Take the emperor to elope

004: temporary appearance

The Su family has a habit of doing their own things and looking for their mothers during the day, but they must be at home during dinner time. The family eats at a table and talks about family matters in order to connect with their relatives.

Mian Mian helped Su Xiaoxi hold the green silk and explained to her the habits of the Su family. Su Yushi scolded him and contacted his feelings when he heard it? Su Bolen may have never managed internal disputes between the whole extended family.

"Sir, don't make trouble later. Just immerse yourself in eating, you know?" Wang Rourou finally sorted herself out at this time, revealing her fair face.

Light eyebrows, dignified and elegant, this is a description for Wang Rourou. Unfortunately, she was weak, which was originally more pitiful, but in this way, she had a feeling of shrinking. That's the feeling that makes Suberen no longer interested in her.

Su Yu stared at her mother and could imagine how hard Wang Rourou had lived. Only those who have experienced suffering since childhood will be this kind of only. The pity in her heart is even stronger, and her mother does not have the courage to compete for favor, so she will change the current situation.

Wang Rourou chose a pink silk dress for her. Maybe this is the best material they have assigned.

Looking at the people in the bronze mirror, Su Xiaoshi seemed to see himself as a child. This Su Yuqi is very similar to her. Perhaps, Su Yuqi and she are the same person, but the relationship between her previous life and this life.

"Come on, take my mother's hand. Let's go to the front hall." After confirming that everything had been rectified, Wang Rourou was relieved, took Su Rushi's hand and slowly moved to the front hall for dinner.

The decorations here can be seen at a glance that they are all good goods. It's much better than the dilapidated house where she and Wang Rourou live. There is a large mahogany table in the center of the hall, and some main dishes have been placed in the middle of the table.

Wang Rourou pulled her and stood in a small corner of the front hall, which made it easier for Su Yushi to look at everything around her. There are also many warbler and swallows standing around, and two teenagers standing opposite are talking to each other. In contrast, this family is full of yin and yang.

Su Lushi secretly looked at the woman standing in the front row. She bent down and pulled Su Chengcheng, who didn't know what she was saying, kind and kind. It should be Liu Wanyan, Su Bolen's main room. Behind her is the second lady Li Ruqiao, whose eyes have been following Su Mingxuan, the teenager standing opposite. Behind Li Ruqiao is a very charming woman who still looks relatively young. From time to time, she jokes with the people around her, and her eyes still glance at the teenager who is talking to Su Mingxuan opposite her from time to time. Looking at her appearance, Su Yushi also knew that she was the third wife Zheng Meier, and the teenager she stared at was her son Su Mingze. Next is the one standing at the end... She and her mother Wang Rourou.

She has been here for a few days and has learned about something about the Su family. I heard that Su Bolen used to have only one wife, Liu Wanyan, but she has never had heirs. However, after taking the title of the richest man in Modian City, Su Boyen married four concubines at the same time.

The ancients were like this, like three wives and four concubines. Su Yushi despised this kind of flowery man very much. Even in ancient times, when she bids in the future, she will definitely not allow her husband to have other women. She swore secretly in her heart.

Isn't there five ladies? Then why is she standing at the end with her mother, and Shu Qing, the fifth lady who should have stood behind them, is not here?

With a sound of footsteps, a team of people walked out of the inner room. Her legendary father finally appeared. Su Yuxi opened his eyes wide to see what a good man he could make the four beauties here fall in love with him so much.

That man is only in his early thirties. Sure enough, he is unrestrained and jade trees are in the wind. He was surrounded by a young woman, dignified and generous, with a trace of wisdom in her eyes.

She must be the fifth lady Shu Qing. Rumor has it that Shu Qing is knowledgeable and reasonable, and he is also Su Bolen's right-hand man. He is also the most favored one among Su Bolen's wives and concubines.

This made the ladies envy Shu Qing very much, and also blamed themselves for swearing secretly.

Isn't there five ladies? Then why is she standing at the end with her mother, and Shu Qing, the fifth lady who should have stood behind them, is not here?

With a sound of footsteps, a team of people walked out of the inner room. Her legendary father finally appeared. Su Yuxi opened his eyes wide to see what a good man he could make the four beauties here fall in love with him so much.

That man is only in his early thirties. Sure enough, he is unrestrained and jade trees are in the wind. He was surrounded by a young woman, dignified and generous, with a trace of wisdom in her eyes.

She must be the fifth lady Shu Qing. Rumor has it that Shu Qing is knowledgeable and reasonable, and he is also Su Bolen's right-hand man. He is also the most favored one among Su Bolen's wives and concubines.

This makes the ladies envy Shu Qing very much, and blames that they didn't read more books when they were young, and they couldn't help Su Bolen do something or two in business like Shu Qing.

"Well, you don't have to stand all the time. Let's take a seat." Su Bolen stood at the top and patted Shu Qing's little hand. Shu Qing blessed his body and came to Su Xiaoshi's side to take a seat.

When Su Bolin sat down, they slowly sat in their seats one by one.

Su Yushi has been here for a few days, but he hasn't heard that he wants to have dinner with his family. Maybe Su Biren has been busy with business recently, and today he was able to find time to have dinner with his relatives according to the previous practice.

If you want to compete for favor, the first thing is to make Suberen pay attention to himself. This dinner is an opportunity. Su Yushi smiled secretly in his heart and stared up at Su Bolin carefully to see if there were any topics that could interest him.

Su Bolen's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Even if his mouth was smiling, there was a faint melancholy between his eyebrows, and it was the same with Shu Qing beside Su Wei. It seemed that some sorrow had not been solved.

"Jiao'er has been staring at her father, but what's wrong?" Dare Su Biren is still a man with martial arts skills, and he can even feel it when people stare at him.

As soon as this came out, the people at the dinner table looked at Su Yushi's face, some contemptuous, sarcastic, and... threatening and frightening.

Su Chengcheng was warning her not to tell Su Bolen about the drowning. And the panic is naturally from Su Yu's astringent mother, Wang Rourou.

hehe, she is looking for an opportunity, and God gives her a chance. God still treats her well. Su Yushi stood up and bent his knees: "Looking at Dad's sad eyebrows, what's bothering Dad?" The ancients were the most troublesome luggage. They always nodded and bowed their luggage. Sooner or later, the bones would be broken.

Su Bolen was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect that his sixth daughter, whom he had never cared about, would be so careful.

Before Su Bolin could speak, Su Chengcheng couldn't stand it first and smiled at her contemptuously: "Does the sixth sister want to show off?" It can't be blamed on Su Chengcheng for thinking so. Perhaps the whole dinner table felt that Su Yushi's words must have come up with the limelight and attracted Su Bolen's attention.

Su Yushi really wants to thank the director and crew for teaching her how to make a successful costume play, so that she will not be completely ignorant of ancient habits. She smiled calmly and looked at Su Chengcheng with contemptuous eyes and said, "Third sister, Dad has something to worry about. As a daughter, we should care about Dad. Xiaoer doesn't think that caring about his father is a sign of showing up. The answer is still not humble, and I can't see any emotion.

Su Chengcheng wanted to say something else. She waved her sleeve after being pulled by Liu Wanyan.

And Su Bolen laughed a few times and looked at Su Wei's astringent eyes with some relief: "Zhang'er has grown up. It's a good thing to care about your father.

Su Wei smiled and sat down, still facing Su Boren: "Dad, if you have anything to worry about, you can talk to your relatives. The fifth aunt also seems to be a little worried, but what's wrong with Dad's business?

Su Bolen carefully looked at the sixth daughter that he had never paid attention to, which seemed to be a little different from before. He laughed a few times and was pleased that Su Wei had such a strong ability to analyze at such a young age.

"What do you think is difficult for Dad to say?" If he doesn't say it, how could she know what happened?

If you don't know what it is, there is no topic. If there is no topic, how can you talk about it to attract his attention? Alas, it's really entangled. Her timid woman was pulling her clothes desperately, and if she pulled them down, the clothes would be torn off.

At this time, Su Beren sighed heavily, and his sad expression appeared on his face: "Tomorrow is the day I will pay tribute to the cloth like the emperor. But there was a mistake at the critical moment. His hand drooped.

It turns out that her father still has something to do with the emperor. It's really not easy. She looked up and continued to listen to the following.

"Tomorrow is the day to pay tribute to the emperor, and the cloth I was going to pay tribute to was forcibly occupied by Song Fengfu." Su Bolen frowned, and it could be seen from his tight fist that he was very angry.

Song Fengfu is Su Bolin's s sworn adju. He is a good friend of Su Bolen in front of the public, but in fact, he has bad intentions. He is comparable to the Su family and stared at the president of Su Biren's Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

"He forcibly occupied the emperor's royal cloth, but it was a death penalty." Su Wei looked at Su Bolen doubtfully. He can report it to the emperor and then hand it over directly to the emperor.

However, Su Bolen's face was a little dark, and it looked like there was really something difficult to say.

"Dad, what do you have in his hands?" Su Yushi looked at his face and roughly understood something.

"From the tribute cloth, a few pieces of cloth from Yunguo suddenly came out. Our Moyin Dynasty allowed the sale of cloth from other countries. However, it is my sworni, Song Fengfu, who is going to count the tribute cloth with me. He sold the cloth of Yunguo and forcibly took away the cloth paid tribute to the emperor. Su Bolen's face darkened, "If my father can burn a jade with him, but if he sells other country's cloth and is detained for the crime of all over the country, he will be super brand-in a brand. I can't bet on my family's life.

Is it not allowed to sell cloth in other countries? Can this be called smuggling? If there is no cloth to pay tribute to the emperor, it will be a crime to control the family. No wonder Su Bolen is so sad. Moreover, if you smuggle cloth from other countries, you will be accidentally crowned with a crime of treason.

"Smuggling cloth must have been done by Song Feng." Su Mingxuan said with great certainty.

"Big brother is right. Song Feng must have framed his father. I guess he may also smuggle secretly, so he knows this kind of cloth at a glance. Su Yu nodded in favor, forgot his current identity, and began to analyze it in an orderly manner.

When the two children said a word, no one shouted to stop, because they were right.

After a long silence, she looked at Su Xiaoshi and asked gently, "Do you know how to solve this matter?"

Looking at Su Mingxuan, she said seriously, "I think it's better to pay tribute to the cloth of Yunguo to the emperor." Those clear eyes are flat, with a trace of cunning.

This is the first time that Su Mingxuan feels how attractive she is.

For the solution she proposed. The three of them were stunned.

Shu Qing said, "This absolutely doesn't work. Doesn't this mean telling the emperor, is our Su family smuggling?"

Su Yushi just smiled and did not refute. The whole hall began to fall into silence, and it was not until the servant brought the food to the table that he woke up.

In this group of people, women can't understand what the three of them are saying or what they can say. It's just that Liu Wanyan's eyes stared at Su Yushi, as if she wanted to see her soul. She was very brave and looked at Liu Wanyan's beautiful eyes. She was not afraid and just smiled.

If they want to treat her as the sick cat Su Xiao, they will make a big mistake. Now she has no reason to bow to them humbly.

"What do you think of that big brother?" Su Yushi threw the problem to Su Mingxuan to see what his wisdom was.

The conversation with him just now can also feel that this boy will definitely do something in the future.

Su Mingxuan did not refuse and said, "I think it's better to start investigating this matter. The cloth of Yunguo must have been done by Song Fengfu's men. Then nine out of ten people who follow his father are Song Fengfu. We can start from him, find out the evidence of Song Fengfu's planting and report it to the emperor.

Su Bolen nodded repeatedly, but his eyebrows were still locked. It's like thinking about something. Shu Qing, who was beside Su Yushi, also nodded with great approval.

"What the young master said is a good way. What do you think, sir?"

Shu Qing may have sensed the vague uneasiness. I'm afraid that this little girl Su Yushi will steal her "secretary" identity. Naturally, the attitude towards Su Yuxi is not so good. One mountain can't tolerate two tigers, and Su's family suddenly has a smart strong woman. Even a little girl can arouse her uneasiness. Therefore, Shu Qing favored Su Mingxuan.

As Su Mingxuan's mother, Li Ruqiao is very proud. Her son is the young master of Su. He is so smart at a young age. Now he can help Su Bolin relieve his worries. Can she be unhappy and not be complacent?

It seems that the ancients are the ancients, and you can't always see everything. Su Mingxuan, my sister has lived several years more than you. Now she wants to steal your limelight. No wonder.

"Doesn'er have anything to say?" After the conversation just now, Su Bolen has re-examined Su Yushi. He thought that he might not really know his family well.

Look, God wants to give her a chance to get ahead... She hasn't figured out how to refute Su Mingxuan's plan, and she doesn't want to show up. Now Su Bolin asked her in person, who else dares to say that she is going to be in the limelight? Wow.

She was a little proud, but she couldn't show it on her face. She pretended to be named and stood up in surprise, and then deliberately showed that she still seemed to have no superfluous opinions, and her whole face turned red.

Next, Su Yushi stood with such a red face and accepted everyone's contempt. Her mother pulled her sleeve and was about to break. Alas, why does this mother have no confidence in her at all? That's enough to be despised by everyone, and the play should be here.

Su Yushi raised his head and said in a timid voice: "I think the eldest brother's method is good." At the end of this sentence, there were a few soft smiles.

It's just... Su Bolin's eyes gradually faded.

It turned out that Su Biren was also aware of that. Su Yu smiled secretly and continued to say slowly in her timid voice: "It's just that I don't think there will be enough time in this case." God helped her make her show off, and of course she wanted to be good to God. Acting is her strength. Now she just needs to pretend to be an 8-year-old genius doll. She continued: "It will take some time to investigate this matter and search for evidence. Maybe you have this time, and the emperor may not give you this time.

After listening to her words, Su Bolen's face appeared again. Hey hey... She is indeed a genius, and talking nonsense like this can also get what he thinks.

"What can I do?" Shu Qing immediately blacklisted Su Yushi.

If there is gain, there must be sacrifice, which is a very reasonable truth. To be in the limelight, she must be prepared to be excluded by the other four wives.

She sat down calmly. In order to show her courtesy, she looked straight at Shu Qing without any waves: "Auntie, I still feel that I have paid tribute to the cloth of Yunguo."

Maybe she was shocked by her eyes, and Shu Qing lowered her head and said nothing more. Su Bolen asked interestingly, "Why do you think it's better to pay tribute to Yunguo?" Isn't this obvious to tell the emperor that our Sufu is smuggled?

Su Yushi's heart despised the ancients, just because the emperors and ministers were oppressed to death ideologically, who would have thought of a farther place.

"My daughter thinks that since her father can't transfer the cloth to pay tribute tomorrow, it's better to pay tribute to the cloth of Yunguo directly. It is necessary to pay tribute openly to show that there is no ghost in Dad's heart. She looked up and looked at Su Bolin and smiled: "May I ask, Uncle Song dares to threaten his father to take the cloth of the tribute to the emperor as his own, so will he dare to threaten his father to do more things that are beneficial to him?"

This is a hit, la la la, the whole hall was shocked by her gorgeous.

Su Yushi stood up from his seat and walked to Su Bolen. He took his hand with his little hand and said gently and calmly, "The cloth of Yunguo naturally has the advantage of other countries. If the emperor is satisfied with this cloth, his father can take the opportunity to remind the emperor to accept Yunguo as his own country and enjoy the tribute of Yunguo every year. Her tone was very firm, "Ji'er is just a child and doesn't know much. These are just Xiao'er's views. Xiaoer felt that this not only solved his father's troubles, but also allowed the emperor to accept other countries. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone? The cunning smile showed unreservedly at the corners of his mouth, showing the pride a child should have.

This is the same as Hyundai, where this company merged another company and then profited from it.

"Haha... It's still a long-term idea." Su Bolen took her on his lap and sat down. This action undoubtedly told everyone that Su Xiao's position had changed since then. He pinched her nose dotingly, "Why is it that your father hasn't found it before?"

Su Xiao smiled mischievously and secretly kissed him on the cheek: "Because my father has never paid attention to Xiao'er, I don't know."

PS: This chapter is very heavy~~ This chapter begins when our dear Xiaoqi's life changes~~~

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