Take the emperor to elope

047: Action is better than action

Do you really want her to accompany Mo Liu to be a Jiangyang thief? Look left and right, look up and down. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a thief.

Rubbing his painful hand, Su Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't look like a thief at all. To be honest, what did you do!"

Mo Liu's index finger touched his smooth chin and said very seriously, "Will the thief still hang a sign on his face that says, "I'm a thief?"

Su Weishi pushed his hand to his forehead: "Sophistry, you are sophistry!"

Mo Liu waved the wrapped hair in his hand, and the black hair floated in the air: "Whether you believe it or not, just witness it yourself."

Sure enough, he is a goblin-like man. Any action can be so seductive, which makes women jealous. She looked up and her eyes flashed: "You mean, let me be a pair of male and female thieves with you?"

He nodded and smiled obscenely.

Let her steal things? What to steal? She doesn't seem to lack anything. Even if she lacks, as long as she opens her mouth, Yijin will give it to her.

Thinking of Yuan Yijin, Su Wei's shallow smile on the corners of his mouth, I don't know what he is doing now?

The head was pushed hard. Shit, why is this man so stingy that he still wants revenge!

Mo Liu's white and tender hand waved in front of her eyes, looking unhappy: "Who are you thinking about? The smile is so sweet. You don't like the young master of the Su family, do you? Let me tell you, he is your cousin's husband!"

Su Wei was about to explain when she suddenly thought of something interesting. Her eyes had a cunning smile: "Why are you so excited? Isn't it obvious that my cousin asked me to go to Su's house and ask Brother Xuan to accompany me to the night street? Like now, there are not many two sisters who marry a husband.

Listening to her tone and smile, Mo Liu's face became dark, as if angry, and his tone was stiff: "Yes, it's good to marry the young master of the Su family. It's better than following a thief."

Haha, this is jealousy. Jealousy means caring. Does Mo Liu really like her? Isn't it just talk? This is troublesome. I have always felt that the love debt is the most difficult to repay.

No more jokes and leave as soon as possible. In the future, she will stay in the palace. If she can't see her, Mo Liu will slowly forget her.

"Okay, okay, am I that kind of person? As I said, in addition to a superior life, I also like freedom. Su Yushi jumped down from **, went to the door and opened the door, and a cold wind floated in. She opened her arms towards the cold wind, and the wind brought up a red dress and flew all over the sky, like a red elf dancing in the wind. "I'm like this wind, and I will never have a place to stay."

Mo Liu flew to her side and held her arm tightly: "Now, didn't I catch you?"

Su Yushi did not break away from his hand. His eyes looked directly at Mo Liu, and his eyes revealed his firmness: "Mo Liu, what you caught is only my person after all, but you can never catch my heart."

The strength of the wrist gradually increased, and finally slipped down. Mo Liu smiled bitterly: "Yes, as you said, you are the wind, and your heart will never stay for anyone."

"It's good that you know."

The two fell into silence, Mo Liu's heart was very confused, and Su Yu's heart was also more chaotic.

She is like the wind and won't stay for anyone. It's serious. She likes freedom and wandering like the wind. These are the same for Mo Liu and Yuan Yijin. She will not stay in one place for anyone. Maybe she likes Yuan Yijin, maybe not, or maybe she doesn't like it so much. She will stay with Yuan Yijin for a period of time, but she will not stay forever.



Mo Liu's enchanting face was serious: "Shier, you like freedom and a superior life, and I can give it to you. We are a pair of male and female thieves, who can wander around, steal, and live a life of emerald clothes.

This is really good, but... "I don't want to live a life of being hunted down."

Mo Liu suddenly patted her on the head: "You won't cover your face. After that, even if you walk in front of the government, he won't recognize you."

Listening to him say that, I really feel like a thief.

"Mo Liu, as I said, I will only stay here for one day, and I have to go back before the evening."

"Okay, Shier, just give me a good memory." His eyes were full of serious look.

She is really a little moved by theft. She has learned light skills for so long that she has not used it well at all. It's better to go out and play as a thief.

"I will definitely go to steal at night. I'll stay one more night. Tomorrow~ I have to go back." Su Yushi finally compromised.

He burst into an enchanting smile, clean and dazzling: "Okay, I'm going to prepare the night uniform."

The smile was so clean that Su Wei was stunned.

Is he so happy that she promised to steal with him?

Heartbeat is not as good as action. That night, Mo Liu brought a light but warm night clothes and brought her a black veil that could cover her face. He really thought very well and wanted to make a memory. He was so happy that she should accompany him!

Quickly changed the red clothes and put on the black veil. Su Yushi walked outside the hut and saw the ink stream similar to her dress.

Both of them were dressed in black. Under the cover of the night, two black shadows flashed through the air.

However, new problems have come again.

On a bare branch, two black shadows stood on it, one shadow leaned against the trunk, and one shadow was talking to the shadow.

"Shier, why did you stop?" Mo Liu looked at Su Yushi, who was leaning against the tree trunk and resting, "Are you tired?"

The temperature tonight is very strong, and the temperature is not very low, which is very suitable for this kind of exercise. The breeze rolled up her veil, and her star-like dazzling eyes flashed strangely in the darkness. Her body weight was supported on the tree trunk, and her eyes looked straight at the ink stream.

He was a little embarrassed to be stared at, and Mo Liu lowered his eyes: "Shier, what's wrong?"

Su Yu frowned, floated down from the branch, found a clean place to sit down, and looked up at Mo Liu who was still on the tree: "I said, Mo Liu, have you decided which one to steal? It's a waste of physical strength to fly around with me. You don't just want to play with me once, do you?"

After being guessed, Mo Liu's face became so red and red. He turned around to avoid Su Yu laughing at him, (Ya Ya: Who can see such a dark day)

Su Yushi glanced at his back. Su Yushi changed his posture and lay on his back on a clean stone, which coldly eroded her whole body and shivered: "Where on earth is going?"

Mo Liu calmed down, jumped down from the tree trunk, came to her and sat down: "Let's steal Su's mansion, where's the richest man in Modian."

Listening to his tone, he seems to be jealous. Maybe he still cares about Su Mingxuan. Haha, it's really cool to be cared about. Just relax once.

But, to steal things from Sufu? Does it make sense to steal something from home? He stretched out his index finger and waved in front of him: "I'm not going to Sufu. I can know where there are any treasures with my eyes closed, and there is no excitement at all!"

He nodded thoughtfully and habitually touched his chin: "So where do you want to steal?"

Looking at his posture of touching his chin, it can be seen that he likes his chin very much. Su Yushi couldn't help imagining that Mo Liu's enchanting and handsome face had a little beard and laughed out loud.

Mo Liu's chin has a long beard, which is as funny as a woman's long beard. It's simply non-like and tyrannical.

"Little girl, your gloomy smile and obscene eyes tell me that you are thinking about impure things." Mo Liu had a rare humor. I always feel that a man like this goblin should live happily.

She is really not thinking about something good, and Su Yushi doesn't refute it. Let him say it.

I really couldn't figure out what Su Yushi was thinking just now. Mo Liu simply gave up. Seeing Su Yushi's attitude, he also roughly guessed that what Su Yushi had just thought in his heart was not a good thing. Maybe he would humiliate himself. He raised his eyebrows and mysteriously hooked his fingers at her. Feng's single eyes were extremely charming: "I have a place to have a place to So, it's absolutely exciting, and there's absolutely amazing baby."

After saying this, Su Yushi immediately became interested, with his eyes wide open, and he sat up from the stone with an expectant face: "Say, where are you going?"

He smiled mysteriously: "Go, and you will know."

Oh, I can't believe I can play mysteriously with her. Su Yushi is very face-given. She stood up and said to Mo Liu, "In such an interesting place, you lead the way."

Mo Liu smiled and came to her ear and asked, "Shier, are you good at using poison?"

Su Yu nodded undeniably.

"Do you have enough poison powder? The place you will go will be very dangerous later. Mo Liu asked seriously.

"Don't worry, no matter where I go, I will be fine." I think Su Yushi can come and go freely in the palace. Where else can I stop her?

Mo Liu admired Su Yu's self-confidence and held the sword around his waist: "Very good, so let's go now."

The exciting place, Su Yushi's heart was also very excited.

Touching the bracelet and ring on her hand, this is her secret recipe for poison. On the surface, it is an ornament. In fact, it is indeed a unique poison weapon. As long as you slide the mechanism, you can launch a thin needle with huge poison. This is not the most special. What's more special is that even a martial arts master can't launch a small needle. Discovered.

These two poison weapons are her combat partners. Although she has not encountered any danger so far, as long as they are there, her heart will be very stable.

It must be dangerous to stimulate and poison places. She will not fight that kind of violently. She can only rely on poison weapons and try not to involve ink flow.

She came to that mysterious place.