Take the emperor to elope

012: Filter

The carriage drove very gently and gradually entered the inner courtyard of the palace. The atmosphere in the car was very low, and no one said a word, depressing and depressing.

Su Yushi turned his face outside the sedan chair to see the scenery and reached a large inner courtyard, where there were many matrims and eunuchs standing, and the carriage slowly stopped.

"Masters, please get out of the car one by one." This eunuch is absolutely martial arts. Only by using Dantian's internal strength can he make the sound so loud.

Shui Linglong put on her skirt and bent down to get out of the first one in the sedan chair. Then, Fan Yingying was unwilling to lag behind. The second one went out and did not forget to give Su Yushi a hostile look. Sima Qian and Lin Yi followed closely out, and then Su Xiaoshi pulled Zhang Ling out together.

Why did they get off the bus so urgently? Does the person who gets off the bus first have face?

When he got out of the car, a white-faced eunuch stretched out his white hand to hold Su Wei's hand and walked all the way to a more serious-looking matan standing there.

"Master Su, now let's start checking to see if you meet the criteria for selection." The serious M Mother also spoke seriously. She gently blessed Su and walked forward, "Master Su, please follow the old slave."

It's not so easy to enter the palace. The emperor's woman must be perfect and the best among the best. There are thousands of actresses participating in the election at a time, and not all of them can be included in the harem. When the beautiful girl arrived in the inner courtyard, a mime led the beautiful girl to measure whether the whole body was unsymmetrical. According to modern saying, height and weight are up to the standard, which is similar to choosing a model.

Su Yushi was taken to a dark hut with some measuring props and a small bed in it.

"Master Su, let's get started." M Mother looked at Su Wei with a blank face and said, "Take off your clothes."

Take off your clothes? Su Wei was a little stunned. Suddenly, he thought of some of the novels and blushed slightly. Touching the item around his waist, Su Wei took a deep breath and slowly relieved his belt under Mama's sharp eyes.

"Papa." A heavy object fell to the ground, and Su Lushi bent down to pick it up. It was a small purse. She held the purse, thought for a moment, and handed it to Mami.

"Master Su, what do you mean?" Obviously, when he saw the money bag, his eyes were shining, and he deliberately pretended to be fair.

Su Yushi is unhappy but can't show it. Money can make ghosts grind, so she really brought a lot of silver when she entered the palace this time. She pulled out a shy expression: "Mir, I'm in the palace now, and it's useless to carry this purse with me, don't you think? It's also a hindrance to put it on your body, so, Mama, you can hold it for me." Say some flattering words to M Mother. Looking at her shining eyes, you will know that the purse must be given to her.

"Well... well, I'll keep it for you." I can't wait. M mother stuffed the money bag into her arms, changed the seriousness at the beginning, and held a smiling face, "Master Su, take off your clothes and the old slave will check for you. There may be a little pain in the process. The old slave will be lighter. You can endure it and pass." Her voice was very soft, which made Su Weishi think that this M Mother was possessed by a ghost.

The pink women's skirt was taken off, and Su Wei stood very straight, so that Mama looked up and down, and also measured her height and body shape.

"Master Su's skin is delicate and perfect, one more point is too much, and one point less is too little." Mama nodded with appreciation and helped Su Yushi to the bed. "Master Su lie down and let the old slave check whether the master is pure and clean, and the master can pass."

Now I don't care about shyness. Lie down obediently and find a topic to divert attention by the way: "M Mother, there are so many beautiful women in this selection. Are you busy?"

"It's an honor for the old slave to work for the emperor, and it won't be hard." Mister replied, and then mysteriously leaned against Su Wei's ear and whispered, "Master Su didn't know anything. The emperor personally issued a secret order. There should not be too many people in this draft, which is different from the previous emperor. Don't think there are so many beautiful women now, there are more than 2,000. If they are selected later, there will be only 60 people left. Among these 60 people, they are the most beautiful. I heard that the four concubines will select 20 of the 60 prostitutes, and the emperor will personally title 11 prostitutes as concubines.

"So it's so complicated." Now Su Yushi pretends to be cute and simple, "M Mother, do you think I have no chance of winning?"

"How come? Master Su's qualifications are the most perfect." M Mother took out a light red skirt from a high plate and helped Su Xiaoxu wear it. "Master Su, no one else knows these things yet. The old slave has told you everything."

Is this an invitation? Su Yu bit his lower lip and put on this light red skirt. The light red sets off her white and tender skin, and the skirt is dominated by lotus flowers, making her as pure as an elf.

The fabric of this dress is much better than that of women's clothing. It seems that this should be the clothing that has been shown. Su Yushi bowed to Mother Yingying: "Thank you for your advice. He has the honor to serve the emperor every day, and he will never forget the grace of Mother's advice today."

"Oh, my Master Su, aren't you killing the old slave?" Mourning's whole face wrinkled together, "Master Su, I'll take you to Feizhu Palace, which is the place where you are going to live recently."

"M Mother leads the way."

"Go to the master, Feizhu Palace is the place where you sixty beautiful women live, and two beautiful women have one room." As Mother led the way, she taught Su Yushi like an elder, "Master Su, Mr. Rong reminded that the palace is no better than the outside. When a woman is cruel, she is more ruthless than anyone else. Master Su, you must be careful."

"M Mother's words, I remember them." It is still a respectful answer. In this deep palace, collecting people's hearts is the first step. This mother is greedy for money and subdues her with her financial resources.

All the way to a scenic palace, the three characters "Feizhu Palace" hang on the stone gate and step into the Feizhu Palace. There is a fresh fragrance, which is the taste of the wilderness of nature. Feizhu Palace is very large and divided into many internal partitions, and M Mother took her to the last room.

"Master Su, when the master comes later, he will arrange the master's usual special products. If the master is hungry, you can tell the old slave, and the old slave will prepare snacks for you.

"Okay, thank you for your concern. Let me take a break first." Su Yu spit out his tongue, "I was tossed by my parents all night last night and didn't have a good rest. I went to sleep first. If there is anything, please come and call me.


M Mother was about to leave Su Yushi's current room when Su Yushi got up and walked to M Mother: "Hon."

Su Yushi pulled out a silver ticket from nowhere, a full of 100 taels, and stuffed it into Mama's hand: "There are still a lot of things to take care of in the future. This is a little intention of Xiaoer. You have to keep it. Also, please take care of my sister Su Chengcheng for me.

Mama probably didn't know where she drew a silver ticket from, and she was a little stunned holding the silver ticket. All the women's clothes have just been changed. Where did her silver ticket come from?

"Mama...Mama..." Hearing Su's astringent call, she quickly came to her senses, collected the silver ticket and saluted: "Master Su, don't worry, the old slave will take good care of it."

Send Mother away, Su Wei fell into the soft** in a big shape and buried his head in the quilt. He couldn't help sighing in his heart: Alas... I didn't want to enter the palace for a long time, but I didn't expect to enter the palace in the end. Do you really want to fight for a man like those women? Since I promised my father to protect the third sister, I will definitely assist the third sister. And since I came to the palace, I still have to fight for the holy favor and consolidate my position in the Su mansion for the weak mother in my family.

Thinking about it and sighing, I fell asleep in a daze. Last night, I talked with my mother all night, and now my eyes are sleepy and fighting, and I immediately fall into a coma.

I don't know how long I slept, and there was a noise in my ear, which woke Su Xiaoshi from her sleep.

It should be almost the selection. The so-called 60 most beautiful beauties have entered the Feizhu Palace. There are women's voices outside, and the conversation is not pleasant.

If there are two people in a room, who will be in the same room as her? Su Yushi turned his eyes to the bed next to him and saw Zhang Ling sitting by the bed in a daze.

"Hey, we're in the same room." Su Yushi turned around, supported his head with one hand, and looked at Zhang Ling on his side.

Zhang Ling obviously didn't expect that she would greet her. She woke up from a daze and stared at Su Yushi for a long time before bowing her head and smiled shyly: "You're awake."

"Yes, yes." Isn't this nonsense? Seeing that she has already sat up and is still asking her this idiot question.

"Are you... hungry? Would you like some snacks?"

"No, I'm not hungry. Are they all living in?

"Yes, yes, M Mother Li just said that a total of 60 prostitutes lived in the Feizhu Palace."

"My sister, how is Su Chengcheng?"

"It seems that I live in the east room with Fan Yingying."

What? In the same room as Fan Yingying? These two are strong people who live together, and they won't turn upside down, will they? Su Yushi was faintly worried and offended Fan Yingying. Now that Su Chengcheng has been sent to her hand, who knows if Fan Yingying will take it out on her sister... If so, then Su Chengcheng will be tragic.

"M Mother Li said that Noble Concubine Meng will come to inspect tonight. Let's prepare well." Zhang Ling whispered from the side. It's like how terrible she is...

Dream Noble Concubine? A noble concubine who specializes in dreams? It's unpleasant to hear the name, vulgar. Su Yushi continued to fall softly and stay still.

Zhang Ling's soft voice sounded again: "That's a special thing prepared for you by Mother Huan."

There was a pile of packages on the table. Su Lishi got up from **, picked up the pile of things, opened the cabinet next to him, and threw them all in. Then, go back to ** and continue to lie down.

Zhang Ling is a girl who is too shy. She is shy when she says something. She is not an emperor or a man. What is she shy about? I really admire her.

"Miss Su..."

"Just call me Wuzhen."

"Thank you for today's event."

What happened today? Does it mean to teach Fan Yingying a lesson for her this morning? Su Yu waved his hand astringently: "You're welcome. I also hate that kind of bully people very much. Besides, I like you very much, so I'll help you."

Zhang Ling's face turned red. She didn't misunderstand what she meant, did she? This is not his favorite. She lowered her head and said, "I feel very sorry for letting Fan Yingying offend me. She will definitely not let you go."

"Haha, won't she let me go? Let's see who doesn't let go in the end. Su Yu smiled charmingly, "Linger, I will continue to sleep. When it's time to eat, wake me up."

PS: Yaya kneels down for collection and red tickets~~~ smash it to your heart's content~~~