da dao xiu yuan

Chapter 317 Commitment


Hearing the sound, Yin Yifan seemed to have been splashed with a basin of ice water, and his whole body was cold from his head to the soles of his feet. He was in a slightly relieved mood, but in an instant, he was raised to his throat again. His face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but be paler. His pupils contracted slightly and exclaimed, "What else is Dr. Wei?"


Wei Mingchang did not say anything, but just snorted faintly. In response to Yin Yifan's shock, behind him, a shadow slowly appeared. He was dressed in pink, his hair was like clouds, his skin was like snow, and his face was slightly ruddy. He was not a beautiful girl Yao Wei. Who was he?


Although the shock in his heart remained unchanged, seeing that it was Yao Wei, Yin Yifan couldn't help but relax a little and sighed. He seemed to be a little embarrassed at Wei Mingchang. He smiled and said, "D. Wei, please calm down, Miss Yao, she just passed by here."

" passing by?"

Wei Mingchang obviously didn't believe such words. Seeing that his proud female disciple actually appeared alone in Yin Yifan's residence, it was difficult for a lonely man and a woman, even if Wei Mingchang did not want to be more careful.

"I heard it early in the morning. It is said that you are entangled with Yin Yi in Shengxing City. As a teacher, I have always thought that you are self-respecting and don't listen to it. Unexpectedly, when I saw it today, it turned out that it was really like this. Yao Yu, what do you call as a teacher?

Wei Ming's face was full of anger, but he said this directly to Yao Wei behind Yin Yifan.

Yao was slightly stunned, and the rosy meaning on his face couldn't help but bite together slightly, and for a moment he couldn't speak.

"Dun. Wei, you are wrong about Miss Yao..."

Yin Yifan knew that he should not pluck hair on the tiger's head at this time, but Yao appeared here, mostly because he was worried about himself and definitely wanted to speak for her.


Wei Ming's long sleeves trembled, and a magnificent breath of power rushed towards Yin Yifan in time. With a bang, Yin Yifan's figure had already flown backwards and fell heavily on the courtyard wall, which set off a burst of dust in the air. Obviously, such a momentum was not light.


Yin Yifan got up, and his face was white. Unconsciously, he spewed out another mouthful of blood, and even his body trembled.

"Yin Yi..."

Seeing this, Yao's soul immediately dispersed, and he couldn't control Wei Mingchang's presence. He ran to Yin Yifan without hesitation, and a tear couldn't stop falling out of his eyes.


Seeing that Wei Mingchang suddenly took action against Yin Yifan, this hairy man's hair was naturally angry, and his fists immediately glowed red and bombarded Wei Mingchang heavily.


Wei Ming raised his sleeve and easily blocked this offensive. Then the soles of his feet swung slightly, and his whole body rose again. In an instant, with the purple-red light of Wei Ming's long body, his hair flew backwards in the air. This blow was not small, which directly collapsed the courtyard wall of Yin Yifan.

"Battle, you dare to attack me!"

Wei Mingchang is in an extremely bad mood today, so he is also quite ruthless. He can only see that he is such a thick-skinned person as hair, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood in an instant. His breath can't help but decline a lot.

"Master, stop!"

Yao Yu shouted angrily, and even a few blue veins burst on his neck with thin skin and tender meat, and even his delicate face turned red. Obviously, he was really angry.

"Hmm, come back with me!"

Wei Ming's long face was covered with frost, and his eyes looking at Yin Yifan were full of gritting teeth.

| "No, master, Yao Yu likes the prince. Master, Yao has followed Master Xiuyuan since he was a child and has always listened to you very much. This time, you let me be capricious.

Yao was strong by nature. This time, he seemed to have taken a risk. He actually bumped directly against Wei Mingchang. However, his face was full of perseverance, and he had never even seen a trace of tears.

"Yao, do you remember what you promised when you worshipped me as your teacher?"

Wei Ming took a deep breath and suppressed the turbulent anger in his heart. But on his face, he was full of sneering. He took a look at Yao and then at Yin Yifan, and his eyes were almost about to breathe fire.

Hearing this, Yao Yu seemed to have been struck by lightning and seemed to think of something. His face suddenly turned pale and he took a breath of cold air. It seemed that he could not even stand firmly, and he couldn't help staggering all over. When Yin Yifan saw that the former suddenly showed such a lost appearance, he couldn't help showing some worry and asked softly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Master, Yao Yao remembers the original promise. Yao knew that he was carrying the heavy burden of the Yao family and did not dare to violate it. But my mother also told me before she passed away that the future happiness of the girl's family depends on herself. She does not seek great wealth, but only ordinary happiness.

Yao Yu said, and it was already raining. In his eyes, he looked extremely sad, as if with a little sigh of fate, he looked at the floor under Yin Yifan's feet.


Wei Mingchang naturally loved this female disciple from the bottom of his heart. Seeing the former's appearance, he couldn't help sighing, shaking his head and saying, "Yao, don't blame being a teacher for being nosy. As a teacher is all for the sake of your family. Go back with me..."

"No... Mr. Yin Yi is so injured now that Yao can't abandon him!"

Yao Yu still shook his head and couldn't help grabbing Yin Yifan's hands and tightening them a little.


Wei Ming couldn't help breathing and immediately took a deep breath, as if he wanted to attack again. However, when he saw that Yao Yu actually stood in front of Yin Yifan, he couldn't help sighing heavily and said lightly, "Yao Yu, don't be ignorant of the importance of things. As a teacher, you don't have to listen to the wind."

Wei Ming's voice gradually rose, and immediately heard that Yao's whole body was full of excitement.

"You go back first! I'll be fine."

Yin Yifan sighed and gently pushed Yao away. He was saying coldly to Wei Mingchang, "Mr. Wei, I know that I am humble and don't deserve Miss Yao. Therefore, don't worry, I, Yin Yi, will never have anything that you don't want to see with Yao Yu in this life."

"That's the best!"

Wei Ming snorted, but his face was full of sneering.

However, Yao Wei was as if his soul was scattered, and his eyes suddenly became blank. He looked at Yin Yifan in a daze, with an incredible meaning on his face, and muttered, "Mr. Yin Yi... Mr. Yin Yi..."

"Yao, do you know? I'm Yin Yifan, not Yin Yi..."

Yin Yifan also took a deep look at Yao Yu and muttered like this in his heart, but he did not dare to show any on his face. Because now he is still too weak and weak to do nothing about himself, he has been unconsciously taking responsibility for himself for so many days.

Thinking like this, Yin Yifan couldn't help clenching his fists secretly. The cool breeze swept over, whose heart is hurting itself secretly, who, and who doesn't understand?


Yao Yu smiled miserably, but tears gushed out first. She reached out and wiped her hand, and immediately took a soft breath. She forced a sad smile and laughed, "Yes, master, Yao Wei is so stupid. Yao Yao Yao is really stupid that he doesn't understand that he clearly has no idea about him. Master... I'll go back with you, Yao Yu and you... go back..."

At the end of the words, Yao Yu was still silent, accompanied by an unstoppable slight trembling. The pace was also in a trance, and he walked towards Wei Ming's long place with a little hesitation.


Yin Yifan wanted to stop him, but he didn't say anything after all. Those feet, as if they were filled with lead, can't be lifted. I can only look at it slowly with my eyes.

"Kid, your talent is not weak, and you will surely achieve a lot in the future. Now you have worshipped thousands of families in Lanyu, or do you still do your best to cultivate, will you worry about entrusting no one in the future?"

When Wei Mingchang saw that Yao finally chose to leave Yin Yifan, he couldn't help but look a lot happier. His words also became polite. He smiled faintly at Yin Yifan and actually taught him earnestly.

"Thousands of Lanyu? Haha... Are you Wei Mingchang? Hahaha... What is Xuanji Pavilion?

Yin Yifan smiled sadly, and even with the paleness on his face, he couldn't help causing a little ridicule, but he soon reflected and bowed his head respectfully and promised, "Thank you for Dr. Wei's teaching. I must remember it."


Wei Ming grew up and laughed, but he never saw Yin Yifan, who was not far away, with his tightly clenched fists, had never been loosened from beginning to end.


Ten days later

In the campus of Xuanji Pavilion Central University.

The battle field, which can reach hundreds of feet in radius, slowly rises from under the ground. With the whole central campus, it trembled violently. A life-fighting arena comparable to the size of a town's evil palace appeared in the sight of everyone.

Yin Yifan's injury on his body has recovered, and I don't know if he has ever been injured in his heart. For more than ten days, he only knew that the whole Xuanji Pavilion did not seem to be calm, and he didn't know how many criminals escaped from the town's evil palace that day, and whether the two six-yuan criminals were finally arrested that day, let alone what had happen to Miao Feng in the end.

Today, the only thing he has to face is the teenager who stands proudly in front of him. This person is still dressed in red and domineering. Isn't it Moshi, the dayang city that has a March appointment with him, who will it be?

"Xingcheng Yin Yi, are you ready?"

On the corners of Mo Shi's mouth in Dayang City, there was a gentle arc. I couldn't see the depth, and only said faintly, "It is said that you were injured a few days ago. If you haven't fully recovered, I don't want to fight with you today."


Yin Yifan grinned and did not say anything, but his eyes, like the light of a poisonous snake, were cold and sericious, slowly swept over Mo Shi's body, which made the latter feel a little cold in an instant.