centered on this, circulating one after another.

The gloomy wind roared, with sin, as if it condensed the vicissitudes of the world. Although Yin Yifan's mind was shocked, his thoughts were still very calm. He stared at the seven towers faintly, and the iron cable was still elevated. There were bursts of sad shouts coming out one after another.


There is an empty square in the town's evil palace. Except for seven strange towers that can reach dozens of feet, Miao Feng really can't think of where to find out the news. I immediately carefully sneaked into the tower closest to me, but found that there was a bright light outside at this moment, but the tower was very dark, surrounded by a forest scene, with only a row of torches and illuminated dark aisles. The gloomy wind swept over, like a ghost, and people can't help but feel a little strange in their hearts.

However, Miao Feng is a person who has lived a difficult life since he was a child. Although such an environment is rare for him, at least he will not have any panic. Only when I saw the former turn over and jump, it seems that I have seen it in advance. There are two jailers guarding the corridor at the entrance of the tower. With a flick of his finger, he quietly killed a jailer who was a little far away from him, and immediately took control of another jailer who was slightly closer to him with a palm. He whispered with an extremely ferocious face, "Answer my question, and I won't kill you!"

The jailer nodded vigorously, and his eyes were full of horror.

Miao Feng slowly retreated to the palm of her hand, but her eyes were still fierce when she looked directly at the former. Everyone knows that as long as he dares to let a little extra sound come out, he will be bombarded into meat dregs by Miao Feng in advance.

"How many prisoners are imprisoned in the evil palace? What's the connection between the seven-towers?"

Miao Feng's eyes were in the dark, and his hoarse voice made the jailer who was clasped by his neck tremble slightly.

"We really don't know the number of prisoners in the evil palace. But I know a little about the secret of these seven towers..."

The prisoner's difficult words made Miao Feng's eyes lit up and shouted, "Come on, don't tell me!"

"The seven towers of the iron cable are a huge array. Outsiders don't know, but the people we have been guarding here all year round know. The prisoners imprisoned in this array will be mysteriously sealed by this huge array of mysterious abilities and become ordinary people. Let him be such a strong man outside. Once he is put into this evil palace, he will no longer have any strength. Therefore, our little jailer dared to manage those vicious criminals.

The jailer said while carefully looking at Miao Feng's eyes. Obviously, he was very afraid that he would inadvertently come to the same tragic end as the same family as the one just now.

"Oh|? Is there any way to save it?"

Miao Feng didn't care so much. She immediately shouted coldly, and the strength on her palm couldn't help increasing a little.

"Forgive my life, forgive my life!"

The jailer clutched Miao Feng's big hand around his neck and quickly exclaimed, "We don't know the strangeness of this iron tower. However, once the tower comes out, the strength of these prisoners can probably be restored.


Miao Feng looked back at the darkness behind him. The environment in the tower was so strange that it would not be so easy for ordinary people to think of the tower. But thinking about such a small person, you really shouldn't know the secrets of the array. Otherwise, once there is a leak, the whole town's evil palace is likely to get out of control, and it will naturally be a big disaster.

"What kind of criminals are detained in these seven towers."

Miao Feng finally asked Yin Yifan's most concerned question. Yin Yifan, who was hidden outside the tower at this time, couldn't help taking a breath and was obviously very nervous.

The seven towers of the evil palace represent the seven deadly sins of mankind. Arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, overeating, lust, every criminal brought here will be classified and then imprisoned. This tower is called the Tower of Jealousy, and the criminals imprisoned are all narrow-minded people. There are seven floors high, bottom-up, representing the strength of criminals.

Miao Feng seemed to be quite satisfied with this answer, but she couldn't help smiling on his face. Seeing this, the jailer couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but before he could spit out his mouth, accompanied by a muffled sound, the jailer's neck was still tilted, and then his whole body collapsed to the ground.

"The tower of jealousy... Let's liberate you first!"

Miao Feng sneered at the corners of her mouth, and she couldn't stop walking away. Naturally, the purpose is the upper floors of this tower. The criminals below will not do anything even if they are released. Naturally, he should seize the time to liberate more powerful people. At that time, the whole Xuanji Pavilion fell into turmoil, and he had a chance to escape. In this way, the task was completed.

With the rapid rise of Miao Feng's body, Yin Yifan outside the tower of jealousy also had a plan in his heart. A little relaxed appeared on his face and said to himself, "Since the criminals in each tower are classified, it is much easier to find people. Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, overeating, lust, these are the seven sins. The old ghost has also told me some relevant knowledge. Unexpectedly, it is going to be used today.

With that, Yin Yifan's figure also did not stop, rushing towards the tower on the side. His eyebrows trembled, and he said to himself, "I just don't know what kind of criminal Master Qi will be classified as... Jealousy should not be, lust is not in line with lust, overeating, anger, laziness, and even more... Arrogant... Or It's greed..."

"The son of the hidden god is not handed over... This should be greed, greedy and wants to swallow it, and eventually suffer disaster!"

Yin Yifan muttered, and a scene in Qifu, Shunfeng City, which quickly flashed in his mind that night. Even with his words, it gradually became cold. Finally, he sneered and said gloomily, "What does the son of God have to do with your Xuanji Pavilion? I'm afraid you are the most greedy one here!"

Although he guessed that most of Qi Shen was imprisoned in the Tower of Greed, the seven towers in front of him were generally the same. After all, Yin Yifan was still a little distressed by it. He scratched his blue hair, frowned and breathed, "But which of these seven towers is the tower of greed?"